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a. The difference between a group and a community, in my opinion, is that a community

shares a set of common values, whereas a group may not. A group is united by similar
characteristics or to achieve a common goal, but its members do not always share the
same moral principles. Another consideration is that the term "group" connotes people
who have been brought together by an external force or by chance. The term
community implies that individuals have come together on their own accord for a
specific purpose.
b. Human elements, social factors, environment and geography, and resources are the
four categories around which communities form. These factors can have as much of an
impact on the community development process as they do on the community itself.
They could even be contributing to the issues being addressed, or they could be the
root of the problem. In many cases, the influence these factors have on a community's
ability to succeed or fail in the community development process can be significant.
c. Speech communities are groups of people who have similar values and attitudes
toward language use, varieties, and practices. These communities emerge as a result of
long-term interaction among those who operate within these shared and recognized
belief and value systems regarding communication forms and styles. People who speak
a specific language or dialect, whether in a single geographical area or spread across
multiple regions.
1. - The bases would emphasize the need for shared norms of language use and
frequent interaction among members. This suggests that a speech communty has both
linguistic and social component.
2. - It means that speech communities should'nt be as it is, it can be defined as
something more than just interacting by means of speech but more.
3. - I believe I am; we have our own vernacular with my cousins that only we cousins
understand; we use this sort of conversation so that our parents are unaware of
anything. We call it pig latin, and there are rules for using it, such as moving the first
consonant of each word to the end and adding a vocalic syllable.
4. - In the case of Filipinos, Tagalog is our superposed variety of language, the
language we usually speak, our dialect or mothertongue.
5. - For me, speech community are groups who share a set of norms and expectations
regarding the use of language.
1. Agree, Language is both an individual possession and a social possession. As a
result, we would expect certain individuals to behave linguistically similarly to
others: they may be said to speak the same language, dialect, or variety, that is,
to employ the same code. They would be members of the same speech
community in that regard.

2. Agree, because an individual can participate in a speech community without

being a member, but you must be well informed about the grammar and set of
rules of speaking and grammar they use, the certain norms they share, and their

3. I disagree because he/she cannot simply forget the norms of that community;
he/she and the community share a unique set of norms by living and interacting
together; it is imprinted in the mind and therefore cannot be easily forgotten.

4. Agreed, suppose two groups that do not speak the same language are suddenly
close to each other in a friendly way, but of course a few minor skirmishes will
arise due to miscommunication, and they will develop a means of communicating
if they do not speak the same language; this communication is known as a
pidgin. When native speakers of both groups become bilingual, they will
eventually evolve a creole; some will be more able to speak it than others.
1. As I speak English, I see that I utilize Philippine English with an American

2. Accents refer to different speech sounds and dialects of a language. They are
part of a language's culture and, while they can make it difficult to understand
at times, they contribute to its richness and diversity. This is true even for the
way non-natives speak a language.
 I didn’t have any difficulties.
 I did understand the overall meaning of what Bruce, or the person is saying.
 It was quite easy since it he spoke a bit fast but nothing I can’t follow.
 Yes, there are many different accents of English here within this country, people
are now imitating accents using them for their own speech
 This part of the world uses Philippine English.
 Yes, English is considered significant in this region of the world. In reality,
English is employed in interviews, jobs, and even on a global scale. Because
English is an all-purpose language, everyone should know it in order to
communicate with people all over the world.

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