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Rational Repetition

CH.V.KUSUMA LATHA : 21b01a5421 : AIDS

A.GOWTHAMI : 21b01a5406 : AIDS
K.ROSHINI : 21b01a0326 : MECH
Y.SAILAJA : 21b01a04C1 : ECE



Read a card containing two positive integers in format 2I10,say x

and y.Find the decimal equivalent of x/y.If the length of decimal
equivalent is greater than 100 we need to print x,y and message
indicating difficulty.If it has finite decimal equivalent print it
without a repeating group or trailing zeroes .Repeat this until y=0
is encountered.

1.Rational repetition approaches are a set of strategies used to

learn and retain information effectively by repeating it in a rational
and purposeful manner.
2.Some common approaches include spaced repetition, interleaved
repetition, elaborative rehearsal, and self-explanation.
3.These methods can help improve memory retention, increase
learning speed, and enhance understanding of new information.

1.The re package in Python is the regular expression module in

Python’s standard library.It provides functions for searching and
manipulating strings using regular expressions.
2.The decimal module in Python provides support for fast correctly
rounded decimal floating point arithmetic. It is especially useful for
financial and monetary calculations, where the exact decimal
representation is required, and small inaccuracies can have large
3.Python has a set of built-in math functions, including an
extensive math module, that allows you to perform mathematical
tasks on numbers.

Some challenges faced in implementing rational repetition

approaches include:
1.Time and effort: Effective repetition requires consistent and
dedicated time and effort to practice and review material.
2.Difficulty in deciding what to repeat: It can be challenging to
determine what information is most important to repeat and in
what order.
3.Difficulty in retaining information: It may be difficult to retain
information if the repetition process is not structured or if the
information is not well understood in the first place.
4.Poor implementation: Incorrect implementation of repetition
techniques can lead to ineffective learning outcomes.
1.Number of lines of code = 30
2.Here we used the functions are:
-map():That works as an iterator to return a result after applying a
function to every item of iterable.
-extract():it is used to extract capture groups in the regex pat as
columns in a data frame.
-floor():it rounds a number down to nearest integer.
-clear():removes all the elements from the list.
-findall():finds all the matches and returns them as a list of
-join():its inbuilt string function that joins elements of a sequence
and makes it a string.
-remove():it is a inbuilt function that removes a given object from
the list.
Demo/Screen shots


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