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1. The use of chemicals for the therapeutic effect is called chemotherapy

2. The macromolecules which are chosen as drug targets are carbohydrates, lipids,
proteins & nucleic acids.
3. Two functions of enzyme are i) to hold the substrate for a chemical reaction ii) to
provide functional groups
4. Forces that bind the substrate to the active site of enzyme are ionic bonding,
Hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces or dipole -dipole interaction.
5. Drugs which inhibit the catalytic activity of enzymes are called enzyme inhibitor.
6. Drugs compete with the natural substrate for their attachment on the active sites of
enzymes are called competitive inhibitors
7. Some drugs do not bind to the enzyme’s active site, instead bind to a different site of
enzyme. This site is called allosteric site
8. Noncompetitive inhibitor binds to the allosteric site
9. Binding of inhibitor at allosteric site changes the shape of the active site.
10. Receptor proteins are embedded in the cell membrane.
11. The chemical known as chemical messengers are received at the binding sites of
12. The receptors show selectivity for one chemical messenger over the other.
13. Drugs that bind to the receptor site and inhibit its natural function are called
antagonistic drugs.
14. Drugs that mimic the natural messenger by switching on the are called agonists.
15. The main cause of acidity in the stomach is release of extra gastric acids which
decrease the pH level.
16. Chemical which stimulates the secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the
stomach is histamine.
17. Structure of histamine
18. Excessive hydrogen carbonate can make the stomach alkaline &trigger the production
even more acid.
19. Histamine is a potent vasodilator.
20. Histamine is responsible for nasal congestion associated with common cold and
allergic response to polen.
21. The drugs which are given to the patients suffering from anxiety and mental tension
are known as tranquilizers
22. Scientific explanation of depression low levels of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter in
the blood leads to depression
23. Noradrenaline is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in mood changes
24. Antidepressant drugs inhibit the enzymes which catalyse the degradation of
25. Derivatives of barbituric acid are called barbiturates
26. Barbiturates are hypnotic
27. The chemical substances used to bring down body temperature in high fever are
known as antipyretics
28. Non -narcotic analgesics are non-adductive.
29. Aspirin inhibits the synthesis of chemicals known as prostaglandins which stimulate
inflammation in the tissue and cause pain.
30. Aspirin prevents platelet coagulation
31. Aspirin finds use in prevention of heart attacks due to its
32. Non-Narcotic analgesics are effective in relieving skeletal pain.
33. Narcotic analgesics are used for relief of post operative pain, cardiac pain and pains of
terminal cancer and in childbirth
34. Anti - microbial tends to destroy or prevent development or inhibit the pathogenic
action of microbes such as bacteria fungi virus or other parasites selectively.
35. Antimicrobial drugs include (i) antiseptics (ii) antibiotics (iii) disinfectants
36. Antibiotic is a substance produced wholly or partly by chemical synthesis which in low
concentrations inhibits the growth or destroys microorganisms by intervening in their
metabolic processes.
37. Paul Ehrlich developed the medicine arsphenamine known as salvarsan for the
treatment of syphilis.
38. Salvarsan is arsenic containing drug which was first used for the treatment of syphilis.
39. Prontosil is converted to sulphanilamide in the body.
40. Most effective sulpha drug is sulpha pyridine.
41. Antibiotics having cidal (killing) effect on microbes are called bactericidal.
42. Antibiotics having static (inhibitory) effect on microbes are called bacteriostatic.
43. Antibiotics which kill or inhibit a wide range of gram positive and gram-negative
bacteria are said to be broad spectrum antibiotics.
44. Antibiotics which are effective mainly against gram positive or gram-negative bacteria
are called narrow spectrum antibiotics.
45. Antibiotics effective against a single Organism or disease are called limited spectrum
46. Penicillin G has as a narrow spectrum.
47. Ampicillin and Amoxycillin are synthetic modifications of penicillin and have broad
48. Structure of penicillin is
49. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.
50. Antiseptics and disinfectants are chemicals which either kill or prevent the growth of
51. Antiseptics are applied to the living tissues.
52. Antiseptic dettol is a mixture of Chloroxylenol and terpineol
53. Bithional is added to soap to impart antiseptic properties.
54. Iodine is a powerful antiseptic.
55. 2 to 3% solution of iodine in alcohol water mixture is known as tincture of iodine.
56. Iodoform is also used as an antiseptic for wounds.
57. Boric acid in dilute aqueous solution is weak antiseptic for eyes.
58. 0.2% solution of phenol is an antiseptic while its 1% solution is disinfectant
59. Birth control pills essentially contain a mixture of synthetic estrogen and progesterone
60. Progesterone suppresses ovulation.
61. Norethindrone is an example of synthetic progesterone derivative most widely used as
anti-fertility drugs.
62. The estrogen derivative which is used in combination with progesterone derivative is
ethynylestradiol (novestrol).
63. Structure of novestrol
64. First popular artificial sweetening agent is ortho- sulphobenzimide called saccharin.
65. Sucralose is a artificial sweetener which is derivative of sucrose.
66. Aspartame, the artificial sweetener is made by a dipeptide of the amino acids, aspartic
acid and phenylalanine.
67. Aspartame is limited to cold foods and soft drinks because it is unstable at cooking
68. Alitame is more stable than aspartame but control of sweetness of food is difficult
while using it.
69. Artificial sweeteners will not enhance nutritional value food.
70. Commonly used food preservatives are table salt, sugar, vegetable oil and sodium
71. Salts of sorbic acid & propanoic acid are also used as food preservatives.
72. Soaps are sodium or potassium salts of long chain fatty acids.
73. Soaps are obtained by heating fat with aqueous KOH or NaOH. This reaction is known
as saponification.
74. Shaving soaps contain glycerol to prevent rapid drying. A gum called rosin is added
while making them .It forms sodium rosinate which lathers well.
75. laundry soaps contain fillers like sodium rosinate, sodium silicate,borax and sodium
76. Compound which enhances lathering property of soap is Sodium rosinate.
77. Anionic detergents are sodium salts of sulphonated long chain alcohols or
78. Anionic detergents are used for household work and are also used in toothpastes.
79. Sodium lauryl sulphate sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate are anionic detergents
80. Cationic detergents are quaternary ammonium salts of amines with acetates, chlorides
or bromides as anions.
81. Cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride is cationic detergent
82. Anionic detergents are used in hair conditioners.
83. Anionic detergents have germicidal properties and are expensive
84. Liquid dish washing detergents are non-ionic.
85. Polyethylene glycol stearate is non-ionic detergent.
ANTACIDS Cimetidine (Tegamet) Ranitidine (Zantac)
ANTIHISTAMINES Brompheniramine (Dimetapp, Dimetane) Terfenadine
TRANQUILIZERS Iproniazid, Phenelzine (Nardil),
Chlordiazepoxide, Meprobamate - (mild)
Equanil – Controlling hypertension and depression
Veronal, amytal, Seconal, Nembutal, luminal, (derivatives
of barbiturates)
Valium, Serotonin
ANALGESICS- NON- Aspirin, Paracetamol
ANALGESICS -NARCOTIC Morphine, Heroin, Codeine
ANTIBIOTICS Salvarsan, Prontosil, sulphanilamide, Sulphapyridine
BACTERICIDAL Penicillin, Aminoglycosides, Ofloxacin

BACTERIOSTATIC Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol

ANTISEPTIC Chloroxylenol, Iodoform, Terpineol, Bithionol, soframicine,

ANTIFERTILITY DRUGS Norethindrone, Ethylnylestradiol (novestrol)

ARTIFICIAL SWEETENING Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose, Alitame

FOOD PRESERVATIVE Sodium benzoate, salts of sorbic acid & propanoic acid
Artificial Structural formula Sweetness Remarks
sweetener value in
comparison to
cane sugar
Aspartame 100 It is methyl ester of
dipeptide formed
from aspartic acid
and phenylalanine.
Use is limited to cold
foods & soft drinks
because it is
unstable at cooking
Saccharin 550

Sucrolose 600 It is a trichloro

derivative of
sucrose. Its
appearance and
taste like sucrose. It
is stable at cooking
Alitame 2000 High potency
sweetener. More
stable than
aspartame. The
control of sweetness
of food is difficult
while using it.

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