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I- Informations Générales  Sound Energy

 Mechanical energy
CEG OUENOU ANNEE SCOLAIRE : 2018-2019  Mass (E=mc2)
Premier Devoir surveillé du Second Semestre These forms of energy may be divided into two main groups;

Epreuve: ANGLAIS Kinetic energy and potential energy. Other familiar types of energy are a
Classe: 2 nde
Durée: 3H varying mix of both potential and kinetic energy.

3- The total energy contained in an object is identified with its mass,
and energy (like mass), cannot be created or destroyed. When matter
II- Compétences à évaluer
CDn°2: Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à un message lu. (ordinary material particles) is changed into energy (such as energy of

motion, or into radiation), the mass of the system does not change through

CDn°3: Produire de façon appropriée d’un texte de types et de fonctions
variés. the transformation process. However, there may be mechanistic limits as
III- Epreuve to how much of the matter in an object may be changed into other types of

Contexte : L’histoire, c’est un récit réel ou imaginaire. Ainsi, tu auras à energy and thus into work, on other systems. Energy, like mass, is a scalar
réagir face à un texte qui te parle de l’histoire de l’énergie. physical quantity. In the International System of Units (SI), energy is
measured in joules, but in many fields other units, such as kilowatt-hours

Text: HISTORY OF ENERGY. and kilocalories, are customary. All of these units translate to units of
1- In physics, energy (Ancient Greek: íẎñaaéá (energeia ≫activity, work, which is always defined in terms of forces and the distances that the

operation≫) is an indirectly observed quantity. It is often understood as forces act through.
the ability a physical system has to do work on other physical systems. 4- A system can transfer energy to another system by simply

Since works is defined as a force acting through a distance (a length of transferring matter to it (since matter is equivalent energy, in accordance
space), energy is always equivalent to the ability to exert pulls or pushes with its mass). However, when energy is transferred by means other than
matter-transfer, the transfer produces changes in the second system, as a
against the basic forces of nature, along a path of a certain length.
2- In the context of physical sciences, several forms of energy have result of work done on it. This work manifests itself as the effect of
been defined. These include: force(s) applied through distances within the target system. For example, a

 Thermal energy, thermal energy in transit is called heat system can emit energy to another by transferring (radiating)
 Chemical energy electromagnetic energy, but this creates forces upon the particles that
 Electric energy absorb the radiation. Similarly, a system may transfer energy to another by

 Radiant energy, the energy of electromagnetic radiation physically impacting it, but in that case the energy of motion in an object,

 Nuclear energy called kinetic energy, results in forces acting over distances (new energy)
 Magnetic energy to appear in another object that is struck. Transfer of thermal energy by
 Elastic energy heat occurs by both of these mechanisms: heat can be transferred by
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electromagnetic radiation, or by physical contact in which direct particle- Consignes:
particle impacts transfer kinetic energy. Item 1 : Answer the following statements by ‘’True’’ or ‘’False’’.
5- Energy may be stored in systems without being present as matter, 1- In physics, the word energy derived from (Acient Latin): íẎñaaéá
or as kinetic or electromagnetic energy. Stored energy is created whenever energeia ≫ activity, operation≫)

a particle has been moved through a field it interacts with (requiring a 2- The forms of energy may be divided into twenty main groups such
force to do so), but the energy to accomplish this is stored as a new as kinetic energy, potential energy and many others.

position of the particles in the field – a configuration that must be ≪held≫ 3- The total energy contained in an object is identified with its work.
or fixed by a different type of force (otherwise, the new configuration 4- The work manifests itself as the effect of force (s) applied through
would resolve itself by the field pushing or pulling the particle back distances within the target system.

toward its previous position). This types of energy ≪stored≫ by force- 5- Potential energy is this type of energy ≪stored≫ by force –field

fields and particles that have been forced into a new physical configuration and particles that have been forced into a new physical
in the field by doing work on them by another system, is referred to as configuration in the field by doing work on them by another

potential energy. A simple example of potential energy is the work needed system.
to lift an object in a gravity field, up to a support. Each of the basic forces
of nature is associated with a different type of potential energy, and all Item 2: Answer these questions on the text.

1) What is energy according to the text?
types of potential energy (like all other types of energy) appears as system
2) In the context of physical sciences, what are the different forms of
mass, whenever present. For example, a compressed spring will be slightly

energy? Name four (04) of them.
more massive than before it was compressed. Likewise, whenever energy 3) What are the different units / measurements of energy? Name them.
is transferred between systems by any mechanism, an associated mass is 4) What is kinetic energy according to the text?
transferred with it (…)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
se 5) Can energy be stored in systems without being present as matter, or
as kinetic or electromagnetic energy?
Item 3: Personal opinion / appreciation.
A- La réaction à un texte écrit: 1- For you, do humans need energy? Why?
2- If there were no energy, what would happen?

Tâche : Après avoir lu ce texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :

- reconnaissant ses détails ; Item 4: Find in the text the opposites or antonyms of the following
- répondant aux questions du texte ; words or phrases.

- donnant ton appréciation personnelle sur le texte ; 1- Unchanged (P3)


- maîtrisant ta maîtrise du vocabulaire ; 2- Never (P3)

- manifestant ta maîtrise à compléter un tableau ; 3- Disappear (P4)
- manifestant ta maîtrise à reformuler des phrases ; 4- Coldness (P4)
- manifestant ta maîtrise de la traduction. 5- Same (P5)
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Item 5: Copy and complete this chart about energy. - utilisant le vocabulaire adéquat ;
Energy Advantages Disadvantages - utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriée ;
- remplaçant les pointillés par les mots ou expressions correspondants.
Consignes : Fill in the gaps with the following words or

expressions :
Item 6: Rephrase the following sentences using the prompts given. Do Century, first, believed, energy, thermal, constituent, coined,

not change their meaning. substance.
1- This country has got a nuclear energy, so they don’t have problems
The word….…1……..derives from the Greek íẎñaaéá energia,
of energy.
which possibly appears for the first time in the work of Aristotle in the 4th

 Thanks to ………………………………………………………

2- In my country, we don’t have big factories that emit wastes in the ……..2…….. BCE. The concept of energy emerged out of the idea of Vis
atmosphere, so we don’t pollute the atmosphere viva (living force), which Gottfried Leibniz defined as the product of the
 Since………………………………………………………… mass of an object and its velocity squared; he …….3……..that total Vis

3- We were unable to carry out the experiment on account of the viva was conserved. To account for slowing due to friction, Leibniz
power cut. theorized that………..4……….energy consisted of the random motion of
 Because of…………………………………………………….

4- We bought a hybrid car so that we could reduce air pollution the ……..5……… of matter, a view shared by Issac Newton,
 In order to……………………………………………………… although it would be more than a century until this was generally accepted.
5- As it was getting dark, we put on the light. In 1807, Thomas Young, was possibly the ………6………to use the term

 It was getting dark,…………………………………………….. ≪energy≫ instead of vis viva, in its modern sense. Gustave- Gaspard
Coriolis described ≪Kinetic energy≫ in 1829 in its modern sens, and in
Item 7: Translate the following sentences into English.
1- Qu’appelle-t-on énergie renouvelable?
2- Que devons-nous faire pour éviter de polluer l’atmosphère ?
1853, William Rankine…….7…….the term ≪potential energy≫. It was
argued for some years whether energy was a ……8……… (the caloric) or
3- En Afrique, des millions de foyers dépendent du charbon pour la cuisine. merely a physical quantity, such as the momentum…
4- Au Brésil, l’éthanol est fabriqué à base de la canne à sucre.
5- A quoi sert l’énergie nucléaire ?

Only your work can set you free. Keep on working!

B- Production d’un texte de type particulier :

Contexte : L’énergie, c’est la capacité d’un système à produire un travail.


Tâche : Tu montreras ta compétence à produire un paragraphe en Anglais

- respectant le contexte ;
- construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
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