A Letter To God

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A Letter to God


is a story about an innocent man who has
'A Letterto God"
unshakeable faith in the generosity of God. But this faith gives rise to

the persons who fry to save this man's

an amusing situaåon where
are accused by him of being 'a bunch of crooks'.
faith in God

"ALetterto God" is based on the theme that faith in God cannot be

shaken.Lencho,the farmer, believes strongly in the generosity of
God.Thisfaith gives him the hope to get help from God when he loses
hiscropstohailstorm. He actually writes to God for help and when he
getstheresponse,he does not doubt God's grace. On the contrary, he
suspectsthe honesty of the employees of the post office.
Anothersub-theme is that good and kind souls are God 's messengers.
Theyhelpthe believers to keep their faith intact. The postmaster and
belong to this category. Their a t of kindness does not
evengetacknowledgedbut they part with their hard earned money
to makeLenchobeliev&that God has answered his request.

Thestory"ALetter to God" conveys the message that
faith can move
even though
mountains. Lencho's faith in God gets him financialhelp
indirectly and not entirely as desired by him. However, this
reinforces a poor and simple man's faith in the power of God. The
people, who take upon themselvesthe responsibility to uphold
Lenchots faith, inspire to keep alive the spirit of humanity.It is
Immaterial whether their kindness is acknowledged or not, the faith
in the power of God remains steadfast.

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