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CLASS :X-A SESSION 2020-2021

*Use loose ruled sheet
*Write neatly

*Work should be presentable

Q1.Click the link: to watch the short film .Write a film
review. Your review of the film should include the following:
*Introduction *Summary *Personal reflection*Critical analysis *Conclusion .
Q2. Write a slogan on the efforts to save the fast-disappearing tigers. You may paste/draw
some pictures to add value to your slogan.
Q3. a) Who is this man with Gandhi ji in the picture below?
b) What do you know about him? (40-50 words)
c) What is common between the two personalities write 2-3 points? (PASTE/DRAW THEIR


1. किसी भी विषय पर एि विज्ञापन तैयार िीजिए। (In file)

2. रािस्थान िे लोगों िे रहन-सहन, पोशाि, संस्िृतत, उत्सि आदि से सम्बजधित एि पररयोिना तैयार
िीजिए।(In file)

नोट- िॉपी में िरिाया गया समस्त िायय पूरा िरें ।


Prepare a Creative Project file showing use of Mathematics in our daily life.

The file doesn’t have more than 8 pages. You can use objective, required material, procedure,
observation, result etc. as heads and also diagrams should be used to make attractive and for better

(Choose any one of the given topics)

--Probability Demonstration with Coins

--Surface Area and Volume



Biology Holiday Homework

1. Prepare a detailed project file on :

• Endocrine system in humans

• Plant hormones

(The file must include appropriate pictures along with acknowledgement, preface, index, content and
bibliography. The work should be neat, clean and creative).

2. On a chart paper, draw well labelled diagrams of the following:

• Human digestive system

• Human respiratory system

• Human Circulatory system

• Human Excretory System

• Longitudinal section of a flower depicting male and female reproductive organs.


Prepare a foldable brochure comparing the metals and non metals which are extracted from Rajasthan
and Assam. (Note:- The shape of the brochure must be like the layer of graphite allotrope of carbon).

Do all questions of chapter electricity.


On an A3 /A4 size coloured / plain sheet draw, sketch or paint any one of the following symbols and
describe its relevance in the Indian National Movement.
A. Image of Bharat Mata

B. The Vande Mataram Flag

C. Swaraj Flag

D. Charkha of Gandhi

Also include the following points:

• Who designed the symbol?
• When was it designed?
• It’s role in spreading the feeling of nationalism among Indians.


Write Four practical questions in your practical file.

Q1. Create a paragraph of your style. Now add this new style into the style list. Write the steps of
creating this new style.

Q2. Edit an already made style using your formatting features. Now apply this style to a new paragraph.
Similarly give title to your paragraph and apply the title style to it. Write these steps in your practical file

Q3. In the practical file, write the steps to insert an image from a file in the writer document. Also write
the steps to rotate and decrease the size of image.

Q4. Create a shape of mirror using auto shapes and then group the objects of the shape. Write these
steps in your practical file.

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