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Grammar - Fix test Name________________________

Tense review
1. Two days ago while he _____(sleep) something ____(woke) him up. He ____ ( get)
afraid, ____(stand ) up and then he _____(see) that a broken vase _____(lie) on the
floor. Somebody _____(be) there.

2. Don’t you know?! My name ___(not spell) that way. If ony you ____(know)that.
3. This week I ____(stay) with my parents. My apartment
_____________(redecorate). I hope it ________(finish) soon.

4. This cheese ____(smell) awful. What ___it (make) from?

5. I’d rather________ (not, tell) anyone about what I__________(find) out until I
__________(be) sure it’s true.
6. You look really great! ___________(you, exercise) at the fitness center?
7. If it____________ (snow) this weekend, we _____________(go) skiing near Lake
8. If only this pandemic _______(never, happen)! Millions of people______(die) for
the past couple of months. It is about the time it ______(stop).
9. Unemployment __________(rise) steadily over the last ten years.
10. I was delighted when I ___(find) my keys. I____________(look) for them for hours.
11. I_______________(not see) Jacob for several years, but I __________(recognise)
him immediately. He _____(grow) older, but he ______(look) handsome.
12. He acts as if he ____________(inform) about the strike. It seems he is not shoked.
13. Rebecca _____(give) her new assignment before she _________( leave)for South
America. She was very proud.
14. All the Incas _______( wipe out) before the 16 century.
15. What’s the problem? –The machine________ (not accept) this coin. It is out of
order again. This is the second time this month it_____(break) down.
16. A:This project is so difficult to do. B: I__________(help) you finish it.
17. Oh,it’raining. I_________(take) an umbrella.
18. Don’t lend her anything. She is so reckless. She _________(mislay) .She’s done the
same thing with my new dress.
19. It __________(rain) for hours. The roads are slippery and there are lots of bends in
here. We______________(crash)
20. Look at the sky. It’s overcast. It___________ (rain).
21. She is so conceited. She ______(always, boast)about her privileged life.
22. Look at the newspaper headline: Cameron ________(accuse) as troubled
charity_______( fail).

Change the sentences to reported speech!

1. Keith told the immigration officer, “This is my first I have visited the United
2. My friend said,” I ’m going to visit my parents next month.”
3. Jimmy complained, “I have already written this invitation twice today.”
4. The policeman wondered, “Why didn’t you stop at the traffic lights a minute ago?”
5. My sister told me, “I saw you at the supermarket yesterday.”
6. The girl asked the shop assistant, “Can you shorten this dress for me?”
7. He asked, “Do you live near the city, James?”
8. She admitted "I'm enjoying my holiday now."

9. She wanted to know “Do you need this here, Brad?”

Sentence transformation Modal verbs

a) It wouldn't have been right to leave you to do all the work on your own. couldn't
_________________________________ do all the work on your own.
b) Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. might
They. ............................................................................................the tyre was flat.
c) All that trouble I went to wasn't necessary in the end. needn't
I .....................................................................................................all thattrouble.
d) Apparently someone has borrowed the cassette player. have
Someone....................................................................................thecassette player.
e) I'm disappointed that you didn't back me up! might
You.............................................................................................................. me up!
f) Our worrying so much was a waste of time. needn't
We ........................................................................................................... .so much.
g) It's just not possible for the cat to have opened the fridge. possibly
The cat................................................................................................... the fridge.
h) It would have been possible for Helen to take us in her car. could
Helen ........................................................................................................ .us a lift.
i) It's possible that the last person to leave didn't lock the door. might
The last person ..........................................................................the door unlocked.
j) School uniform wasn't compulsory at my school. wear
We ......................................................................... school uniform at my school.
Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
a) I don't think you could/should tell anyone yet.
b) I couldn't/shouldn't possibly leave without paying.
c) That mustn 't/can 't be the hotel Jane told us about.
d) There are times when the traffic here can/could be really heavy.
e) We are enjoying our holiday, though the weather could/must be better.
f) You couldn't/shouldn'treally be sitting here.
g) You could/maybe older than me, but that doesn't mean you're cleverer,
h) You might/should like to look over these papers if you have time.
i) I'm afraid that nobody should/would help me in that kind of situation,
j) No member of the association must/shall remove official documents from these premises
without written permission.

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