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Peer Rating Form (FINAL Period)

(Understanding the Self)

GEC 101 BSN 1 __
Instruction: Use the scale below to rate yourself and your teammates. Be honest and truthful with
your ratings.
Points Description
19 - 20 Excellent; the effort was crucial to the group’s success
15 – 18 Very Satisfactory; the effort greatly contributes to group’s success
10 – 14 Satisfactory; the effort made contribution to the group’s success
4–9 Fair; the effort made a little contribution to the group’s success
3 and lower Poor; the effort made very little impact to group’s success

Lastname, Initial of Plannin Preparing Participatio Participatio Performing Total

Fistname g of the and n during n during the Points
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D g the task November December task for the pts)
After your name, Arrange Group during 2nd Fellowship Fellowship MUSIC
other Lastnames from A Report Reporting (20 pts) (20 pts) VIDEO
to Z (20pts) (20 pts) (20 pts)

1. Myself







Answer briefly.
1. Of all the members of the Group, who (1) exhibits a better personality? Why? (Not including

2. Of all your classmates in your class, who (1) exhibits a mature personality Why? (Not including
Accomplish this Peer Rating Form and submit as Assignment in our Google Classroom.
All answers are to be kept as CONFIDENTIAL.

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