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CHAPTER-END TEST ( 9 September.2021.




CHAPTERsCOVERED From the Diary of Amne Frank

2. Footprints without Fe

Q1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that folkow:

Keesing had good laugh my arguments, but whenl proceded to talk my way through the next leswn.
Mrassgncd a at
me a second essay This time it was supposed to be on An Incorig ibie Chaterbox I handed it m
A Mr Keesing had nothing to complain about for two whole lessons However. during the third lesson, he d
naiy had enough "Anne Frank. as a punishment for talk umg in clas write an ssay entitled Quack. Quack.
Quack, said Mistress Chatterbox

How did Anne try lo comvince Mr. Kesing for ber being talkative?

a) She was talkative because she was a student

b) She had the righi to be talkative. as if was a school and not a

c) She had inherited the trait from her mother, so couldn't stop being taikative

d) She found it impossible to be quiet as she found it difficuit for herself to e quiet

) Mr Keesing "hud a gvod laugh' because he .

a) celebrated his ability to make Anne write the evsay

b) ridiculed Anne n Iront of the whole clas

c)pulled up Anne for her arguments in the eay

d) realised the humOur in t and was amused

i) ln whiech
of the sentences given below, "incorrigible' means the same as ued in the estrac?

a) The teacher
apprec tated Rahul for being incorrgibk
b) Rahul was rebuked by the teacher for
being incorrIgihie
c) Rahul's parents gitcd him a new car tor beng inconigible
dRahul's friends loved his company for being incorigibie
iv) What does "Talk my way through" in the above etract
al to conv nce
b) to eaptain

to retus di to agrec
tollowed in February.when I was plunked down on the tahle as a birtn
gol. what does in imply about the relatianship between the two sisters Anne and largor?

a. They were havng a cordial relatin

b.Anne had
strunng resentment towards Margot

They were having a hostile relation

d. Anne was envus of her sister

* " " h y do you thiak Mr Kesing chose the title-"An Incorrigible C h a t t e r b o x - o r Anne , lo wrile o n

make Anne to her inability to elaborüte o n ope

a.bevause he expected to express
. Hecause he expected to make her apologies and not repeat her talkative behavIor.

to embarrass Anne and so that would check her indiscipline

B e c a u s e he expected
d. Because he expected to make Anne to explore her creative writing

)What impression do you form about Mr Keesing?

a On the surface appears to be strict but inwardly concermed.

very strict disciplinarian.

b. A
. Very amusing and humorous.

d. A confusing person.

it bad time for GrifMin to wander about London?

vi) Why was a

a. If was a mid winter.

b. He did not have clothes.

c. The air was bifterly cold.

d. Both a and b

vii) Mrs. Hall felt the room was haunted by spirits because.

a. She could see evil spirits.

b. She heard strange noise.

C. Uncanny things happened there.

d. The door slammed shut,.

resull of w e
nag lrnck

of the inv isihle man

of a my
sterus man

iv) Choose the correct

Assertion- The twe boys were in surprise

Reasoning -They saw an iuvisihle man.

a) is correNt, H
Is coTTeCt
A is incoTeet, B is also incorrect

A coretL B

incorreet, B
A is

is used as that in the extract.

) Choose the correct option in which the word "impression"

The childhood experiences in ones life leave an ever-lasting impresSion.

Sunaina because of her bad impression.

) The teacher did not listen to

The poachers can easily trace the animal by following its impression

impression of space in a room.

d Clever lighting creates an

Q3. Choose the correct options for the questions given below.
the Nazis?
i. Who was the only survivor of concentration camp of

a. Anne Frank

b. Otto Frank

c. Margot Frank

d. Edith Hollander frank

i). Who gifted the Diary to Anne Frank and when?

a Her father, on her 13th birthday b.Her father,on her 15th birthday

c. Her mother ,on her 12 birnhday d.Mrs Kuperus, on her 13 birnthday

) Ttow dad
Anne feel when
she was
punished the third time by Mr Ee*
haPpy as she had u
write three essays on the same topic
enoyed making fun ot Mr
Keesing in her own way
Cwas worried as she had run out
of original ideas for her cssuy
was thrilled at
another opportunity to showease her wrilmg

Q4. Read the

extract given below and
answer the questions nar
uy s started in
surprise the fresh muddy
imprints of a pair of bare feet. What
ng on the
was a barefooted man
of a lhouse. in the middle of London? And where was the man?
they gazed. a
remarkable sight met their eyes. A fresh footmark
appeared from nowhere
Further footprints followed, one after another, descending the sieps and
Toowed. tascinated, until the progressing down the street. The
muddy impressions became fainter and fainter. and at last
w y were the boys
disappeared altogether.
surprised to see a barefooted man in London? The boys were surprised as
a) it was an unusual sight to see someone this way.
b) everybody in London moved around in shoes.
b) it was
pretty cold to move around bare feet.
d) only a
person who is homeless and
wandering does s0.
i) Pick out the option that is NOT related to "started' as used in the extract




option ()
c) option 2)
option (3
option (4)
i ) What was the centre ofthe theatrical world as mentioned in the story Fuotprints ect
a. Big London store b. Iping Inn

c. Dury Lane d. None of these

ix) What impression do you form about Mr.

a. He was an unethical person.

b. He was a coward person.

c. He was a hard task master.

d. He was a brave and duty bound ofticer.

Footprints without Feet' ?

x) What is the main theme ofthe story
a. One should not misuse seience.

b. Greal discoveries can turn even a brilliant scientist into a threatening law less person.

One can do any thing atter becoming inv isible

d. Both a and b

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