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(For B.Sc. Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Science stadkents

Lecture:60 Hours Tutorial:15 Hours Credits3

Course Objective:
This paper introduces the students to the busic concepts of Elasticity. Rotational motion, Heat
and thermodynamics, Sound, Optics, Atomic and Nuckat Physics

Learning Outcume:

On the succensful completion of the course, students will be able to

Explore the fundamental concepts of physics

Import knowledge about the importance of material properties, heat, sound, optics
atomic and nuclear physics
Understandthe enerEy involved in nuclear reaction
Carry out the practical by applying these concepts
Get depth knowledge of physics in day today ife

UNIT I: Properties of Matter

Young's modulus Rigidity modulus Bulk modulus- Poisson's ratio (definition alonc)
Benading of beams Expression for Bending Moment Determinationo f Young's Modulas -

Uniform and Non-Uniform bending

Expression for Couple per unit twist Work done in twisting a wire -Torsional oscillat ions of a
body-Rigidity modulas of a wire and M.I. ofa disc by Torsion Penduhm

UNIT I1: Viscosity

Viscovity Viscous force Co-efficient of Viscosity Unas and Dimensvions Poiscuille's
formla for co-eficient of viscosity of a liquid determination of co-efficient of viscosity using
burette and comparison of Viscosities Bernouli's theorem Statement and proof Venturi
meter- Pitot tuhe

UNIT III: Conduction, Convection and Radiation

Specific heat Capacity of Solids nd Liquids -Dulong and Pett's law Newton's law of
Cooling -Specific Heat Capucity of a Liquid by Cooling-Thermal Conduction-Coefficient of
Thermal Conductivity by Lec's disc Method
Convention Process-Lapse Rute Green House Effect Black Body Radiation Planck's
Radiation Law-Raykigh Jean's Law, Wien's Displacement Law-Stefan's Lawof Radiation.
(No Derivat ionm)


UNIT IV: Thermedynamics

Zetoth andI Law of Thermodynamics I1 law of Thermodynamics-Carnot's eng ine and
Carnot's cyele-Efficiency of a Canot's Engine- Entropy Change in Entrupy in Reversible
and Ireversible Process-Changein etropy of a perfect gas-Change in Entropy when Ice is

converted into steam.

UNIT V: Opties
Interference-Conditions for Interference Maxima and Minima- Air Wedge- Thickness of A
Thin WireNewton' Rings-Determinat ion of Wavelength Using Newton's Rings
Diffraction-Difference Between Diffraction and Interference-Theory of Transmission Grating
-Normal Incidence-Optical Activity-Biot's Laws -Specific Rotatory Power Determination
of Specific Rotatory Power Using Laurent's Half Shade Polarineter


. Properties of matter, Brijlal and Subeamanyas, Eurasia Publishing co., New Delhi, Ill1
Edition 1983
D.S.Mathur, S.Chand & Company Lad, New Delhi, 10
2. Element of propesties of mater,
Edition 1976
Heat and Thermodynamics, Brijlal &Subramanyam, 5.Chand& Co, 16 Edition 2005
43. Heat and Thermodynamics, D.S. Mattur, Sultan Chand& Som, S Edition 2014
S.Chund and New Delhi, 6 Edaion 2008
Optics and Spectroscopy. R.Murugesha,
6 A text book of Optics, Suhramanyam and Brijlal. S. Chand and co., New Delhi, 22 Edition

7. Optics, Sathya Prakash, Ratan Prakashan Mandhir, New Delhi, VIl Edinion 1990.
o ret tsolbtt bec si CHAPTER 5: Entropy 183
5.10 Entropy of a Steam
Consider 1 gm. of ice at
temperature T. Let us calculate the total
changes into steam at absolute
temperature 7T change in entropy when this ice
If dQ is the amount heat supplied to a
substance at temperature T, the change in
by entropy 1s given

In order to convert I gm.
of ice at 7, K into water at T K, an amount of heat absorbed is
latent heat of ice, L, say. equal to

Change in entropy during this

Now 1 gm. at water of
temperature T, is heated to T, K. The change in entropy during process

where C is the specific heat of water, a constant quantity.

Further, 1 gm of
water at T, Kis converted into steam at the same temperature T, K. It will absorb
heat L, equal to the latent heat of steam.
Thus,sob oteupo laiuul oili ballin 2 at
Change of entropy during this process =sgeib 0 1arh nsecodo or od bliod not..ii)
. Adding (), (i) and (iü), we get total change in entropy during the complete process,

AS Clog, noltag v)
This equation gives the total energy of I gm. of steam of
temperature 7, K. For m gm. of sub-
stance, we will multiply eqn. (iv) by m, to give the total change in
entropy during the process. ie., for
converting the ice into steam.
5.9 Entropy of a Perfect Gas
Consider 1 gm. of a perfect gas, occupying a volume Vat pressure P and temperature T. Let dQ
he the heat Supplied to he gas, then according to first law of thermodynamics we have

dQ = dU+ dW
Let Cybe the specific heat at constant volume, dT be the rise of temperature and dV be the change
in volume then

dU =
Cydr and dW= PdV
Substituting in eqn. (), we get

d CydT+ PdV .0)

IfS is the entropy per unit mass of the gas, then

S--Gar PAV)
- J a
We can calculate S in terms of different thermodynamic variables. These are:
Sin terms of temperature and volume
for a perfect gas, P T

Substituting in equation (iü), we get

s-J- ulor orzg o s
Cy log, T+ r log, V+ constant banliada ei silT doritpo
But r Cp-C, as per Mayer's relation.t 2h vgun
S = Cylog, T+ (Cp-C) log, V+ comstant .iv)

where Cp is specific heat at constan pressure.

i) Sin terms of temperature and pressure
Fora perfect gas, PV= rT

And PdV + VdP = rdT

Pdv rdT- VdP
Substituting in eqn. (iüi), we get
+ rdT-VaP
l omPV
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Statistical Physics
182 Heat, Thermodynamics and


-c-G P+ constantollgg los

Cp log, T-(Cp-C) log,
ii) S in terms of pressure and
PV = rT
For ideal gas,
PdV +VdP
T and dl=

Substituting in equation (ii), we get

PdV + VdP, PaV

cRVVar, PV.

= Cy log, P+ Cp log, V + constant ..(vi)
while deriving the relations for S given by eqns. (ii), iv), (0) and (vi), we have assumed the
entropy of the gas to be zero at absolute zero of temperature
while deriving the relations for S given by eqns. (ii), (iv), (v) and (vi), we have assumed the
entropy of the gas to be zero at absolute zero of temperature.
However, in actual practice, we are intersted in change in entropy of a gas when it goes from its
state of pressure P, volume V, and temperature T, to another state having the values P2, V, and T,

respectively. This is obtained by integrating eqn. (ii) between the limits T and T. The change of
entropy AS=S2-S, for each of the above three cases and can be calculated as under
In terms of temperature and volume, the change of entropy

AS=S-S = Cylog+(Cp-C) log, VIl)

In terms of temperature and pressure, AS will be

AS=S-S, =
C, log7(Cp-C) log, P .VI

and in terms of pressure and volume, AS will be

AS S-S = Cylog, +Cplog ...

The above equations are evaluated for a gas of unit mass. For a gas of m gm., the change
entropy can be obtained by multiplying these relations by mass m of the gas.
5.2 Change in EntropPY
Let us consider reversible Carnot's cycles V

bounded by the same two adiabatics L and M and

isothermals T1, T, and T, as shown in an indicator
diagram (Fig. 5.1) for an ideal gas. Then all along T

the adiabatics L and M, there is a change in volume

and temperature with change in pressure. Let ABCD P
and DCEF represent the Carnot's reversible cycles.
During Carnot's cycle ABCD, an amount of heat
, is absorbed in going from A to B at constant
temperature T, and an amount of heat O, is rejected
at constant temperature Ta Then efficiency of
Carnot's engine is given by V
Fig. 5.1

Similarly considering the Carnot's cycle DCEF in which an amount of heat , is absorbed at
constant temperature T, and heat Q3 is rejected at constant temperature 73.

- ..5.2)

From equations (5.1) and (5.2) we have


In general, if Q is the amount of heat absorbed or rejected at a temperature Tin going from
one adiabatic to the other, then

= Constant

If the two adiabatics are very close to each other and if 8Q is the small quantity of heat absor
at constant temperature T in going from one adiabatic to another, then

This constant ratio is called the "change in entropy' between the states represented by
adiabatics. It is denoted by 8S
Yqonin o dge

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l loinet2 besvalim CHAPTER 5:Entropy 175

The change in entropy for a finite reversible change in the state of working substance fromA t o
B is given by

todolbA nl ygontna nl 9pnorfo

d s is a function of the thermodynamic coordinates of a system. This

function is represented by symbol S and is called entropy. Hence "entropy of a system is a function of
the thermodynamical coordinates defining the state of the system viz., the pressure, volume, tempera-

ture or internal energy and its change between two states is equal to between the states along
any reversible path joining them." dS is an exact differential. Entropy is an extensive property Since t
depends on the mass of the working substance.
Change of Entropy in Reversible Cycle
5.4 Consider a complete reversible Carnot's cycle
ABCD as shown in Fig. 5.2 for an ideal gas formed by
two isothermals i.e. AB at a temperature 7 and CD at
adiabatics BC and DA.
temperature T2 and the two

)Isothermal expansion AB: Let 0, be the

quantity of heat absorbed by the working substance in
going from state A to state B during isothermal expan- p
sion AB at a constant temperature T The increase in
entropy of he working substance is given by

(i) Adiabatic expansion BC: In going from state

B to state C along the adiabatic BC, there is no change in Fig. 5.2
entropy of the working substance, but the temperature fals from 7, to T, due to expansion.

ds = 0
(tii) Isothermal compression CD: In going from state Cto state D along the isothermal CD, the
working substance rejects heat Q, to the sink at temperature T2. The entropy of the working substanc
decreases and the change in entropy is given by

(iv) Adiabatic compression DA: In going from D to A along the adiabatic DA, there
change in entropy but temperature rises from 7, to T.

ds = 0

Thus the net gain in entropy of the working substance in the whole cycle ABCDA

oi J4S+J4s+J4s+as

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slvt lolle2 bas oir CHAPTER 5:

Entropy 177
But for a reversible Carnot's cycle

Substituting, we get

ds =0 .(5.5)
where the integral sign wih a circle refers to a
complete cycle.
Thus in a cycle of reversible
process, the entropy of the
constant. In other words, the total change in entropy is alwayssystem
remains unchanged or remains
4.24 Carnot's Cycle
In order to obtain a continuous supply of work, the working substance is subjected to the follo
ng cycle of quasi-static operations known an Carnot's cycle (Fig. 4.16).
.Isothermal expansion. The cylinder is first placed on the source, so that the gas acquie

the temperature T, of the source. It is then allowed to undergo quasi-static expansion. As the a
the perfectly conductin
expands,ichits istemperature tends to fall. Heat passes into the cylinder through
in contact with the source. The gas therefore, undergoes slow isothermal expansion a
base v at
the constant temperature 7


T. Q B (P V)010po

Ta O2


Fig. 4.16
Let the working substance during isothemal expansion goes from its initial state A (P, V1, 7)to
the state B (P, Vz, 7,) at constant temperature 7, along AB, In this process, the substance absorbs heat
2, from the source at T, and does work W, given by

V ..4.15)
,=W PdV =RT,log,area ABGEA
2. Adiabatic expansion. The cylinder is now removed from the source and is placed on the
insulating stand. The gas is allowed to undergo slow adiabatic expansion, performing external wonk
at the expense of its inernal energy, until its temperature falls to 7,, the same as that of the sink
CHAPTER 4: Laws of Thermodynamics 1335
This operation is represented by the adiabatic BC,
starting from the state B (P2, Va) to the state
cP V2). m tnis process, tnre 1s no transfer of heat, the temperature of the substance falls to 12
and it some external work Wa given by

W=P.dv K" dV = t b
During adiabatic process, PV = constant = K)


1-Y (:PV=P,V=K)

RT-T) = Area BCHGB .4.16)

3. Isothermal Compression. The cylinder is now removed from the insulating stand and is
placed on the sink which is at a temperature T,. The piston is now very slowly moved inwards so that
the work is done on the gas. Ihe temperature tends to increase due to heat produced by compreSsion
since the conducting base ot the cylinder is in contact with the sink, the heat developed passes to the
sink and the temperature ot the gas remains constant at T2. Thus the gas undergoes isothermal com-
pression at a constant temperature T2 and gives up some heat to the sink.

This operation is represented by the isothermal CD, starting from the state C (P, V,. T,) to the
state D PV 12). In this process, the substance rejects heat Q, to the sink at T, and work W, is done
on the substance given by

O,-W Pav =RT, log, 4.17)

V area CHFDC
RT,loge V, h sooiiget
-ve signe indicates that work is done on the working substance)
4. Adiabatic Compression. The cylinder is now removed from sink and again placed on the
insulating stand. The piston is slowly moved inwards so that the gas is adiabatically compressed and
the temperature rises. The adiabatic compression is continued till the gas comes back to its original
condition i.e. state A (P1, V1, T,), thus completing one full cycle.
This operation is represented by adiabatic DA, starting from D (P. Va. T) to the final state A(P
V, 71). In this process, work W is done on the substance and is given by

W= P.dv

RG-2)= Area DFEAD .4.15

ve sign idicates that work is done on the working substance. Since W, and W, are equal a
opposite, they cancel each other.)
4.23 Carnot's ldeal Heat Engine
In 1824 the French engineer Sadi Carnot conceived a theoretical
engine which is free from all
practical imperfections. Such an engine can not be realised in practice. It has maximum efficiency
and it is an ideal heat engine. Sadi Cornot's heat engine requires the following important parts
(Fig. 4.15):





AtT At T2
Fig. 4.15
1. A cylinder having perfectly non-conducting walls, a perfectly conducting base and is pre-

with perfectly non-conducting piston which moves without friction

in the cylinder. The cylim
vIded a

der contains one mole of perfect gas as the working substance.

134 Heat, Thermodynamicsand Statistical Physics
2 Source. A reservoir maintained at a constant temperature 7, from which the engine
engine , can
be drawn
draw heatby perfect conduction. It has infinite thermal capacity and any amount of heat can be dra
from it at constant
temperature 7 acts as a for adiah
standfor adiabat
3. Heat insulating stand. A perfectly non-conducting platform
4. Sink. A reservoirmaintained at a constant lower temperature 7, (T2 <7,) to whichn the hhea
of sink is infinite So that its tempera
engine can reject any amount of heat. The thermal capacity ature
remains constant at 7, no matter how much heat is given to

Efficiency of Carnot's engine

Using T-S diagram, we can write A
extermal work done in one cycle a
Efficiency of the engine heat absorbed from the source bimern

ni 7-T
= 1-2 5.1

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