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AV script sheet for Specialist Subject

*This sheet will need to be embedded in your Weebly page for the Specialist Subject
Study assignment in order to pass*

Student Name Jacob Butler-Smith

Task 1 of 3:
Introduction: write the script that you will be recording for your introduction here. Introduce yourself
and say what the documentary will be about. Maybe make a statement that you are going to challenge or
ask a question that you’re going to try and answer through the course of the documentary and in the
Have you ever wondered what makes a brand successful? Whether it be through genius marketing
strategies, a gap in the market or products simply being needed through bare necessity, the ways of brands
becoming successful or popular are endless. I think one such brand that could be argued to be one of the
most successful in the world is Coca-Cola. I want to challenge that idea by delving into all things Coca-Cola,
seeing how it came about and how it got so successful in this current day.

Task 2 of 3:
Audio: Visual:
(script being narrated/additional sounds heard. (what will the audience be seeing?)
Write ROUGH timings in here where possible)
After digging into the history of Coca-Cola, I found . Stock footage of Coca-Cola on the shelf
out the first ever glass of Coke was sold on May 8 th,
1886. Although it wasn’t sold for medicinal . I wiil cycle through all of the previous logos and
purposes, it was sold by a doctor named Dr. John packaging of Coca-Cola throughout the years.
Pemberton from a pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia in
the United States. Created in Pemberton’s back . Headline about Coke having cocaine in the recipe
garden with a bit of a different recipe to nowadays
shall we say, the drinks name was derived from two
of the ingredients. Coca being from the Coca leaf . Photo on screen of Dr. John Pemberton
and Cola from the Kola nut (which contains
caffeine). Even without the… “original recipe” that is . Coca leaf & kola nuts
missing certain substances, Coca-Cola seems to be
extremely addictive for some. Nobody on the planet .YouTube video of Drew Binsky visiting Mexico
drinks more Coke than the residents of Chiapas in
Mexico which is the poorest state in the country. . More stock footage to fill gaps
When visiting the Country, popular YouTuber, Drew
Binsky found out ……… and this is because ……… . Photograph of the first ever coke advert

Ever since there has been products and services to . Tyler, The Creator advert
advertise, there has been advertising. In this dog-
eat-dog world, almost like human nature, when
someone creates a product, they will promote it in . Times square billboard
any way possible to generate traction and
popularity. However, through the years, the . Photo of Jared Bell, Bulova watch ad and share a
technology used to create adverts has improved coke
drastically. The first advert promoting Coca-Cola,
which was in 1886, (just a few weeks after the first
sale) was published in the Atlanta Journal (an
American newspaper). Printed onto the newspaper,
it simply said “Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating!
Invigorating!” compared to the modern day where
Coca-Cola partners with the hugest football league
in the world, has adverts plastered all over . Mike interview
television, the internet and even electronic
billboards in Times Square. They even hired once
controversial but now hip-hop icon Tyler, The
Creator to create a song for a Coca-Cola campaign
and they paired it with a super eye-catching and
strange music video. It was a success and definitely
not something you would’ve seen in 1886.

As for key people in the Coca-Cola industry, we have

the previously mentioned Dr. John Pemberton as
the first seller of the drink and Asa Griggs Candler
the founder of the Coca-Cola company. However, as
for the advertising industry there are some key
people to note: Jared Bell pioneered the first
traditional billboard in America in the 1830s and the
watch company Bulova have been credited as the
company with the first ever television advert in
1941. Fast forward to the current day and arguably
the most famous and successful advertisement
campaign, the Share A Coke campaign launched in
Australia in 2011 by Australian media company
Ogilvy & Mather.
Oh-gil-vee and may-ver

When I mention key techniques that Coca-Cola uses

for the brand, I can almost guarantee some of the
things that pop into everyone’s minds. The colour
red. Seeing red objects is one thing, but seeing a
blank red screen even without any text on it leads
your mind STRAIGHT to Coca-Cola. Just like the
iconic purple colours of Cadbury or the blue you see
on the Pepsi bottle, it is imperative for a brand to
have a specific theme and that is a technique Coke
does exceptionally. Paired with their distinct font,
Coca-Cola is undeniably recognisable.

Since advertising is one of my personal passions, I

tried creating my own Coca-Cola advertising
campaign using the techniques they use to

To help me understand what makes a brand

successful, I enlisted the help of Media Theory,
Marketing and Advertising expert Michael Bush.
Take it away Mike.

Task 3 of 3:
Conclusion: write the script that you will be recording for your conclusion here. revisit your initial
question or statement from the introduction, recap some highlights of the things you’ve studied for your
question/statement and suggest whether the statement is supported or what the answer to the question
In conclusion, having a strong brand in this cutthroat industry is vital. A drink can only
taste so good so the thing that must set it aside from the rest is the brand alongside it. I
have determined that “what makes a brand successful” is predominantly down to the
advertising. Anyone can make a product, but people will need a reason to buy it. Coca-
Cola’s genius marketing strategies from working with popular music artists to printing the
most generic names on the bottles so people would “Share a coke”, there is no denying
that Coca-Cola is worldwide.

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