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Republic of the Philippines


City of Malolos, Bulacan
Laboratory High School
1st Semester, SY 2017-2018


Placement Examination IV

Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________ Score: ______________

1. They are known as the inhabitants of the State.

a. Groups
b. Persons
c. Individuals
d. People
2. It is said to be an ideal person, invisible, intangible, immutable, and existing only in
contemplation of law.
a. A continent
b. A region
c. A nation
d. A state
3. It is a political concept and has four elements
a. Nation
b. State
c. City
d. Territory
4. It is an ethnic concept and a sociological collectivity of individuals who possess in common non-
political characteristics such as common language, common religion or common beliefs.
a. Nation
b. State
c. City
d. Territory
5. It is an agency or instrumentality through which the will of the State is formulated, expressed
and realized.
a. Office of the President
b. The Government
c. The Congress
d. The Judiciary
6. The fixed space or portion of earth inhabited by the people of the State.
a. Island
b. Territorial
c. Land
d. Territory
7. The power of the State to command obedience of its constituents.
a. Military
b. Sovereign
c. Police
d. Sovereignty
8. Globalization creates concern regarding local culture because:
a. International migration is creating “brain drain” in developing countries.
b. International trade raises mutual awareness of different cultures.
c. Jobs are being moved to developing countries.
d. Many heritages are threatened by a homogenizing influence.
9. What language has the largest number of speakers?
a. English
b. Spanish
c. Mandarin Chinese
d. Hindi
10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a globalized professional?
a. Highly educated
b. Is afraid of flying
c. Speaks foreign languages
d. Travels internationally
11. The two major functions of the Government are
a. Businessman and marketer
b. Overseer and provider
c. Constituent and ministrant
d. Security and protector
12. The power of the State to expropriate private property for public use, upon payment of just
a. Police power
b. Power of eminent domain
c. Power of domination
d. Power of taxation
13. Globalization is changing Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments by:
a. Cultural exchange and communication technology that is creating a “global village”.
b. Increasing the international dispersion of a given family.
c. Increasing the number of English language speakers in the world.
d. Creating a homogeneous world culture and set of values.
14. A government established by the authority of the legitimate sovereignty.
a. De facto government
b. Dictatorial government
c. De jure government
d. Military government
15. Which item that does not belong to the group?
a. Military power
b. Power of eminent domain
c. Police power
d. Power of taxation
16. Which item that does not belong to the group?
a. Government
b. Territory
c. People
d. Sovereign
17. Which of the following is a positive influence of globalization on culture?
a. It destroys some cultures but not all through the capitalism process called “creative
b. It opens people’s minds to new ideas and experiences.
c. It dramatically shifts world food consumer tastes to American fast food.
d. It encourages youths to shun traditional music in favour of Western pop music.
18. Which of the following LEAST contributes to the spread of American popular culture?
a. American tourists
b. American restaurants chains
c. American movies, music, and TV shows
d. American consumer products
19. Which of the choices below is identified as the power of the State to impose burdens and
charges upon a person’s property or property rights for the use and support of the government
in order to discharge its functions?
a. Eminent domain
b. Exclusive domain
c. Police power
d. Power of taxation
20. The following are among the elements of the state, except:
a. Territory
b. People
c. History
d. Government
21. Which non-governmental organization (NGO) has NOT received a Nobel Peace Prize for
extending values about human well-being onto a global level?
a. Amnesty International
b. U2
c. Medecins Sans Frontieres
d. None of the Above
22. The constitutional right of eminent domain which can be enjoyed by the Filipino citizens.
a. Right to Liberty
b. Amnesty International
c. Right to property
d. Right to tax
23. Confucian ideals in Asian values do NOT emphasize:
a. Belief that the community is more important than the individual
b. Respect for authority
c. Hard work
d. Individual human rights
24. The following are the fundamental powers of the State, except:
a. Eminent domain
b. Police power
c. Power of taxation
d. Territorial power
25. The most persuasive among the powers of the State is
a. Eminent domain.
b. Police power.
c. Power of taxation.
d. None of the above.
26. Territory which is an element of a State is consists of
a. Land.
b. Bodies of water.
c. Air space.
d. All of the above
27. This is the sovereignty which means independence of a state from control by any other state.
a. Sovereignty
b. Internal sovereignty
c. External sovereignty
d. Sovereign people
28. The characteristics of sovereignty include:
a. Absolute
b. Comprehensive
c. Permanent
d. All of the above
29. Where in the Islamic world did rapid modernization lead to revolution because it was perceived
as westernization?
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Pakistan
c. Iran
d. Indonesia
30. What language is known as the international language?
a. English
b. Spanish
c. Mandarin Chinese
d. Hindi

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