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The Business that you are calling is --A--address1--B--

and it is located in --A--city--B--, --A--state--B--.

--A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B--

(If the first name does not appear as part of the script, please say "Could I speak to the
manager who is in charge of the website please?)

(DO NOT introduce yourself before the gatekeeper asks who you are. That's how a typical
telemarketer operates and it is not effective. Please make it sound like that are you a
customer of their business)

DO NOT waste your time pitching to the gatekeeper.

DO NOT waste your time trying to get email addresses from gatekeepers. If you don't
speak to the Decision Maker and get their consent to send an email, the lead will be
rejected by the Senior AEs.

DO NOT say "Hello Good morning/Good Afternoon" (This is a global campaign and there
will be time zone overlaps and you might get a mixture of US and Australian customers at
times. Please be careful about who your targeted audience are)

Could I speak to --A--first_name--B-- please?

(If the person is not there or the name does not appear above, then)
Could I speak to the manager who is in charge of the website please?

"Who is calling?"
"It's --A--fullname--B-- from Driven ROI"

DO NOT say "It's your first name from Driven ROI. We specialise in optimising online
presence for businesses" (This is too long)
Be short with your answers

What's it in relation to?

I have a report on your website to be sent to you. We specialise in optimising online
presence for businesses. I would like to have a quick word with --A--first_name--B-- or
the manager who is in charge of your website please.

It is a free report.

Are you the right person to speak to about this?

(ONLY pitch to the Decision Maker; Never pitch to the gatekeeper)
We’re a Google and Facebook certified partner that specializes in guaranteed placement
(1st page) and increased traffic. Specifically, we help your online presence in 4 ways 1). We
fix hidden issues where Google and your social media that were penalizing your site, 2).
improve your website security, 3). make your story relevant to your ideal customers and 4).
Increase traffic to your site and strengthen your online presence, thereby strengthening
your brand and impacting revenue. The guys behind Driven ROI have over 60 years of
experience in the field combined.

Are you the right person to speak to about this?

(ONLY pitch to the Decision Maker; Never to the Gatekeeper)

We have done a review on your online presence and generated a report for you, which'll be
a great tool for you to see how well your website is doing and the overall status of your
online presence. While the website may be attractive, it may be underperforming, heavily
penalized , vulnerable to attacks and not bringing you any traffic. Because the reasons are
valid, I need to speak to the person in charge of the website.

If the customer says that the web site is outsourced, please ask them who manages the
relationship with the outsourced vendor? WFA Great! I'd like to speak with him/her. Be
sure to get their complete name, email address and title. Then ask to be transferred after
you make sure you get their direct dial and extension. If no play, then tell them "I have a
free report that will help you determine whether they are doing the right thing by you or
not. Could I please email that? Move on from here and add the lead isn't qualified.

If qualified, then, How it works is that Driven ROI will send you a report via email with the
findings and one of the Specialist will be in touch with you to go through the report with
you and provide you with some context and advice as to how to go about rectifying the
issues that you might have. This is a free service.

(ONLY ask permission from the Decision Maker; Never the Gatekeeper)

I was wondering if I could please send an email with some details as to what we have found
and follow it up with a phone call in a few days please.

Customer: YES
Could I please have your email address?
Could you please spell it out for me?

(Just be careful that you don't p*** customers off by asking for the emails too many
Please ask them once to say it and once to spell it out
We have the recording and we can put the pieces together.)
If the customer says, "How much is the service going to cost me?"
How it works is that Driven ROI will send you a report via email with the findings and one
of the Specialists will be in touch with you to go through the report with you and provide
you some advice as to how to go about rectifying the issues that you might have. This is a
free service.

What if the customer gives a different number to call back the owner or the
decision-maker, how do we deal with it?

What should we disposition it as?

Please update the Lead by clicking on the Vicidial Logo/Tab, Disposition it manually as No
Pitch No Price by clicking on the "Hang up the Customer" button and tick the Pause Button
and then do a manual dial to the updated number. The system will provide you with the
ability to disposition the call again.
(This is NOT recommended as you would be wasting a lot of time on one customer)

If the customer says "Where are you calling from?"

"I am calling from a call centre that has been employed by Driven ROI to contact potential
clients like yourself"

If the customer says "Where are you based?"

I have just moved to the US and I am trying to make an honest living by working for the
call centre that has been employed by Driven ROI"

(In all honesty, if a customer is not happy that they have got a cold call, they will always
find ways to undermine you. This is a minus 8. It is pretty hard to dig yourself out of

Ask yourself these questions,

Will I have a chance to talk to the Decision Maker in this call?

Will this person allow me to send the free report to them?
Will this conversation lead to a sale?
Will this person buy from us?

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