No. 2 Group Project

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Use reasons and examples to support your


Sometimes people are assigned to work in a group on a project. The group will be helped more by a
person who is willing to do what other group members want than by a person who often strongly insists
that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do.

It is a personal preference whether to do a project or task individually or in a group. However,

there is no disguising the fact that when it comes to group projects, significant cooperation and
brainstorming is required, otherwise, the project would be doomed to failure. In this line of
thought, the way people react within a group can affect the project’s progress positively or
negatively. Contrary to what some people may believe, I am of the opinion that being open to
criticism and going on the flow will help the project significantly; however, swimming against
the tide while doing a project will have irrecoverable consequences. The reasons, including but
not limited to the following ones, will illustrate my viewpoint.

To begin with, doing according to what the rest of group members want to do is more beneficial
than a group with a person who insists to do based on his or her own decision since everyone can
easily express their opinions in such groups. To be more specific, the success or failure of a
project is highly dependent on its members; the more cooperative the members are, the more
chance of success there will be. Providing a friendly atmosphere in which each person finds it
comfortable to air his or her ideas can help the project accomplish faster and more successfully.
However, when a person insists what he or she says should be implemented in the project, a
rigid, unfriendly atmosphere will be emerged that hold people back in expressing their opinions.
Under such a circumstance, the project will not progress effectively. As an illustration, my
classmates and I were supposed to conduct a really important research for our linguistics course.
I was really enthusiastic about this project, since linguistics is what I do love. There was a
classmate, however, who had a sense of priority and was inconsiderate of other members. While
doing the project, she kept insisting on implementing her own ideas and ignoring the rest of
group’s opinions. This behavior of hers completely ruined my eagerness, and instead of
expressing my novel ideas, I was quiet during whole project. This behavior absolutely took away
the friendliness and convenient atmosphere in the group and we could not hand in the project in
due time since the project was being led just by one member not all of us.

The next reason in line is that when a person is willing to do according to the opinions of other
members, there would be less discussion and arguments leading to a better condition for doing a
project. To put it in other words, when there is one stubborn person insisting on his or her
opinion, there would be a huge argument among group members to prove their point. Under such
a circumstance, instead of channeling all the attention and focus on the project, members will
waste their time convincing one another. Hence, it is crystal clear that the project will not go
forward if a person insists on his or her own opinion. This condition will be softened and easier
if group members do what others say. To make this complicated point simpler, I was once a
member of research group and unbelievably we did a few project within month. The reason, if
asked, is nothing but doing what other people told me to do. There was no one insisting on his or
her idea and consequently the projects were finished sooner than it was expected. No arguments
meant more completed projects.

To recap, taking the above-mentioned reasons and examples into account, I believe that doing
what other members of a group ask is more helpful for the project. Not only will the members
feel better and express their opinions conveniently, but this policy can lead to an argument-free
project conduction. Who would want to be in a group project that would surly fail with a person
who insists on his or her ideas?

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