Writing ECCE

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Letter: Expressing your Opinion

Συνήθως είναι άρθρο. Εσύ πρέπει να δώσεις την άποψη σου σχετικά, αν δηλ. συμφωνείς ή όχι.



The city council is considering plans to tear down
the amusement park to build new offices and
apartments. Some people feel that more offices and
housing will give a boost to local business. Others
fear for the quality of life in town if the little open
space left is developed. The mayor is calling on
residents to express their views.
TASK A: LETTER Write a letter to the mayor
saying whether you agree or disagree with the
proposed plan. Give reasons and suggest what
you think should be done. Begin your letter,
Dear Mayor.


Par.1 Αναφερόμαστε στο άρθρο.

I recently read about your plans to tear down the amusement park to build new offices and apartments,
and I am writing to express my agreement (αν συμφωνούμε) ή my opposition (αν διαφωνούμε) with
this idea.

Δίνουμε και την άποψη μας.

In my opinion…

Par. 2 Ανάλυσε τις απόψεις σου για το θέμα.

First of all,…
In addition,…

Par.3 Δώσε επιπλέον αιτίες και λεπτομέρειες και κάνε κάποιες προτάσεις.

Αν είσαι υπέρ:
I am in favor of…
It would be a good idea to..
I suggest that…
It would be better to…

Αν είσαι κατά:
Ι am against (+noun or gerund)
I don’t think that…
It’s not right to…
Instead of.. I think …(should be done)
I hope you will take my suggestions into account when deciding on this matter.
Ορίστε 2 παραδείγματα το ένα κατά το άλλο υπέρ.

Dear Mayor,

I have read your article about the plan to sell the amusement park, and I am writing to express my
opposition. In my opinion it would be a shame for our town to lose this attraction.

First of all, this park has been a part of our town for decades. In addition, it is a popular place for
young people to meet and enjoy themselves. It is one of the few open spaces left in town, and it
provides a healthy environment for young people to socialize. We should try to create more parks, and
not more buildings.

I am not in favor of more high-rise buildings and apartments because this would increase traffic on the
roads and make our town more crowded. Even if these buildings develop and boost in business, I
believe they will spoil the quality of our lives in the long run. Instead of selling the land, I think the
attractions and rides at the amusement park should be repaired and improved. This would attract more
visitors and make our town friendlier and more appealing to everyone.

I hope you will take my suggestions into account when deciding on this matter.


The local authorities would like to develop tourism

in this area. One suggestion is to turn the western
beach area, a popular place for local people, into a
luxury resort with a five-star hotel. While this may
attract more business, people fear that the beach will
be lost to local people. Is this what the community
wants? Write to the council and tell them.
TASK A: LETTER Write a letter to the city
council, saying whether you agree or disagree
with the plan. Give reasons and suggest what you
think should be done. Begin your letter,
dear City Council,

Dear City Council,

I recently read about a plan to develop the western beach area, and I am writing to express my
agreement with this idea. In my opinion the area needs upgrading and this plan will benefit all of us
who live here.

First of all, the main advantage is that many jobs would be created for local people. The resort would
attract a large number of visitors who would spend money in local shops and businesses. As a result,
the city would have more money from taxes to spend on schools and to improve the appearance of our

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