Texto Examen Ingles

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Karla: Hi Andre. How’s it going?

Andre: Great, Karla. How are you?

Karla: Fine, thanks! Do you have any plans for after graduation?

Andre: Yes, I’m going to do a postgraduate course in analytical chemical analysis.

I’m quite excited!

Karla: Oh, that’s interesting! Where are you going to do it?

Andre: I’m going to do it in Spain.

Karla: Cool. Is it your first time in Spain?

Andre: yes, it is, Iam very nervous but i am eager to learn.

Karla: Oh, you must like it a lot learn. I’m glad you are meeting your goals

Andre: Thank you, and What do you plan to do after graduation?

Karla: I’m thinking of applying for a scholoarship to study a specialitazion in

forensic Chemistry in Spain

Andre: Ohh how cool that, and after that What do you plan to do?

Karla: then I Will look for a stable job and i am going to star with the creation of a
animal foundation.

Andre: So cool, I hope you can help many animals

Karla: Yes I going to hope for that too.

Andre: Yeah, and Are you going to travel after all this?

Karla: Obviously around the world, I love travel, and you?

Andre: I’m going to travel first to spain anf after I search new places for travel.

Karla: That sound cool, I hope you achieve all that and more

Andre: Thank you, I hope the same for yu, and i’m leaving you, I have an exam to
take, see you later.

Karla: Good bye, have a Good exam.

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