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1st jewish diaspora

The first jewish diaspora happened in the 700’s bc when the Assyrian empire conquered
the Kingdom of Israel forcing thousands of Israelis to leave their homeland and migrate
to Mesopotamia.

Years later, in the 500’BC, Babylonia overthrew the Kingdom of Judah, causing
another massive exile.

2nd jewish diaspora

The second Jewish diaspora started in the year 70 AD when the Roman Empire
occupied and destroyed Jerusalem.

Jewish captives were sold into slavery by the Romans and many other Jews fled to areas
around the Mediterranean.;

The Zionism Movement

After centuries of displacement, genocides, and discrimination the modern zionism
movement emerged in the 19th century and quickly gained a lot of support.

Its father being Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian jewish journalist, political activist
and writer,

He argued that the Jewish people should leave Europe for Palestine, their historic

The Jews possessed a nationality; all they were missing was a nation and a state of their

The Holocaust, that happened in the second world war, was a major push to this
movement because it touched the international community that wanted to prevent
further genocide against jewish people.

This movements main goal was to establish a Jewish State on what is today the
palestinian territory.

The execution of this goal would interfere with the lives of the palestinian people and
cause conflicts.

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