Eumind TV Show Fashion

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 Characters: -
Aarvi and Aarushi – Bilind Boman and Kasaaba Gupta (judges)
Jia – Bhaarti Singh (anchor)
Jia, Jiya, Khushi – Manila Bhatt, Avanti Dixit, Eeksha Sharma (contestants)

Bhaarti – Good Evening one and all and welcome to THE WOW FACTOR co-powered by
Rolgate and Wescafe. We welcome today’s judges for the evening, a very successful fashion
icon who has her own label called House of Kasaaba very beautiful Kasaaba Gupta , and an
actor, model, swimmer, and producer the one and only Bilind Boman.

(Bilind and Kasaaba enter)

Bilind – Thank you so much for inviting us and we are thrilled to be the judges of this
outstanding event.

Kasaaba – we are really excited to see the new WOW FACTORS of this year and grateful to
get this wonderful opportunity.

Bhaarti– Ladies and gentlemen presenting to you the first contestant Avanti Dixit

Avanti – Hey I am Avanti Dixit from Arunachal Pradesh. My family is supportive but I belong
to a community where modeling is not considered a career and girls don’t get proper
freedom. Our community would tell my parents to not allow me to do this but my parents
were happy with what I was happy doing. I am very grateful to my parents because of whom
I am here now.

Bhaarti – the second candidate ladies and gentlemen Eeksha Sharma

Eeksha – Namaste I am Eeksha Sharma, I always wanted to pursue a modeling career but my
family considered this career a waste of money and used to laugh at me. At that very
moment I told myself that I want to show everyone especially my family what I am capable

Bhaarti – the last but not the least contestant Manila Bhatt

Manila – Hello everyone I am Manila Bhatt from Assam. I have come here as it was my
childhood dream to become a WOW factor. My mom remains a little sick most of the time
so I want to win this show and help her with her treatment so she can be cured as well as be
proud of me.

Kasaaba – Good evening models we are happy to see you. It is not going to be easy to
survive in this race to be the WOW factor of the year so with that being said be prepared for
the first task coming your way.

Bilind – the first task is a photoshoot for the FOGUE magazine cover where you all need to
take pictures wearing the most loved outfits and also give a brief description of it.

(the task starts, the girls start getting ready in their loved outfits and the photos of the
models are being taken along with their description preparation)

Bilind – Welcome back ladies I hope you all have enjoyed the task and gave your best in
it….so let’s get started.

Kasaaba – Let’s see the pictures of the first contestant….

(The pictures of Avanti are displayed on the screen with a short description)

Avanti – I am wearing streetwear today which is really stylish and is mostly worn on the
streets (laughs) (everybody gives a weird look). It is a loved outfit as it is really comfortable
and chic and worn mostly everywhere as casuals. It is basically just mom jeans and a
sweatshirt with some sneakers.
Kasaaba – So Avanti the outfit you were wearing is indeed really stylish but I feel instead of
streetwear you could have taken something different, overall I like it. Here are my scores…

(She raises the placard with the number 8)

Bilind – I also kind of agree with Kasaaba about trying something different but I am sure it is
loved by most people because of how comfortable it is. In the second picture of yours, you
look a little confused about what to do but the first and third pictures look good.

(He raises the placard with the number 7)

Avanti – Thank you, Judges!!

Bhaarti – Let’s now call upon stage our next contender Eeksha Sharma.

(Eeksha’s photos are displayed and then her short description)

Eeksha – Hello judges, my outfit is known as y2k. It calls back to the biggest trends of the
late 90s and early 2000s. It is a loved dressing style because of its bright colors with cute
aesthetics and jewelry. Y2k is basically like wider jeans with long sleeve T-shirt

Kasaaba – I really like the style that you have chosen which is something different and new
though in your pictures you could complement your outfit more. So I will give you an
8.5 (raises her placard with the number 8.5)

Bilind – I think she has complimented the outfit enough in the pictures and I can see the
style also.

Kasaaba – But I was just giving my opinion and saying what I felt.

Bilind – yes yea (sarcastic laugh). Soo (raises the placard to the score 9)
Bhaarti – (in a funny way) Don’t fight judges it is ok. So let’s call upon the stage our last
contestant Manila Bhatt…

(Manila enters then her photos and description play on the screen)

Manila – hey guys the style I am wearing today is known as the Gothic style and it’s really
fun to wear. I love this style so much because it’s dark and I love it. I am wearing a black
dress with some cute black heels which entirely uplift my outfit.

Bilind – Manila I think you misunderstood the task, it was the most loved outfit by most
people, not yourself, and personally, I am sorry to say that you are a little weird. (raises
placard to the score 6)

(Avanti and Eeksha exchange a look and smile)

Kasaaba – I really like what you are wearing and also hate to say this but Bilind is right you
have misunderstood the task, anyways your pictures are good. (raises placard to 7)

Bhaarti – Thank you judges for the scores and your cute little arguments. So the total score
of each contestant is: Avanti – 15/20
Eeksha- 17.5/20, good job Eeksha
Manila – 13/20
With that kept in mind, I am so sorry manila but because you have the least scores you are

(Manila getting emotional exits the stage)

Kasaaba – Congratulations Avanti and Eeksha for making the top two so it is clear that one
of you is going to be the winner of THE WOW FACTOR. The last but not the least task for you
both is going to be a ramp walk wearing the fanciest outfits you can put together.
Bilind – There are going to be two walks one will be you walking alone and the other which
we will be telling at the moment as it has a surprise element in it. So get excited and start
practicing your walks and talks with the WOW factor in you.

(Preparations of the task begin: Avanti and Eeksha are practicing their walks)

Bhaarti – Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the GRAND FINALE of THE WOW FACTOR where
today one of these beautiful ladies is going to win the title of THE WOW FACTOR as well as
the grand prize money of 15 lakhs and will be the face of ROLGATE and WESCAFE for the
whole next year!!!

Bilind – Let us get started with the solo walks…

( Avanti starts walking and around her, there are fancy lights and background music)

Avanti – Judges today evening I am wearing outfits worn in the 90s because it is trending

Bilind – I like your walk though I really feel your poses could be better and your balance
while turning could be practiced more.

Kasaaba – I genuinely love what you are wearing and the walk was decent but can be made

Avanti – Thank you so much!

( Eeksha walks with background music and fancy lights)

Eeksha – Judges today I am wearing a kind of outfit called a French girl outfit because it
mostly wore by girls and women in France but looks really fancy and elegant.
Kasaaba – Your outfit is really intriguing and your walk was incredible.

Bilind – very few times I say this but I agree with Kasaaba that your outfit is compliment
worthy and your walk was also pretty decent.

Bhaarti – The results of these wonderful walks will, unfortunately, be announced after the
second walk. I know you all are eagerly waiting for the surprise element in the second so
here it is……the contestants are going to walk with the JUDGES.

(the walk starts, Avanti walks with Bilind and Eeksha walks with Kasaaba)

Bhaarti – Finally it is the moment you all have been waiting for from the very beginning, the
ultimate winner of THE WOW FACTOR. So for announcing the results let’s call our honorable
judges on the stage.

( Kasaaba and Bilind come on the stage)

Kasaaba – without wasting any more time…

Kasaaba and Bilind- the winner of THE WOW FACTOR is….

(time for a break pops on the screen, a few minutes later)

Kasaaba and Bilind – The winner of THE WOW FACTOR is…...Eeksha Sharma!!!

(Eeksha is very happy and starts getting happy tears, she collects the trophy and everyone
congratulates her)


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