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How to figure out if someone is highly

sensitive ?



Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux


I want to thank my teacher Mrs Bouffioux for her help and the advice that she gave to me.
I also want to thank the people who helped me to the realization of this end of study work.

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux


Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux


Generally when we talk about high sensitivity or they describe themselves as such, the
majority of the people think they are introverted, shy, weak or overwhelmed by their
emotions. But in fact it’s not exactly what high sensitivity means , it’s a bit more complex
and people don’t take it seriously. Nevertheless, when a highly sensitive person takes
conscious of his trait and learns how to thrive with it, he can turn the bad side into a real
strength in his personality with him and with the others.

Through my end of study work, my objective is to enable every person who reads this TFE to
understand what high sensitivity is. And based on my research I am going to answer the
following question: “How to figure out if someone is highly sensitive?”

In the first part I am going to explain why I chose this subject. define the main subject and the
characteristics that characterize a highly sensitive person, which will lead you to the types of

In the second part we approach the Sensory Processing sensitivity with the explanation of the
origins, causes and consequences.

This work carries on the advantages and disadvantages and how they thrive this trait in their

Finally, I am going to talk about the different diagnoses which look like high sensitivity and
give you the different tips and materials to figure out if someone is highly sensitive. In
conclusion I will summarize the results and observations of my research throughout my TFE.

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

1. What is High sensitivity ?

1.1 Why this subject.

Before getting to the heart of the topic, this is important to me to tell you why I chose this
subject. The simple reason is that too few people ignore what it is, so that causes a problem
for many HSP. Maybe for you it is just a simple trait like to be kind. But through this TFE
you will see the importance of understanding a HSP because with just a little bit more
information on this trait you can make a difference in their life, help them to a better
adaptation in the society and the environment. There is 20% of the population who is HSP.
That means 1 person to 5 so the chance to work, live or just meet a HSP is really likely.

1.2 Definition

As Drs. Esther Bergsma expert on high sensitivity and researcher define it, 1High sensitivity
is a trait characterized by a great sensitivity to stimuli (both internal and external and both
positive and negative) and the profound processing thereof. This deep processing process
involves both time (the pause-to-check system) and content (the optimal-option-ambition).
The greater sensitivity to stimuli in combination with depth of processing leads to a more
intense reaction in terms of emotion and/or stress.

In addition with the definition, The Sensory processing sensitive (scientific name) is an innate
natural trait and not a mental disorder or an illness. So you cannot change this trait, it is a part
of you. To recall 20% of the population is highly sensitive and in that, 30% are extraverted
and 70% are introverted, that makes sense. There is an equality between male and female
who are highly sensitive, it is not a sexual genetic trait.

1.3 Characteristics

Dr.W. Thomas Boyce2 made some research on children to suggest that the supportiveness of
early environments have important effects on children's health and wellbeing. His research is
1 Source from the definition
2 Definition book Esther bergsma

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

really interesting because it also demonstrates characteristics of high sensitivity. He named
the highly sensitive children, the orchids and the non-highly sensitive children, the
An orchid is a flower which with nurturance and care they grow well and become a beautiful
flower, but under bad conditions of neglect and stress they wither and fade. It is the same for
a highly sensitive person in a bad condition or stressed situation, they can be overwhelmed
and suffer from that.
On the other hand, the dandelion is a flower which can grow everywhere like mountains,
fields even in the cracks of the sidewalks. Dandelions are hardy. Non highly sensitive people
can adapt in most situations and be comfortable, the majority can handle their stress. You can
see through this research that a highly sensitive person has more difficulty adapting to new
situations, handling stress and depending on their environment.

Here are other characteristics that you can find in the majority of HSP.
Firstly they are easily sensitive by the stimuli around them, mentally and physically and react
intensely to them.

Secondly they think before they act. A research on children was done; the objective was to
see how the children are going to react at the first time he enters his new class, the non highly
sensitive children entering in the piece and just adapt to the new situations and will see what
happened. The second one, the HSP child, stops in front of the door and takes a moment to
see all the things that give him stimuli, and just analyzes everything. The conclusion about
this research is that there are two strategies in more than 100 species. The one who « Go for
it, if wrong go for it again », that means this person is less responsible, impulsive, low
reactive and non sensitive. On the other hand, the second one is « Do it once, do it right »,
this person is responsive, reflective, reactive and sensitive, he thinks before to act everytime.

Highly sensitive people suffer from negative situations conversely they benefit a lot from the
positive situations this is due to their accurate perception of the emotions around them

And these characteristics can be demonstrate into over 100 species

(ajout recherche sur les animaux les mouches poissons …)
There are some characteristics traits that we found in HSP like they are responsive, reflective.

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

1.4 types of HSP

2. Brain of Hsp

The nervous system and the brain is already complex so can you imagine the functioning of a
highly sensitive person. But it is important to explain this to you because the majority of the
difference between HSP and non-HSP comes from the brain.

2.1 tow systems theory

A lot of researchers like Elaine Aaron and Jerome Kagan think that there are two systems in
the brain and the balance of them creates sensitivity.
The first one is the « behavioral activation »

2.2Brain part

2.3neural correlates

3. causes and manifestations.

3.1 The causes

childhood environnement trauma

3.2 Manifestations of the presence of high sensitivity.

4. which advantages and disadvantages for HSP

Now that we know what Sensory Processing Sensitivity is, the question is what are the
advantages and the inconvenients.In my observations, I understand the fact that when you can
control your high sensitivity there are more advantages, because you turn the wrong side into
the good of this trait but it is important to remember that the situation can be reverse and in

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

this case these people can suffer a lot. So these are the different advantages and disadvantages
of sensitivity.

4.1 The positive side being a HSP.

Because of this trait the HSP has more visible talents but it doesn’t mean they have each of
them. Some are not developed enough in their mind or just not present at all. You know
everybody is different and unique even in the presence of this trait. Also non highly sensitive
people can have these talents too. But here are the advantages which are naturally present in
many highly sensitive people.
In my research, this talent is one that I have found the most, and that makes sense. HSP are
better to perceive subtly, They think a lot, they react to every stimuli. So a HSP see little
details, mistakes.
Another one is understanding the other into different circumstances. A big empathy is present
due to the mirror neurons, so they feel the emotions of the person in front of them. And it’s
not just into the emotions, a HSP also understands the other’s perspective because they are
always into increased focus, efficiency, healthcare… This ability comes by the deep
processing of information. And it is also related to the observations they made, actually they
think before they act and after this processing they coordinate their body and their mind. So
their actions are adapted to the situations and in this way they give better help to the person in
Here are the others mentally advantages and talents of HSP
● Talent to enjoy little things
● Talent to make well-considered decisions
● Talent to make intuitive decisions
● Talent ton take responsibility
● They are deeply focus
● Good at tasks that require vigilance, accuracy and speed
● Thinking about their own thinking
And the lists can be very large so we pass to the physical advantages.
In relation with the research of Jerome Kagan about the fact that a HSP has a different
genetic and a differential functioning.
We can see physical advantages in them. Like the ability in fine motor, they are subject to
hyperactivity so they are good at holding still, they need to do something. Because of this

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

intense reaction to stimuli; HSP is affected by stimulants like caffeine but it doesn’t work on
people who are used to them. The right side of their brain is more active so they are less
linear, more creative.

4.2 Negative side being a HSP.

All depends on the environment, the context. I said the situation can be reversed. Because
unfortunately HSP are very sensitive to bad stimuli. So just a wrong thing happens to them
and they are affected by it. So we can conclude that the positive point mention above can also
be negative for them.

For example, the ability to feel good emotions works for good and bad emotions. So if a sad
or angry person comes next to them, they are likely to become in a sad mood. And this point
made the society think they are bipolar.
The fact it think a lot can be also a negative…

5. thriving with hsp

(the tips of allan fraud how HSP can handle overarousel in social 25 min video )

6. Different Diagnosis

Personnality disorder

7. identify hsp

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

We arrive at this last point but one of the most important because it answers in part the main
question. Here are different observations that I made to identify someone highly sensitive in
relation to the research of Elaine Aaron, Alane Fraund.

7.1 DOES.

The acronym D.O.E.S is a processus that Elaine Aaron invented to help therapists to assess
this trait but also for people to identify if they are or someone is highly sensitive. It is a way
of describing this person and also the research about this trait.

D is for “Depth processing”, this means that the HSP brain is slower because he thinks more,
more in depth. Also the brain treats the information in comparison with similar past
experience. They are more consciously and intuitive, which means they make decisions
without really knowing how they come to it. Finally for this point they think over all the
possible options.

O is for “overstimulation”, when highly sensitive people get back in lighting, noisy places, in
complicated situations or are under pressure, they feel stressed and most people can support
these events but the HSP has more difficulties so he needs some little moment to calm down.
In noisy places he probably needs more time to think about what he is going to say. Another
characteristic is the fact they give attention to every detail, so the brain is always stimulated.
For example imagine that you are in class and you see a new chapter, you have a lot of things
to assimilate, at the end of the day you are tired and you have had enough of this subject. The
HSP has the same feeling all the time. This is what we call overstimulation.

E is for  “Emotionally reactive/ Empathy”, In the studies by Bianca Acevedo she found that
HSP has positive reaction to positive pictures. She saw the activity in the brain was in the
areas associated with the initial experience of strong emotions but not only there also is
higher activity in the areas of thinking and perceiving. So the HSP is emotionally reactive to
things that they perceive because they process more deeply and this leads the HSP to be an
empathic person which means: “The ability to empathize with the other. Affective empathy:

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

feeling the other person’s emotion. Cognitive empathy; being able to put yourself in the other
person’s perspective”3.

S is for “Sensitive to subtle stimuli”, is the ability to notice the little details around them. It is
because the brain works differently so the senses are more developed. This give to them
better visual distinction, sensitivity to noise, light,smell or what they touch.

7.2 test of Elaine Aron

7.3 what we will find in every hsp

3 Pediatrician and distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Départements of Pediatrics and Psychiatric
at the University of California.

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux


Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux


● Website
● Books
Esther Bergsma, the brain of the highly sensitive person

Elaine.N Aaron, the highly sensitive person

● Youtube video

Collège Episcopal du Sartay Mrs Bouffioux

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