Lesson 4 Question Sentences

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Lesson 4 Sentences and Punctuation.

Part 3 Question sentence. Question

Learning focus
To build knowledge of sentences and punctuation. Today we learn
question sentences.

Key words:
Sentence – предложение
Punctuation – пунктуация
Question sentence – вопросительное предложение
Subject - подлежащее
Verb - сказуемое
Question mark – восклицательный знак

Questions are sentences which ask something. When we write a question,
we should put a question mark (?) at the end of the sentence.

There are 3 groups of question sentences:

1) Questions about subject. When you ask about subject you start your
sentence with verb to be and don't forget your question marks in the

Verb to be + subject?

For example:

Are you ok?

Are we friends?

Is today Thursday?

Am I sick?

Is she a doctor?

Is dinner ready?
2) Questions about verb (subject’s act). When you ask about verb you
start your sentence with verb Do/Does/Can and don't forget your
question marks.

Question sentence’s structure will be:

Do/Does/+ subject+verb

Can+ subject+verb

These are examples for you:

Questions about act Questions about possible act

Do you live in Ufa? Can you swim?

Do you like pizza? Can you read this text?

Does he come from London? Can you help me with dinner?

Do you visit a doctor? Can you pass me that file, please?

3) W Questions, about the rest of words of sentence.

W questions words are:

What? Where? Which? When? Whom? Who? How?

WQuestion sentence structures are:

WQ+ Do/Does+ subject+verb?

WQ+ Verb to be + subject?

For examples:

WQ+ Do/Does+ subject+verb? WQ+ Verb to be + subject?

Where do you lose your key? Where are you?

When do you buy your car? When is she going to leave office?

How do you bake this cake? How are you?

What music do you like? What is she going to do?

Whom do you face in the street? Who are you?

1. Put question marks in the end of sentence correctly:
I like flowers
Where are you
What flowers do you like
Write statement sentence about your favourite meal. And ask 5 questions about your favourite meal
For example:

My favourite meal is pasta Bolognese. It is very popular in

Italy. Bolognese Sause made from mince and tomatoes.

Is your favourite meal pasta Bolognese?

What is your favourite meal?

Is it Italian food?

What country is it popular?

What from does pasta Bolognese make?

2. Read statement sentences and ask questions for each one.
For example:

1 She works in a hospital.

Who works in hospital? Does she work in hospital? Where does
she work? Can she work in hospital?
2 They prefer pop-music.

3 He speaks Japanese and Spanish.


4 We have 2 apples and 4 oranges.


5 She gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning.


6 He is a doctor in a military hospital.


7 We help them around the house.


8 I buy Christmas trees every year.


9 She likes to read different magazines.


10 They do sport every evening.


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