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the opening up of Nyasaland.

The Stevenson road forms a link

sources de l'histoire carolingienne, part i. (Paris, (1898);

oration upon the determination of magnetic variations and

E. Berthelot, who, in conjunction with Bardy, afterwards

into provinces or kingdoms and dependent territories. The

imposing temule still stood here. Akhmim was the Egyptian Apu

that in the aggregate they were greater than he calculated.

which this process was to begin. Again alarmed, the agitators

in Strongyle, i.e. Naxos, where they made themselves

(3) gradual variation of direction in gentle curves; (4)

Elphinstone, Account of the Kingdom of Kabul (1809);

Russia, but his new ally could give him very little assistance,

flexible joint. Above and below these movable coils, which

in his capacity as feudal lord; to act as his representative in

some of them can withstand a considerable degree of cold.

colony; in Desmidiaceae its contents divide on germination,

for examination for a commission as chief-boatswain,

Washington's Addresses (1789-1793-1796). Thus politics

On the other hand, the fact that an animal or plant cannot

19. Closing Operations of 1862.--Chickasaw Bayou and

referred to by Tiberius Cavallo in his Essay on the Medicinal

committee of the House of Commons on waste lands in 1795.

in 1870 and professor of the principles and practice of

assisted by the civil lord, responsible for finance at the

it is probable that their condition is not truly albinotic,

the deepest sounding in Victoria Nyanza being under 50

was also the work of Algardi. From an artistic point of view,

1354, who held it successfully against various attacks until

being well known. Such are the Chuya Alps, having an average

the subject in the dictionaries of Christian and liturgical

containing in its anhydrous state 24.4% of the metal,

been empowered to sign so long as the Board consisted of six

inconvenience to the reader. In the main, however, it is

cadet school which serves as a preparatory school for the

Graeco-Buddhist period Afghanistan is remarkably deficient. Of

negligence of his servants; but it is at the rame time

Balmhorn . . . . . . . . . . . 12,176 Schwarzhorn(Grindelwald) . . . . .9,613

R\ R\ R\ /NO2

grace. The history of actions is the history of civil procedure

when dry ammonia gas is passed into an ethereal solution of

sense-perception, with the world of objects which is our common

abundant. They include oysters, crabs of great size, and a

Over 500 '' 13,809 0.6 5,219 1.3

of great activities, for Philip, by war and diplomacy, was

word (earlier akerne, and acharn) is well discussed in the

which the modern scientific groundwork of anatomy is built.

more rapidly than any other power in Europe. Much depends on

however, fresh accusations were brought against him, and he

literally dissection or cutting asunder, a term always used

after roasting (in order to oxidize any iron present), is

that it was composed of the Paracelsian elements ``earth''

feast of St James the Apostle. A mayor of Altrincham is

adjoining to this, so that the eye of the father of the whole

to another, at last subsisting entirely on the proceeds of

Cocoa and chocolate are liable to a number of fraudulent

enough details of man's structure to make the articles on

observations on the ``different natures of grounds, how

the country, the British flag was, on the 11th of September,

governor-generalship of the Steppes in Asiatic Russia, formerly

AMAZONAS, a northern department of Peru, covering a

would promote its welfare, which Abd-el-Aziz had earnestly

Aymara ponco, meaning a door. The Pongo de Manseriche

carbonate and heated. By this means, sodium aluminate is

may, however, require the whole cargo space of the vessel to

6/0 Ras Alula died February 1897, aged about 52. He had

Wolverton, 23,200; July 11, Crystal Palace, 6623; July 21,

eminence, and particularly the height above the ground or above

of which he devoted a great deal of time and energy, and

office of experiment stations which represents the department

political and religious character which it ultimately bore.''

cases, but it remained for his pupil, Lewis (Ludovici) Ferrari,

that alloxan combines with thiourea in alcoholic solution,

was concluded on the 15th of May 1902 between England and

those taken from beneath the soil near by. The archaeologist

direct tenure from Jehovah, their sovereign, was in theory

the Minengani river, a stream a short distance south of the

The rate at which the trade in imported frozen mutton

developed in its full beauty and variety. Shrubs are not

Dane, and Alexei Chirikov, a Russian, in the ships ``Saint

Cicero, De Divinatione, i. 37; pro Sestio, 56, 58;

of ninety-seven vessels in all, of which eleven were of the

See Leuschner, Commeutatio de A. V. Vita, Moribus,

displaced positive and negative intrinsic charges in the

parts being cut away to allow of additions in marble, and the

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