WHFB 7 - Magic - Fire

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Fireball R

O Flaming Sword RR
OO Burning Head RRR

Printed by: Magic Suitcase Printed by: Magic Suitcase Printed by: Magic Suitcase

Magic Missile FR Remains in Play FR Spell FR

24". D6 S4 Flaming hits. The Wizard gains +1 A. All the Each model on 18" straight line
Wizard's attacks will hit on a basic take S4 Flaming hit. Panic test
score of 2+ and he adds +3 to his if suffering wounds.
Strength whilst using the Sword of
Rhuin. It is Magical weapon and
cannot be combined with other

Illus. Baron Wolf 5 Illus. Baron Wolf 5 Illus. Baron Wolf 8

Fiery Blast RRRR

OOOO Conflagration of Doom RRRRR

Printed by: Magic Suitcase Printed by: Magic Suitcase Printed by: Magic Suitcase

Magic Missile FR Spell FR Remains in Play FR

24". 2D6 S4 Flaming hits. Any enemy unit in LoS is taking D6 24". Each model in the unit's front
Flaming S4 hits. Both players roll a rank suffers S4 Flaming hit. If a unit
D6. IF the casting player rolls moves, each model in the unit
higher, add the dice roll to the suffers S4 hit and the spell ends.
number of hits caused. Repeat the Fireball on skirmishers.
process until the casting player rolls
equal to or less then his opponent.

Illus. Baron Wolf 8 Illus. Baron Wolf 11 Illus. Baron Wolf 12

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