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Organization for Minority Affairs,

Research, Communications and Legal

S R Mehroz Khan: +91 9886552855


1. Background / Context
2. Problem Statement – 1
3. Problem Statement – 2
4. Problem Statement – 3
5. Problem Statement - 4
6. Solution – OMRC
7. OMRC Activities
8. Questions & Suggestions
Background / Context
It is a well-known fact that contribution of minorities, especially the
Muslims is significant in the building and strengthening of the nation for
hundreds of centuries.
Thousands of ulemas sacrificed their lives for the freedom struggle, the
‘Khlifat Movement’ was initiated and led by several prominent Muslim
leaders that along with millions of people of all faiths resisted and gained
freedom from the British
The contribution and achievements of Muslims in every field is well
known. The contribution of the community from the foundation/grass
root level in the form of small traders and businesses, to the high-profile
leaders, officers, businesspersons, sports and celebrities, thereby raising
India’s status at an international level cannot be denied
The contribution of Muslim community in all aspects of life, from the
world famous monuments to the the culinary development, the arts and
cultural areas to the areas of science and technology the contribution of
the community is visible all around
Unfortunately, though, Off-late the condition of minorities, especially
Muslims that was already poor has now worsened and it continues to
spiral downwards.
Problem Statement - 1

With every passing day, a new form of targeting the entire community through violence and destroying
properties and business to intimidate and scare the community and demonizing the community for political
Leave aside common man of the community, even its most publicly known , religious leaders and political
strong leaders, celebrities, sports persons or businesspersons are not spared the indignity, intimidation and
constant humiliations and threats

But the question that comes to mind is, how did the community reach this point, fall to these conditions?
Was there anything that could have been done to prevent / avoid the conditions that we are in now? Was
there anything that the community, could have done either collectively or individually?
Why is there so much of angst and hatred against Muslims? Is this islamophobia growing, or is it unchanged or
is it declining? Are we really innocent victims or are we undergoing a punishment for wrongs that were done
either unknowingly by us or done by others / previous generations for which we are paying a price?
Problem Statement - 2

For long, we have been living oblivious and unmindful of the subtle and slow changes all around us. We never
realized that a few malicious organizations had long ago strategized their path to power through demonizing an
entire community and unleashing a rein of terror and the most horrendous violence against even minor
children to intimidate and grab political power

While divine justice shall certainly prevail and every evil person shall have a day of reckoning, we also need to
realize that we too as individuals and as a community have through our blissful ignorance contributed to many
of the issues. The statement “if you are not a part of the solution, then you are the problem” is applicable to all
of us. Whether we know it or not, whether we took some action or did not take an action, we have directly or
indirectly contributed to the issues we face today

From remaining ignorant to the incidents reported of voter IDs missing from electoral rolls, to the lack of
literacy and schooling in the impoverished neighborhoods, to the lack of medical services for the poor, so long
as we maintained the stance that as long as I am not inconvenienced, everything is fine, we have caused the
Problem Statement - 3

As long as we are all sailing together in the same ship, it does not matter which part of the ship is taking in
water. I cannot ignore it away thinking that if it is only the lower berths taking in water, but I am at the higher
level. Sooner or later, the ship is going to sink taking down all of us (some drown sooner, some later)
Therefore it is critical that we monitor and keep a

Another example more recent and live is the landslides in the Uttarakhand a couple of years ago, which was
attributed to the destruction of the grass and shrubs in the mountain slopes, leading to weaking of the soil and
making the mountains vulnerable to land slides.

A reminder to all of us, that no matter how mighty and powerful, we have to always bear in mind that the
prosperity, positions and high statuses can come crumbling down if there is no constant check and maintain
the appropriate balances and to ensure that all sections of a society are safeguarded and protected

It is crucial that as a civilized society, one must always look out for the welfare and well being of each and every
person in the nation and society
Problem Statement - 4

Any sailor that has worked on a ship will tell us that for a ship to sail from one place to another, there are many
activities that have to be executed to ensure it sails safely and reaches its destination. In the wide-open ocean, it is
very easy for a ship to get lost and keep sailing in the wrong direction, because it is an open ocean with no
landmarks or tracks that one can follow, The Captain and crew of the shop therefore maintain meticulous charts
and logs, their travel plans and directions are carefully decided, and rations (food & water) loaded into the ship
accordingly to last the journey.
We see that our community is today in such a perilous situation for having drifted with the winds and the waters
without a plan / direction. Without careful planning and monitoring / tracking
Disunited with no communication, coordination or alignments, individual efforts led to frustration and anxiety only
Disunited with no communication, coordination or alignments, individual efforts led to frustration and anxiety only
To move a huge rock or boulder manually requires well planned and coordinated and synchronized actions. Else,
though all the people may be exercising full strength, but if not being done together at the same time, they will
simply have burnt up all energy and the rock would not have even budged from its place.
Solution – Coming Together to form OMARC

Therefore, through this ardent appeal, we reach out to everyone to come together and join hands to strategize and plan,
coordinate/communicate and help to execute in synchronization to effectively and efficiently accomplish our goals
As a minority community that had its dignity trampled and identity crushed lives and properties lost and now threatened on a daily
basis with genocide, we must take serious note of the deteriorated situation and spur ourselves into properly strategized and
planned actions, and not resort to knee-jerk reactions that only backfired till date
In order to achieve the able, we have formed OMARC (Organization for minorities affairs research, communications, policies and legal
The high level aims and objectives being
1. Research & Communications
2. Digital & Social Media Outreach
3. Research on Legal and Policy Matters
4. Trainings – Legal, Constitutional, Job/Vocational
5. Interactions and discussions to brainstorm and strategize
6.Awareness camps and providing information
7. Celebrating National Festivals and Icons
8 Inviting experts to address
9. Organizing National integration programs
10. Recognizing Muslim achievers to spread awareness of Muslim contributions to nation and society
Research & Communications

Research & Communications:

The objective of this team will be to investigate/research and prepare reports on various topics that have
current or future impact on the community. The team shall comprise of various subject matter experts
(Economists, Philosophers, Journalists, Political Analysts, Science & Technology Experts, Medical experts,
Legal experts etc). A pipeline of topics from the different areas of interests mentioned earlier shall be
taken up and a detailed whitepaper published highlighting an executive summary and the
significance/relevance of the topic to the community and finally some recommendations on the
preparations / readiness or actions to be taken.
Digital, Conventional & Social Media Outreach

Digital, Conventional & Social Media Outreach:

The objective of this team will be to serve as the communication channel for an on behalf of the
community. To reach out to the public and within the community to publicize events and drive
enrolments, popularize the achievements / accomplishments and contributions of the community to the
nation and society, to explain/justify/defend and safeguard the community reputation and counter the
growing islamophobia nationally and internationally through all channels (conventional, digital & social
Research on Policy & Legal Matters

Research on Policy & Legal Matters:

Topics relating to policy changes and legal issues have taken critical stage now. Especially in light of the
several anti-constitutional policies that have been announced off-late, such as the CAA/NRC, Triple Talaq
Bill, Anti-Coversion, Beef Ban, Hijab Ban, Ban on businesses and trade activity of Muslims, New Education
Policy, Farmers Bill, Notebandhi and many more. The objective of this team (working under the ambit of
the Research & Development Team), carry out detailed research and investigation on the topic. How did
the topic gain / or shall gain significance, what is/will be the impact on the society and community, has
this or similar topic been implemented or affected in any other country internationally? What was its
outcome elsewhere? (For example, the ban on use of old 500 and 1000 currency bills implemented in
around 2016, what was the explanation/justification provided, what was its impact on the community and
society shall be, what actions to be taken to safeguard / protect from its negative impacts or the inverse
Trainings / Workshops / Seminars (Legal & Constitutional Awareness)

Trainings / Workshops / Seminars– (Legal, Constitutional awareness):

Organize and conduct seminars, trainings, workshops etc to provide more detailed awareness on current
and future anticipated developments in the society and nation. Provide citizens briefings on the legal
rights and duties of citizens of India, understand how to be ready and prepared to protect and safeguard
life and properties. Understanding of the constitution and its function in India.
Interactions and Discussions to Brainstorm and Strategize

Interactions and discussions to brainstorm and strategize:

Organize seminars, discussions, debates and brainstorming sessions comprising of experts and specialists
as well as general public through various platforms such as in person events, online surveys and social
media campaigns, video conference sessions etc
Awareness Camps and Providing Information

Awareness camps and providing information:

On several occasions in the past, due to disorganized manner of communications, the community has
fallen prey and become victims to chaos, confusion leading to hysteria, panic or frenzied mobs that cause
more damage to the community through their knee-jerk reactions
When situations demand, organize awareness campaigns to provide and spread information within the
community. Using the available media channels and platforms, provide information to all in an organized
and structured manner avoiding chaos, confusion and hysteria etc.
The incidents triggered to respond to provocations of malicious persons postings on the social media
platforms, or going back a little back in history the incident of frenzied parents mobbing and triggering
panics in hospitals after rumors were spread that Polio drops were contaminated are still fresh in
Forming a structured and organized communication channel that can address and provide communication
in a structured and organized manner, providing validated and confirmed information from the
appropriate experts is extremely important
Celebrating National Festivals and Important Events of Indian History

Celebrating National Festivals and Important events of Icons of Indian History:

There has always been a constant nag that the community does not celebrate national festivals with the
fervor, enthusiasm and zest and supposedly shows a lackadaisical response to celebrations of national
interest such as Independence day, Republic Day or even the state Rajyotsava etc.
Though these are very petty observations, but does add and weigh in favor of the voices that use such
examples to keep insisting that the patriotism of the community is always in doubt.
It is therefore critical that some efforts and resources be directed towards demonstrating and making
visible efforts and organizing events to negate or repel such comments that question the community’s
fervor and enthusiasm in celebrating national festivals.
Likewise organize events to celebrate national icons such as birth centenaries or anniversaries of national
heroes and tall figures to repel away comments and mindset created that Muslims do not recognize /
appreciate the efforts and contributions of national heroes or think very little of the achievements and
accomplishments of the heroes.
Experts Addresses to the Community

Experts addresses to the Community:

Arrange presentations from experts on topics that have significance to the community.
Organizing National Integration Programs:
Plan and organize events that can bring communities and people together. Being able to recognize and
appreciate the differences between people, faiths, cultures, traditions, races and geographies. Events that
can connect the different people and bring close communities through common festivals, celebratory
events etc
Recognizing Muslim Contribution to Nation & Society

Recognizing Muslim achievers to spread awareness of Muslim contributions to nation and society:
Muslim achievements and contributions are not only suppressed, but are turned around and a complete
lie is created to demonize / show the Muslim heroes as villains of history. Examples of how the Tiger of
Mysore Tipu Sultan who has been always a hero for centuries, is now branded as a villain and criminal
that killed hindus for their religion, creating a massive historical lie and engineering hatred against the
entire community by portraying the muslim achievers and heroes as villains, religious bigots and mass
Therefore organizing and celebrating the achievements and accomplishments and spreading the
contributions of the muslim heroes to the nation and society is extremely critical and important in order
to ensure that history does not get re-written based on blatant lies and portrayal of heroes as cruel villains
Next Steps

The next steps to establish the OMARC are

1. Need office space of about 1500 Sq Ft to accommodate the operations and the team
2. Recruit 3 research assistants and 2 legal assistants. The research assistants shall be responsible to collect/gather
information on the topic assigned from all sources (books, newspapers, magazine articles, internet sources etc) to
put together all facts and present the whitepapers / research reports. The inputs from the research team shall be
crucial to the leadership of OMARC to put together a compelling vision, determine the strategies and put together
and action/execution plan. The Legal assistants shall be actively assisting the research assistants with key inputs
from a legal perspective, as well as assist the OMARC leadership with advisory services as well as pursue legal
actions if required towards the protection and safeguarding of community welfare
3. Recruit 3 people for social media comprising of 1 content writer/editor/designer, one Kannada and one English
4. One Center Head to oversee and direct the day to day operations of OMARC
5. Require an Opex budget that is expected to be at 40 Lakhs / annum (inclusive of salaries)
6. Require a commitment for the Capex budget, estimated at 10 Lakhs towards office furnishing, library/books,
Conference room, computers/laptiops/screen etc (Excluding the rentals)
7. Initiate the registrations and formalities
8. Identify and prepare a pipeline / list of research topics that should be taken by the research team
Questions & Suggestions

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