Aug 2011 Smoke Signals

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Editor: Judy Linstruth

14639 S. Wimpy Jones Rd, P.O. Box 205, Garfield, AR 72732 Office: 479-359-3134
Vol. 13 No. 2

August 2011



Sept. 5 - Country Breakfast

This edition of NEBCO SMOKE SIGNALS 7-10am, NEBCO newsletter will be the last to be printed and Community Center mailed. Yes, NEBCO is going paperless or Green. SMOKE SIGNALS will still be Oct. 1 - Annual Turkey Shoot 9-5, NEBCO Main published but it will only appear on our Station & Community Website:


Also in looking for ways to save a tree, probably even a small forest, NEBCO FIRE-EMS is in the process of gathering the email addresses of our members. These addresses will be used as a means to communicate news and information in regards to upcoming NEBCO events in a more timely manner. We will also let you know when the latest NEBCO SMOKE SIGNALS is posted on our web sight. Just send us an email to: Your contact information will not be shared with anyone. Group emails would be sent as a bcc and not show the name and address information for anyone. Thanks to all who have e-mailed your information already. If you are not sure, feel free to do so again or mail in the back page of this copy of Smoke Signals with the necessary information. For those of you who dont have a computer, we will still have copies available in the office or you can let us know and we will mail you a copy. All you have to do is respond on the back page. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO ENJOYS READING OUR NEWSLETTER

NUMBERS TO REMEMBER Emergency call 911 Permission to burn: 866-207-5140

Whats New at NEBCO FIRE-EMS?

Since we spoke last there has been some great changes at NEBCO FIRE-EMS! We have purchased a newer ambulance and a brand new tanker. Chiefs Desk We were able to purchase our new ambulance from Bella Vista Fire Department for a very good price. It is a 2006 4 wheel drive that has fewer miles than the two older ambulances we have and it has been very well maintained. This ambulance has the air ride suspension that will help smooth the ride over some of our rough roads. It has more room in back so the paramedics have room to work more freely. But one, if not the biggest improvement is the fact that it is 4 wheel drive. After last winters snow this was one of the top priorities we knew we needed to confront. We started the year out not knowing what we would be able to do about this problem knowing our budget was nowhere near where it needed to be to replace an ambulance, but knew we had to get started. We have been very fortunate to have some very good support from Rogers Fire Department and now Bella Vista Fire Department. Rogers has helped us by donating us some equipment, helping us purchase our cardiac monitors at an affordable price and not to mention an ambulance they donated to us. Bella Vista Fire Chief called me one day and asks if we might be interested in one of their ambulances since they were replacing all of their equipment. So I discussed it with the Board and they advised me to go and talk to them and see what I could work out. After some rock throwing and mudslinging, (HA, HA,) I came back with an offer of $25,000. After selling the ambulance from Rogers and our old back up ambulance we have actually spent less than $10,000 for our new ambulance. In the next year or two we will put together a program to gather funds for replacement equipment in the future. In the mean time I feel confident this ambulance will help to get us through for 3 to 5 years to come. So if you get the chance to thank the guys from Rogers or Bella Vista tell them Thanks for the Support. After a lot of hard work, grants, and donations from you we have finally taken ownership of a brand new tanker. It is a 2011 3000 gal. tanker. This truck is equipped with automatic tire chains so when the roads are slick all it takes is the flip of a button and the tire chains come down. It has automatic dump valves on three sides of the truck which will allow us to dump the entire 3000 gallons of water in less than 3 minutes. Both of these items are to help things go faster when time is everything. It will be housed at station #2 on Posy Mt. Dr. This truck will help tremendously with our water supply problems in this area. Having a new truck that is dependable should make firefighting operations smoother and safer plus help cut down the cost in repairs. Again this would not have been possible without your donations. I also want to thank Pete Rathmell for his hard work in writing the grants for this project. Another key person involved in making this happen was Senator Cecile Bledsoe. She has been and is a true friend of NEBCO. She has helped us in so many ways by getting the grants we need to make projects like this happen. And finally we are in the process of getting water in station #2 on Posy Mt. Dr. This is another task that has been a feat in its self. But once again with the help from an anonymous donor that too is becoming a reality. Even before we built the new station, there was no water at the old station. So this is going to be a big benefit in station operations. Well, hope youre having a good summer and staying cool. Please come by anytime and dont forget to mark your calendars for the Labor Day Breakfast and the Turkey Shoot. NEBCO FIRE-EMS needs and sincerely appreciates your support. Thanks for all you do! Chief Rob Taylor

Turkey Shoot will be looking different this year. Yes, we will have the Rib Cook-Off but bigger and better than last year. Oh, you bet, the Shooting Events will be going strong and will be going all the way up to 2:30, WOW! We are working hard on some awesome donations for our raffle drawing and BIG Silent Auction. We already have a 46 LCD HD TV, a set of cookware, a collection of St. Nick Village pieces, Dishware, and much much more. So bring your check book/cash because youre going to want lots of tickets and to watch your auction items very closely. I have it on good authority that bidding will be heated. There will be no Live Auction this year. The total revenue received and the lack of quality items did not make it worth the labor and expense to collect and setup. KIDS ACTIVITIES WILL BE A MAJOR CHANGE! This year we will have three big events for the kids of all ages. A bungee jump, climbing wall, bounce slide and a GYRO BALL. Wow! So check the piggy bank, couch and under the tree house for that loose change and come on down for some real fun this year. We still have the face painting with even more picture options. Prices: Buy your tickets (.50) at the ticket booth for all events Face painting : .50 to $5.00 Gyro Ball, Bungee, Rock Climb, Bounce: $2.50



We have a wonderful facility for your special event If you would like we can assist you with experienced people to prepare your food in our commercial kitchen. We have several options available to make your event worry free and extra special. Call us today to discuss your plans and we will help you make it an event to remember. Book early to be sure your date is available.

Saying Goodbye to One of Our Own

John Knabenschuh, friend, leader and Mentor. Those are just a few of the words that describe John. I came to know John in 1997. Little did I know that he would soon become one of the most influential person in my life. I met John when he joined VAS. We joined at the same time. John and I took First responder at the same time. He was the Oldest in the class and I was the youngest. And If I remember right he had the highest score in the class and I had the lowest. After that John (at 70 years old) went on to get his EMT. I would later have to have his help to complete my EMT course. John was always willing to help. Willing to help anyone in need. John had a passion for helping people like I have never seen before. Even at two oclock in the morning, John had passion. And most of the time a smile to.. John was not scared of a thing either, well at least not to my knowledge. John would walk into a scene calm, cool and collected. I never saw John get wound up. John always had a level head. Well at least until he got in his car to go to a scene. John is the only man I believe I have ever seen go from 0 to 80 in 100 feet, in a school zone, get caught by a deputy and not get a ticket. John was also the only person I know that would research for two months which car was going to be easier to take the front end apart so he could put his lights and siren on before he bought it. Then after he bought it, had the factory put a second battery and alternator just to have enough power to run all his lights and sirens. Reliable. John was always reliable. All you had to do was call and he was there. He was there for anything; around the house work, work at the station and most of all when there was a call. As a matter of fact if you didnt hear VAS 47 En Route, you had better call John and make sure he was ok, because John never and I do mean never, missed a call. I believe that in one year VAS had 512 calls and John made 510 of those calls. And he probably would have made those two but he had two flat tires. John is the only person that I know could go through 8-10 tires a month. Leader. And that John was. While the saying was coined by a great army general, I believe John lived by it ( I will be the first to step foot on the field of battle and I will be the last to step off. Dead or alive we will all come home together.) And John made sure of that. John would be the first to do anything and he would be the last one there. Mentor. Not long after John joined VAS, he took the training position. Not only did John take the position but he ran with it. The training that VAS received was second to none. He didnt just make sure you knew how to do your job, he made sure you knew how to do your job well and sound and look professional when doing it. The Arkansas EMT association holds a conference every year in Hot Springs. The first year I got to go was with John. And let me tell you it was an experience. This is a four day conference and for four days we ran, not walked, ran from class to class. We didnt set in the back row either, we sat on the front row. John always said that the smart people sat on the front row and were smart people. I found out real quick that the smart people get picked on. My first class that he took me to, I had to get up on the stage and take my shirt off so the teacher could draw( in permanent marker) all the vital organs. After that I sat in the middle section and John sat on the front row. Several years later I would start paramedic school. Little do most know John went to all the prerequisites of paramedic school two years before I started. The day I started John called me and said can you come by I have something for you. And he did. All of Johns notes. And they were detailed. John encouraged me every day I saw him. A year or so after I graduated from medic school I got the opportunity to take care of John. I was very nervous to say the least. However when I walked through the door, John looked at me and said, I am glad its you. Before I could tell any of the help what to do, John already did. I was deeply saddened when I received the call and was informed that John had passed away. Johns family lost a Dad, a friend and a Grandpa. This community lost a legend. But as always a Legend lives on and John will to. John Knabenschuh, Friend, Family, Leader and Mentor MAY YOU REST IN PEACE. Nick Mason


Continually looking for ways to improve the fire and emergency services response times, NEBCO FIRE-EMS saw an opportunity to do so in the person of Andy Driggs, Volunteer Fire Fighter/EMT. Andy, who had joined NEBCO in 2008, accepted our offer to work full time in our administration office doing fire and emergency medical services reporting, billing, personnel records, etc. The admin office is next door to NEBCO Station #1. Picture Andy, working in that office during the day M-F. Imagine you have an emergency. Andy, now right next door, is literally seconds away and qualified to respond immediately with either our fire or emergency medical equipment. Add to that, now that NEBCO is both Fire and EMS, we have an EMT and a Paramedic on duty 24/7 every day of the year. Andy being at station #1 while other NEBCO volunteers could be at work, home, etc., means we can get personnel and equipment on the scene quicker, with additional NEBCO FIRE-EMS volunteers heading straight to the emergency in equipment from one of our five NEBCO Fire Stations, or direct to the scene from wherever they are. For you, this means a more rapid response to your fire or medical emergency. Andy is just one step, but we know it is in the right direction. Now, since we really wanted you to Get to Know Andy Driggs, hes a lifetime area resident, born in Rogers, schooled in Pea Ridge, now living in Garfield. Hes an eligible bachelor, enjoys hunting, fishing, kayaking, hiking and photography, both professionally and as a hobby. Having completed his EMT training in 2010, Andy is currently taking additional Fire Fighter training and plans to start Paramedic school as soon as possible. One of his most rewarding experiences with NEBCO, the March 2009 Beaver Lake rescue of two young boys. The boys canoe had capsized. They were without life jackets. A storm was brewing. You know the water was cold. Andy, along with Corey Cannon, J.D. Fagg, Richard Funk and Nick Mason, all on NEBCO Fireboat #872, were able to reach both boys and pull them to safety before a real tragedy occurred. Now you know a little more about NEBCO FIRE-EMSs Andy Driggs. Be sure and say hello, and tell him thanks for his service when you see him.

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age 5

With the temperatures soaring out of control everyone needs to guard against the strain this can place on your body. The sweltering temperatures have already proven deadly. Hundreds of people in the heat stricken areas are looking for ways to keep cool without running up their electric bills. August has been on record as a very hot month in Northwest Arkansas in the past and this year looks no different. Families are looking for ways to enjoy the last of the kids summer vacation without the fear of heat stroke or other heat related illness. Many schools have started their fall football training and many are just avid outdoor lovers. For some the job keeps them outdoors in the heat. SO WHAT ARE YOU TO DO Here are some tips to keep in mind this summer:

Reduce outdoor activity, particularly during the late morning and early afternoon hours. The use of misters will help your body cool. Increase your water intake and reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. If you work outside take lots of breaks and try and find a cool place in the shade and keep the fluids going all day. Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing Limit outdoor activities and try and avoid strenuous activities. Try and keep your thermostat set at 78 to 85 degrees in your home. This should reduce your air conditioner usage and still keep you comfortable. Use fans in the rooms you occupy the most to keep the air circulating. Warning Signs of Heat Illness Heat rash, muscle cramping, heavy sweating, nausea and vomiting, high body temperature, weakness, and fainting. The CDC points out that without prompt treatment, severe heat illness can cause organ failure, brain damage, and death. Signs of rapidly progressing heatstroke Unconsciousness for longer than a few seconds. Convulsion (seizure). Signs of moderate to severe difficulty breathing. Confusion, severe restlessness, or anxiety. Fast heart rate. Sweating that may be heavy or may have stopped. Skin that may be red, hot, and dry, even in the armpits. Severe vomiting and diarrhea CALL 911 Move the person to a cool area and expose as much skin to the air Sponge or spray the person with cool not cold water, apply ice packs to the neck and armpits. If they are awake and alert enough give them fluids for hydration.


If you did not attend the spaghetti dinner you really missed a feed. Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread and drink and it was all you could eat. If I were you I would watch for the flyers for the next one, you will regret missing it.
Andy Driggs fills a plate of spaghetti for Dorothy Williams at NEBCO FIRE/EMS Spaghetti Dinner April 22.

Cory Cannon

Nick Mason

Jerry Nida

Rob Taylor


Well from time to time we have to let our volunteers retire. Trust me I try to get all I can get out of a person before I let them retire. After 16 plus years Jerry Nida has decided to retire from NEBCO FIRE-EMS. Jerry started in January 1995 and retired June 2011. Over the years Jerry has been a big help with the department serving out of station 2. Jerry has always been one that I could rely on for most everything. I never needed to worry about station 2 because Jerry was taking care of it, trucks were checked and clean. He was always ready to respond and assist in whatever was needed. He was always interested in taking classes and training. He helped a lot with the Turkey Shoot and other fund raising events. Some of the best times I remember on this department is the station 2 crew. For the longest time it was primarily made up of Jerry and Stanley Williams who retired here a few years ago. Whenever you would get on scene and you would look up and there would come Jerry and Stanley, you would just wonder what was going on in that cab!! You might ask Cory Cannon, he was known to ride between the two now and then. If they werent arguing you knew something was wrong because they were both always right. Just ask them! But there is one thing for certain whatever it might have been rest assured it was in the best interest of the department and the community.

Andy Driggs and Al Roos check on the Spaghetti while RuthaAnn Cobb works on the salad.

We are mourning the passing of Jerry Donahue and his wife Nelda.

Jerry, it has been a pleasure working with you over the Nelda passed away before Christmas 2010 after years, you are missed but enjoy your retirement. You deserve it. the couple moved back to Casa Grande AZ to be near family. That was a very difficult time for Jerry and Dont be afraid to come by and see us and if you want and you can bring Stanley with you. his family was a very supportive influence for him. While visiting a daughter in Oregon Jerrys health failed him at Chief Rob Taylor last and he passed away several weeks ago. He donated his body to Science and later was cremated. The family will return at some point to scatter his ashes in the Ozarks as he wished. Over the years Jerry Donahue was always a strong supporter and advisor to NEBCO. As the former Fire Chief of the Casa Grande Fire Department in Arizona he had lots of experience to draw on to assist our fledging volunteer organization grow. He and Dick Knapp were responsible for the purchase of one of the first upgraded trucks which they purchased from a department in Wisconsin. The two of them flew up there to pick it up. It acquired the nickname the big banana. It has since left the department but at the time Station 3 was mighty proud of their purchase. It was Jerrys idea to the Board of Directors to create a major fund raiser for the department and the Turkey Shoot was born. Now 18 years later this annual event has grown into the best and biggest fund raiser each year for NEBCO. We would not be the department we are today without the help of people like Jerry Donahue, he has been and will always be remembered for his contribution to NEBCO.

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Do you have your 911 sign yet?

Only $15 and well worth knowing that in an emergency we can find you. Call or stop by our office and order one today.



For all our neighbors who care enough to bring us beverages and if needed food when we are out there fighting fires or on an emergency call working up a thirst and sweating up a storm.THANK YOU!!! You cant imagine just how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness. We know its not always easy to know where we are or how to get to us but you try all the same. Your efforts and kindness make our work that much easier to do. YOU ARE ALL STARS IN OUR BOOK



NEBCO FIRE-EMS Northeast Benton County Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. P.O. Box 205 Garfield, AR 72732-0205

Non-Profit-Org. U.S. Postage PAID Garfield, AR Permit No. 20

Postal Patron




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