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When the following rules are implemented for the selection of removal targets, which may be
used to build a criticality index and therefore listed, active removal is frequently more
efficient in terms of the number of collisions avoided vs objects deleted. The chosen things
should be heavy (they have the biggest environmental impact just in case of collision) Should
have a high possibility of colliding (e.g., they must be in densely inhabited regions and have
an outsized cross-sectional area) It should be at a high height (where the orbital period of
time of the ensuin fragments are long). As a result, space debris removal methods differ from
capturing methods and are categorised into two types: space environment-based methods and
non-space environment-based methods, as shown below.
 Electro Dynamic Tether:
This technique employs a clean semiconducting cable and two field electrode array cathodes
powered by electricity. Electro Dynamic Tether developed JAXA, which uses the
geomagnetic field to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. The Electro Dynamic Tether system has
plasma contractors at either end of the tether to change current flow in both directions; also,
the Electro Dynamic Tether removal approach was previously used in orbit transfer and orbit
 Contact Based Removal Methods:
These ideas presented procedures for removing space junk from Earth orbit from its
surroundings. Furthermore, non-space surroundings-based approaches are frequently divided
into two key groups: contact-based and contactless removal methods. A contact-based
strategy might be developed that takes use of an immediate interaction between software-
based chaser satellites and spacecraft to target space debris removal systems. The sling-shot
technique and the sticky approach are two basic ways for removing space junk from orbit.
 Laser Satellite:
It is a contactless debris technique in which tiny and big space debris may be eradicated by
discharging a pulsed laser onto the item, which slows its velocity and alters its altitude,
causing it to drift into a graveyard orbit.

space debris mitigation guidelines:

 During normal operations, spacecraft and orbital stages should not emit debris.
 Break-ups were minimised at all stages of the mission.
 Terminating spacecraft or orbital stages their operating stages in orbits that traverse
the LEO section should be de-orbited or, if necessary, guided into orbit with a
shortened lifespan (25 years has been determined in research to be the average) a
normal life span.
 If a spacecraft or orbital stage is to be destroyed by re-entry into the atmosphere,
debris that survives to reach the Earth's surface should not represent a significant
Limitations are potential flaws in a study that are beyond the researcher's control (Simon &
Goes, 2013). Because the study was conducted in the United States and Europe, one
drawback of this case study was the inability to generalise the findings to a worldwide
population. The inability to handle the impact of international politics on the business
problem was a second restriction. Governments frequently limit corporate activity to promote
or preserve their national interests, and international politics has played a role in the space
debris problem. A third constraint concerns the scope. Although some business solutions may
be technological in nature, this study did not investigate the technical feasibility of a business

Further Issues to Be Addressed by the Law

Aside from the legal issues of SDR, several factors will determine the practicability of repair.
They include finding a way to overcome the financial barrier for SDRs as well as developing
an effective method to taking into account the strategic, security, and military elements of on-
orbit servicing and active debris removal.
Conclusion and my point of view :
This paper presents the brief introduction about the current scenario and most used removal
methods of active space debris. Numerous studies have shown that the level of compliance
with the mitigation rules should be higher than 90 percent to frontier the growth of space
debris in Earth orbit the last past two decades. Almost all removal methods are found to be
compatible with unlike shapes, sizes, types, and orbits of space debris. Various space removal
methods have been suggested by many researchers. However, not a single space junk has
been eliminated till date form space only because of the complication and high cost of the

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