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Subject Area: Belizean Studies Date: February 7, 2023

Strand/Topic/Sub-topic: Earth Science Grade Level: Standard 2

Earth’s Layers

Learning Outcome(s): SC 3.02 Identify and describe the components of the physical Earth as a system,
including the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust.

Content Objective(s): Through the use of a song and egg experiment, students will be able to:
1. Identify and list the layers of the Earth
2. Investigate the layers of the earth
3. Create a model of the layers using a compass

Concept(s)/Content: Layers of the Earth

The Earth is not just one big ball that’s solid throughout, although it might look that
way! But it is made up of different layers, a bit like an onion. Each layer you peel off is
made up of different things and they do different things too. Let’s get on with it and
find all there is to know about the layers of the Earth!

How Many Layers Does the Earth Have

 The Earth has 4 layers

 Crust – We live on this part
 Mantle – Mostly solid rock but parts are hotter and more fluid
 Outer Core – Made up of liquid metal and rock
 Inner Core – Solid Rock made up of iron and nickel

Skills & Disposition (Attitudes): Observe the layers of the Earth

Listen keenly to Information on the layers of the Earth
Analyze critical thinking when brainstorming the layers of the Earth
Respect group members when discussing the layers of the Earth
Value the Importance of Information the layers of the Earth
Collaborate when creating Module on the layers of the Earth

Linkage(s): Mathematics (shapes)

Language Arts (Listening, Speaking, Viewing, Writing)

Procedures for Lesson/Learning Strategies: Introduction:

 Show the students the onion and ask them to identify the vegetable.
 Elicit from the students some questions about the onion [size, taste, consistency].
 Ask the students if they know what the onion and the Earth have in common.
 Begin pulling the leaves off the onion, showing how there are layers to the onion
just like there are layers to the Earth.
 Tell the students: When looking at an onion, it looks like solid ball. Once you begin
pulling the leaves off, you see there are layers underneath. The Earth is the same
way. You see the Earth as a solid ball, but it’s not. The Earth has layers and each
layer has a specific function.

 Have students listen to a song on the layers of the Earth
 Encourage them to sing along
 Ask students to imagine that they would use a shovel to dig deeper and deeper into
the Earth.
 Probe students to state what they think they would encounter along the way.
 Have them share their ideas and discuss these as a class.


 Show students a PowerPoint presentation

 Go over the information as a class
 Conduct whole class discussion
 Place students in groups of 3s
 Make sure each student have construction paper, crayons, a ruler and a compass.
 Tell students they will be creating a model with construction paper
 Give each group a paper with measurements of Layers of the Earth
 Students will use their ruler to measure and compass to accurately draw each circle
 Start with the inner core:1.9cm
 The outer layer: 5.35 cm.
 Repeat step 5 and 6 for the mantle and crust.
 Mantle: 9.8 cm
 Crust: 9.9cm
 Have the students go back and color each of their layers a different color and label
each layer appropriately.

 Have students answer exit slip questions from PowerPoint
Assessment(s): Use of Multi-purpose checklist
Exit slips

Resource(s): Belize national competency-based unit of work. MOE Belize. MOE Science and
Technology Unit Plan Standard 2.pdf

Four Layers of the Earth | Children Song| Ganut. J, (May 2017).

Material(s): Exit slips, video, laptop, projector, boiled eggs, plastic knifes, plates

Evaluation: Weakness(es):


Subject Area: Belizean Studies Date: February 8, 2023

Strand/Topic/Sub-topic: Earth Science Grade Level: Standard 2

Earth’s Layers

Learning Outcome(s): SC 3.02 Identify and describe the components of the physical Earth as a system,
including the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust.

Content Objective(s): Through the use of a song and jeopardy game, students will be able to:
1. Identify and list the layers of the Earth
2. Investigate the layers of the earth
3. Create a poster of the four layers of the Earth
Concept(s)/Content: Layers of the Earth
The Earth is not just one big ball that’s solid throughout, although it might look that
way! But it is made up of different layers, a bit like an onion. Each layer you peel off is
made up of different things and they do different things too. Let’s get on with it and
find all there is to know about the layers of the Earth!

How Many Layers Does the Earth Have

 The Earth has 4 layers

 Crust – We live on this part
 Mantle – Mostly solid rock but parts are hotter and more fluid
 Outer Core – Made up of liquid metal and rock
 Inner Core – Solid Rock made up of iron and nickel

Skills & Disposition (Attitudes): Observe the layers of the Earth

Listen keenly to Information on the layers of the Earth
Analyze critical thinking when brainstorming the layers of the Earth
Respect group members when discussing the layers of the Earth
Value the Importance of Information the layers of the Earth
Collaborate when creating Module on the layers of the Earth

Linkage(s): Mathematics (shapes)

Language Arts (Listening, Speaking, Viewing, Writing)
Expressive Arts (Drawing)

Procedures for Lesson/Learning Strategies: Introduction:

 Show students a picture of a person in layers of clothing

 Elicit from students why she is wearing so many clothes (protection,
warmth, etc..)
 Introduce topic: Layers of the Earth

 Have students listen to a song on the layers of the Earth
 Encourage them to sing along
 Ask students to imagine that they would use a shovel to dig deeper and deeper into
the Earth.
 Probe students to state what they think they would encounter along the way.
 Have them share their ideas and discuss these as a class.


Jeopardy Game:
 Project the game on the board
 Have students play the Jeopardy game with questions generated from all the
following areas: the four layers of the Earth

 Have students make a poster of the layers of the earth in groups
 Give each group a bristol board
 Let them use the four crayons of choice to color in the sections they divided up
as the layers
 Have the students write the four layers outside the sections

 Groups will present their posters

Assessment(s): Use of Multi-purpose checklist

Exit slips

Resource(s): Belize national competency-based unit of work. MOE Belize. MOE Science and
Technology Unit Plan Standard 2.pdf

Four Layers of the Earth | Children Song| Ganut. J, (May 2017).

Material(s): Exit slips, video, laptop, projector, boiled eggs, plastic knifes, plates

Evaluation: Weakness(es):


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