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PO Goals:

1) We need to communicate the Business and Product vision and should make sure the team
fully understands it.
2) Decompose the Product roadmap.
3) Set team priorities based on Business value.
4) What gets built, in what depth, and in what order? does it add adds value to the users? (We
constantly analyse where items fit on Roadmap and Backlog.
5) Need to ensure that the product is positioned to meet the Business goals.

Product Roadmap is a long-term development plan that gives stakeholders the information they
need to coordinate the planning. It provides predictability to the Product development process.

Product Vision Roadmap Release Plan

Each Release
will provide
Product Backlog value that
customer would

Progressively elaborate from the bigger picture through , to the molecular details as they are

3 pillars of Product owner:

Value Decision Making


Engagement, value, Decision making

Engagement: From prioritizing the backlog to helping the team in determining the value.
Value: Ensuring the right features are built.
Decision making: what gets built and in what order?

Backlog refining is done based on the dialog with term, strategic direction of the product and
customer value.

Product backlog forces the business unit to clearly articulate the business goals & strategy
for achieving them.

PO Day: ( Its an Influence without any Authority)

Meetings: ( Stand up, Review and sprint plannings)
Facilitation: Create an inclusive environment.
Analysis: Decision Making/Value Analysis.
Relationship Building
Reviews- Testing ( Product and A/B)

 Agile Planning ensures that the right items are being worked on in the right order.
 We need to ensure that the team is building right product or not
 We map out the strategic plan all the way down to working with teams on daily
 We plan bigger views like Roadmap to molecular views like user stories.
 Prototype/Mvp helps us to try out few ideas, helps to Analyse whats best & learn
new things, instead of putting everything together at a time & waiting for a disaster.
It helps discover new things that we previously did not gain clarity on customer

MVP – To align Marketability and Viability

MVP balances costs , risks and value of the product.

It will make sure we do not over engineer or under engineer. (Helps to focus on what really is imp)

MVP thinking helps the team to focus while embracing the idea of continuous learning.

MVP meets the strategic needs and provides value to the customer while product vision sets stage
for everyone to understand the bigger picture and align details to it.

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