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Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

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The role of the occupant behavior in affecting the feasibility of energy

refurbishment of residential buildings: Typical effective retrofits
compromised by typical wrong habits
Fabrizio Ascione a,⇑, Nicola Bianco a, Rosa Francesca De Masi b, Margherita Mastellone a,
Gerardo Maria Mauro b, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli c
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Industrial Engineering, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy
Università degli Studi del Sannio, Department of Engineering, Piazza Roma 21, 82100 Benevento, Italy
Università degli Studi del Molise, Department of Medicine and Health Sciences Vincenzo Tiberio, Via Gazzani 47, 86100 Campobasso, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The necessity to predict building energy performance assumes a predominant role today. Present regu-
Received 26 February 2020 lations in energy matter introduce pressing objectives for the energy requalification of buildings.
Revised 7 May 2020 Within spring 2020, EU Member States must adopt the European Directive 2018/844, which focuses
Accepted 5 June 2020
the attention on present buildings. It establishes new obligations to retrofit the existing building stock.
Available online 9 June 2020
Solutions to improve building energy performance and to achieve economic, energy, and environmental
benefits become mandatory, requiring robust and reliable procedures for energy modeling and simula-
tion. The present study will show the importance of considering a non-standard occupant profile in
Occupant behavior
Building energy demands
energy performance simulations. The investigated edifice is a typical residential building in Naples
BES – building energy simulation (southern part of Italy, Mediterranean climate), built during the sixties and seventies. For the energy ret-
Validated building models rofit of the building, the most common refurbishment interventions in the Neapolitan building stock will
Energy retrofit be assessed for energy, economic and emissions savings, and thus new thermal insulation and replace-
Energy efficiency measures ment of windows. Firstly, the results will be analyzed by taking into account a standard-use profile of
Feasibility study the occupants. Secondly, the possible wrong behaviors of users will be examined, to compare an
Primary energy savings ‘‘energy-intensive” model with the standard retrofitted model. The impact on building energy demand
Occupancy patterns
of the following actions will be analyzed: more energy-intensive use of the electric and lighting systems,
the opening of the windows during the activation hours of the heating/cooling systems, the modification
of the thermostat setpoint, the deactivation of the shading systems. The study shows a considerable
increase in energy demand, following the wrong behavior of the occupants, which affects the economic
convenience of the refurbishment investment. The energy retrofit is economically and energetically fea-
sible for a standard building occupation, but sometimes wrong habits can reduce the convenience, if
energy-intensive behaviors occur. This work will show that, when the numerical building model of a
common building refurbishment is realized and when the cost-benefits analysis is performed, the uncer-
tainty in occupant behavior cannot be neglected.
Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction environmental criticalities caused by anthropogenic facts and the

misuse of resources, the European Union has established some tar-
In the last decades, pressing challenges of mandatory reduc- gets for the period 2021 to 2030, compared to 1990 [1]:
tions of greenhouse gas emissions and irrational energy uses are
becoming a central issue, worldwide. In order to face the growing - the reduction of at least 40% of greenhouse gas emissions;
- the increment of at least 32% in the use of renewable energy
⇑ Corresponding author. - the improvement of at least 32.5% of energy efficiency.
E-mail addresses: (F. Ascione),
(N. Bianco), (R.F. De Masi),
At the EU scale, the building sector plays a significant role,
(M. Mastellone), (G.M. Mauro),
(G.P. Vanoli). being responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions. In addition, present
0378-7788/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

regulations in energy-matter make mandatory interventions on In the next sections, available previous studies will be analyzed
the building stock. The European Commission and Parliament have to underline the innovative contribution of the present investiga-
established obligations to be pursued in the building field, starting tion, then the investigated typological building and the methodol-
from the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) ogy will be presented, and the results will be discussed to evaluate
2002/91/EU [2]. This EU Directive had a historical impact, by intro- the impact of the occupant behaviors on costs, emissions, and
ducing the first mandatory energy efficiency measures for existing energy demand of the building.
buildings, besides new prescriptions and guidelines for new con-
structions. Other prescriptions have been indicated by the EPBD
Recast 2010/31/EU [3], a revision of the EPBD Directive, that 2. The state of art and the motivations of the study
assigned an exemplary role to public buildings. With reference to
the energy uses, it established for all new buildings, built from The occupant behavior could have a considerable impact on
December 31, 2020, the obligation to be nearly ZEB, and the date building energy demand and on indoor thermal comfort condi-
is anticipated of two years for public buildings (i.e., December tions. This depends on the heterogeneous ways of using building
31, 2018). The EPBD Recast was transposed into the Italian legisla- and energy systems and on the occupants’ capability of adapting
tive body starting from the Decree-Law 63/2013 [4], inferring new to the indoor environment. The two main user’s actions, which
measures and prescriptions for building energy performance and affect the building energy demand, are the adaptive and non-
aimed at increasing the use of energy from renewable sources. adaptive ones [10]. In the first case, the occupants try to adapt
The EPBD Recast 2010/31/EU was updated by the EU Directive themselves to the indoor environment, diversifying clothing, or
2018/844 [5] of the European Parliament and of the Council of moving through the apartment. In addition, they engage actions
30 May 2018, but it has not been implemented by national legisla- to adapt the surrounding environment to their preferences, such
tion yet. as opening or closing windows, modifying the thermostat setpoint,
In this legislative frame and by considering the huge environ- or adjusting shadings. The non-adaptive actions concern the addi-
mental issues related to the building sector, it becomes mandatory tion of electric equipment which affects the electric load of the
to make progress in research to reduce the energy demand of building. The motivations of these behaviors are both physical
buildings. The causes of the excessive building energy demand and social. About that, Ajzen & Madden [11] conceptualized the
are manifold, as the obsolescence of heating and cooling systems, ‘‘Theory of planned behavior” and considered the individual agency
the high thermal transmittance of both opaque and transparent (e.g., perception of comfort, relationship with the environment,
building envelope, old lighting systems, wrong behaviors of the personal abilities. . .) as the main cause of the individual behavior.
occupants. The latter aspect affects the energy demand of the Strengers and Maller [12] applied a social practice theory to ana-
building and could cause a big gap between the real energy lyze the cooling practices of Australian householders and under-
demand and the predicted one [6]. Typically, occupants could act lined how the ability to respond to heat depends on the practical
on the indoor thermostat, varying the heating and cooling set- knowledge, the understandings about air-conditioners, and the
points, they can open the windows during the hours of activation available housing infrastructures. These theories were the base to
of the heating and cooling systems, may use in a wrong way the develop a behavior model for residential buildings in the study of
shading systems or make a reckless management of electric equip- Samaratunga et al. [13]. They identified a discrepancy between
ment and lighting systems. These behaviors have a considerable the predicted energy performance and the measured data and rec-
impact on building energy performance, particularly in residential ognized the prevailing causes in consumer behavior and in the
buildings. About that, Sarto et al. [7] monitored the energy demand building construction. A detailed analysis was performed, and the
of a high-performance residential building in Milan (Italy) and collected data were used as a base to develop a behavior model
showed the difference between the predicted and monitored data to support sustainability policies, the BASIX tool, and governmen-
in the various flats. Each apartment, in the model, with a heating tal education programs.
setpoint of 20 °C, with the same energy systems and thermal Moreover, many other authors considered fundamental the
envelope, has a similar energy demand; conversely, in the reality, modeling of the user’s behavior to evaluate the building energy
flats of the same vertical columns, the same plants and orientation, demand for heating and cooling. Gucyeter [14] analyzed the
have higher – and largely different – energy demands. This discrep- impact of three different behavioral patterns in an office building.
ancy is caused by different occupant behaviors. In the same way, in A typical office building was modeled, with integrated occupancy
Denmark, a research study [8] demonstrated the difference in the patterns, by distinguishing the Inactive Occupant (IO), the Slightly
energy demand of some apartments with the same orientation, Active Occupant (SAO), and the Active Occupant (AO) models. Each
constructive characteristics, materials, building envelope, and pattern had various occupancy schedules and different use of the
heating systems. lighting system and of the thermostat (i.e., changing heating and
Many studies usually neglect for simplicity, or for necessity of cooling setpoints). The results demonstrated the necessity of a
conventional boundary conditions, the users’ behaviors. Con- proper interaction of the occupants with the building systems.
versely, the present study aims to evaluate the influence of the Indeed, switching on the lighting system without adjusting it
possible actions of the occupants on building energy savings. according to the external lighting conditions, determines excessive
In this paper, starting from a real, reliable, residential building gains, i.e. 38.5% and 44.7%, during the heating and cooling seasons,
located in Naples (South Italy, Mediterranean climate), common respectively, compared to active occupant models. In addition, the
energy efficiency measures from the point of view of costs, energy constant presence of people in the office, and thus the increment of
savings, and emissions were modeled and quantified. Firstly, a heat due to the metabolic activity, causes the growth of internal
common predefined profile of users’ behavior is modeled and, gains in both heating and cooling periods.
later, we have numerically evaluated the possible wrong behaviors Coherently, the study of Azar and Menassa [15] investigated the
of the occupants. It is shown that the need to sensitize the occu- effects of the extreme energy use by users in a commercial build-
pants become relevant and mandatory, for both energy and envi- ing. They underlined the importance of encouraging the occupants
ronmental reasons, because the energy efficiency measures, to energy conservation practices, also by the increase of the
envisaged as advantageous from the point of view of costs, could extremists’ acceptance of new behaviors of energy uses. In [16],
later prove to be economically useless if wrong habits occur. the same authors quantified the operation-related energy saving
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 3

potential for a commercial building. The human actions hugely 3. The building description
affect the energy demands and thus the possibility of energy con-
servation for the commercial building stocks, and thus energy poli- The investigated building is a typical residential edifice located
cies must support operation-focused solutions. in Naples (Tyrrhenian coastline, Italic Climate C [4]). It is a typical
Pisello and Asdrubali [17] demonstrated that human-based construction of the sixties and seventies and it is characterized by a
energy retrofit can be a cost-effective alternative to classic retrofit reinforced concrete structural frame and uninsulated walls. It is
solutions. The authors integrated numerical and experimental located in an urban context, densely built as typical of an expan-
studies about occupant practices of energy saving, in a residential sion neighborhood. The longest facades are oriented to northeast
village in Italy, and developed a model for the dynamic simulation and southwest respectively. The maximum gross length of the
of building energy performance. Two different sets of simulations building is 62.0 m and the maximum gross width is 10.5 m. The
were developed: the first was about the reduction in the use of total building area is 4985 m2 and the net-conditioned area is
electricity, the second, diversely, regarded the energy savings 3877 m2. The overall height aboveground of the building is
obtained by adjusting temperature setpoints. The results showed, 25.6 m and the inter-floor height is 3.2 m.
in the cases of reduction in the electricity use of 0.5 h/day, The building has a regular shape, with an approximately rectan-
1 h/day, and 1.5 h/day, a primary energy saving of 4.4%, 8.9%, gular plan, and is made up of 8 floors (Fig. 1), plus a basement,
and 13.3%, respectively. The related cost savings, by considering a partly underground (used as a garage, and unheated). Floors above
constant electricity price of 0.25 €/kWhe, were of 10.8 €/year, 21.6 the ground are used for apartments, 48 in total. Each flat has a dif-
€/year and 32.4 €/year, for each occupant. For what concerns the ferent area but generally can accommodate from 2 to 6 people. The
second group of simulations, the heating setpoint, progressively access to the flats, six per floor, is guaranteed by two stairwells,
lowered from 21 °C to 19 °C during the heating season, implied facing the southeast.
energy savings around 24%. During the cooling season, the maxi- The building opaque envelope has the following thermophysical
mum energy saving corresponded to 4% at the scale of the village; characteristics:
in this study, the cooling setpoints were set at 25 °C, 26 °C and
27 °C, increasing progressively. In conclusion, the study showed  The external walls have thickness of 0.37 m and thermal trans-
how occupant actions could replace energy retrofit interventions, mittance of 1.01 W/m2K. Starting from the outside, walls have
in terms of energy and costs. the following layers: cement-based plaster 0.03 m, aerated
The novel investigation here proposed, compared to the cited bricks 0.12 m, air gap 0.12 m, lapillus block 0.08 m, lime plaster
studies, shows an original assessment of the impact of users’ 0.02 m.
behavior on a typical residential building from the cost, emission,  The slab on the ground has thickness of 0.35 m and thermal
and energy points of view. More in-depth, the convenience of a transmittance of 1.35 W/m2K (tiles 0.015 m, lightweight con-
possible energy requalification investment is evaluated depending crete above reinforced concrete at 2% of iron, 0.08 m in total,
on the occupants’ habits. The analysis is carried out with reference reinforced concrete and hollow blocks mixed slab 0.20 m, bitu-
to a refurbished building with energy efficiency measures incen- minous waterproofing membrane 0.005 m).
tivized by the consolidated tax relief in Italy, and then reliable  The inter-floors slab has the same layers of the ground floor,
changes of behavior were applied in the use of the lighting, heating unlike the last one that is a lime plaster layer of 0.015 m. The
and cooling systems, in the schedules of windows’ opening and in total thickness is 0.31 m and the thermal transmittance is
the use of shadings, according to common habits of occupants. 1.17 W/m2K.
This approach allowed to evaluate the impact of some occupant  The flat roof has a thickness of 0.44 m and thermal transmit-
behaviors on the economic suitability of an energy requalification tance of 1.01 W/m2K (bituminous waterproofing membrane
investment. In this regard, the payback period of the investment 0.01 m, lightweight concrete 0.15 m, 2% reinforced concrete
is assessed for a typical energy retrofit intervention (ETICS thermal 0.06 m, reinforced concrete and hollow tiles mixed slab 0.2 m,
insulation of walls and flat roof, replacement of window frames lime plaster 0.02 m).
with thermal break windows and low-emissive glass) considering
the standard use profiles of the building. This payback period is The values of thermal transmittance, with reference to all build-
compared with the one of the same refurbished building but con- ing components, were analytically calculated, according to the UNI
sidering a more energy-intensive and incorrect occupant behavior. EN ISO 6946 [18], after careful direct inspection and modeling. The
The study will demonstrate how a convenient investment in considered data are coherent with the information provided by the
energy and economic terms could turn into a less convenient sce- following relevant Italian standards:
nario, due to the wrong actions of the users. The effectiveness of
energy efficiency measures and the foreseen payback period can  UNI TS 11300-1/2008 (abacus A3) [19] (the Official Italian
be negatively undermined by the wrong habits of the occupants. Application of the ISO EN 13790 [20]);
This is the main and meaningful novelty, having quantified a waste  the CTI recommendation R03/3 of Italian Thermo-technical
of feasible energy, environmental, and economic potential. Committee (abacus A5) [21].
Demonstrating the low convenience of investment in energy
requalification – if the use of the occupants is unconscious and According to these standards, after 1950, in ‘‘Campania” (i.e.,
incorrect – could be the right way to raise awareness among inves- the Region of which Napoli is the main city), the most common
tors, owners, habitants, and all involved stakeholders. At the same building wall typology is the one represented in Fig. 2a. It is quite
time, assessing the impact of the occupant behavior on building clear that this component is quite similar to the wall of the typo-
energy performance could give a contribution to current policies, logical building here considered, whose inspection and models
to make them more aware and restrictive. are shown in the Fig. 2b and 2c, respectively. In detail, the abacus
Consistently, for a complete study of the reference building, the A.3. of the relevant standard UNI TS 11300-1/2008 [19] proposes a
energy class of the base building and of the refurbished one were thermal transmittance of this kind of building envelope between
assessed, taking into account the current regulations in force con- 0.98 W/m2K and 1.11 W/m2K, depending on the thicknesses.
cerning building energy certification/labeling. The differences in Thus, the value here calculated, i.e. 1.01 W/m2K, is perfectly
the energy estimation between the energy certification and the within the range.
dynamic simulation were evaluated too.
4 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

Fig. 1. Buildings similar to the investigated one, in the same city (A), rendered view of the building model (B).

Fig. 2. Direct Inspection of the wall (A), modeling (B), comparison with information provided by relevant standard (C).

The same accurate modeling was provided for all building com- loop) has vertical uninsulated main pipes with horizontal
ponents, opaque (Fig. 3) and transparent (Fig. 4). However, despite branches, and the heat emission terminals are hot water radiators.
this accuracy, the authors would underline that all boundary con- The mean global efficiency of the heating systems is 0.69. The heat-
ditions were defined in order to model not a specific building but a ing setpoint, as established by the Italian law (D.P.R. 74/2013 [22]),
building typology, representative of a large part of the building is 20 °C, and the heating setback is 16 °C. According to Italian reg-
stock of Italy. ulation, the heating period is of 137 days, from November 15 to
Concerning the microclimatic control, it is guaranteed by a cen- March 31, with an activation time of the system of ten hours per
tralized gas boiler coupled to in-room hot water radiators, during day.
the heating period, and by DX split systems during the cooling The cooling need is satisfied by direct expansion split systems,
period. autonomous in every single apartment, and – since there is no a
The gas boiler dedicated to the building heating has a nominal centralized management of cooling – an activation time of twelve
thermal capacity of 463 kW. The distribution system (hot water hours per day (between 11:00 am to 11:00 pm) was considered,

Fig. 3. Horizontal components of the opaque building envelope: roof structure (A), slab on the ground (B), inter-floor slab (C).
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 5

Fig. 4. Transparent opaque envelope of the original building (A) and of the refurbished flat (B).

from May 16 to September 15, as a consequence of the occupant and seventies. The building model for the dynamic energy simula-
behavior. The DX system has an EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) of tions was realized through the software DesignBuilder V6 [23], a
3 Wht/Whe, and the fan total efficiency is 0.7. graphical interface of EnergyPlus [24], a BPS (Building Performance
Naples has a typical Mediterranean climate, ‘‘Csa” according to Simulation) software suitable to test and validate building energy
the classification of Koeppen-Geiger, with mild winter and warm performance. After defining the 3D model (Fig. 1), and the main
summers. The minimum temperature is generally recorded in Jan- functions of the building (residential areas and garage), the ther-
uary, around 0 °C, with maximum values in July and August, with mophysical properties of the building envelope were specified,
daily peaks generally not higher than 35 °C. November is the and, in addition, the lighting system, the equipment, the occu-
month with huger rainfalls, while the driest period is July. A pancy, and the technical features of the heating and cooling sys-
monthly summary of the main weather parameters is proposed tems were defined. For what concerns the transparent envelope,
in Fig. 5. in the numerical modeling, double glass windows with thermal
transmittance Ug = 3.2 W/m2K were considered, with wooden
4. Investigation development frames (specific heat around 2390 J/kg K), in only one apartment
per floor. The other flats have single glazed systems with thermal
4.1. Building numerical model and base modeling validation transmittance Ug = 5.9 W/m2K, and wooden frames. Each window
is equipped with shading systems, with horizontal slats, located
The model was built starting from similar real buildings and by externally and modeled as solar controlled in the numerical model.
generalizing some boundary conditions. Indeed, it should be spec- In order to model the manual activation of the shadings by the
ified that the model is similar to an existing building, used as a ref- occupants, solar control was implemented into the software, with
erence, and some parameters were generalized in order to make a threshold of activation of 150 W/m2. According to this modeling,
the edifice as representative as possible of the building stock con- already proposed in [25], the software activates the screen when a
structed in the South Italy coastline (Tyrrhenian), during the sixties potentially sensible solar radiation on glass occurs. Furthermore,

Fig. 5. Main monthly climate parameters of Naples Italy.

6 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

depending on the window typology (that affects the airtightness), ing and late afternoon, while a null use during the remaining hours
different values of the air change per hour (ACH) were considered, of day and night. Lighting system is modeled as activated when the
specifically 0.3 h1 for apartments with double glazed systems and daylight is not sufficient to allow the visual task: this simulates a
0.7 h1 for apartments with single glass systems. This enables to reliable behavior of people in managing the artificial lights. For
take into account the fact that there is an involuntary infiltration what concerns the equipment, a more intense use during the cen-
of about 0.1 h1 and 0.5 h1 for new and old systems, respectively. tral hours of the day and in the evening was scheduled, with peaks
The remaining 0.2 h1, equal in both cases, is due to the voluntary during the use of kitchens, as typical for dwellings. For what con-
and random windows’ openings. This is common for residential cerns the occupancy, a greater crowding is scheduled from the ear-
buildings. All boundary conditions and other specifications are lier evening to the earlier morning, while a minor presence occurs
summarized and reported in Table 1. during the diurnal hours.
As mentioned, internal gains and the heating and cooling sys- The annual primary energy demand of the building, including
tems were accurately planned and scheduled, adopting conven- the energy demand for heating, cooling, equipment and lighting,
tional profiles for residential buildings. The lighting system was is equal to 604,978 kWhp/year, and thus 156 kWhp /m2year.
defined by a daylight illuminance control and choosing a typical To convert the electric energy demand of the building into
schedule for residential uses. In particular, the maximum use is primary energy demand, it was considered a coefficient of
scheduled during the evening, a minor use during the earlier morn- conversion (0.46 Whe/Whp) equal to the average efficiency of the

Table 1
Input parameters, operational and performance data, for the definition of the building numerical model.

Total Building Area [m2] 4985 Gross area of single floor 597
Net Conditioned Building Area [m ]2
3877 Total building volume 160 023
Gross Roof Area [m2] 600 Conditioned total volume 12,406
Total North East South West
Gross Wall Area [m2] 4514 509 1756 480 1769
Above Ground Wall Area [m2] 3920 438 1527 419 1537
Window Opening Area [m2] 743 40 323 51 330
Gross Window-Wall Ratio [%] 16 8 18 11 19
Lighting system [W/m2 – 100 lux] 2 Occupancy [person/m2] 0.04
Maximum use of artificial lighting is scheduled during the evening hours, a reduced use The maximum occupancy in the building
during the earlier morning and late afternoon, null in the remaining hours of the day is scheduled from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am.
and night During the diurnal daily hours, the
building occupancy, is reduced by 50%
Light control according to the daylight illuminance (dimming) Electric equipment 4
Weather data NAPLES – ITA IWEC Data WMO#=162890
Number of conditioned zones 48 Number of unconditioned 20
Heating setpoint [°C] 20 Cooling setpoint [°C] 26
Ten hours of activation of the heating system during the winter Twelve hours of activation of the cooling
system during the summer
a) not refurbished apartments 0.7 h1 b) refurbished apartments 0.3 h1
Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation (time-dependent, till a maximum of 4 h1) is activated when both a) the zone air temperature is higher than
summer conditions occur: 27 °C
b) the outdoor temperature is at least 2 °C
lower than indoor one
Solution Algorithm Conduction Transfer
Surface Convection Algorithm – inside TARP Surface Convection DOE – 2
Algorithm – outside
Heating systems efficiency (gas boiler and hot water radiators) [–] 0.69 Nominal capacity 463 kWt
Packaged Terminal air Conditioner EER [Wht/Whe] 3.0 Total Cooling capacity 180 kWt
Primary Energy Factor of Natural Gas 1.10 Primary Energy Factor of 2.17
Natural Gas Cost [€/kWhg] 0.09 Electricity Cost [€/kWhe] 0.237
Natural Gas LCA emission factor [kg CO2-eq/kWhg] 0.24 Electricity LCA emission 0.424
factor [kg CO2-eq/kWhe]

* Please, note that: Wht is thermal energy, Whe is electricity, Whg is natural gas demand, Whp is primary energy. The same subscripts (t, e, g, p) are used for power.
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 7

thermo-electric Italian system. For what concerns the natural gas, a system had fixed operational hours and these could not fulfill the
primary energy factor (PEF) equal to 1.1 was considered, as com- specific necessities of some families (the hot water radiators can
mon [26]. be turned off or on, but within a daily schedule of activation estab-
The overall primary energy demand – by taking into account lished for the entire building). Thus, some apartments are
primary energy factors of 1.1 and 2.17 for natural gas and electric- equipped with two heating systems, and thus the central one
ity, respectively – is due to: (serving the entire building) and a private one (equipped with a
small-size natural gas boiler). This information was used in the
- Energy demand for the space heating: 255,789 kWhp /year (? comparison between available energy bills and simulations results.
66.0 kWhp /m2year), due to a gas demand of 232,535 kWh. In order to take into account also the energy demand of such pri-
- Energy demand for auxiliaries (pumps and parasitic loads for vate additional heating systems, the energy bills were incremented
heating): 653 kWhp /year (?0.17 kWhp /m2year), due to an by a reasonable percentage, as below explained. For verifying the
electricity demand of 300 kWh. coherency of simulation results, the Mean Bias Error (Eq. (1))
- Energy demand for the space cooling, including fans: 50,122 [28] was calculated, even if merely on annual basis, being available
kWhp /year (?12.9 kWhp /m2year), due to an electricity only annual data concerning the supply of natural gas.
demand of 23,056 kWh.
- Energy demand for artificial lighting: 134,219 kWhp /year (? ðM  SÞmonth
34.6 kWhp /m2year), due to an electricity demand of 61,741 MBE½% ¼
P  100 ð1Þ
kWh. M month
- Energy demand for plugs and equipment: 164,196 kWhp /year
(?42.3 kWhp /m2year), due to an electricity demand of In Eq. (1), there are the energy demands, measured (‘‘M”) and
75,530 kWh. simulated (‘‘S”). In our case, as previously cited, the available data
are coarse and concerned merely the gas demand. Taking into
As said, the overall energy demand of the building is 604,978 account the centralized energy bills (two years), a reasonable
kWhp (156 kWh/m2) and, precisely, 349,189 kWhp from electricity increment due to local systems (+20%), variable energy costs of
and 255,789 kWhp from natural gas. By taking into account the LCA natural gas in two years, the average estimated real gas demand
emission factors of 0.24 kg CO2-eq/kWhg for the natural gas, and for the space heating was of about 235,369 kWh, while the simu-
0.424 kg CO2-eq/kWhe for the electricity [27], the environmental lated gas demand was 232,535 kWh. Thus, even if calculated coar-
impact of the building is 123,914 kg CO2-eq/year. sely on annual basis, the MBE results equal to 1.20%, fairly lower
Fig. 6 shows the monthly distribution of the total primary than the thresholds of ASHRAE and U.S. DOE guidelines [28,29]
energy demand and of the heating and cooling primary energy for calibrated models (Option D), equal to MBE (%)  ±5%. Really,
demand. even a second index should be calculated, and thus the CV(RMSE),
The validation of energy results provided by the building namely the coefficient of variation of the root-mean-square error;
numerical model, and thus the evaluation of the reliability of sim- in our case, given that no data were available about the monthly
ulated heating, cooling, and total energy demands, was performed consumption of gas, it has no sense such calculation. Really, once
by taking into account the demand of the real reference building. again, we do not want to refer to a specific building: our aim is
The validation, and thus the ‘‘ex-post” evaluation of the accuracy to be as general as possible.
of the numerical model in representing reliable energy demands According to the Italian Authority for Electricity and Gas, the
of the real building, was performed by comparing results of the electricity request per family is equal to 2700 kWh/year (2010)
dynamic simulations with reliable available data. [30,31]. This number is a reliable mean value because it does not
The real original building, indeed, has a centralized gas demand include the great variability of heating demands (satisfied by nat-
for the centralized heating system, with additional private billings ural gas) and the impact of cooling (in 2010, the share of space
of natural gas, for some single flats equipped with additional cooling was much lower compared to 2020). If a family of 3 per-
stand-alone heating systems. In the last years, the installation of sons is considered, it means 900 kWh/year per person. According
some individual heating system was common, because the central to our model, the overall energy demand of the building is

Fig. 6. Monthly distribution of the primary energy demand.

8 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

160,627 kWhe, and it includes the space cooling so that the elec- 4.2. The building energy retrofit
tricity demand is 1036 kWh/person (the share of space cooling is
14% of total electricity). If the cooling is excluded, the calculated Once the building model was calibrated, two different energy
electricity demand is around 891 kWh/person and thus in perfect efficiency measures were adopted. In detail, common energy con-
agreement, i.e. the MBE is 1.00%. Conversely, if the space cooling servation measures for the retrofit of the residential building stock
is taken into account, the gap between simulation prediction and in Naples were considered, and thus the thermal insulation of the
average household electricity request per capita is 15%, and thus opaque building envelope (walls and flat roof) and the replacement
fully realistic, because the simulation considers a full microclimatic of windows. These interventions affect predominately the building
control in the summertime. energy demands for space heating, which, as shown in Table 2, has
Really, the evaluation of the share of the space cooling in resi- a higher impact on the overall energy request (42%).
dential buildings is very difficult to quantify. According to IEA The base building has a thermal envelope, for materials and
[32], worldwide, it accounts for about 20% of total buildings’ elec- compositions (i.e., layers and thicknesses), typical of the sixties
tricity demand and is ‘‘the fastest growing use of energy in build- and seventies, and thus the thermal transmittances are quite far
ings”. In Italy, statistical reliable evaluations are very difficult for from the limits of present Italian regulations. A complete descrip-
this energy service, mainly in households, because it has not a con- tion has been provided in the Section 3 (see also Figs. 2 and 3).
solidated schedule of activation and it can be very variable, The Italian Ministerial Decree 26/06/2015 [36], established the
depending on climates, exposure to solar radiation, endogenous threshold value of thermal transmittance of the building envelope,
gains, occupation patterns, family incomes, urban areas or back- for buildings to be refurbished. Really, different values are estab-
country. In general, the use of cooling concerns fewer hours per lished, and it depends on the entity of refurbishment. Specifically,
day compared to heating and it is largely variable. This great vari- in the Italian climatic zone C, as Naples, the limit thermal transmit-
ability can be verified in [33], in which the cooling share is tance of the vertical opaque envelope is 0.34 W/m2K; for the hor-
between 0.3% and 9.7% of the overall residential electricity izontal opaque envelope these are 0.33 W/m2K (flat roof) and
demand, depending on the Italian Region. In general, in residential 0.38 W/m2K (slab on the ground); for windows, including the
buildings, this energy use is considered extraordinary, so that the frame, the corresponding limit U-value is 2.2 W/m2K. These values
activation concerns only few daily hours. On the other hand, space were introduced for the so-called ‘‘reference building” of new con-
cooling is surely an increasing energy use [34,35], given also the structions and also to improve the energy performance of refur-
decreasing prices of equipment and the progressive overheating bished buildings. For limited retrofits, other mandatory values
of cities. In order to take into account these last two notes, in our are available. Obviously, the aim of the Italian law is the following:
study, we have stressed the cooling availability in summer a well-insulated building limits the thermal losses during the cold
(12 h/day, between 11 am to 11 pm) in order to check the impacts, season, and it should reduce also heat gains during the warm
on cooling loads and needs, of energy refurbishments devoted to period.
improving building energy performance relative to the space heat- Specifically, the increment of the thermal insulation of the opa-
ing. Finally, under the considered conditions, the share of about que envelope was achieved through a polystyrene layer of 0.08 m
14% of space cooling, with respect to the total electricity, is surely for the walls and by means of a layer of 0.10 m for the roof. The
plausible. Once again, we would underline that the considered val- thermal insulation has a thermal conductivity of 0.035 W/mK, a
ues are ‘‘average data”, while significant excursions characterize density of 35 kg/m3, and a specific heat of 1464 J/kgK. The addition
regions, provinces, climates, and also districts. Simply, we would of this new outside layer contributes to reduce the thermal trans-
like to underline the reasonability of our model output. Our inten- mittance of the opaque envelope, achieving a value of 0.30 W/m2K
tion is just to replicate the energy demand of common residential for the vertical envelope and 0.29 W/m2K for the roof. The achieved
buildings, equipped with common systems. U-values fulfill the prescriptions of the cited Italian regulation. In
Finally, the suitable validation of the building model was per- terms of costs, the investment was determined by considering
formed, considering the standard demand of energy of a residential the Italian market trend and comparable works. The estimated cost
building in Naples, as the aim of this study is not to focus on a is equal to 59.6 €/m2, including scaffoldings (for walls), labor,
specific case but to obtain general conclusions regarding Mediter- materials, and transportation.
ranean residential buildings. This building was chosen because For what concerns the transparent envelope, the old wood
well-representative of the stock and thus some boundary condi- frame (conductance: 9.5 W/m2K) and the single glass
tions were generalized as much as possible; thus, these are not (Ug = 5.9 W/m2K) were replaced with an aluminum frame with
strictly connected to a specific case study but, conversely, are typ- thermal break (conductance: 4.0 W/m2K) and a Low-E double glass
ical of large Italian building stock. 6/13/6, with argon-filled cavity (Ug = 1.5 W/m2K). Calculating the
In Table 2, energy requests of the base building were summa- global thermal transmittance of the windows, as suggested by
rized, in terms of primary energy for space cooling and heating, the standard UNI EN ISO 10077-1, the Uw is 1.9 W/m2K, lower than
for the equipment and artificial lights, and the percentage impact the limit of 2.2 W/m2K [37]. The estimated investment cost is 310
on total energy demand of the building is shown. €/m2, which includes the cost of labor, materials, transportation,
disposal of old windows. The replacement of low-quality windows
is fundamental to improve the indoor comfort conditions. The
transparent envelope affects the natural lighting of the indoor
Table 2 spaces and the overall thermal load of the building. The fenestra-
Primary energy demand of the building numerical model, for selected energy uses, tion surfaces, indeed, regulate the entry of radiation coming
including auxiliaries. directly from the sun. The typology of glasses contributes to con-
Base building energy demand kWhp/year kWhp/m2 % tain heat losses, and thus triple, double, or single glasses could sig-
nificantly affect the energy balance of the building, both with
Overall building energy demand 604,978 156.0 100%
Energy demand for cooling 50,122 12.9 8.2%
reference to the winter heating and cooling periods.
Energy demand for heating 256,442 66.1 42.4% The considered refurbishment interventions were accurately
Energy demand for lighting 134,219 34.6 22.2% evaluated from the points of view of energy, emission and cost fea-
Energy demand for equipment 164,196 42.4 27.2% sibility, as reported in the next sections.
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 9

The energy impact of the retrofit was calculated as the absolute and the amount refundable is calculated as a percentage of the
or percentage difference between the energy performances of the investment cost. In our cases, we have estimated benefits equal
refurbished building (EEM – Energy Efficiency Measures) and the to 70% and 50% of the costs: Indeed, with reference to opaque walls
one of the base case (BB), according to Eq. (2). Analogously, the dif- and roof slab, the retrofit involves the whole building, with an inci-
ferences in costs and emissions were evaluated, as reported in Eqs. dence higher than 25% of the external envelope, without contem-
(3) and (4), respectively. plating the heating systems; in this case, the percentage of
refund is 70%. Conversely, starting from 2018, the replacement of
DEP ¼ EP EEM  EP BB ð2Þ the windows has an incentive equal to 50%.

DC ¼ C EEM  C BB ð3Þ 4.3. Energy certification of buildings

DEM ¼ EMEEM  EMB ð4Þ Energy certificates of buildings (EU Energy Performance of
Building Directives [2,3]) are mandatory, in Italy, according to
In order to perform the technical-economic analysis and the [9,39–40]. These certificates (APE, in the following lines) are drawn
evaluation of the environmental impacts, primary energy factors, up by technicians in case of new constructions, sale, donation, or
costs of natural gas and electricity and emissions factors are those rental of buildings. The main index is a global energy performance
inferred in Table 1. As said, the energy efficiency measures, and the indicator (EPgl,nren,) with the energy class, with other information
effects of the user’s actions were assessed in terms of energy and parameters concerning quality of the thermal envelope, effi-
demand, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs. The aim of this ciencies of energy systems, primary energy demands for the main
investigation is the understanding of how much the occupant uses, such as space heating, cooling, DHW.
behavior affects the feasibility of the retrofit, and such a study What is important to briefly explain here is the calculation
was performed through the calculation of the investment costs of approach behind the energy labels. No ‘‘tailored ratings” but ‘‘con-
retrofit and its payback period. Indeed, even if the energy efficiency ventional ratings” (i.e., ‘‘asset” or ‘‘design”) are applied. In detail,
measures are advantageous from the points of view of energy, energy labels are calculated under conventional boundary condi-
emissions, and costs, with acceptable economic indexes, the wrong tions, among which a constant indoor temperature equal to 20 °C
actions of the occupants could make them unprofitable. The eco- and 26 °C, during the heating and cooling season, respectively. Of
nomic analysis was a proper tool to compare the base building course, the indoor control 24 h is merely conventional, motivated
and the refurbished one, and the effects of wrong habits of users. by the fact that these certificates must replicable. The aim is to
The investment cost of the energy efficiency measures, and thus qualify the quality of a building and inform about this the people
of the thermal insulation intervention and of windows’ replace- living there or that are thinking to buy, rent or sell. In this study,
ment, was estimated by the regional price lists for construction and specifically in the next section, besides the ‘‘tailored energy
projects. More in-depth, the prices are intended for finished works analyzes” (suitable for energy diagnoses and design of retrofits,
and include the necessary phases for a perfect realization. The because these simulate the real building energy performance), also
listed costs were compared with metrical calculations of similar an ‘‘asset rating” (suitable for an energy label, Fig. 7) was calcu-
building works in the same Italian country. The indicators to eval- lated, according to the standard EN 15603 [39]. The building
uate the technical-economic feasibility were calculated as reported energy class is assigned by comparing the evaluated EPgl,nren, with
in the Eqs. (5) and (6). The Discounted Pay Back (Eq. (5)) is the the one of the reference building (EPgl,nren,rif (2019/21)). The parame-
number of years necessary to recover the investment and it consid- ters of the reference building are reported in [37]. Table 3 summa-
ers the variation of the monetary value. The Net Present Value is rizes the input data for modeling the reference building, those of
the present value of future cash flows (Eq. (6)). the present building, and of the refurbished one, according to the
N ‘‘asset rating” calculation [39].
DPB ¼ N : i
¼ Ci ð5Þ
i¼1 ð i þ Rd Þ 4.4. The role of the occupant behaviors

Fi The occupants try to achieve thermal and visual comfort in dif-
NPV ¼  Ci ð6Þ
ð 1 þ Rd Þ i ferent manners which not always correspond to convenient behav-
iors, under energy and/or economic point of views. Social and
environmental conditions could affect occupant actions on gains
and loads that result in the energy demand of the building.
& Fi = based on i-th year, annual cash flow; Thus, following a literature review, the possible actions of the
& Rd = discount rate; users were identified and appropriately modeled. The way that
& N = number of years; occupants deal with energy is influenced by many factors, some
& Ci = investment cost of the retrofit; objectives and other subjective [41]. The first ones can depend
on environmental conditions such as temperature, air velocity, cli-
In Italy, significant energy improvements of buildings can ben- mate, or noise. The subjective factors depend on the personal per-
efit from a funding incentive. This is the so-called ‘‘EcoBonus” and ception of comfort, which can be affected by age, metabolic
it allows to have a tax credit – equal to 50%, 65% or even 70%, 75%, activity, particular mood, habits, sensations, social interaction.
80% and 85% of the investment (depending on the retrofits and on Other aspects affect occupant actions such as the social or eco-
its contextual execution together with structural and seismic nomic conditions. In general, to obtain the comfort conditions,
improvements) – to be divided during the next years [38]. These the users perform adaptive or non-adaptive actions [10], as said
tax relief is granted for the energy efficiency interventions which in the previous lines. In this study, the attention was paid on the
improve the energy performance of existing buildings, and thus adaptive and non-adaptive actions, namely:
the replacement and improvement of heating and cooling systems,
installation of solar panels, the thermal insulation of the building  the occasional opening/closing of the windows,
envelope or the replacement of windows, new automation systems  the increment or decrement of the heating setpoint,
and some renewables. The tax credits are distributed in ten years  the adjustment of the shading systems,
10 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

Fig. 7. Differences between asset and tailored ratings, according to the Standard EN 15603 [39].

Table 3 The reference modeling approach in the current study is the

Data for modeling the reference building, the existing building and the refurbished deterministic one, and the aim is to demonstrate the extent of
building according to ‘‘asset rating”
the occupant actions on building energy demand and related costs.
COMMON CONDITIONS In Fig. 8, the actions actuated by the occupants and the performed
Weather data NAPLES – ITA IWEC Data investigations of related effects are shown.
WMO#=162890 To analyze the impact of the occupant behavior on building
Heating setpoint [°C] 20 energy performance, the users’ actions were integrated into the
Cooling setpoint [°C] 26
simulation model of EnergyPlus [24], by modifying, case by case,
Reference Existing Refurbished
building building building the operation schedules, nominal values, or both. These changes
Infiltration [h ] 0.5 0.5 0.2 were made on the refurbished building in order to achieve, in the
Electric equipment – [W/m2] 5 5 5 presence of wrong behaviors of the occupants, two information,
Heating system efficiency [-] 0.77 0.69 0.69
Cooling system EER [Wht/Whe] 2.075 3 3 - expected energy performance of the refurbished building not so
Domestic hot water system COP 1.75 (COP) 0.80 (g) 0.80 (g)
[Wht/Whe] or efficiency g [-]
DHW Heating Systems Heat Pump Electric Electric - a poor energy improvement in comparison to the base building.
Water Boiler Boiler
Heater In more detail, the simulations compared the base building with
BUILDING ENVELOPE calibrated energy demand, the refurbished building with standard
Thermal transmittance of the 0.34 1.01 0.31 users and the refurbished building with energy-intensive users
vertical envelope [W/m2K]
(Fig. 9).
Thermal transmittance of the roof 0.33 1.01 0.29
[W/m2K] The occupants’ behaviors were integrated into the simulation
Thermal transmittance of the 0.38 1.35 1.35 model of EnergyPlus, according to the indications explained in
ground floor [W/m2K] the following paragraphs.
Thermal transmittance of the 2.2 3.2 and 1.9 The opening of the windows is necessary for the air change
transparent envelope [W/m2K] 5.9
needs (i.e., natural ventilation and renewal), mainly in residential
buildings usually not equipped with mechanical ventilation.
Despite this necessary and correct air change, often the occupants
behave incorrectly and without the awareness of ventilation
 the addition of electric equipment, impact on the energy demand of the building. Indeed, occupants
 the energy-intensive use of the lighting system. sometimes open the windows when the cooling or heating systems
are switched on. This is due to wrong habits or misinformation.
The main ways of modeling the occupant behaviors in the BPS Especially the elder persons do not interact with the heating or
(building performance simulation) are three: a ‘deterministic’, cooling system, because worried about compromising their func-
‘stochastic’, and ‘user types & behavior styles’ approach [42]. tioning. Conversely, they prefer to interact with the fenestration
According to Stazi et al. [42], the ‘deterministic’ approach refers system. This behavior was implemented in EnergyPlus by adjusting
to a uniform behavior of the occupant. In this case, it is assumed the infiltration value. For simulating such wrong behavior, during
that all users have the same actions and make the same modifica- the operation hours of the heating and cooling systems, the infil-
tions to the systems. The ‘stochastic’ approach depends on the vari- tration of 1 h1 was scheduled, instead of the base value equal to
ability in the interaction with the systems by the users. Each 0.2 h1. This is a further outdoor air convective flux, in addition
occupant, influenced by a different boundary conditions, tries to to the simulated natural ventilation.
adapt himself or the surrounding environment in a personal way. Another typical action performed by the users is the variation of
Therefore, this approach takes into account the probability that the heating setpoint. During the winter, the users generally incre-
certain actions will occur. Finally, the ‘user type & behavior style’ ment the value of 20 °C (i.e., for the Italian Law, the standard
approach is based on the energy consumption of the occupants, indoor comfort temperature in winter, used as legislative refer-
that could be waster, normal or conscious, and on the frequency ence), on the basis of environmental and individual conditions.
of interaction with equipment (active, medium, or passive). The feeling of ‘‘cold” and ‘‘warm” depends on kind and intensity
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 11

Fig. 8. Actions of users and evaluation of their effects.

Fig. 9. Summary diagram of the simulation models compared.

of activities and metabolic rates. In addition, a further reason that was considered only the possibility to change the heating setpoint.
often moves people to increase the temperature setpoint, in win- The energy demand changes due to the variation of the cooling set-
ter, is the presence of drafts at the ankles or at the level of the neck. point were not considered in the refurbishment assessment,
These motivations could tempt people to increase the heating set- because the designed and evaluated energy conservation measures
point. In the numerical model of the building, finally, the heating have a major impact in the cooling season. Indeed, the building
setpoint schedule was adjusted, increasing the value progressively energy retrofit here considered was aimed at the improvement of
of 1, 2, and 3 °C. To evaluate the effect of a green use of the build- the winter energy performance. This is what commonly happens
ing, the setpoint of 20 °C was also decremented of the 1, 2, 3 °C. It because most retrofit technologies partly funded by the
12 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

Government (e.g., the addition of thermal insulation, replacement In the next section, results and discussion concerning the build-
of windows and boilers, etc.) are mainly aimed at the reduction ing refurbishment and the impacts of the occupant behaviors on
of energy demands for the space heating. Finally, in this study, building energy performance are reported. In particular, the user’s
the impact of the variation of the cooling set-point was not consid- actions are examined singularly, in order to understand the specific
ered, because the design of the building refurbishment was aimed contribution of each one, and combined, to evaluate the possible
at the reduction of energy demand for space heating. cumulative effect of wrong occupant habits.
Commonly, residential buildings are equipped with windows’
shading systems, used also as darkening systems to activate during
the night hours. Often, the users do not use such systems in the
correct manner. A standard value for the activation of solar shad- 5. Results and discussion
ings may be a solar radiation on a window of 120–150 W/m2. This
means, for instance, that automated control of windows’ shading 5.1. The results of energy requalification interventions for the standard
activates the screens when these thresholds are overpassed. Often building use
occupants, above all in the residential edifices, do not refer to these
values. Indeed, generally, the occupants spend most of the diurnal Considering the current energy requalification incentives, the
hours away from home and do not regulate the shading system: in retrofit measures adopted to improve the energy performance of
most cases, they do not activate it. For this reason, to simulate the the residential building located in Naples are the replacement of
wrong use of the occupants into the simulation model, it was the windows and the addition of an outside layer of thermal insu-
implemented a solar control that activates the screens when the lation. Evaluating separately the two interventions, the energy,
solar radiation on windows was higher than 800 W/m2 instead of environmental (emissions), and economic effects were analyzed.
150 W/m2. Of course, this behavior can have positive or negative The external insulation (ETICS) of both vertical walls and build-
effects on the thermal and energy performance of the building, ing flat roof implied a reduction of the primary energy demand of
depending on the season. Finally, over the whole year, we have 13%, compared to the base building. The energy savings are con-
evaluated the impact of both trends, more or less intensive use centrated during the heating months; in fact, the reduction of the
of windows’ shadings. overall primary energy during the heating season is about 30%.
For what concerns the use of other energy systems, people are From the point of view of CO2 emissions, such refurbishment pro-
increasingly using electrical equipment, such as notebooks, duced a yearly reduction of about 14%; furthermore, the cost-
mobiles, and I&T devices, in every moment of the day. The addition saving was 11%.
of each equipment, and thus a system connected to plugs, used for The replacement of single glasses and old wood frames (indeed,
work, hobby, lighting, has obviously an impact on the energy only a few apartments of the base case buildings are equipped with
demand of the building. The increment in the equipment use double glasses), with double Low-E glasses and aluminum frames
causes a consequent increment in the need for electricity but, at with thermal break, determines a strong improvement of building
the same time, the electric devices contribute to the heating of energy performance. Specifically, the primary energy saving for
the indoor environment, affecting, therefore, the energy demands heating is equal to about 57%, instead, the yearly primary energy
of the main dedicated heating system. The standard use of electric reduction is about 24%. For what concerns the costs, this windows’
equipment is that a base value of plugged power (4 W/m2) was replacement provides a yearly saving of 20%. The emissions reduc-
scheduled between a minimum of 25% (nights and early morning) tion is equal to 25%. It should be noted that, besides a reduction of
to a maximum of 100% (lunchtime and evening). In the intensive heat losses due to lower U-values of windows (both glasses and
building use (i.e., occupants’ wrong behavior), such schedule ran- frames), the replacement of windows implies an improvement of
ged from 75 and 100%. building airtight, and thus lower heat losses due to infiltrations.
Moreover, compared to standard use of the lighting systems, On the other side, this intervention produces a slight increase
several dynamics could determine an increase in the request for (2%) of the electrical demand for lights, if compared to the base
artificial lighting: the users can choose to keep the artificial lights building. This is due to the different values of the solar transmit-
‘‘on” even during the day because they simply prefer artificial tance of the glasses. Indeed, the base building has glasses with a
lights in addition to the natural one or for reasons related to mete- SHGC of 0.86 (0.76 for the few double glasses), while the Low-E
orological conditions (e.g., in a cloudy day, with an overcast sky). glasses of the refurbished building have a corresponding value of
Really, the poor attention of the users could cause an electricity 0.57. For this reason, the lighting system, regulated by the daylight
demand higher, for example when users forget the lights activated illuminance, has a higher energy demand.
also in empty rooms. On the contrary, a user careful to electric con- The combined effect of the two-energy efficiency measures, and
sumption will conscientiously try to reduce the energy expendi- thus the insulation of the opaque thermal envelope and the
ture related to this aspect and, basically, will make more use of replacement of windows, allows a yearly primary energy saving
natural light when possible. of about 40%, and the heating energy demand is lowered of around
Moreover, it is often presumed that all the users have LED 95%. Energy demands for the space heating, in residential buildings
lights, but really also incandescent halogen lamps and gas dis- and thus in edifices characterized by low air changes’ rates, are
charge lamps (e.g., fluorescent lamps) could be still present. Aver- mainly due to diffusive heat transfer, so that this increment of
agely, a mix of old lamps is characterized by a lower luminous thermal resistance has noteworthy effects. Moreover, the endoge-
efficiency compared to LEDs, and this implies a higher electric nous and solar gains, in the warm climate of Naples, allows favor-
demand for lighting but also a thermal gain in the building. The able heat gains that contribute significantly to balance the building
lighting system of the buildings with standard users was modeled (low) heating loads. The effectiveness of the energy efficiency mea-
by considering a lighting power of 5 W/m2. To simulate a more sures is justified by a base envelope of poor thermal quality (high
energy-intensive use of occupants – due to old systems or wrong thermal transmittance, high levels of infiltration due to the old
behavior or old technology – the power of the lighting system windows). For what concerns the cooling service, as previously
was increased by 50% (and thus 7.5 W/m2) and doubled (10 W/ specified and as expected, these energy conservation measures
m2). As said, these modifications will influence the electric demand do not produce considerable energy savings, as clear in Fig. 11,
of the building, but also the energy demand for heating. even if the light improvement (i.e., 1% in cooling demand) testi-
All aforementioned actions are summarized in Fig. 10. fies, however, an overall positive effect, even if quite negligible.
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 13

Fig. 10. Schematic modeling of the occupant behavior.

Fig. 11. The primary energy demand of the base building and of the refurbished one (heating, cooling, equipment, lighting).

In terms of environmental pollution, the emissions reduction As clear, the result of the feasibility study shows the conve-
corresponds to 43% during a year and the cost reduction is of about nience of the retrofit, explained by a considerable reduction in
33%. The cited Italian incentives were taken into account for the energy demand for heating.
technical-economic analysis. The tax credits for the thermal insula-
tion of the opaque envelope is a percentage of 70% (i.e., involved 5.2. The results of the building energy retrofit as a function of occupant
more than 25% of the envelope [38]) without concerning the cen- behavior
tralized heating system. For windows, the percentage has been
lowered recently to 50%. The calculated Simple Pay Back (SPB) per- The first occupant behavior examined is the opening of the win-
iod corresponds to 10 years and the Discounted Pay Back (DPB) is dows during the operation hours of the heating and cooling sys-
16 years (a discount factor of 3%/yearly was considered) and thus tems. Evaluating the impact of this wrong behavior on the
lower than a conservative calculation period of 20 years. Really, refurbished building, the primary energy reduction is lower com-
for refurbishments of the building envelope, lifespans of retrofit pared to the refurbished building with standard users. Indeed, fol-
measures are quite long, till 50 years [43]. lowing the adoption of the energy efficiency measures, the
14 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

refurbished building shows a reduction in primary energy demand

of 40%, compared to the base building; conversely, the wrong
behavior about the use of windows implies an increase in the over-
all primary energy demand of +31% of the refurbished building
compared to the same edifice with standard use (from 363,738
to 476,974 kWhp/year), while the primary energy demand reduc-
tion, compared to the base building, is of the 21%. Finally, the ben-
efit of the refurbishment is wasted significantly.
With a specific focus on the single seasons, during the heating
period, the refurbishment implies a primary energy saving of
95%, as previously said, but this outcome can be wasted by wrong
use of the windows, opened during the heating hours, which
reduces this saving, so that the actual reduction, in comparison
Fig. 12. The primary energy demand for heating with different heating setpoint.
to the base building, is ‘‘only” of 53%; finally, around 44% of the
potential saving is wasted.
During the cooling season, the wrong windows opening (and evaluating designs of building retrofits when wrong habits are per-
thus during the operation of the cooling system), nullifies the formed in both cases, and thus before and after the refurbishment.
achievable benefits of the refurbishment, with an increase of the In terms of emissions, in the case of the standard use of the refur-
primary energy demand for cooling of 9% compared to the base bished building, the yearly reduction of CO2 emissions is about
case. 43%, compared to the base building. In the worst condition of use
Annually, as summarized in Table 4, by taking into account of the thermostat, and thus when the heating setpoint is 23 °C,
yearly CO2 emissions of the building, the wrong opening of win- the yearly reduction of CO2 emissions is 34% compared to the base
dows reduces the achievable benefits of a refurbished building building. The CO2 emission is increased by about 15% (i.e., from
compared to the base one from 43% to 23%. In terms of polluting 71,234 kg CO2 to 81,905 kg CO2), when the thermostat is set in
emissions connected to the building use, this means the waste of the wrong way. These results are summarized in Table 5.
a potential and, in terms of economic feasibility, the discounted By analyzing a ‘‘green building use”, with a decrement of the
pay-back of the energy retrofit investment passes from 16 to more heating setpoint, the situation is reversed. When the heating set-
than 20 years. point varies from 20 °C to 19 °C the percentage energy saving for
For what concerns the increment of the heating setpoint, as it heating passes from 95% to 98%, compared to the base building.
may be expected, the yearly primary energy demand has under- This value grows if the setpoint is 17 °C, reaching the value of
gone a significant increment. Progressively incrementing the heat- almost 100%, as shown in Table 6. Really, 100% means that the
ing setpoint, the primary heating demand reaches values almost heating service is not required. Obviously, according to the Fanger
five times higher than the case of the standard setpoint of 20 °C, theory (PMV and PPD indexes) [44], the calculation of indoor com-
as shown in Fig. 12 and Table 5. fort in wintertime (in rooms with an air temperature of 17 °C,
The percentage variation of the heating demand compared to mean radiant temperature at the same value for simplicity, relative
the base building is gradually lower. The refurbished building with humidity 50%, winter clothing with a thermal resistance of 1.1 clo,
the standard setpoint of 20 °C implies, as said, an energy-saving for airspeed not higher than 0.20 m/s, metabolic rate = 1.1 met) pro-
heating of 95%, compared to the base building. When the heating vides a PMV = 1.34, with a percentage of dissatisfied equal to
setpoint is incremented to 21 °C, the percentage energy saving 42%. Conversely, a heating setpoint of 20 °C is obviously suitable
for heating is 90%; when it is 22 °C, the percentage energy saving (PMV = -0.62, PPD = 13%), while 19 °C could be still acceptable
for heating is 83%; when the setpoint is 23 °C, the percentage (PMV = 0.86, PPD = 21%). Table 6 shows how ‘‘green behaviors”,
energy saving for heating is 76%. It should be noted, moreover, that in refurbished buildings in warm climates, can almost nullify the
the refurbished building increases its energy request for heating, heating demand.
when the setpoint raises, non-linearly. Indeed, the surplus energy More in general, comparing the yearly energy demand of the
demand is of +130 052 kWh passing from 20 °C to 21 °C, of refurbished building with the lowest heating setpoint (17 °C,
+160 555 kWh passing from 21 °C to 22 °C, +190 314 kWh passing 351,107 kWhp) to the one with the highest setpoint (23 °C,
from 22 °C to 23 °C. 412,666 kWhp), the saving is about 15% annually (by taking into
The effect of this wrong behavior on the economic feasibility of account all energy uses). This result is in line with [10]: an
the energy refurbishment is considerable. To a heating setpoint of energy-aware occupant behavior about the system control could
20 °C corresponds a DPB of 16 years, but when it is incremented of cause energy-saving up to 20%.
1 °C, the DPB is 17 years. When the heating setpoint reaches the For what concerns the deactivation of the shading system, this
value of 23 °C, the DPB is higher than 20 years. About this outcome, produces low advantages during the winter but very significant
it would be interesting, but this will be a next investigation, also

Table 4
results of the opening of windows during system activation times.

Yearly Energy D% yearly Heating Energy D % yearly Cooling Energy D % yearly Yearly CO2 D % yearly SPB – DPB –
Demand – difference Demand – difference Demand – difference emissions – kg difference years years
kWhp kWhp kWhp CO2 eq
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 50,122 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 49,686 1% 71,234 43% 10 16
building with
standard users
Refurbished 476,974 21% 120,980 53% 54,649 9% 95,819 –23% 19 >20
building – more
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 15

Table 5
results of the increase of the heating setpoint.

Yearly Energy D % yearly Heating Energy D % yearly Yearly CO2 emissions D % yearly SPB DPB
Demand – kWhp difference Demand – kWhp difference – kg CO2-eq difference years years
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished building with 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 71,234 43% 10 16
standard users
Refurbished building – 376,792 38% 25,760 90% 74,080 40% 11 17
Heating setpoint 21 °C
Refurbished building – 393,346 35% 42,315 83% 77,691 37% 12 19
Heating setpoint 22 °C
Refurbished building – 412,666 32% 61,629 76% 81,905 34% 13 >20
Heating setpoint 23 °C

Table 6
results of the decrement of the heating setpoint.

Yearly Energy D % yearly Heating Energy D % yearly Yearly CO2 emissions – D % yearly SPB DPB
Demand – kWhp difference Demand – kWhp difference kg CO2-eq/MWh difference years years
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished building with 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 71,234 43% 10 16
standard users
Refurbished building – 355,130 41% 4100 98% 69,357 44% 10 15
Heating setpoint 19 °C
Refurbished building – 351,764 42% 733 100% 68,624 45% 10 15
Heating setpoint 18 °C
Refurbished building – 351,107 42% 75 100% 68,481 45% 10 15
Heating setpoint 17 °C

penalties during the summer. This behavior determines the incre- hand, determines the reduction of the heating energy request. The
ment of the entering solar radiation, which is found to be positive electric devices contribute to the building’s endogenous gains and
during the heating seasons but negative during the cooling period, thus to the involuntary indoor heating. The primary energy reduc-
by incrementing heavily the heat gains and thus the cooling loads. tion for the space heating, for the building with electric energy-
As said previously, the refurbished building (standard users) intensive users, compared to the base building, is about 99.6%,
has an energy-saving for heating of 95% compared to the present and thus in percentage terms, this reduction is higher than the
one. The deactivation of solar shadings implies a further lowering refurbished building with standard users (95%). Oppositely, in
of the heating demand (- 97% with respect to the base case): summer, the addition of electric devices determines the growth
indeed, there is an increase of the useful solar gains that reduces of the cooling demand. The primary energy demand for cooling is
the heating demand, even if not so significantly, given the already higher of 21% compared to the base building. In terms of costs,
extremely low energy need for heating of the refurbished building. the increase in electricity demand corresponds to an increase in
During the summer, the situation is very different. The primary payback periods of investment. The DPB and the SPB are both
energy demand for cooling of the base building is about 500 122 longer than 20 years. Even the CO2 emissions, obviously, suffer a
kWhp, the one of the refurbished building is 490 686 kWhp and growth comparing the standard refurbished building and the one
the one of the refurbished building with no shading activation is with intensive energy users. The first one implies a yearly reduc-
about 630 371 kWhp. The cooling demand is thus incremented by tion of CO2-eq emissions of 43%, the second of 21%. The results,
26% compared to the base case. Although the deactivation of the reported in Table 8, show the negative effect of the intensive elec-
shading system causes a decrement of the heating demand, it is tric use on the primary energy demand of the building and on costs
negligible if this outcome is compared to the increment of the cool- and emissions.
ing energy request (Table 7). Finally, the last occupant behavior evaluated is the more inten-
Comparing the refurbished building with more intensive use of sive use of the lighting system. As it may be expected, this variation
electric equipment to the refurbished building with standard use, affects the energy electric demand of the building (and not only the
the yearly increment in the electric demand for equipment is equal energy demand for lighting). Evaluating the case of a refurbished
to 86%. The addition of electric devices in a residential building, on building with a lighting system power equal to 7.5 W/m2, the pri-
one hand, causes an increase in electric demand, but on the other mary energy demand for lights is incremented by 53% compared to

Table 7
Results of the deactivation of the shading system.

Yearly Energy D % yearly Heating Energy D % yearly Cooling Energy D % yearly Yearly CO2 D % yearly SPB – DPB –
Demand – difference Demand – difference Demand – difference emissions – kg difference years years
kWhp kWhp kWhp CO2 eq
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 50,122 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished building 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 49,686 1% 71,234 43% 10 16
with standard
Refurbished building 364,630 40% 6729 97% 63,371 26% 71,270 42% 10 16
– deactivated
16 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

Table 8
Results of a more energy-intensive use of equipment.

Yearly D% Heating D% Cooling D% Equipment D% Yearly CO2 D% SPB DPB

Energy yearly Energy yearly Energy yearly Energy yearly emissions – yearly – –
Demand – difference Demand- difference Demand – difference Demand – difference kg CO2 eq difference years years
kWhp kWhp kWhp kWhp
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 50,122 – 164,196 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 49,686 1% 164,196 – 71,234 43% 10 16
Refurbished 503,844 17% 1151 100% 60,608 21% 304,936 86% 98,295 21% > 20 > 20
building –

the base building. Coherently, as in the case of the addition of elec- the base building (156 kWhp/m2) but the greater energy demand
tric equipment, even the energy-intensive use of artificial lights among all those referred to the refurbished buildings (standard
causes the growth of the cooling demand (in this case, about 8% use = 94 kWhp/m2) with wrong habits. The addition and more
compared to the base building). During the winter, the more inten- intense use of equipment nullifies the need for heating (the corre-
sive use of the lighting system contributes positively to reduce the sponding value is 0.3 kWh/m2) but causes the increase of the cool-
heating loads, implying a further reduction of the energy demand ing energy demand from 13 kWhp/m2 to 16 kWhp/m2 if compared
for heating, from 95% to 98% compared to the base building. to the reference refurbished building. In the same way, when the
This result is negligible compared to the increase of both cooling lighting system has a nominal power of 10 W/m2, the yearly energy
and lighting energy demands. demand is 129 kWhp/m2 and the electric energy demand of the
The growth of the overall building energy demand is even more refurbished building passes from 78 kWhp/m2 to 113 kWhp/m2.
significant when the building has a lighting system with a power of The occupant behavior which does not lead to an increase in
10 W/m2. The reduction of the primary energy demand is about annual energy demand is the deactivation of the shading system.
17% if compared to the base building, a lower value compared to In this case, the cooling demand increases but the energy demand
the refurbished building with standard users (40%). In the same for electricity decreases following the reduction in the use of arti-
way, the energy demand for lights reaches 274,296 kWhp, almost ficial lights. Of course, a sapient use of shadings systems (auto-
double if compared to the base building and standard refurbished matic) will provide undebatable thermal and energy benefits.
buildings and higher than 33% if compared to the building with a Finally, in Table 10, the results of the combination of all wrong
lighting system of power 7.5 W/m2. In terms of cost, the SPB and behaviors are reported. In this case, all the wrong actions were
the DPB are both higher than 20 years, while, in the previous case taken into account in their more energy-intensive version (e.g.,
(lighting system with a power of 7.5 W/m2), the SPB was 16 years the heating setpoint was set at 23 °C and the power of the lighting
and the DPB was higher than 20 years. In Table 9 the discussed system was set at 10 W/m2). The yearly energy demand results
results are summarized. equal to 202 kWhp/m2, which corresponds to a higher value com-
A summary of all, singularly analyzed, wrong behaviors and pared to both the refurbished standard building (94 kWhp/m2) and
habits, is inferred in Table 10, for what concerns absolute energy the base building before the refurbishment (156 kWhp/m2). It is
demands and by taking into account a single square meter of the interesting to note that, even if the overall energy demand is the
net-conditioned surface area, as common according to EU methods highest, the heating energy demand is greater than the reference
for evaluating building energy performance. refurbished building but lower than the base building. Conversely,
Evaluating the overall results, the behavior that has the most the cooling energy demand has a higher value both with respect to
negative impact on economic, emissions, and energy terms, is the the base case and the refurbished reference building. Thus, more in
energy-intensive use of electric equipment. The yearly energy general, the wrong occupant behaviors have a more significant
demand is 130 kWhp/m2, a lower energy demand compared to impact on the cooling demand rather than the heating demand.

Table 9
Results of a more energy-intensive use of the lighting system.

Yearly D% Heating D% Cooling D% Lighting D% Yearly D% SPB DPB

Energy yearly Energy yearly Energy yearly system yearly CO2 yearly – –
Demand difference Demand difference Demand difference Energy difference emissions difference years years
– kWhp – kWhp – kWhp Demand – – kg CO2
kWhp eq
Base building 604,978 – 256,442 – 50,122 – 134,219 – 123,914 – – –
Refurbished building 363,738 40% 12,708 95% 49,686 1% 137,148 2% 71,234 43% 10 16
with standard
Refurbished building 429,553 29% 5309 98% 54,325 8% 205,722 53% 83,900 –32% 16 > 20
– intensive use of
the lighting system
(power 7.5 W/m2)
Refurbished building 499,108 17% 1709 99% 58,906 18% 274,296 104% 97,384 21% > 20 > 20
– intensive use of
the lighting system
(power 10 W/m2)
F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217 17

Table 10
Results in terms of primary energy demand of the energy-intensive use of the building.

Yearly Overall Energy Heating Energy Demand Cooling Energy Demand Electric uses
kWhp kWhp/ % of the kWhp kWhp/ % of the kWhp kWhp/ % of the kWhp kWhp/ % of the
m2 BB m2 BB m2 BB m2 BB
Base building (BB) 604,978 156 (100%) 256,442 66 (100%) 50,122 13 (100%) 298,415 77 (100%)
Refurbished building (standard user) 363,738 94 60% 12,708 3 5% 49,686 13 99% 301,345 78 101%
Refurbished building, wrong opening of 476,974 123 79% 120,980 31 47% 54,649 14 109% 301,345 78 101%
Refurbished building, heating setpoint 351,107 91 58% 75 0 0% 49,687 13 99% 301,345 78 101%
17 °C
Refurbished building, heating setpoint 412,666 106 68% 61,629 16 24% 49,693 13 99% 301,345 78 101%
23 °C
Refurbished building, deactivated shadings 364,630 94 60% 6729 2 3% 63,371 16 126% 294,530 76 99%
Refurbished building, increased 503,844 130 83% 1151 0 0% 60,608 16 121% 442,084 114 148%
Refurbished building, increased lighting 429,553 111 71% 5309 1 2% 54,325 14 108% 369,919 95 124%
(power 7.5 W/m2)
Refurbished building, increased lighting 499,108 129 83% 1709 0 1% 58,906 15 118% 438,493 113 147%
(power 10 W/m2)
Refurbished building, sum of the wrong 781,900 202 129% 126,227 33 49% 90,070 23 180% 565,602 146 190%

Fig. 13. EPgl,nrel of the reference building, base building and refurbished building with respective energy classes.

The combination of energy-intensive behaviors is an extreme con- energy label of the building improves of 4 classes, with better
dition, which could only occur if users simultaneously assume all energy performance and increased economic value of the flats, in
the wrong habits. The energy demand of this building typology case of rent or sale. Please, note that this evaluation can be consid-
could be considered as the maximum primary energy demand of ered merely qualitative; indeed, even if the rating boundary condi-
a refurbished residential building in Naples. Therefore, the tailored, tions are the same of those prescribed by Italian laws in matter of
dynamic and reliable building energy demand of a refurbished building energy certifications (i.e., the ‘‘standard rating” according
building (with no actions on the heating and cooling systems, to the UNI 11300-1 [19], Fig. 7), here the building energy simula-
and without considering the domestic hot water need) could vary tion is performed according to sub-hourly timestep, by taking into
from a maximum of 202 kWhp/m2 to a minimum of 94 kWhp/m2 account the transient heat transfer, while, conversely, the building
depending on user’s behavior. certification should be based on monthly semi-stationary energy
5.3. The results of building energy performance certification
6. Conclusions
In order to evaluate the energy class of the base building and
the one of the refurbished building, even if merely indicative, the The environmental issue related to the energy demands of the
EPgl.nren was calculated according to the Italian Ministerial Decree present building stock should not be underestimated. Especially
26/06/2015 [40]. This indicator considers the primary energy the residential sector is old and high energy-demanding, due to
demands for heating, cooling, and domestic hot water while, for the low quality of the building envelope, the inefficient heating
residential buildings, equipment and lighting are not considered and cooling systems but also for a poor ‘‘energy-use” expertise
yet. As reported in Fig. 13, by comparing the EPgl.nren of the base and wrong habits and behaviors by the occupants.
building with the EPgl,nren,rif,standard (2019/21) of the reference build- Often, the users have poor awareness of how much their behav-
ing, the energy class is ‘‘D”, typical of an energy-inefficient build- ior can affect the building’s energy demand and thus they persist in
ing. For what concerns the refurbished building, the energy class wrong actions. The present study has evaluated the impact of the
becomes ‘‘A2”. The EPgl.nren is equal to 47.8 kWh/m2, evidently a occupant behaviors on a refurbished building, residential, quite
lower (more than halved) value than the base building (105.3 common in shape, materials, and technologies of the European
kWhp/m2). This is due to the improvement of the building energy Mediterranean area. In particular, the efficacy of typical energy
performance following the external thermal insulation of the efficiency measures (thermal insulation of the envelope and
envelope and the replacement of the old windows. Therefore, the replacement of the windows) applied to a multistory residential
18 F. Ascione et al. / Energy & Buildings 223 (2020) 110217

building in Naples (South Italy, Mediterranean coastline) was eval- The next investigation of the occupant behavior will concern
uated, in terms of costs, GHG emissions, and energy saving. the building energy demand for cooling. Really, presently, given
Starting from a validated model of a base building (BB), simu- that the use of summer air-conditioning systems is less consoli-
lated by means of authoritative codes for transient energy analy- dated and there are no general rules and praxis, it is difficult to
ses, a second model of the refurbished building (EEM) was start from a conventional occupant behavior, in terms of use of
dynamically simulated, by considering a standard occupant behav- passive strategies, such as nocturnal natural ventilation and flow
ior. Successively, single and combined wrong actions by the build- rates, activation of windows’ solar shadings, operational conditions
ing occupants were implemented in order to evaluate their of cooling systems (set-points and number of activation hours).
impacts for what concerns the deprecation of expected energy per- Finally, given that the use of cooling is more aleatory, surely this
formances. More in detail, several simulations, each one imple- is an interesting and arduous investigation field.
menting a different behavior of the occupants, were compared to In a sad historical period (winter/spring 2020), all scholars,
the energy demand of the refurbished building, as managed by technicians, and people definitively should re-think, since today,
‘‘standard users”. The considered habits concerned a more to really sustainable living styles, houses, buildings, cities.
energy-intensive use of the electric and lighting systems, the open-
ing of the windows during the hours of activation of the heating/- Declaration of Competing Interest
cooling equipment, the modification of the thermostat setpoints,
the deactivation of the shading systems. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
The evaluation of erroneous habits by the users has shown their cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
negative impact on the energy demand of the building and on the to influence the work reported in this paper.
economic feasibility of the energy efficiency measures. The occu-
pant behavior can affect the energy benefits of an energy retrofit
design, and it increases the payback period of the investment.
The reference refurbished building with standard users has a pri-
The authors thank the financial support of the Italian
mary energy demand of 363,738 kWhp, which corresponds to 94
PRIN (‘‘Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale)
kWhp/m2 (i.e., 40% compared to the BB). The investment DPB
Project ‘‘SUSTAIN/ABLE – SimultaneoUs STructural And energetIc
was 16 years, and thus this is fully feasible and convenient, being
reNovAtion of BuiLdings through innovativE solutions”, ERC Sector
the lifespan of the retrofit measures surely longer than 30 years.
PE8, ID 20174RTL7W_007.
Conversely, paybacks’ times could be higher due to wrong occu-
Finally, the authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of
pant behaviors; for instance, in case of an energy-intensive use of
the anonymous reviewers. We thank for the valuable suggestions.
equipment, the building’s primary energy demand is 130 kWh/
m2 and the DPB is longer than 20 years. This, single, wrong action
almost nullifies the energy and economic benefits of the refurbish- Appendix A. Supplementary data
ment investment. In the same way, the more intensive use of the
lighting system determines the increase of the primary energy Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
demand reaching a value of up to 129 kWh/m2.
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