Final Trial Exam - 2021: Text One

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‫فلسطين‬ State of Palestine

‫دولة بسم‬ ‫الله الرحمن الرحيم‬ Ministry of Education\Tulkarm

‫ طولكرم‬/ ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
‫ اللغة االنجليزية‬: ‫المبحث‬ Total marks (100)
2:45 : ‫الزمن‬ Date : 18/ 4/ 2021
)‫ (الفرع العلمي‬Scientific Stream
Final Trial Exam -2021
Reading comprehension: (45 points)
Question Number One: (25 points)
:Text One-Read the text and then answer the tasks below
Almost everything in New York was different. We were used to living in an __________________ )1
area where everyone knew everyone else’s business, but here no one seemed to take any notice
even of their neighbours. Instead of having a common culture, the people around us dressed in
different styles, ate different kinds of food, even spoke different languages. It was a complete puzzle
.to me how they could be so various yet still call themselves Americans
I was born in 1942, so I must have been about six or seven when the 1948 ___________________ )2
catastrophe (Nakba) happened. As a result, thousands of Palestinian families, including mine, were
forced to leave Palestine. We spent a short time in Jordan before we children were taken to America
by our aunt and uncle. Being so young, I saw our new life mostly as an adventure, even though I
missed my friends and our old home. My parents had important work to do, but they had promised
to join us as soon as possible. My older brother went through a period of anger, saying he hated
everything about America. My uncle had his job at the newspaper and was quite fluent in English, so
.he managed fairly well. My aunt, though, never got used to life in America
I now realize that this was mostly a choice she made herself. She _____________________ )3
refused to learn any English, so she found herself stuck in the-house most of the time, only going out
to buy ‘food like we had at home’, for which she would walk miles rather than use the stores in the
neighborhood. She also refused to make any changes to the tiny apartment we rented, apart from
spending hours keeping it clean. This meant that it was very hot in the summer and freezing in
winter. I’m sure we could have afforded a fridge, but she wouldn’t have one preferring to keep things
.cool in the traditional way
At the time, I remember feeling annoyed with her stubborn attitude, but ____________________ )4
now, looking back, I know I should have realized what it was: a sign of her deep feeling of loss. In one
way, I now understand, she was clinging to the way of life that had been taken from her. Mainly,
though, her refusal to become accustomed to living in America was an expression of her conviction
that our situation was only temporary, ‘Don’t get used to all this’, she often told us ‘because it won’t
.last. We’ll be going home soon
Match the following titles with the suitable paragraphs in the text: (4 points) :1
) ( A- Justification of a strange behavior. ( ) B- The start of new life
) ( C- Signs of holding on homeland ( ) D- Different place, different ways

Complete the table below about the aunt’s life in America: (7 points) :2
: The aunt's decision was

… The result ..… She refused to

Answer the following questions: (4 points) :3
?What was amazing about the people who lived in New York .1
How did the following react to new life in America? a- .2
___________________________________________________________ :The writer
__________________________________________________________ :b- Her brother
___________________________________________________________ :c- Her uncle

Complete the following sentences: (7points) :4

:Two of the reasons for the aunt’s strange behavior are .1
_______________ The writer’s aunt wanted to believe that their stay in America was .2
__________ ,_________________ The writer noticed that people in New York were different in -3
_______________________ The pronoun "we" (line 8) refers to -4

Decide whether the following sentences are True or False: (3 points) :5

) ( .As soon as the whole family arrived in America, they noticed a different life there .1
) ( .The text covers the family’s life during the period of post of Nakba .2
Question Number Two : ( 20 points)
:Text Two-Read the text and find answers to the questions below
In today's world where everything is just one click away. Internet ________________________1
certainly has greatly impacted the life of everyone. We use it for communication, education, office
work, and other computer-related tasks.  Moreover, Social networking is a medium through which
we can broadcast our knowledge, experience, and views. However, too much use of social
networking sites is making individuals dumb Thus, technology is a rather controversial subject. Some
.regard the internet as an obstacle. Others believe that it is a helper
The Internet is one of the best tools for productivity today. A student can _____________________2
learn any subject from vast online resources. Abstract subjects like mathematics can be better
understood through online practice pages and forums. Writers can find inspiration online. Musicians
have access to countless tools to create their next masterpiece. In short, the Internet is a fantastic
.place to help and guide individuals to do amazing things
However, Internet and technology become a problem when they become a ____________________3
substitute for human interaction. Youngsters fear face to face conversation, and feel more
comfortable when interacting through a screen. While spending hours on the internet, youngsters
are left with little time for other tasks, especially healthy physical activity. Playing online games has
become more in demand than going out to play a proper sport. This not only wastes their precious
time, but also hinders physical and mental development. Insomnia and insecurity are a result of
.excessive use of internet
Internet and technology in and of themselves aren't bad; they can be a_______________________4
great help if used in the right way. Internet gives you the only thing that you have requested. Bad or
.good depends on you. Choose wisely it is we, who can make it look like a blessing or a curse

Match the headings with the suitable paragraph above: (4 points) :1

) ( Harmful impacts of the internet ( ) B. Careful use leads to good results .A
) ( C. A tool for learning and creativity ( ) D. A debatable view about the internet
Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False: (2 points) :2
) ( .Teenagers mostly feel more comfortable with Face-to-face interaction .1
) ( .The Internet is like a double-edged sword. It has the potential to be beneficial or harmful .2
According to the text, how does the internet influence our life? (4 points) :3
_____________________________________________________________________ .1
______________________________________________________________________ .2
?What are the consequences of neglecting physical sport .4

Write do the following pronouns and words refer to? (2 points) .5

__________________________________ :their" (line 10) " .1
___________________________________ :This" (line 16) " .2

Complete the diagrams with missing information from the text above: ( 8 points ) .6
:The internet could be beneficial to .A

Advantage Advantage Advantage

________________________ ________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
____________ ____________ ____________

: Excessive use of the internet leads to

.2 .1
Vocabulary ( 20 points )
Question Number Three: (20 points)
‫ يتكون هذاالقسم من خمس اسئلة اجب عن اربعة فقط‬:From this section answer four questions only

Replace the underlined parts of the sentences below with words from the box: (5points) :1
revealed knowledge unconsciously infuriated creative
_____________________ .I was very angry by their constant criticism .1
_________________ .The questions are intended to test students' general things they know .2
_____________ .She's very good at making artistic things and always coming up with new ideas .3
_________________.While we're striving for fame and gain, we change without thinking about it .4
___________________ .Research has shown that 58% of people did not know where their heart is .5

(5 points) Complete the following sentences with words from the list: :2
attempt impatient justified prospects reserve

.The teacher was becoming increasingly ____________________ at the students' lack of interest .1

.We still have a _____________________ of food in case of emergency .2
.The employment ______________________for graduates in computer science are excellent .3

.If you describe an action as _______________________, you think it is reasonable and acceptable .4
.Don't _________________________ more than you are capable of .5

Choose the correct answer: (5points) :3

.They do lots of (foundation courses / outdoor activities) like canoeing, hiking and camping .1
.It's time for him to retire and let someone younger (take over / takeover) as director .2
.. The mother pulled the child away from the fire just ( in time /on time) -3
Ali took the running of the company when the manager was away( on business./in business) -4
.I (ran into / came across) some interesting facts when I was browsing the internet -5
)Complete the following sentences with suitable phrasal verbs from the box: 5points :4
rule out turn out participate in get on with break down

Be positive about your future and _____________________ living a normal life .1

 .The committee decided to _______________________ some of the unsuitable ideas .2
.We will have the opportunity to  ___________________actively __________ the discussion .3
.You can build up or _______________________ your future. It all depends on you .4
 .What we desire or want does not always ______________________ to be good for ourselves .5
Complete the following sentences using the words in the box with (under, over, co- , mis, up ) :5
takes cooked market charged operation
.The customer was ____________________ because the sales clerk scanned the item twice .1
.potatoes taste unpleasant and can be harmful  __________________________ .2
.________________________ I'm not blaming you, we all make .3
.We are counting on your ________________________ to get the work done quickly .4
.In ___________________ restaurants or hotels, standard English breakfast is served .5
Language (20 Points)
Section A (10points)
‫ يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة اجب عن سؤالين فقط‬.From this section answer two questions only
Question Number Four
A. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets: (3points) :1
By 2020 , the Ministry of Agriculture ____________millions of olive trees in Palestine.(plant) .1
You can’t see him today .He ____________________an appointment with the dentist. (have) .2
We __________________________ TV when the fire started. ( watch ) .3
I _____________________for over 7 hours and I _____________________yet.( study /finish) .4
Don’t make any noise. The baby _________________________ .(sleep) .5

.B. Complete the following sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets
I had to turn back to the bakery when I remembered ___________some bread.(to .1
Would you mind ______________me carry this bag? It’s very heavy. ( helping / to help ) .2
When someone retires , he stops _________________as an employee.( to work/working) .3
My father advised me ________________my money carelessly ( not to spend/to not spend) .4

A. Report the following questions: (3points) :2
?Why don’t you do your homework alone .1
.____________________________________________ The teacher asked me
?Did she have breakfast with her family .2
._______________________________________________________ He asked
?What must drivers do to reduce road accidents .3
.____________________________________________ I asked the policeman

B. Write question tags to the following sentences: (2points)

?____________________ ,His explanation to the problem isn’t convincing .1
?_________________________ ,The news about the lost child shocked everyone .2
?_______________________ , She’d cut the meat before she put it in the fridge .3
?__________________________ ,He's never come to school early .4
A. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words provided: (3points) :3
.She realizes now that the job she accepted is tiring .1
.__________________________________________________ She wishes
.I was Lazy when I was a child .2
.____________________________________________________ I regret
.If he took the medicine regularly, he would be better now .3
.__________________________________________________ He should
B. Circle the correct answer: (2points)
.We can't wait for a long time .She ( may \ could ) not come .1
.The missed call ( must , might) be from Ali. He promised to call us today .2
. He is unpopular and none trusts him, so he ( may not \ probably won’t ) win the elections .3
.Attention please. The train (will \ could) arrive in ten minutes .4
Section B (10 points)
‫ يتكون هذا القسم من ثالثة أسئلة اجب عن سؤالين فقط‬:From this section answer two questions only
Question Number Five
A. Rewrite the following beginning with the words given: (3points) :1
.Don't spend all your money on marketing .1
_________________________________________ My counsellor advised me against
.It's forbidden by law to drive a car without having a driving license .2
____________________________________________________ The police warned us
.It’s important to realize that stock markets are changing continuously these days .3
____________________________________________________ My father told me that

B. Do as required in brackets . (2points)

he \ understand \ the text \ now ? (Write the full question) .1
? ________________________________________________________________
The player is still suffering and we don’t think he can score any goal..(Show 25% probability) .2

A. Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part with causative structure: (2 points) :2
..I must go to the dentist to take my tooth out before it starts hurting .1

I went to the garage and asked the mechanic to service my car because of a fault in the .2
B. Circle the correct answer: (3points)
 .That (should / must) be the right house. It’s the only one with a red door .1
.I’m sorry, I (shouldn’t borrow / shouldn’t have borrowed) your book without asking .2
.The paramedics (could /should) have saved the man’s life if they acted quickly .3
C. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:                                                                                                                   
 (5 Points)
)There is only one mistake in each sente
C. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:                                                                                                               
)There is only one mistake in each sente

A. Underline and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences: (3points) :3
____________________________________ ?What are you thinking the reasons for her success .1
____________________________ . I wish I didn’t go there alone . I nearly got lost .2
_______________________________ .I can’t promise you, but I will come to your birthday party -3

B. Put the verbs in brackets in the (be going to/ be + ing) form: (2 points)
He’s holding a piece of paper. He __________________________ a letter. (write) .1
We _________________________ to Cairo next week. We’ve already booked the tickets. (travel) .2
Their son __________________________in Ramallah next month. (live) .3
The wall is cracked and looks unsafe . It_____________________________ down .( fall) -4
Writing: (15 points)
Question Number Six
:Write on one of the following topics
?Time management is the shortest route to success. To what extent do you agree :1
:Write an essay of 150 words about the above statement using the following ideas
?Why do we need to manage our time .1
?How can we manage our time properly .2
?What benefits could we get from time management .3

.B: Many experts focus on the phrase "dream job" to draw everyone’s future
:Write an essay of about 150 words on the above phrase focusing on the following ideas
.What this phrase means .1
.Why a dream job is important for someone to choose .2
.What you think the most difficult thing about the job would be .3



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