Statistics Exercise # 3

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MACAPAAR___ Subject: EDUC 202 (Educational Statistics)

Exercise # 3
1. In a survey of electric power utilization of 32 households in Barangay Santiago, the average
monthly kilowatt-hours are the following:

20 25 30 36 38 40 40 42
45 48 50 53 56 58 60 64
66 68 70 72 74 80 88 90
96 100 120 130 135 140 150 152

a. Set-up a Frequency Distribution table using the lowest observation as the lower limit of
the first interval.
 Find the range (R).
Range (R) = highest value – lowest value = 152 – 20 = 132
 Estimate the number of classes or intervals, k. k = n , where n = number of
K=√ 32 ¿ 5.65∨6
 Estimate the class width c of each interval
R 132
c = k = 6 = 22
 List the lower and upper class limits of the first interval.

Class Tally Frequency Class Class Relative Cumulative

Interval Mark Boundaries Frequency Frequency
20 – 42 IIII-III 8 31 19.5—42.5 0.25 8
43 – 65 IIII-III 8 54 42.5—65.5 0.25 16
66– 88 IIII-II 7 77 65.5—88.5 0.2187 23
89 – 111 III 3 100 88.5—111.5 0.937 26
112 – 134 II 2 123 115.5—134.5 0.625 28
135 - 157 IIII 4 146 134.5—157.5 0.125 32

b. Construct a bar chart and frequency ogive.


20 – 42 43 – 65 66– 88 89 – 111 112 – 134 135 - 157

Class Limits

f r eq u en c y o g i v e

cumulative frequency
35 32
30 28
25 23


10 8

19. 5 42. 5 65. 5 88. 5 115. 5 134. 5 157. 5
class boundaries

2. Given the frequency polygon below.

a. Frequency Distribution Table

Class Interval Frequency Class Class Cumulative Relative

Mark Boundaries Frequency Frequency
14.0– 14.4 2 14.2 13.95 – 14.45 2 0.05
14.5– 14.9 10 14.7 14.45– 14.95 12 0.35
15.0– 15.4 12 15.2 14.95– 15.45 24 0.30
15.5– 15.9 7 15.7 15.45– 15.95 31 0.18
16.0– 16.4 5 16.2 15.95 – 16.45 36 0.13
16.5– 16.9 4 16.7 16.45 – 16.95 40 0.10

b. Frequency Histogram




13.95 – 14.45 14.45– 14.95 14.95– 15.45 15.45– 15.95 15.95 – 16.45 16.45 – 16.95

class Boundaries

C. Find/ Answer the following:

 Lower class limit of the lower class is 14.0

 Lower class boundary of the highest class is 16.45.
(L highest class boundary = 16.5− ( 0.1 )= 16.45)
 Class width is 0.483 or ≈ 0.5
 Find the range (R).
Range (R) = highest value – lowest value = 16.9 – 14.0 = 2.9
 Estimate the number of classes or intervals, k. k = n , where n = number of
K=√ 40 ¿ 6.32∨6
 Estimate the class width c of each interval
R 2.9
c = k = 6 = 0.483 or 0.5
 The number of observations: n=40
n=f 1 + f 2 +f 3 + f 4 + f 5 + f 6=2+10+12+7+5+ 4=40
 The number of observations below 15.7 is 24.
 The number of observations greater than 15.95 is 9 (40-31).
 Determine the number of observations between 14.45-15.95 is 29 (31-2).
3. Below is the distribution of the diameters of the heads of rivets manufactured by a

Diameter Frequency Class Mark Class Relative Less than

(mm.) (f ) ( x i) Boundaries Frequency Cumulative
( F i) Frequency
7.25– 7.49 6 7.37 7.245 – 7.495 0.10 0
7.50– 7.74 10 7.62 7.495– 7.745 0.17 6
7.75– 7.99 12 7.87 7.745– 7.995 0.20 16
8.00– 8.24 16 8.12 7.995– 8.245 0.26 28
8.25– 8.49 9 8.37 8.245 – 8.495 0.15 44
8.50– 8.74 7 8.62 8.495 – 8.745 0.12 53

a. Frequency Distribution table for the diameters of the heads of rivets manufactured by a
Class Intervals Frequency Class Mark Class Boundaries
Diameter(mm.) (f ) ( x i)
7.25– 7.49 6 7.37 7.245 – 7.495
7.50– 7.74 10 7.62 7.495– 7.745
7.75– 7.99 12 7.87 7.745– 7.995
8.00– 8.24 16 8.12 7.995– 8.245
8.25– 8.49 9 8.37 8.245 – 8.495
8.50– 8.74 7 8.62 8.495 – 8.745

b. Relative Frequency Distribution table.

Class Intervals Class Mark Class Boundaries Relative Frequency
Diameter (mm.) ( x i) (F i)
7.25– 7.49 7.37 7.245 – 7.495 0.10
7.50– 7.74 7.62 7.495– 7.745 0.17
7.75– 7.99 7.87 7.745– 7.995 0.20
8.00– 8.24 8.12 7.995– 8.245 0.26
8.25– 8.49 8.37 8.245 – 8.495 0.15
8.50– 8.74 8.62 8.495 – 8.745 0.12

c. Histogram and Frequency polygon


7.245 – 7.495 7.495– 7.745 7.745– 7.995 7.995– 8.245 8.245 – 8.495 8.495 – 8.745
class Boundaries

Frequency polygon


10 9

8 7

0 0
7.12 7.37 7.62 7.87 8.12 8.37 8.62 8.87

Class Marks

4. Complete the frequency distribution table below and answer the following questions.

Class Intervals Class Boundaries Class Mark Frequency Cumulative

(in grams) ( x i) (f ) Frequency
1.1– 1.4 1.05—1.45 1.25 7 7
1.5– 1.8 C) 1.45—1.85 F) 1.65 H) 9 I) 16
A) 1.9 – 2.2 1.85—2.25 D) G) 2.05 15 31
B) 2.3 – 2.6 2.25—2.65 E) 2.45 9 40

a) What is the value of letters A) to I)?

A) 1.9 C) 1.45 E) 2.65 G) 2.05 I) 31
B) 2.3 D) 2.25 F) 1.65 H) 9
b) How many observations have scores ranging from 1.5 to 2.2?
 There are 24 observations ranging from 1.5—2.2.
c) What is the class mark of the lowest class?
 The class mark of the lowest class is 1.25 .
d) What is the value of the class width?
 The value of the class width is 0.25 or ≈ 0.3
R 1.5
R = 2.6– 1.1 = 1.5 K=√ 40 ¿ 6.32∨≈ 6 c= =
k 6

e) What is the lower class boundary of the highest frequency?

 The lower class boundary of the highest frequency is 1.85.

5. Bob has been in the egg business for several years. For the past 25 days, he was able to sell
50, 45, 25, 23, 47, 45, 18, 33, 56, 59, 36, 34, 63, 43, 60, 46, 27, 32, 20, 45, 34, 48, 50 and 19
dozens of eggs. Construct the stem-and -leaf plot of these data.
Answer: Stem Leaves
1 8 9
2 0 3 5 7
3 2 3 4 4 6 8
4 3 5 5 5 6 7 8
5 0 0 6 9
6 0 3

6. List the original numbers in the data set represented by the following stem-and-leaf plots.
a) Stem Leaves b) Stem Leaves
40 6 6 7 8 10-14 1 3
41 0 9 9 9 9 15-19 5 6 8
42 1 3 4 6 6 20-24 1 3 4 4
43 0 8 8 25-29 5 5 8 9 9
30-34 0 0 1 3
35-39 6
Original data set: 40.6, 40.6, 40.7, 40.8, 41.0, Original data set: 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23,

41.9, 41.9, 41.9, 41.9, 42.1 24, 24, 25, 25, 28, 29, 29,

42.3, 42.4, 42.6, 42.6, 43.0, 20, 20, 21, 23, 26

43.8, 43.8

7. a) Based on Figure 1, class 2 with 25students has the smallest enrollment and the average
number of students enrolled in the four sections is 28 students.
Mean ( x ¿= = 27.5 or ≈ 28 students
b)Based on Figure2, the boys planted 240 trees. Leo has planted 70 trees more than Roel.
Total number of trees: n=30+50+60+100=2 40 trees 100−30=7 0 trees

c) Based on Figure2, Roel has planted the least number of trees.

8. An article discussed the costs companies face in defending their networks from attack. The
following table provides the breakdown in costs:

Cost Percentage (%)

Consulting 7.6
Hardware tools 8.2
Labor 25.9
Lost business/revenue 23.6
Non-productive employee time 15.5
Software tools 14.2
Other 5.0
a. Construct a bar chart, a pie chart, and a pareto diagram.


Percentage (%)




Percentage (%)
Other Consulting
Software tools 5% 8% Hardware tools
14% 8%

employee time


Lost business/revenue
b. Which graphical method do you think is the best to portray these data?
c. What conclusions can you reach concerning the costs companies face in defending their
networks from attack?
9. The following table represents the sources of electric energy in a recent year:
a) Construct a pareto diagram.
b) What percentage of electricity is derived from either coal, nuclear energy, or natural
c) Construct a pie chart.
d) Which chart do you prefer to use for these data— the Pareto diagram or Pie chart?
10. U.S. companies spent more than 250 billion dollars in advertising in 2005. The spending
was as follows:
11. The following data represent complaints about hotel rooms:
12. Form a stem-and leaf display, given the following data from a sample n=7 midterm exam
scores in finance: 80 54 69 98 93 53 74
Answer: Stem Leaves
5 3 4
6 9
7 4
8 0
9 3 8
13. Answer: Ordered Array of Midterm exam scores in information systems
50 74 74 76 81 89 92

14. Answers: a. Ordered Array of the data

15 15 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 21 22 22

25 25 25 25 25 26 28 29 30 30 30

b. Stem-and-leaf display

Stem Leaves
15-19 5 5 8 8
20-24 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2
25-29 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 9
30-34 0 0 0
c. Around what value, if any, are the bounced check fees concentrated? Explain.
15. The file contains data on the total fat, in grams per serving, for a sample of 20 sandwiches
from fast-food chains. The data are as follows:
7 8 4 5 16 20 20 24 19 30
23 30 25 19 29 29 30 30 40 56
a) The data into an ordered array.
4 5 7 8 16 19 19 20 20 23
24 25 29 29 30 30 30 30 40 56

b) Construct a stem-and-leaf display.

15-19 5 5 8 8
20-24 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2
25-29 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 9
30-34 0 0 0

c) Does the ordered array or the stem-and-leaf display provide more information? Discuss.
c. Does the ordered array or the stem-an-leaf display provide more information? Discuss.

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