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The above pie charts depict both, the source of incomes and expenses that a children’s charity

placed in the USA received during the year 2016.

From an overall perspective, we can see that the total amount of revenues was slightly higher than
that of their costs. These incomes were generated from 6 different categories, while their overall
expenses were generated from 4 main areas.

As for the Revenue Sources pie chart it illustrates different categories where this charity’s income
came form in 2016. The highest figure is represented by Donated Food (86.6%). The second biggest
proportion is corresponding to Community Contributions (10.4%=, followed by Program Revenue
(2.2%). The lowest percentages relatively seen in the chart are Other income sources (0.4%) and
Investment Income and Government Grants (0.2%), being these last two figures the lowest figures
among all.

On the other hand, the expenses came from less categories compared to revenues. The main one
being Program Services which recollects more than 95% of the total aggregated costs. The other two
categories are Fundraising and Management and General which cover for a 2.6% and 1.6% of the
remaining expenses respectively.

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