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Missing data

& Catch-up

Hina Khalid
Week 7, S2

Lesson plan
1. Go over questionnaire exercise
2. Missing data
3. Class exercise on research questions and measurement of dependent
and independent variable.
4. Week 8, S1 (Wednesday)
• Sampling
• Gronick. (pg. 89-97)
• Kelsey, et. al. Methods in observational epidemiology (pg. 311-321)
• Presentation
5. Week 8, S2 (Thursday)
• Introduction to regression analysis (Week 10, S1)
• Presentation

What is missing data?

Types of missing data?

Missing data
Why should we care about missing

Dealing with missing data

• Case deletion
• Average the available items
• Single and multiple imputation

What does missing data look like in a dataset?

Class exercise
• Details of activity
• Write down one research question
• Write down the hypothesis
• What is the dependent variable?
• What is the independent variable?
• How will you measure the dependent variable?
• How will you measure the independent variable?
• How can you link what you have above to conceptual and operational definitions?
• Groups
• 9 groups
• 15 minutes for addressing the questions assigned
• 5 minutes for presentation ( per group)

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