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Agreement Ref. n. VS/2019/0280

Djamil Tony Kahale Carrillo, Richard Mababu Mukiur


January 2021
This country fiche has been realised within the framework of the BargainUp (Bargaining
Upfront in the Digital Age) project (VS/2019/0280), co-financed by the European
Commission. The project is led by the Italian metalworkers’ organization FIM-CISL, in
partnership with the trade unions ACV-CSC Metea, IF Metall and UGT-FICA,
respectively from Belgium, Sweden and Spain, the Workers’ Education and Training
College (WETCO) of the Bulgarian trade union confederation CITUB, the Italian
research centre ADAPT, the Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), the Technic
University of Cartagena (Spain), the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the
Office of Cooperation between the Ruhr University of Bochum and IG Metall (Germany).
This fiche of Spain has been developed thanks to a desk research, interviews with national
trade unionists and one focus group with worker representatives, conducted between
October and November 2020


FIM-CISL (Italy) - Coordinator

ACV-CSC Metea (Belgium) - Partner
ADAPT (Italy) - Partner
Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) - Partner
IF Metall (Sweden) - Partner
Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) - Partner
Technic University of Cartagena (Spain) - Partner
Ruhr University of Bochum (Germany) - Partner
UGT-FICA (Spain) - Partner
Workers’ Education and Training College (WETCO) (Bulgaria) - Partner

1. Governmental policies for the digitalisation of the economy ...............................4

Main achievements get by the plans and the gaps to be overcome ............................6

2. General indicators for the manufacturing sector ..................................................9

Main priorities and issues at stake ...........................................................................14

3. Fundamentals of industrial relations in Spain.....................................................17

Main priorities and issues at stake ...........................................................................18

4. Approaches and practices of national trade unions for digitalisation in the

manufacturing sector .............................................................................................20
General perception and attitudes of national trade unions......................................20
Practices of national trade unions ...........................................................................22


Spain is one of the most decentralised Connected Industry 4.0 [Industria

countries in Europe. From an Conectada 4.0]. The initiative was
administrative point of view, it has a launched in 2015 and its objective is to
central government, 18 Autonomous promote and implement digital
Communities that are divided into technologies in industry in order to
provinces and 2 Autonomous Cities. increase the competitiveness of Spanish
Each Autonomous Community has its industry in a global market with the
Statute of Autonomy, approved by development of an Industry 4.0 model. It
organic law, which is the basic revolves around four main lines of
institutional norm of the Community, action:
regulating essential aspects such as the • Line 1. Guarantee the knowledge and
organisation and operation of its competences of industry 4.0:
Parliament and its Government. The o Awareness and communication:
powers that the Community assumes, its guarantee knowledge about
Administration, the hallmarks and industry 4.0 and its enablers and
differential facts such as language or
o Academic and work training:
civil law and relations with the State and
ensure the availability of
with other Autonomous Communities. In competences for industry 4.0.
terms of policies that affect the entire • Line 2. Foster multidisciplinary
country, it is the central government that collaboration:
defines the ideas for actions to be o Foster collaboration by promoting
subsequently applied at the level of the environments and platforms
Autonomous Communities. Regarding adapted to industry with a focus on
digitisation, Spain has various 4.0 technology.
governmental strategies, such as • Line 3. Promote the development of
Connected Industry 4.0 [Industria available enablers:
Conectada 4.0], with its support o Boost the development of digital
enablers: promote R&D&I in I4.0
programmes (e.g. ACTIVA Industria 4.0,
ACTIVA Financiación, etc.), Recovery,
o Provide support to technological
Transformation and Resilience Plan for companies: boost company
the Spanish Economy, and Spain Digital development among technological
2025 [España Digital 2025]. suppliers.
• Line 4. Promote adequate measures to
implement industry 4.0:

o Support the adoption of I4.0 by model, making a social evolutionary leap

industry: foster and facilitate the through the means of digitalisation.
implementation of industry 4.0. Initially, the plan will be implemented in
o Standardised regulatory areas of automation (a highly digitalised
framework: guarantee adequate sector) and garment manufacturing, and
conditions for its implementation
not in the metal sector. Therefore, even
and stimulate investment.
though the strategy is aimed towards the
o I4.0 projects: promote solutions
and specific projects. entire industrial network and will thus
include the metal sector, at the time of
ACTIVE Industry 4.0 [ACTIVA writing this report, it could not be
Industria 4.0]. It was launched in 2017, assumed that this strategy would be
in collaboration with all the regional extrapolated to the metal sector. From
authorities (Autonomous Communities) this we can conclude that the degree of
of Spain. It is a specialised and implementation of the plan is very basic.
personalised consultancy programme The strategy will first be implemented in
carried out by certified consultants with medium-sized companies, which have
experience in the implementation of significant pulling-power capacity
Industry 4.0 projects, which will permit (which is the capacity of attracting talent,
more than 350 companies to receive investment, and digital infrastructures)
analyses of and plans for their digital over other companies that have relations
transformation. with them as suppliers or subsidiaries.
The strategy is focused on concrete areas
ACTIVE Financing [ACTIVA (training, investment, infrastructures).
Financiación]. Its objective is the
support of R&D&I projects related to Spain Digital 2025 [España Digital
Industry 4.0. This is a programme of 2025]. It emphasises on the
preferential loans with EURIBOR implementation during 2020-2022 of a
interest rates, allocated for the set of structural reforms that would
implementation of digital solutions in mobilise a significant volume of public
Spanish industry, which would finance and private investment. Spain Digital
the implantation of key enabling 2025 focuses its objectives on promoting
technologies. the country’s digital transformation as
one of the fundamental levers to relaunch
Recovery, Transformation and economic growth, reduce inequality,
Resilience Plan for the Spanish increase productivity and take advantage
Economy. The most important of all the opportunities offered by new
digitalisation strategy has been initiated technologies, with respect to
with the recovery, transformation and constitutional and European values, and
resilience plan passed in October 2020 the protection of individual and
by the Spanish government. This plan is collective rights. Likewise, it aims to
founded on four key pillars, one of which contribute to closing the different digital
refers to the digitalisation of Spain and gaps that have widened in recent years,
intends to transform the Spanish digital whether for socioeconomic, gender,

generational, territorial, or Andalucía, which includes concrete

environmental reasons, and that have objectives in different indicators.
become apparent during the pandemic. It • The Castilla y León regional
is one of the actions that is aligned with administration has a history of social
the Sustainable Development Goals dialogue with the trade unions UGT
and CCOO and with the business
(ODS) and the United Nations 2030
organisation CECALE in industrial
Agenda. Spain Digital 2025
matters. A III Agreement for
contemplates the development of Industrial Competitiveness and
sectoral plans (e.g., Plan for Innovation in Castilla y León 2014-
Connectivity, Plan for Attracting Cross- 2020 resulted in industrial growth
Border Digital Infrastructures, Strategy high above the national average in
for the Promotion of 5G Technology, 2016. An agreement has been signed
National Plan for Digital Competences, among five of the political parties
Plan for the Promotion of the represented in the regional parliament
Digitisation of SMEs, Tractor Project which recognises the Directive Plan
Development Plans, etc.). In these of Industrial Promotion 2017-2020 as
the referential instrument for
sectoral plans, the initiative and co-
industrial strategy. This Directive
leadership will correspond to the
Plan includes the commitment that
Ministry of Economic Affairs and public spending in R&D&I reaches
Digital Transformation, in cooperation 3% of non-financial public spending
with the different co-responsible agents: in regional ministry budgets in 2019,
competent ministries, different levels of and the goal that manufacturing
the Administration, business activity reaches 20% of the GDP of
associations, unions, and other economic Castilla y León in 2020.
and social agents.

At the regional level, the development of Main achievements get by the

various industrial plans is worth
plans and the gaps to be
• The Basque government passed the
Industrial Plan 2017-2020 on 18 July
Since 2013, Spain is making relevant
2020, which contemplates arriving to
efforts for its digitalisation. According to
25% of the industrial weight of the
Basque GDP, with an annually the Digital Economy and Society Index
increasing budget. In the case of (DESI) report 2020, Spain ranks 11 out
R&D, this could reach 5%. of 28 EU Member States, in terms of
• The Industrial Strategy of Andalucía progress in broadband connectivity,
2020 proposes reaching 18% of the digital skills, use of the Internet,
weight of industry and advanced digitization of businesses, digital public
services of the Andaluz GVA in 2020. services, emerging technologies, cyber
This is accompanied by a Community security, the ICT sector and R&D. The
Pact with the most important business table 1 shows the Spain index in
organisations and trade unions in
comparison to the European Union level.
Table 1. Spain Score for the Digital Economy and society Index

Spain (ES) EU

rank score score

DESI 2020 11 57.5 52.6

DESI 2019 10 53.6 49.4

DESI 2018 10 50.2 46.5

Source: European Commission, 2020. Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020: Spain. Brussels:
European Commission

Spain ranks 2nd in the EU on digital integration of digital technologies.

public services due mainly to its well- During 2020, the Government states that
timed implementation of a digital-by- one of its priority is the Digital
default strategy throughout its central Transformation of the country. The
public administration and its level of Government efforts are focused on
connectivity. However, the country is improving the digitisation process,
below the EU average on human capital artificial intelligence in industry,
since the population still lacks basic telecommunications and digital
digital skills; besides, it is estimated that infrastructure, and enhancing the
8% of Spanish people have never used national strategy for digital skills.
the Internet. Spain ranks 13th on

Figure 1. Ranking of Spain in the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

Source: European Commission, 2020. Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020: Spain. Brussels:
European Commission

The contribution of manufacturing to employed. However, Spanish industry is

Spanish economy. In Spain, the direct characterised by longer depreciation
contribution of the manufacturing sector periods for manufacturing equipment,
to GDP in 2020 stands at around 13%, which could limit the early adoption of
representing around 12% of full-time Industry 4.0 solutions (Lazaro, 2017).
equivalent employment. Furthermore, its
carry-over effect on the rest of the The performance of different
economy must be taken into account, as manufacturing sectors. Considering
it is the sector that requires the most the different branches of the
intermediate consumption per unit of manufacturing industry in Spain, a
production and generates notable predominant weight is observed in the
indirect effects in other sectors. food, beverage and tobacco industry,
Considering this indirect and induced whose GAV represents 20.3% of the
effect of industrial activity, different total manufacturing GAV, followed by
studies estimate its contribution to GDP the metal industry, except machinery and
at around 43%, and 30% in the case of equipment (14.3%), transport vehicles
employment. (11.2%) and chemical industry (8.7%)
(Table 2). In relation to the European
Manufacturing accounts for 11% of the Union average, the Spanish
job population and has created 43% of manufacturing industry shows greater
the new jobs in Spain. Manufacturing is specialisation in five activities: food,
the main contributor to the positive beverages and tobacco industry; textile,
commercial balance of the country with clothing, leather and footwear industry;
an average 4,8% growth since the year petroleum refining, chemical and metal
2000. The challenge for the Spanish industries, except machinery and
economy is not just that of increasing the equipment. For its part, the
relative contribution of exports to the manufacturing industry would be more
gross added value (GAV) but also to specialised in the manufacture of
retain and attract international computer, electronic and optical
investments into Spanish territory. In products, machinery and equipment,
terms of productivity, Spain is in the material and equipment and transport
average of EU with 53 million € of GAV vehicles.
generated per manufacturing worker
Table 2. Gross Added Value (GAV) of the manufacturing industry by activities and productive specialization index.

Technology Value in 2017 Cumulative variation rate, in real terms Distribution

intensity (Mill. € current) IPE
2000-2007 2008-2013 2014-2017 Spain EU 28
Manufacturing industry - 149.778 17,7% -3,8% 11,2% 100,0% 100,0% 1,0
Food, beverages Medium low 30.342 9,2% 0,8% 5,7% 20,3% 12,9% 1,6
and tobacco
Textile, clothing, leather and footwear Medium low 5.823 -15,0% -14,3% -1,2% 3,9% 3,2% 1,2
Wood and cork, paper and publishing Medium low 8.779 7,0% -8,7% 2,3% 5,9% 5,6% 1,0
Refining Medium low 3.982 -18,3% -23,7% 76,5% 2,7% 1,7% 1,6
Chemistry Medium high 13.083 1,7% 1,2% 0,9% 8,7% 7,5% 1,2
Pharmacy high 6.946 61,0% 8,0% 43,0% 4,6% 5,1% 0,9
Rubber and plastics and other non-metallic mineral Medium 12.130 17,2% -11,0% 6,1% 8,1% 8,0% 1,0
Metal except machinery and equipment Medium 21.484 14,5% -5,9% 8,6% 14,3% 12,6% 1,1
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products High 3.104 64,4% 1,3% 141,3% 2,1% 5,1% 0,4
Machinery and equipment Medium high 15.557 16,0% -8,3% -5,6% 10,4% 16,0% 0,6
Transport vehicles Medium high 16.793 30,4% 6,4% 14,5% 11,2% 14,2% 0,8
Other industries (furniture, jewelry and toys) and repairs Medium low 11.755 15,5% -8,5% -0,3% 7,8% 8,2% 1,0
* Index of productive specialization (IPE)

Source: Consejo Económico y Social (CES) España, 2019. Informe Sobre la Industria en España: Propuestas para su desarrollo (page. 15). Madrid: CES

Latest developments in Manufacturing industry in different

manufacturing. The Spanish areas of Spain. As shown in Table 3, the
manufacturing industry has suffered a axis made up of Catalonia, the Valencian
significant loss of weight in the overall Community and the Region of Murcia,
economic activity, which would be constitutes one of the main industrial
explained mainly by the outsourcing of areas in Spain, with a predominance of
the economies, the integration of SMEs, but also large transnational
production in global value chains, companies, especially around Barcelona
relocations or, more recently, the effects and its metropolitan area. The industrial
of the economic crisis. activity is highly diversified and ranges
from innovative and high-tech industries
The evolution of the Spanish to more traditional ones, with special
manufacturing industry has been marked relevance to the food, beverage and
in recent years, in the first place, by the tobacco industry; textiles, clothing,
economic crisis, whose harsh effects in leather and footwear; coke, refined and
terms of GAV, employment and quotas chemical plants, as well as rubber, plastic
exports began to revert as of 2014. and other non-metallic minerals. In
Subsequently, as of 2018, a significant Madrid, on the other hand, the high
slowdown in manufacturing activity technology sectors, such as computer,
occurred again, which would continue electronic, optical and electrical
throughout 2019, and which would be products, in addition to other activities
explained mainly by the deterioration of such as the manufacture of furniture,
the international context in the face of jewellery, toys and repairs, wood and
growing tensions trade, mainly between cork or transport material.
the United States and China, and the
uncertainty generated around Brexit.
Table 3. Index of specialization in manufacturing sector by region or autonomous community in Spain

Food, Textile, Wood, cork, Coke, Rubber, Metal, except Computer, Machinery Transport Furniture,
beverages clothing, paper and refining, plastic and machinery electronic, and material jewelry, toys
and leather and publishing chemical and other non- and optical and equipment and repairs
tobacco footwear pharmaceutic metallic equipment electrical
al products products products
Andalusia 1.4 0.4 0.5 1.6 0.7 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.9
Aragon 0.8 0.3 1.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 2.1 1.4 1.7 1.2
Asturias 0.6 * 0.9 0.4 0.9 3.9 0.4 0.8 0.2 1.2
Balearic Islands 1.4 * 1.1 0.1 1.8 * 0.1 0.4 0.0 5.1
Canary Islands 2.5 * 1.7 0.1 1.4 * 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.1
Cantabria 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.3 2.2 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.6
Castilla & Leon 1.2 0.1 0.9 0.3 1.3 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.9 0.4
Castilla 1.9 0.9 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.5 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.7
La Mancha
Catalonia 1.0 1.4 1.0 1.4 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.9
Valencia 0.8 2.6 1.2 0.8 2.0 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.0
Extremadura 2.4 * 1.0 0.3 1.0 1.4 0.1 0.7 0.0 0.6
Galicia 1.1 2.1 1.1 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.7 1.4 1.1
Madrid 0.5 0.5 1.6 1.0 0.7 0.6 1.7 0.9 1.4 2.7
Murcia 1.3 0.7 0.5 2.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.1
Navarra 0.9 0.3 1.3 0.2 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.9 1.9 0.4
Basque Country 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.8 1.8 1.0 1.3 2.3 1.0 0.7
La Rioja 1.4 4.3 1.4 0.2 1.4 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.7
* Data protected by statistical secrecy.
- Data from autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla have not been included.
- The specialization index (IE) refers to the share of each of the industrial branches in a given region, in relation to the weight of said branch to national scale. It has been calculated
with the sales figure, for each of the Autonomous Communities and branches of activity, as follows: IE i = (CV i ccaa / CV t ccaa) / (CV i Esp /CV t Esp); where i are the branches and
t the total of the manufacturing industry. An EI> 1 indicates greater relative specialization in this branch of activity.

Source: Consejo Económico y Social (CES) España, 2019). Informe Sobre la Industria en España: Propuestas para su desarrollo (page 30). Madrid: CES.[Economic and Social Council
(CES) Spain, 2019. Report on the Industry in Spain: Proposals for its development (page 30). Madrid: CES.]

Spanish manufacturing industry from countries (with the exception of

a European perspective. In relation to Germany), reaching a level 11% higher
the main neighbouring countries, Spain than that existing in 2000.
maintains an intermediate position,
below the average of the European
Union, where it reaches a percentage of Main priorities and issues at
14.5 percent of GDP and, especially, of stake
Germany, with about 21 percent,
although it exceeds the industrial The main achievements of
participation of economies such as digitalisation. In Spain, the
France or the United Kingdom. metallurgical sector (particularly the
automotive and aeronautic industries)
Over the last decades, taking the year and energy generating industries are the
2000 as a reference, it is observed that of two sectors that are in the vanguard of
all the European countries considered, technological advances in the
only Germany maintains the weight of its digitalisation of production processes.
manufacturing industry, while in the EU Companies in these sectors are
as a whole it falls by just over two points considering their needs in new
percentage between 2000 and 2018. In competences related with the reusability
the case of Spain, its share fell 3.6 points, of new technologies and also in abilities
compared to the more than four points related to artificial intelligence,
that fell in the United Kingdom and electronics, connected factories,
France. On the other hand, it should be software design, digital content design,
noted that since the economic recovery etc. Manual processes have been
began in 2014, the weight of the industry improved thanks to digitalisation,
in Spain has barely increased, standing in making workers’ tasks easier. For the
2018 only three tenths above its share in metallurgical sector, digitalisation
2009, due to the greater impact of the continues to result in important
crisis in Spain. In contrast, in the EU advances, with improvements in systems
average it has risen 1.2 percentage points of production, safety and customer
since 2014 and 3 points in Germany. In service. The main areas related to work
any case, the slower progress of industry that will be affected by digitalisation are
in Spain, in relative terms, would have job creation (new sectors, new products,
been due in part to the notable growth of new services, etc.), job change
GDP in the current period of economic (automation, smart factories, smart
reactivation. Importantly, the growth of human-machine interfaces, new ways of
industrial exports, as a way out during managing, etc.), job conversion and
the crisis to the deterioration of domestic destruction (conversion, job loss,
demand, which together with the robotisation, etc.), and ways of working
subsequent reactivation of domestic (shifts, teleworking, digital platforms,
demand as of 2014, allowed the crowdsourcing, etc.). Companies are
industrial GVA to be in 2018 at levels discovering that potential and concrete
similar to those of the surrounding benefits exist in terms of improved

production, more competitive sales, processes of data usage should be

better working conditions, enhanced transparent and in accordance with
workplace design, etc. In many sectors, existing laws. Data protection and
such as the metallurgical industry, 5G confidentiality should be guaranteed in
networks are expected to facilitate such a way that users (workers and
communication from machine to companies, among others) are able to
machine and machine to person, as well ensure the protection and privacy of
as increasing safety and advancing information while carrying out their jobs.
automatic driving. The protection of workers’ information
should be a top priority through efficient
The potential job losses. In Spain, as in application of the existing regulations on
other industrialised countries, it is data protection. As in the majority of
estimated that the advances in industrialised countries, in Spain, laws
digitalisation applied to robotics imply a are not yet prepared for the changes
growing substitution of the digitalisation and new business models
underqualified (and sometimes are bringing about (the regulations in this
qualified) workforce for robots or smart area should be more concrete and give
machines. Consequently, this process proper coverage to the situations that are
could bring about a significant rise in arising).
unemployment, greater inequality,
labour market instability and greater Worker skills gaps. There is also
poverty. For this reason, in trade unions concern in Spain about the gap between
as well as in the political and business new job offers (related to digitalisation)
domains, some of the issues on the and the qualifications young people
bargaining table are teleworking, the obtain in schools and universities. There
implantation of smart factories, the is a misalignment between the
reduction of working hours, the acceleration of technological
substitution of the workforce for robots, implantation and educational
a universal guaranteed income, etc. In programmes. The outlook for Spain
this regard, basic unconditional income points to a lack of professionals. The
could help to mitigate the negative world of work is digitalising, and
effects of digitalisation on the social education should adapt to this reality by
fabric and the labour market, preventing including the use of applied technologies
the unemployment arising from this and technological competences to their
transformation. All stakeholders should training and education.
ensure that digitalisation does not
become a “social bomb”; that is, an Barriers to digitalisation. The
instrument of marginalisation among possibility of obtaining resources to
some types of workers. foster and implement digitalisation in
Spain are centred on state subsidies from
Workers’ data protection. Data various ministries, such as those of
protection is an important aspect of the Economy and the Treasury and Industry
digitalisation process in companies. The and Competitiveness, as well as through

financing by regional governments of goals. In this context, it can be

R&D&I projects. Accelerating highlighted that digitalisation and new
investment in innovation and future technologies, far from “punishing” the
technologies should be a top priority in most vulnerable parts of the population
order to avoid problems and facilitate due to age or knowledge, should permit
technological development in Spain. all workers to have all the means
Some main barriers to addressing available to advance in their jobs, and
digitalisation in Spain can be observed: their fundamental rights and freedoms
resistance to change (both internally in should never be taken away.
companies and in political discussion),
lack of competences, lack of physical
digital tools in companies
(videoconferences take place on
different free platforms, and workers do
not always have the adequate
professional technology to carry out their
jobs; professional circuits with a
minimal digital infrastructure should be
made available to businesses by public
administrations through collaborative
agreements with technological
companies.), legal uncertainty, the
economic or financial cost of
implementing digitalisation (Spain’s
investment in R&D is still only 1.2% of
the gross domestic product), etc.

Equal opportunities. Concerning the

incorporation of women in organisations
which are beginning to digitalise, it has
been indicated that the adaptation and
training of women have been considered
in business equality plans from the very
first moment. Consequently, the
entrance of new technologies as an axis
in the labour market should not impose
another obstacle for women and their
future job prospects. At the same time,
through collective bargaining, measures
to promote work-life balance after job
digitalisation need to be addressed. It is
suggested that Spanish legislation needs
to go further to guarantee all these future

In Spain, the democratic period began in UGT (around 930,000 members) and
1977, when unions and employers’ CCOO (around 910,000 members).
organisations were authorised by Law.
Trade unions are ruled by Spanish Law The main employer confederations are
11/1985 on Trade unions freedom. CEOE and CEPYME (the latter
Depending on the employment size, represents mainly small- and medium-
there will be: (a) 250-750 employees: sized companies). Only around 26% of
one trade union delegate; (b) 751-2,000 firms declare themselves to be associated
employees: two trade union delegates; with an employers’ organisation. Larger
(c) 2,001-5,000 employees: three trade firms are more likely to be associated
union delegates; (d) More than 5,001 than smaller firms; 67% of companies
employees: four trade union delegates. employing at least 500 employees are
Union density in Spain is around 20%.
However, union density is higher in the Collective bargaining coverage in
public sector than in the private sector, Spain is about 70%. Collective
and in large companies than in small- bargaining is a constitutional right of
and medium-sized companies. It is also employers and employee
higher among men than among women, representatives. It takes place mainly at
and among older workers than among sectoral level, either nationally or
younger workers. regionally. Over 90% of the employees
covered by a collective agreement are
There are two dominant union covered by a sectoral one rather than by
confederations in Spain, the Trade an agreement negotiated at company
Union Confederation of Workers’ level. Around 82% of the companies are
Commissions (Confederación Sindical bound by a sectoral collective agreement
de Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) and the rather than by a company-level
General Workers’ Confederation (Unión collective agreement.
General de Trabajadores, UGT),
although there are other important The challenge of digitalisation.
groupings at regional level and in the Collective bargaining is necessary to
public sector. By membership, the adequately handle the new context and
largest trade union confederations are challenges of digitalisation, which in
practice leave workers quite unprotected.

digitisation is a sudden change in jobs

To date, no type of metal sector and a need for workers to adapt to the
collective bargaining text analysis has new digital circumstances being
been done so as to infer the existence of implemented in various positions.
specific clauses related to Industry 4.0. According to the Workers’ Statute, this
However, the need to negotiate standard training shall be paid for by the company
clauses that fit with the digital without prejudice to the possibility of
transformation caused by Industry 4.0 is receiving training credits for this
becoming more and more apparent such purpose. The time spent on training is
as, for example, the need to include always considered actual work
clauses that refer to workers’ training in provided”. Spanish legislators have been
order to adapt to the changes digitisation protecting this circumstance (the right to
has made to jobs. The immediate effect training to adapt to one’s job) as they
of digitisation is a sudden change in jobs consider this training to be mandatory in
and a need for workers to adapt to the order for a person to do their job
new digital circumstances being properly.
implemented in various positions. It is
changing the scenario, the professional Social dialogue between trade unions
profiles and the skills needed. The and employers maintained its vitality as
minimum common denominator of the initiatives on Digitalisation are discussed
new panorama is the transformation into in working groups on Employment and
a highly qualified model, in which Collective Bargaining. The main
training plays a key role. instruments for coordinating collective
bargaining in Spain are the AENCs (peak
Objective dismissal is regulated in Spain bipartite cross-sectoral agreements on
in article 52 of the Workers’ Statute. And employment and collective bargaining).
this idea of objective dismissal includes These agreements provide general
different causes which are covered by guidelines regarding wage increases,
this type of dismissal with two major training and contain recommendations
groups of causes, some related to the on other issues, such as the articulation
worker and others regarding the between levels in the collective
company’s needs. Based on this bargaining structure, effective employee
description of objective dismissal, at protection and internal flexibility.
least one cause can be found that directly
connects to adaptation to Industry 4.0
and that is the one in article 52.b on the
Main priorities and issues at
lack of a worker’s adaptation to technical
needs. Indeed, in Spain, any worker who stake
is not able to adapt to modifications due
Collective bargaining evolution in the
to digitisation implemented in their job
light of digitalisation. As in
can be dismissed as it is a cause
neighbouring countries, Spain is
specifically outlined in the Workers’
beginning to create a new model or
Statute. The immediate effect of

framework of labour relations due to Moreover, despite the increased interest

digitalisation. This new model requires in digitalisation, many companies in
adaptation in the face of new Spain still do not prioritise some issues
technologies, new employment such as cybersecurity, information
challenges and the conversion of the protection, or disruptive technology.
workforce, which requires specialisation Culture changes are needed in order to
in order to meet the challenge of pay more attention to the risks associated
automated production processes. New with the digital transformation in
jobs exist in digitalisation. Training business.
plays a fundamental role both in the case
of new jobs and in professional Spain is advancing in terms of
conversion since workers need to acquire digitalisation in manufacturing sector, in
the competences necessary to do these public services and e-government and
jobs. the integration of digital technology in
business activities in general. However,
One of the priorities is the one of the biggest challenges remains
implementation of initiatives to include reaching SMEs and support their
digitisation in sectoral or intersectoral digitisation development. Some regional
collective agreements. Without the and national initiatives are taking place
agreements upheld by the collective progressively.
agreements, the digitization process in
Spain could not reach an optimal level.

The unions must make a great effort to

enrich the contents of the Collective
Agreements such as: promoting
continuous training throughout working
life or strengthen the right of workers’
representatives to be informed and
consulted, especially in relation to the
entire digitisation process, including the
entire outsourcing chain. In addition to
training, other priorities for digitalisation
and industrial relations in Spain should
be focused on improving social dialogue,
collective bargaining, both nationally
and internationally, and the rights of
information, consultation and
participation of workers. The goal is for
the digital transformation to be managed

General perception and and especially the quality of

attitudes of national trade employment. Nevertheless, changing the
Spanish social and productive model
remains a priority, for which profound
Perception of the impact of changes must be made and specific
digitalisation on work. Interviews with training and qualifications received in
trade unions representing the metal, order to meet the challenge of automated
transport, electronics and steel industry production processes. Those interviewed
were conducted with interviewees from believe that all areas (and specifically,
UGT trade union (Table 4). Concerning communication, production, information
how digitalisation will affect the world and offices) will be affected by
of work, according to interviews with digitalisation. The companies where the
members of the trade union UGT-FICA, interviewed workers’ representatives
a great change will take place and operate have already been working with
uncertainty will appear in the amount, digitalisation for a number of years (10
years, 6 to 8 years, 3 years).

Table 4. Overview of interviewed participants

Participant Organization Province Topic

Edmundo Otero Airbus UGT-FICA Andalucía Digitalization policy in

aviation sector

Laura Nieto Sanchez Secretariat Capital goods País Digitalization policy in

UGT-FICA Valenciano Valence Region

Juanma Gomez Rey Regional automobile sector Madrid Digitalization policy in

manager (UGT-FICA) Madrid region

Manuel Gomez Regional automobile sector Andalucia Digitalization policy in

Barranco manager (UGT-FICA) Andalucia region

Yolanda Funes Regional automobile sector Cataluña Digitalization policy in

manager (UGT-FICA) Catalan region

Lorena Urquiz Gasset Regional automobile sector Aragon Digitalization policy Aragon
manager (UGT-FICA) region

Juan Carlos Escos Regional automobile sector Valencia Social dialogue in

manager (UGT-FICA) manufacturing concerning

Jose Manuel Conde Secretariat Capital goods Euskadi Digitalization policy

Lopez (Tximi ) UGT-FICA Basque region

Raul Garcinuño Jimenez Transport, Electronics and National Approach, actions and
ICT Material Sector UGT- initiatives of UGT-FICA

Jose Mª Piñero Steel Industry UGT-FICA National Approach, actions and

initiatives of UGT-FICA

Trade union approach towards representatives to be informed and

digitalisation. The attitude of trade consulted, especially in relation to all the
union organisations towards digitisation process, including the entire
digitalisation is proactive, according to outsourcing chain. The enrichment of
the interviews. Trade unions consider it collective agreement contents will entail
is necessary to guarantee a future of three guiding axes to face the inclusion
work based on the values of social of technological devices in workplaces:
justice, full employment, the quality of • Communication, between the
job, with rights and decent wages and company and workers and their
adequate social protection. Union representatives, indicating that the
actions are needed to promote specific intention of the company is not to
standards that regulate the new business substitute workers for machines, as
models, the new realities of work, the well as the actions to be followed in
consequences of the automation and the matters of Data Protection.
massive use of Information and • Training, as a fundamental part for
Communication Technologies (ICT) in adequate digitalisation process, use of
the workplace. technology and employability.
• Action plan for the implementation of
Unions are focusing their efforts to technology, which allows, if
enrich the contents of the collective appropriate, the creation of
agreements which include some aspects complementary jobs before the
such as the advancement of continuous incorporation of new technologies.
training throughout the entire working
life or strengthening the right of workers’

The enrichment of collective agreements continue reaching their members,

contents implies the need to develop delegates and leaders, among others. It is
successful strategies that align the talent becoming more and more difficult for
of people with the digital needs of unions to reach workers through the
companies, regardless of the economic traditional resources that they have
sector where their activity resides. always counted on. New resources and
Likewise, these agreements will be methods are needed, and digitalisation
communicated to the workers so that must enter in this area in order to foment
they become a facilitating element for communication among workers,
the development of technology and the delegates and members. The key to
improvement of productivity, within a worker acceptance of digitalisation
framework of fluid social dialogue and processes lies in the continuous
search for the maximum possible cooperation between employers and
consensus. The main Spanish trade trade unions. The collaboration between
unions (UGT and CCOO) are taking these stakeholders should regard both
initiatives to involve the rest of social internal (anticipated reactions to
partners and stakeholders in order to challenges, information, consciousness-
facilitate the implementation of raising, training, digital adaptation, etc.)
technologies in any production centre and external challenges (technological
and in any area or sector of the economy advances, restructuring, legal reforms,
covered by collective agreements. labour relations, maintaining
employment, the fight against job
Workers’ acceptance of digitalisation. insecurity, etc.).
In general, workers’ attitudes towards
digitalisation are positive, open,
receptive, active and proactive. In Spain, Practices of national trade
many companies in the metallurgical unions
sector have been training their
employees, analysing, studying and Research activities. Research and
implementing digitalisation for 3 up to development activities at the union level
10 years. In general, companies are focus, among other things, on the
implementing digitalisation processes, transformation of the work environment,
launching projects and organising with important implications for the
information in this respect. This positive evolution of tasks in production
attitude is due, among other things, to the processes, supply and demand and the
work that trade unions are carrying out in structure of employment, and
areas of information, consciousness- significantly modifying the knowledge
raising, training and support to workers and skills required. The relationship
in the process of incorporating between technological innovation and
technologies in their jobs. Trade unions’ employment is quite complex, because
lack of adaptation to digitalisation is its effects seem positive when they affect
concerning. A model change inside the production of innovative goods. But
unions is necessary for them to be able to when technology improves processes,

the impact on employment tends to be bargaining and are using it as the centre
negative, since it allows the same of gravity in the accommodation of their
quantity to be produced with less work. digital blueprints to labour structures.
This includes digital disconnection,
In the case of the metal sector, the impact teleworking and regional training
of technological advances (i.e. artificial courses for members and delegates,
intelligence, automation and robotics among other things. It can be highlighted
especially) in the creation of new jobs is an agreement between UGT and Google
also being studied, but it is also clear that to provide Digital Competences. In this
people who are going to lose their jobs in context, UGT, aware of the important
this transition, they may be the least challenge they are facing to adapt to the
prepared to take advantage of new digital era and adjust their structures to
opportunities. The skills of today will not the new digital paradigms, are
match the jobs of tomorrow and new implementing a training and
skills acquired can quickly become out requalification strategy for workers. An
of date. However, the central objective of agreement with Google was reached in
this new technological revolution should this regard to provide digital
be to promote a substantial improvement competences. As part of this programme,
in employment and the quality of life of an online course called “Digital
the population as a whole. Competences for Professionals” was
developed, which was directed towards
Unions pay special attention to the role active workers (employed or
of women in technological unemployed) who need to learn the main
environments. The under-representation digital tools they encounter in their daily
of women in jobs related to new work, such as social networks and online
technologies, or even their direct work platforms. In addition, in the
exclusion, is a negative aspect that is of second stage of the programme, a
particular concern to our Union. In this training structure was prepared which
sense, UGT, for example, prepared an was able to reach 200 trade union
exhaustive report under the title members, who later transmitted what
“Women and Technology 2018”: a they had learned to different parts of the
document in which UGT diagnosed the organisation. UGT FICA highlights the
reasons behind this under- need to carry out this type of training
representation, its consequences on oriented towards adapting workers’
gender equality in the present and in the capabilities in real situations during their
future, and where a series of proposals working days. It is important for these
are listed to reverse the current aspects to be tangible in the real world
paradigm. The study confirms the and that they move beyond being merely
enormous size of the digital gender gap theoretical, since the digital gap in Spain
that exists in Spain. is a reality that is becoming more of a
concern. This gap is provoking social
Collective bargaining. Trade union polarisation among workers in Spain.
organisations are reinforcing collective

Lobbying and multi-stakeholder Petroleum Refining and Sales (AOP),

programmes. Trade union organisations Chemical and Pharmaceutical (Feique),
have served as consultants to politicians Paper (Aspapel), Cement (Oficemen),
and companies in the process of Food and Beverage (FIAB) and Steel
designing laws and policies related to (Unesid) sectors, which together
digitalisation at the national and local generate 50% of the industrial GDP and
level in order to facilitate a smooth account for more than 4 million jobs in
transition. It is necessary for this not Spain. The declaration has also been
merely to serve as a collaboration but signed by the Metal sector (Confemetal),
also as initiative in light of the changes the Automobile Parts Manufacturing
that digitalisation implies in a new legal sector (Sernauto), the Textile sector
framework (digital rights, etc.). This is (CIE), the Fashion sector (Moda
the reason why trade union organisations España), and the Footwear industry
participate in negotiating tables. In this (FICE). The document includes nine
regard, some pressure on public policies to foster industrial
authorities has been applied, such as competitiveness, one of which is related
through the joint negotiating of sectorial to R&D Policy and Technological and
agreements and protest marches and Digital Development, which would
demonstrations. The work that is being represent a significant social advance in
carried out to produce a State Pact for the industrial area. To begin the work
Industry deserves to be mentioned. This that could lead to the signing of a State
agreement would incorporate Pact for Industry, it is necessary to
digitalisation as one of its principal establish and agree on the keys to
pillars. The country’s main industrial industrial development in the near future,
trade unions have requested a State Pact challenges that feature the digital factor
that, to date, has not been signed. A and the great transformation that
declaration to this purpose was publicly Industry 4.0 is undergoing in Spain. At
presented with the name “Industrial the same time, work is being done to
Legislation” [La legislatura de la draw up a new law for industry, adapted
Industria – Declaración de los Agentes to the important changes that the fourth
Sociales instando al desarrollo de un industrial revolution is provoking, as
Pacto de Estado por la Industria], and well as strategic plans and strategies.
signed in 2016 by the major
representatives of UGT-FICA Industrial Training activities. For workers and
Federation, Construction and Agro-food, unions, training is one of the necessary
CCOO Industrial Federation, CCOO tools to meet the challenge posed by
Construction and Services Federation, digitisation. The unions organise
CCOO Citizens’ Services Federation, as different types of training for their
well as the business organisations that members and officers oriented towards
make up the Alliance for the union action, acquisition of
Competitiveness of Spanish Industry technological and managerial skills,
(the promoter of this initiative), which continuous training in a specific area
represents the Automobile (Anfac), (education, health, finance, etc.).

However, in Spain, there are still gaps in gender stereotype of a professional or

training both at the level of companies, family type.
trade unions and society in general. The
lack or scarce academic training Communication strategies.
continues to be an important precursor of Communication is fundamental strategy
digital exclusion: people with primary for any union organisation.
education have a digital gap of 47% Communication in the union has two
compared to graduates. Spanish aspects, a first internal aspect that is
companies and trade union organisations aimed at transferring the relevant
are not doing their best for aligning the information for the organisation at the
training of workers with the needs of the level of internal structures and a broader
labour market. aspect that seeks to transfer the group of
workers, whether they are members or
To stimulate training, the unions propose not, the proposals of the union, bringing
to articulate a national plan for to the field of public opinion issues of
Technological Inclusion that places the interest to workers in our country.
Digital gap, and the Universal Along these lines, for example, UGT
Communications Service, in the FICA has carried out many campaigns
political, legislative and regulatory such as: the let’s save the industry
debate, in order to get Spain out of digital campaign, underlining the difficult
ostracism by: situation that the industry is going
• establishing a public entity that through in Spain; it demands from the
coordinates the transversality of ICT Government a stable, coherent industrial
throughout the government, with policy which should be designed in the
responsibility for new technologies, long term and with the capacity to
digital training and inclusion. generate a change in the economic model
• creating of an Observatory of the in Spain in favour of the industry. One of
Digital Divide, with the participation the elements of this campaign was the
of all the actors involved. press conference held by UGT-FICA in
• establishing of online training plans, favor of the industry, available here.
in person and based on active
practices for groups outside the world In general terms, the trade unions
digital. consider that part of their strategy is to
• establishing sufficient budgetary know the opinion of the workers,
resources to elaborate training plans whether they are affiliated or not, on the
in companies, in educational centers issues related to the industry; in this
and in training centers for the sense they have opened a series of
unemployed. communication channels that allow to
• building a society based on equal get feedback from workers. Another of
opportunities, which has as an the strengths of the union strategy is the
essential pillar of personal and work need to coordinate the different actions
balance, banishing, in short, any that make up the communication
strategy. In this sense, the union has its

own website, intranet, social networks, governments and authorities. These are
etc. in the sense described more precisely the areas to work on:
below. Currently, work is being done on • developing a legal framework which
strengthening the union’s precisely specifies the areas that
communication channels and looking for require better regulation, such as
spaces to open up new channels of teleworking, digital disconnection
communication and participation and to and work-life balance, among others.
adapt to new technologies. Digitisation is Due to a lack of concreteness and lax
giving the union new opportunities of regulations, the current laws in these
communication. The unions are aware matters are interpreted in an inexact
that the change brought about by way, making the social and digital
digitisation will mean an opportunity to model changes that we need difficult
reach better and many more people. to achieve;
• paying attention to changes and trying
Next steps. The next steps that trade to anticipate them;
union organisations will take in this area • implementing agreements on a
are centred on ensuring the rights of national level;
workers using all types of new • developing a new, more adequate
technologies from administrations, structure for SMEs.

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