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Super High-Power Motor Drives

For Rockwell Automation Canada Inc.

Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter

For Rockwell Automation Canada Inc.


Small-Scale Laboratory Prototype for 50,000HP Drive

20HP Next Generation Motor Controller

For Honeywell Aerospace Canada

20HP Next Generation Motor Controller

For Honeywell Aerospace Canada

Application Examples More Electric Aircraft

Development Stage

20HP Next Generation Motor Controller

For Honeywell Aerospace Canada

25KVA High Performance Battery Charger

For Lumacell Inc.

9 x 11x 15

Final Prototype

Final Prototype Emergency Lighting Applications

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


20KVA Uninterruptible Power Supply

For Lumacell Inc.

Digital HID Lamp Dimmer Controller

For Industrial Lighting & Electric Inc.

Final Prototype Emergency Lighting Applications

Power Converter and Controller

Digital Protection Module for Neon Lighting

For Allanson International Inc.

Thank You

Final Testing

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005



Computer Systems and VLSI Group

The Computer Systems and VLSI Group is one of the largest research groups in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This group actively undertakes research in the following two main areas: Computer Systems hardware-software co-design, embedded systems, reconfigurable computers, memory architectures, FPGA design, computer networks and internet security, dependability modeling and evaluation of software systems. VLSI Systems VLSI circuits and systems for wireless and data communications, computer-aided design tools for VLSI systems, VLSI testing, design for testability, modeling of VLSI systems.

13 Faculty Members
Dr. Das, Ph.D. Carleton, Assistant professor Dr. Geurkov, Ph.D., Moscow, Associate professor Dr. Jaseemuddin, Ph.D. Toronto, Associate professor Dr. Kabbani, Ph.D. RMC, Assistant professor Dr. Khan, Ph.D. London, P.Eng., Associate professor Dr. Kirischian, Ph.D., Moscow, P.Eng., Associate professor Dr. Law, Ph.D. Toronto, Associate professor Dr. Mekhiel, Ph.D. McMaster, P.Eng., Professor Dr. Mohammadi, Ph.D. IEMN, France, P.Eng., Assistant professor Dr. Raahemifar, Ph.D. Windsor, P.Eng., Associate professor Dr. Sedaghat, Ph.D., Hannover, Assistant professor Dr. Yang, Ph.D. Regina, Assistant professor Dr. Yuan, Ph.D. Waterloo, P.Eng., Associate professor

Computer Systems
Research in Computer Systems is being carried out in the following areas
Hardware-Software co-design of complex computer systems Embedded systems, FPGA, reconfigurable computers Memory architectures and computer architecture Digital and mixed-signal systems testing and testable design IP networking and mobile wireless access network Ubiquitous Computing, Quality of Services for IP Networks Dependability modeling and evaluation of software systems .

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


VLSI Systems
Research in Computer Systems is being carried out in the following areas
VLSI circuits and systems for high-speed data links Computer-aided design tools for VLSI circuits and systems Microsystems VLSI testing and design for testability. VLSI circuits for biomedical applications Algorithms and design methodologies for digital CMOS IP blocks. Modeling of interconnects and packaging effects in high-speed circuits, microwave circuits CAD Development of electro-thermal simulation tools for IC's,

Research Laboratories
Embedded Systems Research Laboratory
Dr. Kirischian, Dr. Geurkov Major research activities Reconfigurable FPGAs and their application Testability of digital systems and design for testability

Wireless Sensor Network Laboratories

Dr. Gu, Dr. Yang, Dr. Zhao Major research activities Network security

Research Laboratories
Ubiquitous Communications and Security (UCS) Laboratory
Dr. Law Major research activities
MAC designs for multichannel wireless networks ubiquitous computing and designs of pervasive network Infrastructure quality of service for IP and flow control algorithm for TCP

Research Laboratory
Dr. Sedaghet Major research activities VLSI design digital circuits & systems testing & design for testability FPGA graph algorithms

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


Research Laboratory
System-on-Chip Research Laboratory (EPH-323)
Drs. Khan, Yuan, Raahemifar Major research activities Very high-speed parallel and serial data links Hardware-software co-design of computer systems Microsystems micro-sensors and integrated systems VLSI systems for biomedical applications

Thank You


Ryerson Research Workshop 2005



Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research!

Research Methods and Ethics
Research Workshop Program Winter 2005
Borrowed from Dr. Fernandos slides on Research Tools 2 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Different Research Methods

Different disciplines have different research methods to advance the knowledge
clinical trials (medicine) market survey (business) design (engineering)

Research Training and Expectations

In any research work, expectations are: Innovative contribution to the knowledge base Development of expertise deep understanding Non-superficial treatment of the problem deep analysis Reproducibility of results as per research method Well documented knowledge is built upon prior work Usefulness society benefits with new products/services
4 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Need to design research method

investigation can start with heuristics theoretical approach with formal problem formulation All methods will do thorough analysis of the results
3 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


Literature Survey and Knowledge Base Development

Read many research papers to identify the research problem or similar solutions (perhaps to another problem) Classify the methods so far published
(linear, nonlinear, static, quasi-static, adaptive)

Complete the Research

Get a handle on the problem
start with simple model where solution can be intuitively interpreted

Challenge your result or solution!

test extreme cases

Look for trends in the results Keep monitoring the active research groups and their publications Do a presentation, do a write-up
5 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Try to generalize your solution/method

important in IP protection

Get the contribution peer-reviewed

6 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Work Habits
Take initiative
you are the one searching for the solution ask questions, do presentations

Definition of Ethics
A set of (generally accepted) principles of right conduct The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession:
research ethics while engaged in public university in Canada IEEE code of ethics or APEO code of ethics

Make a schedule
work with your supervisor be realistic and flexible (to some extent) short and long term

Document whenever possible

7 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005 8

Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


IEEE Code of Ethics

Highest Ethical Practice pays off

Research Integrity (results should be trusted and

We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree .

accepted by the research community)

Accountability (all researchers are held accountable) Credibility (harder to build and easy to ruin) Scientific Honesty (professional associations are
legally entrusted with implementing it)

Public Trust (often research is supported by public $$)

Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005


Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Misconduct in Research
Falsification of data or results (fraud) Use of some one else work (plagiarism)
without permission without due acknowledgement

Responsible Authorship and Peer Review

Issue of misleading publication
giving or receiving honorary authorship allowing publication with co-authorship without reviewing the work publications of research results for a second time without reference to the first

Use of confidential information supplied by another in an unauthorized manner (breach of confidentiality)

Issue with peer reviewing materials

stealing ideas while reviewing the unpublished work doing biased review
12 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005


Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


Responsibilities: Principal Investigator

Ensure objective and accurate reports of research data and verification of research results Monitoring the work of students
expectations responsibilities

Responsibilities: Students/ Researchers

Build high ethical standards in your work at this early career stage Take responsibility for your conduct in research
know the good scientific norms and ethical standards follow the guidelines in case of funded research or potential patent filing etc if in doubt, consult the supervisor

Adhere to high scientific and ethical standards Follow the guidelines in funded research

Report any misconduct to relevant authority

14 Dr. A. Anpalagan Research Workshop Program Winter 2005


Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Research Methods and Ethics

Online Resources (focus on engineering and
science with lots of pointers to other resources) ment/wg_dev/code_conduct.html


Framework for Ethics in Research

FASE, U of Toronto)

(publication in 1995 by

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


Dr. A. Anpalagan

Research Workshop Program Winter 2005

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


IEEE Code of Ethics

technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, its members and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professionalconductandagree: 1.toacceptresponsibilityinmakingengineeringdecisionsconsistentwiththe safety,healthandwelfareofthepublic,andtodisclosepromptlyfactorsthat mightendangerthepublicortheenvironment; 2.toavoidrealorperceivedconflictsofinterestwheneverpossible,andto disclosethemtoaffectedpartieswhentheydoexist; 3.tobehonestandrealisticinstatingclaimsorestimatesbasedonavailabledata; 4.torejectbriberyinallitsforms; 5.toimprovetheunderstandingoftechnology,itsappropriateapplication,and potentialconsequences; 6.tomaintainandimproveourtechnicalcompetenceandtoundertake technologicaltasksforothersonlyifqualifiedbytrainingorexperience,orafter fulldisclosureofpertinentlimitations; 7.toseek,accept,andofferhonestcriticismoftechnicalwork,toacknowledge andcorrecterrors,andtocreditproperlythecontributionsofothers; 8.totreatfairlyallpersonsregardlessofsuchfactorsasrace,religion,gender, disability,age,ornationalorigin; 9.toavoidinjuringothers,theirproperty,reputation,oremploymentbyfalseor maliciousaction; 10.toassistcolleaguesandcoworkersintheirprofessionaldevelopmentandto supporttheminfollowingthiscodeofethics.

Approved by the IEEE Board of Directors

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005

August 1990


Ryerson Research Workshop 2005



OUTLINE ____________________________
Research Tools and Resources Steps in the Process of Preparing a Manuscript Professional Writing Advices Some Statistics Conclusion

By Dr. Javad Alirezaie, P.Eng.

RESEARCH TOOLS AND RESOURCES ___________________________

Journal Papers Conference Papers Text books Internet (peer reviewed articles) Research tools Softwares


1. Putting the work together - title - figures & tables - authors - results - addresses - discussion - abstract - acknowledgments - introduction - references - materials & methods 2. Use and misuse (jargon, abbreviations) of English

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


PROFESSIONAL WRITING BOOK SERIES _____________________________

How to write and publish papers in the medical sciences ET Huth Communication skills for the foreign-born professional GA Barnes The art of abstracting ET Cremmins


________________________________ 1. Each pronoun should agree with their antecedent. 2. Just between you and I, case is important. 3. A preposition is a poor word to end a sentence with. 4. Verbs has to agree with their subject. 5. Dont use no double negatives.

15 March 2002 Your First First Author Paper (Part 2) 15 February 2002 Your First First Author Paper (Part 1) 19 October 2001 The Secret of Research Success

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD WRITING (CONTD) ____________________________

6. 7. 8. 9. Remember to never split an infinitive. When dangling, dont use participles. Join clauses good, like a conjunction should. Dont write a run-on sentence it is difficult when you got to punctuate it so it make senses when the reader reads what you wrote. 10. About sentence fragments.
RA Day, 1983; pp. 139



1.Ethics, rights and permission 2.Patents 3.Where to submit: impact factor



1. Follow journal instructions 2. Carefully craft a cover letter 3. Suggest potential reviewers

Ryerson Research Workshop 2005


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