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Alssoudi 1

Rowan Alssoudi

Karen Perrin

CRMJ 1010-01W

28 Nov. 2021

Chapter 12 Review

1. How would you determine whether or not an opioid epidemic exists in your

community? Consider what resources-data, agencies, publications, interviews, Internet

searches, and so on-you would employ in this endeavor. Wheater or not if our

community has opioids, we should restrict the supply of illegal opioids like heroin,

assist those receiving care for opioid abuse, and utilize risk prevention technologies

that reduce the possibility of life, sickness, or injuries. I would employ in this endeavor

because it would significantly reduce the risk in the community.

2. Assume that shortly after 8 p.m., a lone male throws a pipe bomb amongst moviegoers

in a theater complex. The initial 911 call reported numerous injuries, and that the

suspect had left the theater running toward another retail mall. What kinds of

resources should the police and other first responders deploy to the scene and beyond?

Why? I would gather everyone who attended the movie theater for questioning. I

would also look at the cameras to know who enter and existed the theater.

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