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Rowan Alssoudi

32 Day Commitment (JE 14)

“In my Criminology course, I have to study for everything in each lesson. For my Criminology

class, I studied each part completely. I'm not afraid to ask for help whenever I want to. This year,

submit all of your assignments on time.”

I would move steadily toward this goal no matter how hard it gets.

I would move steadily toward this goal if every day I get tired and become very lazy.

I would move steadily toward this goal if every day I do not make good grades.

I would move steadily toward this goal if every day I face several difficulties thrown at me that

try to prevent me from continuing.

I would move steadily toward this goal if every day wasting time, I would rather concentrate my

time on really finishing my schoolwork.

Since I believe this commitment should keep me on track to achieve my objectives, I pledge

myself that I would do the following daily for the next 32 days: Prior to permitting myself to

relax, I must complete my responsibilities.

I'm a little apprehensive because this is the first time, I've stated a commitment such as this one.

When I make promises, I generally keep them imprecise. I was hesitant to make a firm

commitment because I was afraid of failing myself or anyone else. Therefore, I'm willing to take

a chance in order to improve my academic performance. This isn't going to be simple, but I'm

absolutely sure I'll continue attempting even if I make a few mistakes.

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