Class 10th English

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Class- 10th

Sub :- English

Section- A Marks 20

Reading comprehension

Note :- Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

One of the biggest contribution of social media is the ease of connectivity that it has provided. Gone
are the days when the going of a friend or relative . to another country meant loss of touch and lack
of communictiion with them . social media has not only made constant connection with distant
relative possible , but it has helped establish contact with long lost friends and relatives . Due to its
affordability and easy accessibility it has aided and strenghtened the bond of love and care between
family members living in distant part of the world .all family members can virtually participate in any
family event in which physical participation is not possible for any reason.

The social media has also become the fastest growing platform for online business .Till the beginning
of the twenty first country ,online business was a fantasy . today the business persons can initiate a
businesses with one click a button, rather with touch of a finger. They con post their product buyer
from every nook and corner of the world . They interact with thier customers on a case-by-case basic
and readily respond to their queries comments, and needs.

1) Which of the following sentence is not the part of passage

A) Social media is source of living close by.

B) Through m,social media one promotes ones skills .

C) It was at fantasy --- social media .

D) There is no lass of touch, even by your loved ones are away from you

2) The first paragraph of the passage is mainly about :

A) Physical connectivity

B) Virtual connectivity

C) Acid & strengthening of bond of love

D) Migration of one from place to place

3) The important line in second paragraph

A) They can post their product and invite buyers

B) Social media has been a fatest growing for business platform

C) They intract with customers on case-by case basis

D) The phrase /idiom” from nook and corner

4) Till the beginning of 21st country :

A) The world has been a golbal village

B) There was no use of Social media

C) The idea of business was beyond the thoughts .

D) everyone able to do online business

5) The idiom “ from every nook and corner “ means in passage

A) Every port of place

B) Every Aspect of situation ‘

C) Every possibli situation

D) A&B both

6) The phrase “ Due to its affordability and easy accessibility “ mainly refers to

A) Easy connectivity

B) Easy access

C) Social media

D) Contribution of social media

7) The phrase “ physical participation “ means:

A) Presence in-person

B) To take part in program

C) To be present

D) NOT .

8) The words “ Queries, comments and needs “ are -------------- nouns .

A) Abstract

B) Countable
C) Proper

D) Common

9) The word “today“ in first peragraph is used as :

A) Conjection

B) Interjection

C) Noun

D) Adverb

10) The grammer person in both paragraphs is :

A) 1st person

B) 2nd person

C) 3rd person


Section- B Marks 35

(Short questions answers )

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