Past Perfect Tense

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The past perfect, also called the pluperfect, is a verb tense used to talk about
actions that were completed before some point in the past. Example:

We got shocked when discovered, someone had graffitied on our front door.

We relieved because Tootles had used washable paint.

The past perfect tense is for talking about something that happened before
something else.

Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Past Perfect Tense

 Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verb in brackets.

1. Kevin _____________ (go) home by the time I arrived.

2. Ethan suddenly realised that he_____________ (leave) his laptop on the train.
3. Mum was annoyed because I_____________ (not clean) my room.
4. _____________ (they / study) English before they went to the USA?
5. We were hungry because_____________ (not eat).
6. My phone didn't work because I_____________ (charge) it.
7. Why didn't you want to watch the film? _____________ (you / see) it before?
8. Sally was embarrassed because she _____________ (forget) her dad's birthday.
 Match the first part of the sentence and the ending. Write the corresponding letter on the line.

1. I went to that restaurant because ___ (a) my friends had told it was a clean place with nice plates
2. I failed the English exam because ___ (b) Loren had recommended it.
3. My brother argued with his girlfriend because ___ (c) I had forgotten to set the alarm
4. We couldn´t eat the steak because ___ (d) she had put on a lot of weight
5. I didn´t wake up on-time because ___ (e) the chef hadn´t cooked it enough
6. I couldn´t catch the flight because ___ (f) she had come home late.
7. Sheila couldn´t go swimming because ___ (g) I had left my passport at home.
8. I couldn´t find my fast drive because ___ (h) I hadn´t brought my glasses.
9. I couldn´t read your message because ___ (i) I hadn´t studied enough.
10. My phone didn´t work at that moment because ___ (j) she had left her swimsuit at home.
11. We didn´t recognize our friend because ___ (k) I had forgotten to charge it.
12. I wanted to watch the film because ___ (l) somebody had stolen it.

Remember: We use Simple Past Tense to express action or actions started and finished at a specific time in the past.
Examples : I watched TV last night. Henry painted the fence all day long yesterday.

 Simple past Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. We ________ (go) on a cruise holiday last June. It ________ (be) really fantastic.
2. Logan ________ (collect) all the rubbish in the school garden and ________ (throw) it into the litter bin.
3. Florence ________ (eat) two sandwiches and ________ (drink) two glasses of lemonade at lunch.
4. Mr.Edwards ________ (drive) to the city center and ________ (buy) a new leather bag.
5. Teresa ________ (write) a letter for her aunt in Whales and ________ (put) it in an envelope yesterday afternoon.
6. James ________ (get up) early, ________ (wash) his face and ________ (brush) his teeth.

 Present Perfect: Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. They _______________ (finish) answering the questions before the bell rang.
2. When Matthew arrived at home, his wife _________________ (cook) the meal.
3. Mrs.Lawrence ___________________ (open) the window before she went to bed.
4. Before Darcy entered this competition she __________________ (practise) for two months.
5. Simon ____________________ (take) a shower before the guests arrived for the party.
6. The thief __________________ (jump) out of the window by the time a opened the door.
7. I ________________ (not watch) a horror film before we went to the cinema last Wednesday.

 Past Simple or Past Perfect?- Read the sentences carefully and circle the correct options.
1. The robbers (left / had left) the bank when the policemen finally (arrived / had arrived)

2. When the rain (started / had started), the Atkinsons( finished / had finished) planting trees.

3. By the time Rebecca (went / had gone) into the store , she (got / had got soaked)

4. Mr.Palmer (didn't speak / hadn't spoken) any Chinese before he (moved / had moved) to Peking.

5. Sonny (got / had got fainted) by the time the ambulance (reached / had reached) the hospital.

6. Mrs.Wilkinson (refused / had refused) to drive the car because she (had / had had) a accident about a year ago.

7. I (didn't think / hadn't thought) of having a new house before (I saw / had seen) that ad on TV.

8. My uncle (didn't try / hadn't tried) Italian food before (went / had gone) to that restaurant.

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