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Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

Core Department

Spring 2023

Linguistic Comm. Skills – ALIS - 2211

Maryam Abdullah

Marks 20

Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation with your group.

 Each group will write a paper and present it in class.
 The group will take one western unethical incident since 1970.
 First, the students will analyze it thoroughly and later resolve it through the Islamic system
of ethics with references.

Presentation Formatting

Slide 1: Title Page

This slide should include the following:

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

College of Sciences and Human Studies

Spring 2023

Course code & name

Assignment 1

Topic/ topics chosen: _______________________

Slide 2: Outline
Slide 3: Objectives
Slide 4: Learning Outcomes
Slide 5: Introduction
Slide 6–12/13: Body
Slide 13/14: Summary (Highlight of Main Ideas)
Slide 14/15: References
Make sure to observe the following throughout your PowerPoint slides:

1. Use Times New Roman.

2. Use numbers, Letters, and/or bullets.
3. Use different colors.
4. Be consistent with font size, color, bulleting, etc.
5. Never cram slides with information.
6. Do not be concise on the account of clarity.
7. Observe correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
8. Make sure the text color and the color of the slides don’t interfere with your text clarity.
9. Create slides with a high level of readability: capitalization, spacing, highlighting, colors,
heading, boldface type, bullets, and numbers.
10. Be consistent. That is, treat issues of the same level of importance in the same manner.

Assignment Due date: 18th February

Presentation Date Groups
19th February Groups 1, 2 & 3
21st February Groups 4, 5 & 6

Each group will get 10 minutes to present their work

College of Sciences and Human Studies
Spring 2023
Evaluation Rubric for Assignment 1
Students’ Names & Numbers
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________


1 Title Page Mirrors assignment instructions 0.5

2 Outline Complete and professional 0.5

3 Objectives Reflects topic’s subject matter 1

4 Expected Learning Outcomes 2

5 Introduction 2

Presentation Body 10

12 Conclusion 1

13 Headings, colors, fonts style, size, spacing, indentation, etc.

Page Design & Consistency 0.5
4 Language Grammar vocabulary, diction, spelling, punctuation, etc. 1

15 Posture, poise, voice usage, dynamism (zest), body language, 1.5

Delivery eye contact, connection with audience, etc.

Total 20

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