Mock Exam 2

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MOCK EXAM 2 - Intento 1

Read the letter.Are the sentences Right (A) or Wrong (B)?,If there is not enough information choose doesn´t say (C). 
Hi James,

Guess what?I´m going on the perfect holiday.I´m going to Waitomo Caves in New Zealand.The place is a part of the country that is
famous for its spectacular landscape.I can´t wait! I´m leaving next week. Paul and Amy, my cousins, are coming with me, so if you
´re interested you can come too!

There are a lot of activities you can do there.The first thing I´m going to do is black water rafting! It´s almost the same as white
water rafting but you do it on an underground river, and instead of riding on a raft you use tubes and ropes. I know it sounds a little
dangerous, but they show you how to do everything and they provide all the safety equipment you need like helmets, wetsuits, and
footwear.All you need to take is a swimming suit and a towel because you are definitely going to wet! 

We´re also going to visit the Glow Worm Caves where the walls glow from the tiny little worms that cover them.After that, we want
to go to the Aranui Caves to see the stalactites and stalagmites.They are thousand of years old.

This trip is going to be fun.It isn´t going to be expensive, either.Prices range from 30 dollars to 85 dollars per night.We are going to
stay in a nice bed and breakfast for about 50 dollars a night.

So, what do you think? Would you like to come with us? I really hope so. I´m sure we´ll have a fantastic time!

Talk to you soon,


(Taken from Spark 2, page 74)

Puntos: 2
Ben is traveling to New Zealand next month
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Wrong

b. Doesn't say

c. Right

Puntos: 2
The first thing he is going to do is black water rafting
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Wrong

b. Doesn't say

c. Right

Puntos: 2
Walls glow at Glow Worm Caves because of the small roaches
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Doesn't say

b. Wrong

c. Right

Puntos: 2

They are going to visit the Aranui Caves because some friends recommended them to go there

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Wrong
b. Doesn't say

c. Right

Puntos: 2

This trip is not going to be cheap

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Doesn't say

Puntos: 10

According to the situation match the appropiate future plan.

Mike is calling friends. He's telling them his address. he is going to have a party
Angela is sitting at the table with a pen. she is going to write a letter
Mike is putting his coat on and holding some keys . he is going to drive to the supermarket
Angela is in the kitchen. She is wearing an apron. she is going to bake a cake
Mike is holding a ladder and a bucket. he is going to clean the windows

Puntos: 2

Read the following conversations and choose the best word( A,B or C )

A: Why are you holding a piece of paper? 

B: I (write)____________ a letter to my friends back home in Texas. 
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. won´t

b. will

c. am going to write

Puntos: 2

A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up! 

B: I (get)__________you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up. 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. will get

b. am going to get

c. am not going to

Puntos: 2

I think he (be)____________the next President of the United States. 

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. is going to be
b. will be

c. am going to be

Puntos: 2

A: Hey guys, what´s new?

B: We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit)____________Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. won´t visit

b. are going to visit

c. will visit

Puntos: 2

A: What are your plans after yo finish the university?

B: After I graduate, I (attend) ______________ medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. will attend

b. is going to attend

c. am going to attend

Mark: What are you doing with those scissors? 

Beth: I (cut) 12 ___________ that picture of the ocean out of the travel magazine. 
Mark: What (you, do) 13 ____________ with it? 
Beth: I (paint) 14 _____________ a watercolor of the ocean for my art class, and I thought I could use this photograph as a model. 
Puntos: 2

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. will cut

b. am going to cut

c. are going to cut

Puntos: 2

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. you are going to do

b. will you do

c. are you going to do

Puntos: 2

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. am going to paint

b. are going to paint

c. is going to paint

Mark: (you, do) 16 ____________me a favor, Sam? 

Sam: Sure, what do you want me to do? 
Mark: I (change) 17 ______________ the broken light bulb in the lamp above the dining room table. I need someone to hold the ladder for me
while I am up there. 
Sam: No problem, I will hold it for you.
Puntos: 2

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. you will do

b. you won´t do

c. will you do

Puntos: 2

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. will change

b. am going to change

c. am not going to change

Puntos: 2

Audio MP3 to listen to the audio.

What is Phil going to do tonight?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He´s going to watch movies

b. He´s going to go to the movies

c. He´s going to watch TV

Puntos: 2

Who is Adrienne going out with tonight?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. With a friend

b. With her brother

c. With her boyfriend

Puntos: 2

Where are Mark and his wife probably going to after dinner?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They will go to a disco

b. They will come back home

c. They will go to a local bar

Puntos: 2

Why is Simone just going to stay home?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Because she is really tired

b. Because she doesn´t have money

c. Because some of her friends are coming home

Puntos: 2

Why is Conrad making Mexican food?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Because it´s his favorite food

b. Because his wife is not in the city

c. Because it´s saturday night

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