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Light Channel TV
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

What is True Freedom?

Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

“Darwin's many lifelong and serious illnesses have been the subject of much
speculation and study for over a century. Darwin stated that his health problems began
as early as 1825 when he was only sixteen years old, and became incapacitating
around age 28 (Barloon and Noyes, 1997, p. 138). Horan (1979, p. ix) concluded
that Darwin was "ill and reclusively confined to his home in Kent for forty years."
Darwinian scholar Michael Ruse even concluded that "Darwin himself was an invalid
from the age of 30" (2003, p. 1523). And medical doctor George Pickering, in an
extensive study of Darwin's illness, concluded that in his early thirties, Darwin became
an "invalid recluse" (1974, p. 34). UCLA School of Medicine Professor Dr. Robert
Pasnau (1990, p. 123) noted that Darwin also "remained ill almost continually" for the
entire five years that he was on his HMS Beagle trip.”
Light Channel TV 2
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

What is True Freedom?

Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

“Dozens of scholarly articles and at least three books have been penned on the
question of Darwin's illness. The current conclusion is that Darwin suffered from
several serious and incapacitating psychiatric disorders, including agoraphobia.
Agoraphobia is characterized by fear of panic attacks (or actual panic attacks)
when not in a psychologically safe environment, such as at home. Darwin, as is
common among agoraphobiacs, also developed many additional phobias—being
in crowds, being alone, or leaving home unless accompanied by his wife (Kaplan
and Sadock, 1990, pp. 958-959).”
Light Channel TV 3
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

What is True Freedom?

Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

“Agoraphobia is also frequently associated with depersonalization (a feeling of
being detached from, and outside of, one's own body), a malady that Darwin
also suffered (Barloon and Noyes, 1997, p. 138). A study of Darwin's mental
condition by Barloon and Noyes concluded that Darwin suffered from anxiety
disorders that so severely impaired his functioning that it limited his ability to
leave his home, even just to meet with colleagues or other friends. This diagnosis
likely explains his very secluded, hermit-like lifestyle (1997, p. 138). It also helps
to explain the title of Desmond and Moore's 1991 biography of Darwin: Darwin:
The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist.”
Light Channel TV 4
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

What is True Freedom?

Was Charles Darwin Psychotic? A Study of His Mental Health

“Darwin's many psychological or psychologically influenced physical health symptoms
included severe depression, insomnia, hysterical crying, dying sensations, shaking, fainting
spells, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea, vomiting, severe anxiety,
depersonalization, seeing spots, treading on air and vision, and other visual hallucinations
(Barloon and Noyes, 1997, p. 139; Picover, 1998, p. 290; Colp, 1977, p. 97; Bean, 1978,
p. 573). The physical symptoms included headaches, cardiac palpitations, ringing in ears
(possibly tinnitus), painful flatulence, and gastric upsets—all of which commonly have a
psychological origin (Pasnau, 1990). Colp noted that "behind these symptoms there was
always a core of anxiety and depression" (1977, p. 97). Some speculate that part of
Darwin's mental problems were due to his nagging, gnawing fear that he had devoted his
"life to a fantasy"—and a "dangerous one" at that (Desmond and Moore, 1991, p. 477).
This fear was that his theory was false and there was, in fact, a divine Creator.”
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Light Channel TV
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

In ‘Fear of Freedom’ Fromm devotes a considerable number of pages to an

analysis of the human motivation – or lack of it – that enabled Hitler & Co. to
hypnotize his people into obeying his often completely irrational and incoherent
demands. To accepting conditions that, with the application of just a small
amount of emotional and rational thought, would automatically be rejected by
ordinary morally guided sentient individuals.

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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

• We read about freedom, dream about freedom, rejoice in the notion of

freedom, teach, advocate, and hope for freedom, but what do we mean by
• What does true freedom look like? Does it look like a voter’s ballot or
someone walking out of prison? Is it seen in being able to buy anything I
want or do what I want or that I don’t owe a thing to anyone?

Light Channel TV 8
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

Can true freedom be experienced without knowing

what is Truth?
Can true freedom be divorced from truth and who defines
absolute truth?

Light Channel TV 9
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

The truth of the Word of God is thought by some to be a fetter. But it is the truth
that makes men free. If the truth therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free
indeed. The truth separates man from his sins, from his hereditary and cultivated
tendencies to wrongdoing. The soul that cherishes the love of Christ is full of
freedom, light, and joy. In such a soul there are no divided thoughts. The whole
man yearns after God. He does not go to men to know his duty, but to Christ,
the source of all wisdom. He searches the Word of God, that he may find out
what standard he must reach.
The Truth Makes Us Free, April 10
Ellen G. White
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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

Could it be that the fear of freedom is triggered by a

fear of moral accountability?

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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

II. Freedom of Will Is Moral Accountability

It is commonly recognized that God alone is infinite and absolute in liberty of will,
purpose, and action. But the moral creatures of His earthly creation—that is,
mankind—were also endowed by their Creator with freedom of will. They were free
moral agents. And no loftier conception of creative power and purpose can be
conceived. Man, the crown of creation, was brought into being with a view to
exercising that will with freedom, though the liberty of the creature is necessarily but
relative as compared with that of the Creator.
Therein lies the explanation of the origin of good and evil. The contingency or
possibility of a fall is, of course, inherent in such a creative provision. And the essence
of the Fall is, in reality, the abuse of that vested liberty. So, sin is the consequence of
this collision between the will of man and the will of God—the assertion of self over
against God.
The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1 , 144
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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

II. Freedom of Will Is Moral Accountability

The fall of the creature, then, is a determinate choice or exercise of his own will in a
direction contrary to God’s will—the infinite and absolute will of God. It is the rebellion of a
free moral agent. If this attitude persists, and no remedy is found, the result must eventually
be the destruction of the rebellious sinner, for “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
This point is vital and justifies reiteration: The natural and inevitable consequence of such a
life-and-death collision between the two wills is that the creature’s will must ultimately cease
to be. He must “perish” (John 3:16). Otherwise, the Creator’s will would no longer be
absolute, but limited and negated by the creature’s persisting defiance. But man as a
creature was brought into being for the right and free exercise of his will. Liberty is therefore
the very basis of his existence. Indeed, it constitutes the essence of his being. Therefore the
removal of such liberty means the destruction of his very being and the termination of his
existence as a moral entity. And it is, of course, the creature that will ultimately be obliterated
in a fatal collision of the two wills. Any other outcome would be unthinkable—for the
continuance of a moral creature without liberty, or with his freedom run amuck, would be the
continuance of something without justifiable purpose. The creature would be no longer
worthy either of God or of continuance. The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1 , 145
Light Channel TV 13
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

II. Freedom of Will Is Moral Accountability

The fall of the creature, then, is a determinate choice or exercise of his own will in a
direction contrary to God’s will—the infinite and absolute will of God. It is the rebellion of a
free moral agent. If this attitude persists, and no remedy is found, the result must eventually
be the destruction of the rebellious sinner, for “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
This point is vital and justifies reiteration: The natural and inevitable consequence of such a
life-and-death collision between the two wills is that the creature’s will must ultimately cease
to be. He must “perish” (John 3:16). Otherwise, the Creator’s will would no longer be
absolute, but limited and negated by the creature’s persisting defiance. But man as a
creature was brought into being for the right and free exercise of his will. Liberty is therefore
the very basis of his existence. Indeed, it constitutes the essence of his being. Therefore the
removal of such liberty means the destruction of his very being and the termination of his
existence as a moral entity. And it is, of course, the creature that will ultimately be obliterated
in a fatal collision of the two wills. Any other outcome would be unthinkable—for the
continuance of a moral creature without liberty, or with his freedom run amuck, would be the
continuance of something without justifiable purpose. The creature would be no longer
worthy either of God or of continuance. The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1 , 145
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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

II. Freedom of Will Is Moral Accountability


The free creature that sets himself up in conflict with God’s will, cannot conceivably
continue to exist forever as a free creature. There is obviously a limit, because God’s
liberty and power are infinite, as well as His goodness and justice. God has restricted,
or repressed, His own complete liberty for a time, and imposed upon Himself certain
restraints so as to leave room for the sinful creature’s liberty until the close of
humanity’s period of probation.
But if such creature-defiance were to be continued eternally, such rebellion would
thwart God’s absolute liberty, love, and justice, which must ultimately fill the universe
and all existence for all eternity to come. Ultimate and utter destruction of the
incorrigibly defiant is therefore the logical and unavoidable consequence of the Fall.
Such is the verdict of logic..
The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1 , 145
Light Channel TV 15
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

What then is this “true” freedom?

Light Channel TV 16
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

Biblical Definition of Freedom

If our definition of freedom is not based on the Biblical definition, then it is not
true freedom. Jesus said that the truth would set us free. Since Jesus Himself is
The Truth, His words to us will free us. Bondage is the alternative to freedom.
The devil brings men into bondage by tempting them to sin, being careful not to
tell them that the wages of sin is death. Bondage from sin comes in many
forms–addictions, stress, fear, diseases, unforgiveness, torment, etc. The only way
to escape from bondage is to come to Jesus and repent of our sins and find His
love and forgiveness. He then will disciple us and teach us His Word and His
ways so that we will be set free from every bondage that sin brings. (John 8:31-36)

Light Channel TV 17
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

Knowing the Truth is the Secret to True Freedom

You need a “breakthrough”! There is hope! True freedom is
found through Jesus. He promised, “You will know the
truth and the truth will set you free”. (John 8:32) Christ
has the power to break the chains holding you captive
through the power of the TRUTH. The Secret to True
Freedom is the TRUTH. The truth will set you free!

Light Channel TV 18
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

Jesus is the Truth

Jesus is the TRUTH (John 14:6) and Jesus is the Word (John
1:1) therefore the Word is Truth. You discover the truth in
knowing Jesus and in knowing the Word of God. Notice Jesus
said when you “KNOW” the truth you will be set free. We
must be committed to knowing Jesus and knowing His Word.
When you do, you will know the truth and you will get your
BREAKTHROUGH! The TRUTH does not change, it is forever!
Heaven earth will pass away (Matthew 24:25) and the flower
will fade (Isaiah 40:8), but His Word (truth) will last forever.

Light Channel TV 19
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

Truth is Under Attack

However, the truth is under attack. In today’s culture the attack on
truth is no longer just some falsehood claiming to be truth. Today’s
attackers say that there is no such thing as “absolute truth”. Instead,
they say that there is your truth and my truth. Today people say there
is no objective truth, there is only subjective truth. It is subjective
because it depends on your personal preferences, your feelings, and
your own experiences. The world is confused about truth – they’re
confused about what is good verses evil, what is right verses wrong,
and even those in the church struggle to know the truth. The truth is
– Jesus.

Light Channel TV 20
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

How to Know the Truth

You only know the truth when you know Jesus. The way to
know Jesus is spending time with Him and in the Word of God
(Bible). The Word of God reveals Jesus. When you know the
Word you Know Jesus. Know Jesus and you know the truth.
When you KNOW the truth you have the secret to true

Light Channel TV 21
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

Here’s a Challenge for You

Make it a priority to know the Word of Truth. Read it, speak it,
listen to it and meditate on it every day. The Word is alive and
powerful. (Hebrews 4:12) The Truth of God’s Word has
God’s guarantee backing it up. “God watches over His Word to
perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12), and “it will not return void, but
will accomplish what it was sent to do” (Isaiah 55:11). The
Lord will confirm His word with signs and wonders. (Mark
16:20) The truth is powerful.

Light Channel TV 22
The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

True Freedom – discover how to have freedom in your life

Here’s a Challenge for You

There are four things that the TRUTH will do:
I. ONLY the Truth can transform lives.
II. ONLY the Truth can change hearts.
III. ONLY the Truth can set you free.
IV. IV. ONLY the Truth can grow your faith.

“When you know the truth the truth will make you [for real]free”.
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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

Truths to Remember While Waiting for God to Work

• Truth #1: We live in a fallen, wicked, cursed world with suffering, evil and death.
We live in a war zone, both physically and spiritually. It is a broken world.

• Truth #2: God has chosen from the beginning to give human beings the freedom to act.
When someone asks, “Why did this wicked thing happen?” Answer with, “An evil human being did this.” Don’t
discount evil.

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The Fear of Freedom, The Triumph of Evil

Truths to Remember While Waiting for God to Work

• Truth #3: God promises to accomplish a greater good in and for all people
who trust in Him (Romans 8:29).
He is conforming us to the image of His Son. Suffering is one of His tools to do
that. The whole New Testament teaches that.
• Truth #4: We live in the last days of the old creation that will not be fixed
until Jesus returns.
Our great and powerful God will one day wrap up history and fix it. We live in the
hope of this happening in our future. In the meantime, humans are free to do
what they want to do.

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