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EECS 215: Introduction to Electronic Circuits WN23

Homework Set 4

Issued: 02/3/23
Due: 02/10/23 11:59PM submitted electronically on Gradescope.
1. UMF 3.65 with modifications. Find the following between terminal (a,b)
a. Find Voc using nodal analysis
b. Find Isc using nodal analysis
c. Req by “turning off” the independent sources.
d. Find and draw the Thevenin equivalent
e. Find and draw the Norton equivalent

2. UMF 3.68 with additions:

a. Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit for terminals (a,b)
b. Chose RL that when connected between terminals (a,b), the current flowing
through it is 0.5A
c. Find the value of RL that, when connected between terminals (a,b),gives it the
maximum power.
d. What is the maximum power for RL?

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3. UMF 3.70
a. For the circuit in Fig. P3.68, find the Thevenin equivalent circuit as seen by the
2ohm resistor connected between terminals (d, e) as if the 2ohm resistor is a
load resistor connected to (but external to) the circuit.
b. Determine the current flowing through the 2 ohm resistor

4. Modified UMF 3.72

a. Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit at terminals (a, b)
b. Find the Norton equivalent circuit at terminals (a, b)

5. UMF 3.73

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6. UMF 3.81

7. UMF 3.86,

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8. UMF 3.91
Find both the voltage gain (AV = Vout / Vin) and the current gain (AI = Iout/Iin).
Assume Vin >> VBE

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