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Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

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Urban experiments with public transport for low carbon mobility

transitions in cities: A systematic literature review (1990–2020)
Ramanditya Wimbardana Wimbadi a, *, Riyanti Djalante a, Akihisa Mori b
United Nations University - Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Tokyo, Japan
School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


Keywords: The development of public transport in cities can facilitate multiple ways under the Avoid-Shift-Improve (ASI)
Urban experiment framework in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from passenger mobility. Nevertheless, ensuring their
Public transport integration and direction for moving toward low carbon mobility transitions is often challenging in practice.
CO2 emission
Urban experimentation has emerged as a governance model to foster innovations for climate change mitigation
Climate change
Low carbon mobility
in cities while articulating a sustainable future. This paper aims to review how urban public transport experi­
Transition ments ensure the selection and consolidation of ASI measures to support low carbon mobility transitions. Our
analysis is based on a systematic review of 41 documents gathered from peer-reviewed and grey literature da­
tabases. We find that experimentation is a critical platform for introducing novel ASI-public transport measures
and exploring potential pathways toward the transitions through participative backcasting approaches. In our
database, the experiments generally contribute to the rollout of LEV technologies and BRT systems, followed by
the development of other ASI measures. Some of the experiments establish climate change targets to support low
carbon mobility. Our review demonstrates that the experiments hold a pivotal role in developing niches for ASI-
based measures and stimulating policy processes for the long-term transitions.

1. Introduction combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to grow over the past century. It has
stimulated road infrastructure expansion and low-density urban forms
The Paris Agreement sets out targets to hold the global average that spurs private vehicle ownership and CO2 from mobility (Seto et al.,
temperature rise to well below 2 ◦ C above the pre-industrial levels and 2014). Meanwhile, many cities still have low accessibility to public
pursue more ambitious efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 ◦ C transport services, such as in Asia and North America (Chen & Kauppila,
above the pre-industrial levels (UNFCCC, 2015). Scholars argue that 2017; Darido, Torres-Montoya, & Mehndiratta, 2014). The OECD/ITF
rapid and deep decarbonization in the energy system is indispensable (2017) estimated that cities with more than 300,000 inhabitants
before the mid-century to achieve the targets (Gambhir, Rogelj, Luderer, contributed to 20 % of the transport sector’s total CO2 emissions from
Few, & Napp, 2019; Sachs, Schmidt-Traub, & Williams, 2016). The passenger mobility only in 2014. Researchers indicate that population
process requires significant transformations within the system, growth and economic activity agglomeration will increase mobility
including its infrastructure, institutions, and user practices. Existing demand and CO2 emissions in cities gradually (Madlener & Sunak, 2011;
carbon-intensive practices in the system must be changed dramatically Sadorsky, 2014; Yazdi & Dariani, 2019).
with technological innovations and behavioral changes so it can reduce Urban transport has to shift its socio-technical system1 geared to­
CO2 emissions significantly. ward low carbon mobility that passenger and goods movement produce
As an end-use energy sector, the transport sector faces complex lower CO2 emissions from the current level. This process entails a long-
challenges to decouple CO2 emissions from mobility, and cities signifi­ term transition process with different low carbon transport measures
cantly influence the emission problems. The sector dependency on fossil and institutional transformation (Geels, 2018; Givoni, 2013). Scholars
fuels has led the trend of motorized automobility with internal and transport experts argue that rolling out energy-efficient transport

* Corresponding author at: UNU Headquarter, 5-53-70, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-8925, Japan.
E-mail address: (R.W. Wimbadi).
Socio-technical systems determine how the society works (e.g., transport and housing). They are shaped by interconnected elements, including technological
artifacts, knowledge, user practices and markets, regulation, cultural meaning, infrastructure, and supply networks (Geels, 2005; Turnheim et al., 2015)
Received 30 July 2020; Received in revised form 11 May 2021; Accepted 12 May 2021
Available online 15 May 2021
2210-6707/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

modes and increasing public transport modal share will be the keys to evidence needs to be done to explore whether and how urban experi­
keep the temperature rise below 2 ◦ C (Agora Verkehrswende, GIZ, & mentation could take those roles.
WEF, 2020; Gambhir et al., 2019). Synergies among those measures are Taking public transport as the main focus of this paper, we aim to
the key to generate full decarbonization potential (Givoni & Banister, review how previous urban experiments with public transport could
2013; Lah, 2017). Moreover, the selected solutions must minimize facilitate the selection and consolidation of ASI-based measures for low
rebound effects and other adverse effects (Bongardt et al., 2013). For carbon mobility transitions. This review attempts to connect the
instance, the widespread rollout of private electric vehicles can increase conceptualization of urban experimentation for climate change (Castan
CO2 emission and air pollutants from electricity generation, vehicle Broto & Bulkeley, 2013; Kivimaa et al., 2017) and the ASI framework
ownership, and traffic congestion in cities (Eccarius & Lu, 2020; (Bongardt et al., 2013; Givoni, 2013). The review will also be important
Velasquez & Eisenbeiss, 2015). Public transport can play a significant to affirm the extent to which experimentation is related to other activ­
role in facilitating modal shift, trip efficiency, and low-emission vehicle ities that could promote the transitions, such as urban transport poli­
technology utilization at the same time (Hickman, Fremer, Breithhaupt, cymaking or city planning.
& Saxena, 2011). In this journal and elsewhere, public transport has This paper is structured as follows. Following the introduction, the
been acknowledged for its contribution to GHG mitigation and second section outlines the theoretical rationale for connecting the
co-benefit potentials, such as less traffic congestion and air quality concept of experimentation in sustainability transition studies and the
improvement (Dillman et al., 2021; Jain & Tiwari, 2016; Kwan & ASI approach for low carbon mobility. We explain the methodology
Hashim, 2016). Thus, it is essential to ensure that urban public transport applied to conduct the review in the third section. The fourth section
measures are created, knitted, and directed toward the transitions. presents the results, followed by the fifth section to discuss the findings
Amidst the urgent need to pursue net-zero carbon emission, urban and their implication for promoting urban public transport for the
experiments have been observed in different parts of the world as an transitions. The sixth section concludes the reviews and provides future
emerging governance model to establish foundations for low carbon research directions.
transitions. They can help stakeholders test and adopt novel measures or
policies in real-world settings (Bulkeley & Castán Broto, 2013; Kivimaa, 2. Theoretical background
Hildén, Huitema, Jordan, & Newig, 2017; van der Heijden, 2016). The
activities facilitate actors learning about novel measures and building 2.1. Urban experimentation for sustainability transitions
networks to challenge the status quo and envision desired sustainable
pathways. Previous studies identified that public transport is one of the Experimentation is a fundamental way to enable sustainability
climate change mitigation solutions developed through urban experi­ transitions by introducing and developing novel solutions through
ments (Bulkeley & Castán Broto, 2013; Sethi, Felix, Lamb, & Minx, small-scale initiatives (e.g., field demonstrations, pilot projects, and
2020). However, they do not elaborate specifically on what kind of grassroots initiatives). It aims to initiate the transformation of existing
public transport measures are considered and tested during the experi­ physical structures (e.g., infrastructure and technologies), institutional
ments. More importantly, little is known about how those measures are structures (e.g., organizations and power structures), economic struc­
integrated through the experiments to optimize emission reduction. tures (e.g., market), culture (e.g., shared future images), and practices
On the other hand, transport scholars and practitioners generally use (e.g., daily routines of users) (van den Bosch & Rotmans, 2008). It is a
the ‘Avoid-Shift-Improve’ (ASI) approach as the three basic ways to governance model that engages stakeholders in articulating expecta­
minimize adverse transport effects. The ASI approach is widely adopted tions, building social networks/coalitions, and co-learning about po­
in sustainable transport projects that usually have multiple objectives (e. tential novelties (Geels, Sovacool, Schwanen, & Sorrell, 2017; Sengers,
g., GHG reduction, air pollution abatement, and traffic congestion Turnheim, & Berkhout, 2020). They can come from diverse groups of
reduction) (Bakker, Zuidgeest, De Coninck, & Huizenga, 2014; Lah, actors, such as government institutions, civil society organizations,
2015; Nakamura & Hayashi, 2013). However, local stakeholders put universities, and entrepreneurs, with different interests and policy be­
little attention on incorporating climate change targets in its applica­ liefs. Experimentation for sustainability transitions establishes novelties
tion. Moreover, they usually favor the ‘Improve’ to get implemented first in real-world settings so they can obtain feedback from the users, learn
and followed by the other two later. As a result, the ASI approach how new technologies work, and exercise possible different ways to use
application in practice tends to induce incremental changes rather than novelties for addressing sustainability problems (Bulkeley et al., 2019;
transformational ones in addressing long-term climate targets (Bakker Evans & Karvonen, 2014; Raven, Schot, & Berkhout, 2012).
et al., 2014). The concept of experimentation for sustainability transitions has
Scholars call for a rigorous transition-oriented ASI framework for been evolving over the past decade. The early experimentation studies
low carbon mobility (Bakker et al., 2014; Bongardt et al., 2013). Givoni lack spatial consideration. Experimentation was perceived as a
(2013) offers a framework that explains how different low carbon nationally-driven process in which actors face similar challenges from
mobility pathways and their impacts on GHG mitigation, mobility pat­ place to place within a country’s boundaries and deploy similar in­
terns, and economic growth could occur when stakeholders favor one novations as the solutions (Bridge, Bouzarovski, Bradshaw, & Eyre,
particular approach over the others under the ASI framework. Mean­ 2013; Hansen & Coenen, 2015; Raven et al., 2012). Urban geography
while, other researchers argue that ASI measures must be done in an scholars have conducted empirical studies to examine the significance of
integrated manner to optimize climate change mitigation and generate urban setting as an arena for experimentation to facilitate transitions
co-benefit potentials simultaneously (Lah, 2017; Nakamura & Hayashi, (Bulkeley & Castán Broto, 2013; Hodson & Marvin, 2010; Peng & Bai,
2013). However, there is limited understanding of how ASI-based 2018). Castan Broto and Bulkeley (2013) coin the notion of “urban
measures are selected and assembled for low carbon mobility transi­ climate change experiments” that is envisioned by or on behalf of an
tions. Given the potentials of urban experiments to lay the foundation (imagined) urban community to test technical and social interventions
for a transition, we recognize that there is still limited understanding of for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Others research the
whether and how they can facilitate these needs. Some organizations emergence of urban living labs in Europe (von Wirth, Fuenfschilling,
adopt experimental approaches in their low carbon transport projects. Frantzeskaki, & Coenen, 2019; Voytenko, McCormick, Evans, &
Nonetheless, their reports are limited to the experience of a particular Schliwa, 2016). Urban transition studies highlight the importance of
region where they conduct the projects, such as CIVITAS initiatives in place specificity (e.g., geographical conditions, proximity to resources,
European cities (Boschetti, Maurizi, & Cré, 2014) and IGES (Institute for and local regulations) in shaping experimentation outputs and outcomes
Global Environmental Strategies) low carbon projects in Asian cities (Hansen & Coenen, 2015; Hodson & Marvin, 2012). Bulkeley and Castán
(Junko et al., 2018). A comprehensive review of existing empirical Broto (2013) identify urban experimentation for climate change

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Fig. 1. Transition-Oriented ASI Framework for Low Carbon Mobility.

characteristics across different sectors to understand cities as spaces for transport objectives, such as traffic congestion and air pollution (Bon­
experimentation, including 1) when and where the experiments occur, gardt et al., 2013; Nakamura & Hayashi, 2013). In the urban setting,
2) which actors are involved, and 3) how the experiments seek to three main factors influence GHG emission from mobility, including
intervene in socio-technical systems. technology (carbon intensity of fuels and energy intensity of vehicle
Experiments can create microcosms for a transition in different ways. types), behavior (modal structure of mobility and volume of mobility),
The outputs and outcomes of experimentation vary, depending on how and urban forms (Makido, Dhakal, & Yamagata, 2012; Waisman, Gui­
they are designed in the first place. Kivimaa et al. (2017) classify ex­ varch, & Lecocq, 2013). The ‘avoid’ strategies curb motorized mobility
periments based on their objectives. First, a niche creation experiment by controlling built-environment expansion, promoting compact urban
aims to promote the adoption of a specific technology or service and form, and encouraging teleworking. The ‘shift’ strategies aim to promote
foster other novelties to grow around it. Secondly, a market creation energy efficiency by increasing public transport ridership, such as
experiment alters market preferences by providing incentives and building mass-transit systems, road pricing, and traffic control regula­
setting regulations to support sustainable practices to emerge. Thirdly, a tions. The ‘improve’ strategies advance transport-related technologies to
spatial development experiment is centered on applying planning the­ reduce fuel carbon intensity (e.g., biofuel utilization) and improve
ories and principles to alter the built environment for sustainability vehicle energy efficiency (e.g., electric vehicles2).
benefits. Lastly, there are experiments for societal problem solving and Urban public transport could play a central role in facilitating a
changes that use participatory scenario buildings to explore potential holistic approach to reduce CO2 emissions. One that can be considered is
measures and envision a sustainable future. Other researchers name this the uptake of energy-efficient transport modes or Low Emission Vehicles
approach as the future design (Saijo, 2020; Uwasu, Kishita, Hara, & (LEVs) for public transport fleets. It can bring significant urban in­
Nomaguchi, 2020). frastructures and business model changes because their operation needs
Accordingly, those objectives will determine tangible (e.g., infra­ to fulfill particular technical performance standards and economic
structure) and intangible changes (e.g., knowledge of “how-to” and new feasibility. More importantly, it must be combined with other measures
shared vision) after experimentation is conducted. Kivimaa et al. (2017) that encourage people to shift to public transport, such as fuel subsidy
discover immediate changes after climate change experiments across the removal and service integration. The expansion of public transport
energy and built environment sectors. They categorize them into (1) accessibility can provide “transit leverage effects” such as reducing
changed discourses; (2) new technology; (3) built environment change; private automobility around transit stops and stations (Miller, de Barros,
(4) policy and institutional change; (5) new business practices; (6) new Kattan, & Wirasinghe, 2016; Pollack, Gartsman, Reardon, & Hari,
market or market change, or (7) new consumer practices. Against this 2015). For example, Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) zones could
theoretical backdrop, we explore in the following sub-section how the reduce GHG emissions by limiting motorized movement and improving
conceptualization of these experimentation contributions could be walkability around a train station (Cervero & Dai, 2014). Hence, those
extended further to understand their potential ways to build low carbon ASI measures shall be designed in an integrated manner to maximize
mobility transition pathways. potential outcomes in reducing CO2 and achieving other benefits (Lah,

2.2. Connecting the ASI approach and low carbon mobility transitions
through experimentation
It is worth noting that the charging of Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles
The ASI approach is a well-recognized concept among those advo­ (BEVs) could lead to the increase of energy generated from coal-powered sta­
cating sustainable transport practices for framing transport policies and tions disproportionately, such as in the United States (Tamayao, Michalek,
measures to reduce GHG emissions and achieve other sustainable Hendrickson, & Azevedo, 2015).

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Fig. 2. PRISMA flowchart describing the steps in selecting the literature.

Low carbon mobility transitions occur when those measures are private car ownership growth. Pathway C results in an economic growth
framed and directed to steer the socio-technical system that runs urban model less dependent on transport activities, including optimizing
transport to a specific pathway. The implementation will generate ef­ telework and spatial arrangement, that mobility to reach economic ac­
fects that may stimulate or even hamper economic growth, CO2 emission tivities is minimized.
reduction, and mobility in different degrees. Built upon the existing The deployment of novel technologies and policy interventions
transition frameworks that explain the processes (European Environ­ during and after the experiments could lead to immediate changes
ment Agency, 2016; Geels et al., 2017; Givoni, 2013), we propose an (Kivimaa et al., 2017). A socio-technical system will respond to these,
analytical framework that describes how experimentation selects and known as feedback effects (Jordan & Matt, 2014; Mori, 2018). Tech­
assembles ASI measures for driving different low carbon mobility tran­ nological feedback effects cause regime actors to reframe their political
sition pathways (Fig. 1). It illustrates the position of experiments among choices. They might change their norms, policies, regulations, and
the constellation of niches, socio-technical regime, and socio-technical organizational arrangements to support the diffusion processes, either
landscape3 . Regime and niche actors are involved in testing and by deepening, broadening, or scaling up the selected results (van den
adopting novel measures in an urban experiment to cut CO2 emissions. Bosch & Rotmans, 2008). These will be followed up with the redistri­
The experimentation also helps them determine possible transition bution of resources and incentives to stimulate niches to grow, espe­
pathways, for instance, with participatory scenario building (Kivimaa cially with building capacities for policy implementation and mobilizing
et al., 2017). Their joint vision and strategies can be reflected in existing political support for transformational changes. Thus, during experi­
plans (e.g., action plans or roadmaps) or a new one developed during an mentation, agencies or actors build coalitions to either support or
experiment. oppose innovations (Geels, 2014).
Each pathway has different dominant transport measures that will This section recognizes that experimentation could play a pivotal
influence the patterns of mobility and economic growth. The Business as role in setting up and consolidating what is needed to embark toward
Usual (BaU) pathway aims at keeping personal motorized mobility low carbon mobility transitions. To further support this argument, we
dominant to foster the fossil fuel-based economy. Meanwhile, Pathway raise the question of whether and how the previous urban public
A promotes the rollout of energy-efficient vehicles and non-fossil fuel transport experiments ensure the selection and consolidation of ASI
vehicles, such as electric cars, on a large scale. In this pathway, personal measures to support the transitions. We break down our review aim into
vehicle ridership still outweighs public transport modal share. Pathway four objectives as follows: (1) to identify the characteristics of urban
B focuses on increasing travel efficiency with a significant shift to public public transport experiments that aim to mitigate CO2 emission; (2) to
transport and active transport (e.g., walking and cycling) and limiting identify what kind of outputs resulted and consolidated during the ex­
periments; (3) to identify the outcomes of the experimented public
transport measures based on the ASI approach; and (4) to reflect the
Socio-technical systems are run by regimes or incumbent actors that set
ways of urban public transport experiments ensure the selection and
rules and institutions to maintain established practices. Meanwhile, a mo­ consolidation of ASI-based measures for the transitions.
mentum for a transition can be also induced from niches, “protected and less
stable spaces” for new actors or agencies to carry out symbiotic and innovative 3. Methodology
activities. Socio-technical landscape indicates exogenous pressures or trends
that disrupt the systems and provide opportunities for niche actors to emerge (e. We employed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), a methodology
g., oil prices, demographic growth) (Geels & Schot, 2007; Rosenbloom, Berton, to appraise and synthesize the state of knowledge from a large body of
& Meadowcroft, 2016).

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

publications based on defined questions with a transparent protocol for climate change mitigation was started around the late 1980s (Bod­
(Booth, Sutton, & Papaioannou, 2016). It can help minimize bias and ansky, 2001). Thirdly, we refined the search based on document types,
errors in doing a review, and others could replicate the procedures to including journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, and books,
ensure the validity of the results. SLR is commonly used in health science because such publication types often provide findings of case studies.
literature to provide reliable evidence for healthcare interventions and Lastly, we selected English-written documents only, and we omitted
policy (Liberati et al., 2009). More recently, it has been increasingly those from irrelevant subjects, such as mathematics and agriculture. The
used in other fields, such as transportation (Hansson, Pettersson, data collection in Scopus alone resulted in 563 documents.
Svensson, & Wretstrand, 2019), tourism (Yang, Khoo-Lattimore, & Meanwhile, we gathered the grey literature between 5th and 20th
Arcodia, 2017), disaster risk reduction (Djalante, 2018). Researchers November 2020. We applied similar procedures for the grey literature
who study climate change issues have applied the methodology for databases. However, we adjusted the details due to different search
analyzing the state of the art of climate change impacts (Cronin, settings in each database (see the Appendix A). Given a wide range of
Anandarajah, & Dessens, 2018; Hunt & Watkiss, 2010), adaptation document types in grey literature, we collected only documents that
(Berrang-Ford, Pearce, & Ford, 2015; Shaffril, Krauss, & Samsuddin, capture in-depth information that tells the organizations’ experience
2018), and mitigation (Gouldson, Sudmant, Khreis, & Papargyropoulou, and involvement in the experiments, including project reports, books,
2018; Wimbadi & Djalante, 2020). We followed the PRISMA (Preferred chapters, working papers, consultancy reports, and other similar docu­
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guideline in ments in the search. In total, we collected 361 grey publications. The
the process of searching, identifying, screening, and analyzing literature specific steps and keywords used in this stage are elaborated in the
(Liberati et al., 2009). Appendix A.

3.1. Search and identification 3.2. Document screening and eligibility

In this review, we included both peer-reviewed and grey literature The retrieved documents were compiled and screened to exclude
(Fig. 2). We selected Scopus to gather peer-reviewed research publica­ those not eligible for the analysis. We set the inclusion criteria. First, they
tions. It is the most extensive scientific literature database covering must provide information about experimentation in a specific city or
studies from engineering and social science that are more relevant to more that aims purposely or strategically to reduce CO2 emission by
urban public transport experiments (Mongeon & Paul-Hus, 2016). seeking new forms of learning and experience. The experiments have
Nonetheless, selecting only peer-reviewed database as the main source been done to test and adopt measures to promote public transport roles
would increase the risk of language bias in the result (Stern & Kleijnen, to cut CO2 emission and conduct by or on behalf of an (imagined) urban
2020). Therefore, we incorporated grey literature from the databases community. We adopt these criteria on urban experiments for climate
published by the organizations working in sustainable transport or low change from Castan Broto and Bulkeley (2013). Second, we carefully
carbon transport issues. The databases contain publications that mainly included the publication records that contain case studies on local public
capture their direct experience of managing urban transport projects, so, transport within urban areas. It serves passenger mobility between
in that way, we can obtain broader relevant cases that fit with the ob­ different parts of the conurbation areas regardless of their administra­
jectives of this review. We acknowledge that some organizations focus tive boundaries, such as daily commuting from adjacent suburbs
on a specific region only (e.g., CIVITAS in Europe). Thus, to avoid (Hansson et al., 2019). Thus, we excluded publications that describe
geographic bias in the results and gain more perspectives from different experimented public transport measures for mobility between urban and
regions, we chose grey literature databases from four organizations rural areas. Third, we considered the documents that review, compile,
working in sustainable transport in different regions, including: and cite information from primary sources because we seek direct
evaluation or observation from the researchers or the organizations. We
• C40 (a transnational municipal network for climate change actions), discarded the records that do not fall under those criteria.
a transnational municipal network that connects 97 large cities Using those criteria, we screened the retrieved documents to check
worldwide to take action against climate change. It has a knowledge their eligibility for the analysis. First, we read their title and abstract,
hub that gathers the experience of its city members in tackling the whether they entirely reflect the information that we search based on
issue. the criteria. This step resulted in 118 records that match the inclusion
• GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), a criteria. Accordingly, we carefully re-read the abstract/executive sum­
German development agency that promotes the ASI framework in mary of the selected records and then screened their introduction and
their sustainable transport projects. The organization has a database methodology (if any for the grey publications). From that final step, we
containing its works in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. obtained 41 documents for the analysis. These comprise 19 peer-
• ICCT (International Council on Clean Transportation), a non-profit reviewed papers and 22 grey publications.
organization that has an objective to provide unbiased transport
research. It has a database covering its research works in Asia, 3.3. Data analysis
Europe, North America, and Latin America.
• World Bank that assists developing countries in Africa, Asia, and We employed content analysis to analyze the information given in
Latin America improve urban transport infrastructures. The World the selected peer-reviewed publications. The analysis procedure in­
Bank also established the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust cludes categorizing and creating generalizations and information pat­
Fund in 1991 that finances projects to solve environmental issues, terns by interpreting and coding textual contents (Erlingsson &
including GHG emissions from the transport sector. Brysiewicz, 2017). The texts that contain information related to research
questions were shortened into meaning units, then coded, and grouped
The peer-reviewed literature search was conducted on 15 March into categories. The categorization was based on codes that have similar
2020. We set inclusion and exclusion criteria to select the potential patterns of meanings. The final step created themes based on the cate­
publications that fit our review queries. Firstly, we included keywords gories. We categorized the data into four main themes to answer the
related to “public transport” (e.g., “mass transport” or “mass transit”), research questions of this review. Then, we developed a Comparative
climate change (e.g., “emission” and urban (e.g.,” city”) (see Appendix A Criteria Table (CCT) based on the categories and themes (Table 1).
for the list of keywords). This review focuses on only two primary public Firstly, we identified the characteristics of the observed experiments
road transport, including bus and rail-based transit. Secondly, we chose in our database by analyzing their geographic locations, establishment
those published between 1990 and 2020 because the global movement and completion year, and types. The types were determined based on

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Table 1 Table 2
Comparative Criteria Table. Number of Observed Cities in the Analysis.
Research Objectives Criteria of Description Number of observed cities where urban public
comparison / transport experiments were conducted
Identified themes Document Sources
Africa Asia Europe South North
The city and the country America America
where the experiment is
locations Scopus 0 3 19 0 10
C40 0 1 0 3 1
The city population where
Population GIZ 0 1 1 0 0
the experiment is conducted
Objective: 1: To identify ICCT 0 0 0 2 0
The year when the
the characteristics of Experiment year World Bank 1 19 0 4 3
experiment is conducted
urban public transport Number of cities that have 0 0 1 1 0
The category is determined
experiments that aim to more than one document
on the experiment objectives
mitigate CO2 emission explaining the same
(i.e., niche creation, market
Experiment types creation, societal problem
Total (n ¼ 64 cities) 1 24 18 8 13
solving and change, and
spatial development) as
ways to cut CO2
The new types of vehicle nodes connected via edges. We set the identified measures as the
technology that have been network nodes, and the relations among them in an experiment were the
introduced in the edges. We gave the value “1” if they are mentioned that they were tested
experiment (e.g., electric or developed in the same experiment. The matrix was imported into the
buses and hydrogen buses)
The infrastructures that have
NODEXL software to construct the visualization. We also used the de­
been placed to support the gree of centrality4 to reflect which measures are mostly considered
operation of public transport across different experiments.
services (e.g., dedicated bus Thirdly, we grouped the outputs into three outcomes based on the
lane or bus stops)
ASI approach to identify their ways in reducing the emission. Since not
The new model of services
Objective 2: To identify and business practices that all of the retrieved documents state them explicitly, we classified some
Services and
what kind of outputs have been applied for of them into which Bongardt et al. (2013) suggest for categorizing
business practices
resulted and consolidated optimizing public transport ASI-based public transport measures. Then, we counted the total num­
during the experiments ridership ber of measures for each ASI outcome to identify which one has been
The novel principles of
urban transport practices or
considered most for promoting low carbon mobility and could provide
Urban transport different outcomes.
management that are
formulated or tested by the
city stakeholders 4. Findings
A new city development
vision for low carbon-related
pathways Our database contains urban public transport experiments from 64
A way to promote citizen or cities located in five regions (Table 2). Most of the peer-reviewed papers
Citizen practices consumer behaviors to cut include case studies from Europe and North America, while the grey
CO2 literature covers more examples from developing countries in the Global
To reduce traffic volume by
Avoid limiting the needs for
South. Gonçalves, Portugal, and Farias (2008) is the earliest published
Objective 3: To identify the peer-reviewed paper in this analysis. They describe the trial of hydrogen
outcomes of the
To increase the ridership of bus fleets in Porto (Portugal) under the CUTE (Clean Urban Transport
experimented public Shift
public transport for Europe) commenced by the European Union (EU) in 2004 and
transport measures based
To improve energy
on the ASI approach another in Berlin (Germany) under the HyFLEET: CUTE started in 2006.
Improve efficiency through vehicle
technology Meanwhile, the earliest published grey literature is Mexico - Introduc­
tion of Climate Friendly Measures in Transport Project (English) (2009).
It outlines the World Bank’s project launched in Mexico City in 2003,
their primary approach to achieving targets for CO2 emission reduction. and one of its outputs is an emission testing lab for the city public
It is also worth recognizing the city population to estimate the transport transport. Of 22 grey publications, twelve of them were from the World
demand that the public transport service needs to cover. However, not Bank’s reports that describe its sustainable transport projects in
all the authors provide population data of the cities where the identified Argentina, China, Chile, India, Mexico, Nigeria, and Vietnam.
experiments were conducted. Therefore, we gathered the data from that compiles official population fig­ 4.1. The characteristics of urban public transport experiments
ures in cities worldwide based on census data. We selected the data that
represents the population living within the administrative boundaries of Our database indicates that the trend of urban public transport ex­
the cities. We classified the cities into four city classes based on their periments for climate change emerged about two decades ago5 (Fig. 3).
demographic sizes. An overview table of the identified experiments in The earliest reported experiment was held in Canada when its federal
each city is in the annex of this review. government initiated an urban sustainable transport program in eight
Secondly, we identified public transport measures stated in the urban areas in 2001, following up its GHG emission commitment under
documents and arranged them into the experiment output categories
adopted from Kivimaa et al. (2017). Accordingly, we used discourse
network analysis (DNA) to examine the interrelationship between nov­ 4
Degree centrality is a simple count of the total number of edges linked to a
elties introduced in the experiments. DNA combines approaches in node. It can be considered to measure popularity of social actors or ideas in a
content analysis and social network analysis to provide insights network (Hansen, Shneiderman, & Smith, 2011).
regarding a subject discourse in written sources (Leifeld, 2016). A 5
We cannot identify when four experiments in Ottawa, Winnipeg (CAN),
network in this analysis consists of arguments (or the “concept”) as Arnhem, and Breda (NLD) were commenced because the documents do not
indicate any date.

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Fig. 3. The number of urban public transport experiments commenced between 2001 and 2020.

Fig. 4. The geographic distribution of the observed cities.

the Kyoto Protocol (MacIsaac, 2009). Seven of them introduced a mix of national scale, our database contains mainly the experience of cities in
novel public transport-related measures. The most recent experiment China. By 2020, the World Bank transport projects had initiated public
recorded in the retrieved literature is a battery-electric bus pilot pro­ transport experiments for cutting the emission in 13 cities in China.
gram in Jakarta (Indonesia) (C40 Cities Finance Facility, 2020). Four However, our findings indicate that fewer experiments are observed in
cities have done more than one experiment between 2001 and 2020, cities in emerging economies, such as India (4), Mexico (3), Brazil (2),
including Santiago (Chile), Mexico City (Mexico), Amsterdam (the and Indonesia (1).
Netherlands), and Winnipeg (Canada). Twenty-seven cities commenced Then, we compare the demographic characteristics of those identi­
their experiments in the 2000s, while thirty-seven cities launched their fied cities6. Fig. 5 depicts that most of the reported experiments in
experiments within the last decade. developed countries occur in small cities, especially those in the EU and
Fig. 4 shows the geographic distribution of cities that have conducted Canada. Meanwhile, in developing countries, the experiments have been
urban public transport experiments. Most of these experiments are held in cities with larger demographic sizes (one million people and
concentrated in the European Union (EU) country members. On the more). Four megacities that have carried out the experiments are also

The city size classification is based on UN/DESA (2019). Due to the latest
census data availability, we include different years for Lagos (2006), Hanoi,
Minsk (2009), all cities in China (except Hong Kong), Jakarta, Bogota and
Medellin (2010). The population of Kista (SWE) is taken from the publication
because it is not recorded in the selected database. We categorized Naya Raipur
in India as a small-sized city because it is a new town currently being developed
by the government and it is not yet recorded in the database.

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Fig. 5. The demographic characteristics of the observed cities by population size in 2011.

located in developing countries, including Sao Paulo (Brazil), Beijing, & DOTr of the Philippines, 2016; GIZ, 2019), Mexico City (C40 Cities
Shenzhen (China), and Istanbul (Turkey). Finance Facility, 2019), and Medellin (ICCT & C40, 2019, 2020). In our
We analyzed the objectives of these 68 experiments to achieve the database, we also discover urban public transport experiments designed
overarching targets for CO2 emission reduction. Most of the experiments to explore future scenarios for low carbon mobility, create a new market,
are intended to shift to sustainable transport systems with niche creation and introduce a new spatial development approach. However, only a
(Fig. 6). Of the 30 experiments with this objective, 21 are located in few cities have adopted these kinds of experimentation, such as a pilot
cities in developing countries. These experiments have advocated cap-and-trade project for buses and taxis in Shenzhen (Cai et al., 2015;
technological measures related to public transport, such as World Bank Jiang, Ye, Ma, & Miao, 2016), and a TOD pilot project in Dongguan
projects on sustainable transport in China (China - GEF World Bank (China - GEF World Bank Urban Transport Partnership Program Project
Urban Transport Partnership Program Project (English) (2015) and (English) (2015)).
India (India - Sustainable Urban Transport Project (English) (2019). In
such experiments, other non-public transport measures (e.g., bikeway 4.2. The urban public transport experiment outputs
network development) were also introduced and tested to attain broader
sustainable transport outcomes (e.g., air pollution abatement). The 4.2.1. Envisioning and planning for low carbon mobility transitions
second majority of niche creation experiments promote new transport Here, we discover that only some experiments are reported to facil­
modes with alternative fuels to cut the emission. While most of them itate the creation of some targets, roadmaps, or relevant plans or the
were done in European cities, some developing country cities have implementation of existing ones to initiate low carbon mobility transi­
conducted this kind of experiment more recently, including Manila (GIZ tions (Fig. 7). Nine experiments facilitated the planning process or

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Fig. 6. Type and objectives of the experiments.

Fig. 7. Envisioning and planning for low carbon mobility transitions in the observed experiments.

incorporated the agenda into existing ones to support the transitions. measures into five groups: 1) alternative fuel vehicles; 2) infrastructure
Future design experiments in Kista, Breda, and Potsdam focus on and land-use change; 3) service and business practices; 4) urban trans­
building scenarios and plans through participatory backcasting experi­ port policy, and 5) citizen practices (Table 3).
ments (Bos & Temme, 2014; Robèrt, 2017; Schmale, Von Schneide­ The majority involves the adoption of LEVs (59 experiments). Some
messer, & Dörrie, 2015). Three cities in Argentina included emission of them experimented with more than one LEV type. In our database, the
reduction targets into their existing integrated urban mobility plans earliest electric bus pilot projects were commenced in Coimbra
through participatory planning (Argentina - GEF Sustainable Transport (Portugal) and Montreal (Canada) around the mid-2000s (Gonçalves,
and Air Quality Program Project (English) (2015)). Meanwhile, Mexico Portugal, & Farias, 2008; Mohamed, Ferguson, & Kanaroglou, 2018). Six
City, Monterrey, and Tijuana in Mexico developed a similar plan from cities in China became the earliest adopters of electric bus trials in
scratch within their project time frame (Mexico - Introduction of Climate developing countries in the late 2000s (IEG Review Team, 2019a,
Friendly Measures in Transport Project (English) (2009); Mexico - Urban 2019b). More recently, more similar projects have been performed in
Transport Transformation Project (English) (2019)). On the other hand, large cities in developing countries, such as Jakarta, Mexico City, San­
twenty experiments consider predefined targets or existing plans to tiago, Bogota, and Medellin (C40, Clinton Foundation, & IDB, 2013; C40
reduce CO2 or GHG emissions. For example, Jaworzno and Krakow Cities Finance Facility, 2019). The experimentation with hybrid buses is
(Poland) conducted the experiments as part of their efforts in realizing the second most considerable option for LEVs. It is found in 15 experi­
their city development plan to pursue a low carbon city vision with ments, including several cities in China, Canada, and Southern American
energy-efficient public transport fleets (Taczanowski, Kołoś, Gwosdz, countries. Meanwhile, IMC trolleybuses have been tested and adopted in
Domański, & Guzik, 2018). Europe, such as Coimbra (Portugal), Szeged (Hungary), and Tychy
(Poland), which already have older trolleybus systems (Almeida,
4.2.2. Types of experimentation outputs Inverno, & Santos, 2009; Borowik & Cywiński, 2016; Nádasi, Tóth, &
We find 25 types of measures tested and adopted across all of the Balog, 2019).
identified experiments. In keeping with the types of experimentation The niche creation for public transport measures involves not only
outputs suggested by Kivimaa et al. (2017), we categorize those the adoption of LEV fleets but also transit infrastructure provision and

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Table 3
Experimented Public Transport Measures in the Observed Cities. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this Table legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article).

Fig. 8. The Consolidation of ASI Measures through Public Transport Experiments.

land-use changes. Developing Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems has lanes and bus stations or stops. Other measures classified under this
become part of 14 demonstration projects in developing countries, such output type are the integration of public transport networks (13 exper­
as China, India, Mexico, Turkey, and Nigeria. It includes dedicated bus iments) and the establishment of information and communication

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

technologies (14 experiments) to promote the ridership of public (Smieszek, Dobrzanska, & Dobrzanski, 2019). This measure aims at
transport and its operational performance. reducing the bus journey time during rush hours in some parts of the city
However, our findings indicate that few experiments include new to allow more cyclists to use the lanes.
services and business practices, such as 1) new/restructured routes, 2)
Automated Fare Collection (AFC) systems, 3) transit branding and 5. Discussion
marketing strategies, 4) park and ride service, and 5) limiting service
operation. Another limited example is public campaigns to increase In this present systematic review, we deepen the current under­
community awareness to use public transport. It was part of sustainable standing of urban experiment contribution to paving ways for low car­
mobility initiatives in Winnipeg (Canada), Cordoba, and Rosario bon mobility transitions. The method that we used in this study helps to
(Argentina). identify urban public transport experiments for climate change in 64
cities that have been documented in peer-reviewed and grey literature.
4.3. The expected outcomes of the experimented measures and their The results should be considered indicative because their experience
synergy may not be fully reported in the literature databases. Moreover, careful
interpretation is necessary since not all of the information describing the
We discover that the consolidation of ASI measures exists in the experiments is elaborated explicitly in the retrieved literature.
observed experiments (Fig. 8). The ‘Improve’ measures are the most Firstly, we note that cities have become laboratories for developing
frequently adopted ones in the observed cities (Table 3). The LEVs up­ novel public transport measures to initiate low carbon mobility transi­
take for public transport fleets is done along with the construction of tions. Most of these cities identified in our database are among the top
their supporting infrastructures during the same experiment. For 10 GHG emitters (UNEP, 2019). Cities in Europe and Canada are the
example, the adoption of electric buses is mainly associated with forerunners of public transport experimentation to cut emissions. More
charging stations (14 experiments). The primary concern regarding this experiments have emerged in the past decade in developing countries,
relation reported during the experiments are related to station locations including China, Brazil, Mexico, and Indonesia. Our findings reflect
and charging management (e.g., speed and time), like the examples of similar locational continuity patterns with Bulkeley and Castán Broto
Hong Kong (Tong, 2019) and Santiago (Chile) (Lessons from Chile’s (2013). We also extend their findings that urban experimentation is a
Experience with E-mobility : The Integration of E-Buses in Santiago global phenomenon that occurs not only in large cities with economic
(English) (2017)). Similarly, the cities with experimented IMC trol­ and political significance7. Our discoveries show that the experiments
leybus consider the installation of new power supply networks and even have also been initiated in cities with relatively small and mid-size
electric generator provision as important issues (Almeida et al., 2009; populations across different regions. The experimented measures vary
Borowik & Cywiński, 2016; Nádasi et al., 2019). in different cities, although some cities are located in the same national
Some experiments involving LEV adoption entail existing route boundary. Therefore, this review supports that low carbon mobility
redesign (4 experiments) to optimize technological performance (e.g., transitions must also be understood as a spatially-constituted process
fuel-recharging and energy-efficient driving) and increase public trans­ (Bridge et al., 2013; Raven et al., 2012) that urban experimentation
port occupancy. For example, an electric bus experiment in Minsk holds the roles of selecting and assembling novel measures at the local
(Belarus) expanded seven bus routes in the city center to capture level.
broader transport demand (Bezruchonak, 2019). Meanwhile, in Manila Secondly, we reveal that most of the documented experiments in our
(the Philippines), it also becomes an opportunity to revisit existing database have a similar objective to build a sustainable urban transport
routes served by the old Jeepney-service system (GIZ, 2019). system with LEV technologies rollout. This kind of experiment was
We discover seven measures that have the potential to result in generally conducted in cities in developing countries. Meanwhile, most
multiple outcomes. The deployment of various novel measures follows of the experiments in European cities in this review aimed solely to
the development of a new BRT system. The BRT operation contributes to introduce LEV technologies for public transport fleets. Since the depth of
the ‘improve’ outcome. Its development is expected to attract people to information varies in each document, we cannot fully identify whether
shift from private vehicles and even creates spatial development to the latter type of experimentation attempts to establish a similar system
minimize motorized mobility. In our database, BRT is reported to have as the former one does. However, it is worth noting that cities in the EU
associations with the provision of ten measures with 58 ties in total, have become role models for sustainable urban transport practices for
including its supporting infrastructure (e.g., dedicated bus lanes, bus years (Bulkeley, 2006; Pojani & Stead, 2015). Thus, our findings indi­
stations/stops, LEV uptake, automated fare collection, and TOD zones. cate that existing urban public transport systems could determine how
Others that are anticipated to have multiple outcomes are the devel­ urban experiments are framed and designed in the first place to pave
opment of ICT systems for public transport and traffic zone regulations. ways for the transitions.
For example, bus priority signals have been placed in specific road Likewise, not all of the documents report whether the experiments
corridors in Xiangyang, China (IEG Review Team, 2020). support the achievement of long-term plans to reduce GHG emissions.
We also reveal that most of these measures are centered on supply- While few experiments involved participatory-based planning to explore
side interventions. Non-technological measures that have roles as the and created the transition pathways, such activities were done sepa­
“shift” and “avoid” measures remain limited in our database, and they rately in the other cases to either develop action plans or incorporate the
tend to complement the “improve” measures or those who have multiple agenda into the existing ones. However, as the information given in each
outcomes. For example, some new service and business practices document varies, we still know very little whether those plans outline
become part of a BRT system establishment or LEV technologies specific climate change targets and strategies to embrace systemic
deployment. Furthermore, we also do not find any example that those changes. Other scholars call for experimental approaches in urban
non-technological measures are knitted to technological measures that planning practices to support systematic changes toward a desired sus­
could shape user behavior, such as the ICT for public transport. tainable vision (Carroli, 2018; Wolfram, 2018). It will help social
Only one publication in the database describes an experiment that learning between niche and regime actors to align transition pathways
involved the selection and consolidation of various ASI measures and the selected measures. Despite the limited information, our findings
simultaneously. In Hungary, Rzeszow has tested and adopted suggest that urban public transport experiments can be considered a
Environmentally-Enhanced Vehicle (EEV) buses. The city also con­
structed a dedicated lane for the public buses and introduced an AFC
system to ease passenger movement to access its bus service. Addition­ 7
They classify 100 top cities based on total population, density, Gross Do­
ally, the city also limits bus service operation time in the city of Rzeszow mestic Product (GDP), and transnational municipal network membership

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

platform that facilitates the adoption of novel measures and creates transitions, we conclude that experimentation serves as a critical plat­
momentum for long-term changes. The momentum is generated from form to select and consolidate novel ASI-public transport measures
either backcasting experimental activities or separate policymaking supported by strategic planning to address long-term climate change
processes to incorporate climate change mitigation targets into targets in cities. The experiments generally help create niches for LEV
city-level plans. technologies (i.e., electric fleets) and BRT systems to cut the emission
Thirdly, we reveal that the experiments help select and consolidate through improved energy efficiency. The experiments ensure that the
different ASI-based public transport measures for low carbon mobility. selected improved measures are coupled with other “shift” and “avoid”
The deployment of LEV technologies for public transport fleets emerges measures. Those relations reflect that the experimentation could help
as the primary “improve” option in most of the experiments, especially knit together different ASI measures to build a sustainable transport
electric-type vehicles (i.e., electric buses, hybrid buses, and IMC trol­ system for low carbon mobility transitions. More importantly, the ex­
leybuses. This finding supports that the notion of electricity will be the periments can be designed for or followed by incorporating climate
leading energy carrier for the transport measures to pursue the 2 ◦ C change targets into plans to support low carbon mobility. Thus, our
goals (Agora Verkehrswende et al., 2020). Other researchers urge syn­ results affirm that urban experiments for climate change hold a pivotal
ergy among different ASI measures to optimize the decarbonization role between policymaking for transition pathways and developing ASI-
potentials and their co-benefits (Lah, 2017). Integrated public transport based measures to enable the transitions. They could facilitate planning,
is one of the practices that has been widely applied in European and selecting, and consolidating ASI-based public transport measures
eastern Asia cities to advance environmental sustainability, economic simultaneously at the early stage of their development.
development, and inclusive development (Suzuki, Cervero, & Iuchi, Our review also gives policy implications to the current efforts to
2013). Based on our results, what has been mostly documented is the pursue the Paris Agreement goals, especially in the urban transport
combination of improved-type measures, especially electric vehicle sector. First, future urban transport experimentation for climate change
technologies and their supporting infrastructures (e.g., charging sta­ must not be limited to only testing and adopting technological in­
tions). However, we also find that the LEV uptake for public transport novations but also involving agenda-setting to set long-term targets/
fleets is associated with other “shift” and “avoid” measures such as BRT pathways (i.e., with backcasting scenario planning). In that way, an
and TOD development. Although our findings capture the assembling of experiment is potentially more beneficial to ensure and integrate the
multiple ASI measures during the experiments, we could not fully depict adopted ASI measures to enable the systemic changes toward low carbon
whether they are introduced and knitted in an integrated manner. Only a mobility with a sustainable transport system. Second, the emergence of
few cities are reported that deliberately attempted to establish an inte­ electric mobility in urban public transport is observed across different
grated public transport network. Likewise, there is still a lack of un­ regions, and it will become a trend in the coming years. Thus, urban
documented practices in how non-technological measures (e.g., business stakeholders, including niche and regime actors, should take fully the
and citizen practices) are formed and connected to the technological opportunity that experimentation could offer to establish the technolo­
ones. gies and create momentum to leverage the importance of climate change
It is worth noting other limitations of this review besides the depth of mitigation as part of building a sustainable transport system at the city
information given in each document. Firstly, we could not obtain any level.
document that shares American cities’ experience from neither the grey We recommend some directions for future research. First, there is a
literature database nor the peer-reviewed one. The latter has relatively need to evaluate the efficacy of the adopted measures from the experi­
comprehensive publication records in Anglo-American countries ments in achieving the emission reduction targets. It is crucial to identify
(Newell & Cousins, 2014). Wimbadi and Djalante (2020) also found that their consequences and how urban stakeholders deal with the changes. It
research related to decarbonization for climate change mitigation in the will provide a broader understanding of how urban experimentation
USA is much fewer than those in other top GHG emitters. Secondly, could inform policymaking or planning and vice versa to create or revisit
although we included rail-based transport in our SLR protocol, there is transition pathways. Second, future studies with a case study need to
no rail-based mode reported as the measures reported in the selected focus on the process of governing experimentation and its relations to
papers. The lack of existing railway infrastructure and high up-front policymaking for low carbon transitions. For instance, these include how
investment often hamper the selection of rail-based transport as the stakeholders’ motivation and preferences to select particular technolo­
primary option for climate change (Creutzig et al., 2015). Thirdly, such gies over others and their challenges to build coalitions to either support
experimental activities might not be well captured and documented in or resist novelties. It is also essential to seek how stakeholders integrate
peer-reviewed literature or organizational databases. Some might be the selected measures and link them with their pathways and vision for
written in non-English languages. Thus, web-based search engines (e.g., low carbon mobility.
Google Search) might expand the potential publications, but it may in­
crease selection bias. For instance, Google Search uses algorithms that Declaration of Competing Interest
personalize information based on user attitudes, so the results tend to
selectively expose information (Holone, 2016). Thus, it is not used in The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
this paper because it does not fit with the systematic literature review interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
principles (i.e., replicability). the work reported in this paper.

6. Conclusion Acknowledgments

Climate change mitigation has attracted urban stakeholders and The first author is a second-year doctoral student at the United Na­
policymakers to introduce novel transport measures and policies over tions University for the Institute of Advanced Studies of Sustainability
the past two decades. Amidst the urgent needs to achieve the Paris (UNU-IAS). He would like to express his gratitude to the Japan Foun­
Agreement goal, these innovative solutions shall be arranged in an in­ dation for UNU (JF-UNU) for supporting his study at UNU-IAS. The
tegrated manner to maximize potential outcomes in reducing CO2 authors would like to thank Dr. Osamu Saito and Dr. Philip Vaughter for
emissions and realizing other benefits. In this paper, we seek to answer their inputs to develop the first author’s PhD research proposal.
whether and how urban experimentation for climate change can ensure
the selection and consolidation of ASI-based public transport measures Appendix A
to support low carbon mobility transitions.
Building on the existing ASI framework and sustainability See Table A1–A3

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Table A1
Detailed Steps for Peer-Reviewed Document Collection in Scopus.
Steps Search Strings Records

Step 1: Insert the relevant keywords related to public (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("public transport*" OR "public transit" OR "mass transport*" OR "mass transit") AND TITLE- 800
transport, climate change, and urban ABS-KEY (bus OR train OR "rail transit" OR "rail transport*" OR "rapid transit" OR "sustainable transport*" OR
"sustainable mobility" OR "low carbon mobility" OR "low carbon transport*") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("climate
change" OR "climate change mitigation" OR emission OR "CO2 emission*" OR "carbon dioxide" OR co2) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY (urban OR city OR municipal*))
Step 2: limit the time between 1990 and 2020 (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("public transport*" OR "public transit" OR "mass transport*" OR "mass transit") AND TITLE- 744
ABS-KEY (bus OR train OR "rail transit" OR "rail transport*" OR "rapid transit" OR "sustainable transport*" OR
"sustainable mobility" OR "low carbon mobility" OR "low carbon transport*") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("climate
change" OR "climate change mitigation" OR emission OR "CO2 emission*" OR "carbon dioxide" OR CO2) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY (urban OR city OR municipal*) AND PUBYEAR > 1989)
Step 3: Limit to article journals, conference papers, (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("public transport*" OR "public transit" OR "mass transport*" OR "mass transit") AND TITLE- 732
book chapters, and book ABS-KEY (bus OR train OR "rail transit" OR "rail transport*" OR "rapid transit" OR "sustainable transport*" OR
"sustainable mobility" OR "low carbon mobility" OR "low carbon transport*") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("climate
change" OR "climate change mitigation" OR emission OR "CO2 emission*" OR "carbon dioxide" OR CO2) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY (urban OR city OR municipal*) AND PUBYEAR > 1989) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar") OR
Step 4: Limit to relevant subject areas only and exclude (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("public transport*" OR "public transit" OR "mass transport*" OR "mass transit") AND TITLE- 598
those not relevant ABS-KEY (bus OR train OR "rail transit" OR "rail transport*" OR "rapid transit" OR "sustainable transport*" OR
"sustainable mobility" OR "low carbon mobility" OR "low carbon transport*") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("climate
change" OR "climate change mitigation" OR emission OR "CO2 emission*" OR "carbon dioxide" OR CO2) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY (urban OR city OR municipal*) AND PUBYEAR > 1989) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar") OR
Step 5: Excluding non-English Documents (TITLE-ABS-KEY ("public transport*" OR "public transit" OR "mass transport*" OR "mass transit") AND TITLE- 563
ABS-KEY (bus OR train OR "rail transit" OR "rail transport*" OR "rapid transit" OR "sustainable transport*" OR
"sustainable mobility" OR "low carbon mobility" OR "low carbon transport*") AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("climate
change" OR "climate change mitigation" OR emission OR "CO2 emission*" OR "carbon dioxide" OR CO2) AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY (urban OR city OR municipal*) AND PUBYEAR > 1989) AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, "ar") OR
Total Documents After Eligibility Screening (Abstract) 96
Total Documents After Eligibility Screening (Full-text) 19

Table A2
Detailed Steps for Grey Literature Collection.
Databases Steps and Search Strings Records Records after eligibility
(n) screening (n)

The C40 Research Screening manually throughout the database due to its limited search
5 1
The C40 ( features
Cities The C40 Knowledge hub (https://www. Topics: transport and urban planning
44 2 Article type: case studies and best practices
Key terms: public transport, mass transport
GIZ ( 20 1
Language: English
GIZ Changing-Transport Projects Download all publications in English because most of them are
52 2
( related to public transport
Key terms: public transport
The ICCT ( Document type: consultant report, consulting report, report, working 53 2
paper, ZEBRA publication
Keywords: public transport
Time: 1990 to 2020
The World Bank ( Topic: urban transport 187 14
Document Type: Implementation Completion and Results Report,
Publications, and Reports
Total Documents After Eligibility Screening (Full text) 22

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Table A3
The Experiments of Public Transport for Low Carbon Mobility.
Date of
Country Cities Experiment Themes/ Project Names Experiment Publication Sources
Start End

GEF Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Argentina - GEF Sustainable Transport and Air Quality Program Project
Argentina Posadas 2010 2014
Program (English) 2015)
Belarus Minsk Introduction of Electric Buses 2017 n/a Bezruchonak (2019)
Rio de Janeiro C40-CCI Hybrid and Electric Bus Test
Brazil 2011 n/a C40 et al. (2013)
Sao Paulo Program
The Urban Transportation Showcase
Quebec 2001 2009 MacIsaac (2009)
Program (UTSP)
Canada Vancouver
Winnipeg n/a n/a
Introduction of Electric Buses Mohamed et al. (2018)
Montreal 2005 2005
Sustainable Transport and Air Quality for Chile - Sustainable Transport and Air Quality for Santiago (GEF) Project
2003 2009
Santiago (GEF) Project (English) 2010)
Chile Santiago
C40-CCI Hybrid and Electric Bus Test ICCT and C40 (2019); (Lessons from Chile’s Experience with E-mobility : The
2011 n/a
Program Integration of E-Buses in Santiago (English) (2017))
CO2 Emission Reduction through Public
Beijing 2010 n/a Zhao and Tang (2017)
Changzhi Sustainable Urban Transport
Changzhi 2012 2018 199b)
China GEF Large City Congestion and
Harbin 2013 2018 IEG Review Team (2019b)
Carbon Reduction Project
Nanchang China-GEF-World Bank Urban Transport China - GEF World Bank Urban Transport Partnership Program Project
2008 2014
Urumqi Partnership Program (English) 2015)
Xiangyang Hubei Xiangyang Urban Transport 2012 2019 IEG Review Team (2020)
Hong Kong Introduction of Electric Buses 2010 n/a Tong (2019)
Shenzhen Emission Trading Schemes Pilot Project 2013 n/a Cai et al. (2015), Jiang et al. (2016)
C40-CCI Hybrid and Electric Bus Test
Bogota 2011 n/a C40 et al. (2013)
The Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment
Medellin 2017 n/a ICCT and C40 (2019, 2020)
Accelerator (ZEBRA)
CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe) -
Berlin 2004 2006 Gonçalves et al. (2008)
hydrogen bus project
Scenario-Based Sustainable Transport
Potsdam 2013 n/a Schmale et al. (2015)
Budapest Introduction of Electric Buses 2016 n/a
Hungary Development of Electric Transportation Nádasi et al. (2019)
Szeged 2008 2015
Large Project
India Mysore Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) 2010 2018 India - Sustainable Urban Transport Project (English) 2019)
Naya Raipur
Indonesia Jakarta Introduction of Electric Buses 2020 n/a C40 Cities Finance Facility (2020)
Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures Mexico - Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures in Transport Project
2003 2009
in Transport (English) (2009))
Mexico City
The Zero Emission Bus Rapid-deployment
Mexico 2017 n/a C40 Cities Finance Facility (2019)
Accelerator (ZEBRA)
Urban Transport Transformation Program 2010 2019 Mexico - Urban Transport Transformation Project (English) 2019)
Introduction of Hybrid Buses 2004 n/a Beekman and van den Hoed (2016)
Introduction of Electric Buses 2016 n/a Bakker and Konings (2018)
Scenario-Based Sustainable Mobility
Breda n/a n/a Bos and Temme (2014)
Arnhem Introduction of Electric Buses n/a n/a
Den Bosch Introduction of Electric Buses 2009 n/a
Bakker and Konings (2018)
Rotterdam Introduction of Electric Buses 2017 n/a
Utrecht Introduction of Electric Buses 2013 n/a
Nigeria Lagos Lagos Urban Transport Project 2 2011 2017 Nigeria - Second Lagos Urban Transport Project (English) (2017))
Manila 2017 n/a GIZ and DOTr of the Philippines (2016); GIZ (2019)
(continued on next page)

R.W. Wimbadi et al. Sustainable Cities and Society 72 (2021) 103023

Table A3 (continued )
Date of
Country Cities Experiment Themes/ Project Names Experiment Publication Sources
Start End

The The Jeepney + NAMA of the Philippine

Philippines Government
Jaworzno Introduction of Electric Buses 2015 n/a
The Development of Sustainable Public Taczanowski et al. (2018)
Krakow 2014 n/a
The Development of Sustainable Public
Rzeszow 2007 2013 Smieszek et al. (2019)
Tychy TROLLEY Project 2010 2013 Borowik and Cywiński (2016)
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