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Yorleni Calderon Hernandez

1. How would you describe yourself? / Tell me about

yourself / Introduce yourself

I am University Student, I am a person with experience in customer service and

administrative positions, In one company I participated in an important Project the
change of name of the company, It was a really Good experience because, I learned
a lot.

2. What are you strengths and weaknesses?

My main strengths are that I learn quickly and I like to interact with people and I
have soft skills like resilence and empathy and both are neccesary to this position.
And one my weaknesses is that I dont Good to speaking at public, but I understand
is very important try to overcome fear and to feel confidence with myself.

3. How do you work under pressure?

Usually, I had work under pressure, and I think I try to do things right and I give
priority to the most important.

4. What do you plan to accomplish in the next five years?

In five years , I would like to finish my career, with a lot of trainings and to be part of
this company, contributing with my knowleadge.

5. Why should we hire you?

I am sure that I am the ideal person to this position, because I have a lot of
experience and this position is about my dream job, and this position makes me feel
comfortable and realized person.

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