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(Argumentative essay)

I believe that the value of life depends on us. The story was really true and it
has had an impact on me. You don't need to listen to the world, it will just
demotivate you and prevent you from succeeding. Just believe in yourself and you
will achieve whatever you want. Everyone has different opinions, and how they
look at different things varies depending on the situation, so we should know who
we are and be able to judge ourselves based on our own. Some will see you as
worth little, others will see you as worth a lot, but it's up to you to decide your
value. The value of life is somehow similar to how we handle the circumstances in
life. We need to choose our path for us to overcome the trials that have been given
to us, and it's our own decision to value and treasure each circumstance for what
learning we will get from it. It's like our value of life. Life is valueless unless you
create value in life.

Some people don’t value life or they don’t value the things that they have.
Some never realize their mistake in doing so, while others may realize it, maybe
when it’s too late. The mistake happens because of ignorance of the true value of
those things and people. They undervalue things or people they have in their life, if
possible to others, because they don’t value themselves and also start neglecting
other people. People are so busy running after the things that they want to have in
their lives and ignoring the things they already have. Sometimes they are doing it
intentionally or unintentionally.

The solution to the problems I have mentioned is People should start valuing
themselves, in my opinion, because life is a gift, and they need to see the bright
side of things. A good life is all made up of values. What type of person you are
depends on what values you have acquired. Our values are important because they
help us grow and develop. It helps us to create the future we want to experience.
There are many ways to value your life, but for me, the most important way to
value life is to start appreciating what you have and the people around you, but
mostly, don’t forget to appreciate what you bring into the world. Start to see the
joy you bring to others. 

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