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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide

Bria Stretto Administrators

About this document
CounterPath Partner Portal Guide - Bria Stretto Administrators
Publication date: 2018-10-25

Copyright ©2018 CounterPath Corporation. All rights reserved.

This document contains information proprietary to CounterPath Corporation, and shall not be used for engineering, design,
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CounterPath Corporation
Suite 300, One Bentall Centre
505 Burrard Street, Box 95
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Introduction 1
Basic portal tasks 2
Distributor tasks 2
Reseller tasks 2
Managing your portal and administrators 4
Updating your CounterPath Partner Portal profile 4
Changing your CounterPath Partner Portal password 5
Editing your partner settings 6
Managing portal administrators 11
Sending notification emails 17
Logging out and exiting CounterPath Partner Portal 21
Managing partners 22
Setting up resellers or enterprises as "child partners" 22
Generating reports on partner activity 26
Ordering softphone licenses 28
Managing provisioning with Stretto Admin 30
CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Introduction


CounterPath Partner Portal is a web-based management app for:

l Distributors who sell primarily to resellers. Distributors use CounterPath Partner

Portal to bring aboard resellers and enterprises (on behalf of resellers) and track
transactions at all levels.
l Resellers who sell primarily to enterprises. Resellers use CounterPath Partner
Portal to bring aboard enterprises (small, medium, or large businesses) and enter
their orders for Bria subscriptions.

CounterPath Partner Portal also provides you and your partners with access to Stretto
Admin, which distributors and resellers use to configure Stretto Platform™ provisioning
for the enterprises they bring aboard. Use Stretto Admin to manage and provision Bria
end users.

CounterPath provides you with two powerful web apps to manage different areas of

CounterPath Partner Portal Stretto Admin

l Configuring the Stretto provisioning settings for end

l Onboarding and managing partners l Managing Bria end users
l Managing administrative access to Stretto Admin

l Ordering software licenses

l Automatically managing annual renewals

l Generating detailed ordering transaction reports

l Sending notifications to partners and enterprises

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Introduction

l Accessing user manuals and support

Basic portal tasks

l Update your personal profile information

l Change your portal password

l Change your company name

l Change your email

l Set up to receive automated email notifications

l Log off and exit the portal

Distributor tasks
As a distributor, your primary activities focus on managing resellers and their enterprises
— in CounterPath Partner Portal, these are referred to as "child partners".

l Set up administrators in your partner profile

l Set up resellers or enterprises as "child partners"

l Manage reseller or enterprise group provisioning in Stretto Admin

l Generate transaction reports (these are available to distributors only)

l Send notification emails directly from Stretto Platform to administrators and child

Reseller tasks
A reseller manages enterprise tasks, including: ordering subscriptions, on-boarding and
managing enterprises, and managing the provisioning of softphones.

l Order softphone licenses

l Set up enterprises as "child partners"

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Introduction

l Set up administrators in your enterprise profile

l Manage end-user provisioning in Stretto Admin

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

Managing your portal and administrators

Basic activities in CounterPath Partner Portal include:

l Managing your portal account

l Managing admins for your portal account and child partners
l Ordering and tracking softphone licenses for resellers
l Generating detail transaction reports
l Sending notifications and setting up automated notifications

Updating your CounterPath Partner Portal

Your CounterPath Partner Portal profile is your username, email address, and display
name. You can edit only your email address and display name.

To edit your CounterPath Partner Portal profile:

1. In CounterPath Partner Portal, click your username and choose Profile from the
drop-down menu.

The Edit Profile page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

2. Change your email address, first name, and last name as needed and click Save.

Changing your CounterPath Partner Portal

Note: Change your password regularly and keep it secure.

To change your CounterPath Partner Portal password:

1. In CounterPath Partner Portal, click your username in the top-right corner and
choose Change Password from the drop-down menu.

The Change Password page opens.

2. Enter your new password in the Password box. Enter the password again in
Confirm Password.

3. Click Save.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

Editing your partner settings

You can make changes to some of your partner information, including:

l Company name - Your company name appears in emails, reports, and more.

l Email address - Your email address is your main point of contact for anything
related to CounterPath Partner Portal.

l Recipients and schedule for notification emails - You can set up to receive
automated emails and have them sent to yourself or anyone else in your

You can also edit the information for child partners in the same way.

To change your company name

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select your own company
name. If you are changing settings for a child partner, select that partner instead.

2. Select Settings.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

The Edit Partner page opens.

3. Under Partner Information, enter the new Company Name.

4. Scroll down and click Save.

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To change your email address

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select your own company
name. If you are changing settings for a child partner, select that partner instead.

2. Select Settings.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

The Edit Partner page opens.

3. Under Stretto Information, enter a new Email.

4. Scroll down and click Save.

To set up automated emails

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select your own company

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

name. If you are changing settings for a child partner, select that partner instead.

2. Select Settings.

The Edit Partner page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

3. Under Automated Emails, add addresses and — where applicable — a schedule.

l Order - Enter the email address of the person who receives order
notifications. An order notification is sent at the time an order is placed.
l Renewal - Enter the email address of the person who receives renewal
reminders. Enter the number of days before renewal is due to send the
l Transaction Report - Enter the email address of the person who receives
transaction reports. Select a schedule for the report: weekly, monthly, or

4. Scroll down and click Save.

Managing portal administrators

As a distributor or reseller, you can set up additional CounterPath Partner Portal
administrator accounts to help manage your child partners. As well, you can optionally
provide child partners themselves with administrative access to their own Stretto group.
Each child partner can potentially have one or more administrators with access to the
partner's Stretto group and groups below it in the hierarchy.

By default, administrators can perform most tasks in CounterPath Partner Portal and
access Stretto Admin; however, you can choose to limit what each administrator is
permitted to do.

After you create an administrator, you can send a welcome email to the new
administrator, which contains a link and login credentials.

Adding portal administrators is optional. Each child partner has one default administrator
with access to Stretto Admin; additional administrators are not required.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

To add a portal administrator

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner to
which you are adding an administrator.

Note: Be sure that you are adding the administrator to the correct partner.

2. Click Administrators. The Administrators page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

3. Click Add Administrator. The Add Administrator page opens.

Note: If the Add Administrator option is not visible, you may not have permission to add
more administrators.

4. Enter the administrator's information.

l Username - The administrator uses this to log into CounterPath Partner

Portal and Stretto Admin.

l Email - The administrator's email address. Notification emails are sent to this

l First Name and Last Name - The administrator's display name.

5. Click Add.

To change an administrator's display name, email, or access privileges

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner in
which the administrator is located.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

2. Click Administrators. The Administrators page opens.

3. Click the name of the administrator that you are changing. The Edit Administrator
page opens.

4. Change the email and name if necessary. You cannot change the administrator's

5. Choose the access privileges for this administrator.

Access privileges

l Enabled - The administrator can log in only if this check box is selected.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

l Permissions - Select the activities that the administrator can perform:

l ManageAdmins - Administrator can add or modify other administrators.

l ManagePartners - Administrator can add or modify partners.

l ManageSettings - Administrator can change any partner settings.

l ManageSoftphones - Administrator can order softphone licenses and

access Stretto Admin for provisioning.

l ViewAdmins - Administrator can view but not add or modify


l ViewPartners - Administrator can view but not add or modify child


l ViewReports - Administrator can generate transaction reports.

l ViewSoftphones - Administrator can view but not order softphone


l ManageEmailTemplates - Administrator can add or edit templates for

notification email messages.

l Emails - Select which email templates the administrator can edit or send:

l Order - Administrator can send and edit order notification emails and
l Renewal - Administrator can send and edit order notification emails
and templates.

6. Click Save.

To send a welcome notification to a new administrator

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner in
which the administrator is located.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

2. Click Administrators. The Administrators page opens.

3. Click the name of the administrator that you are welcoming. The Edit
Administrator page opens.

4. Click Send Welcome Email. The Send Welcome Email page opens. The email is
based on one of the templates available in the Email Templates page.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

5. Change the email message if you need to and click Send.

Sending notification emails

CounterPath Partner Portal assists in maintaining communications between you and
your administrators and partners. You can modify any of your templates as well as those
belonging to your child partners.

Template types

l WelcomeEnterprise - This email is sent to a new enterprise partner if you want the
enterprise to manage their users in Stretto Admin.

l ForgotPassword - This email is sent to a partner when they request a password


l Order - This email is sent to a partner following an order.

l Renewal - This email is sent to the recipients of your choice as a reminder that
their subscription will be auto-renewed soon.

l Transaction Report - This email is sent to partners when they request a

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transaction report by email. If this report is enabled, it can be sent to top-level

partners for periodic transaction summaries.

In your template, you can use attribute names so that when the email is sent, the attribute
names are replaced with the recipient's information. For example, this line in a template
includes the attributes for a user's first and last names.

Hello {firstName} {lastName}.

If the notification email is sent to Ava Phillips, then {firstName} and {lastName} are
replaced like this:

Hello Ava Phillips.

Examples of some frequently-used attributes for notification emails

Note: These are the attribute names recommended by CounterPath; attributes in your group
may differ. Refer to the attributes listed in your group in Stretto Admin for the correct names.

l firstName

l lastName

l ccsGroupName

l ccsAdminUrl

l parentPartnerName

l passwordResetUrl

Changing your email templates

You can change your email templates to suit your needs. By default, partners lower in
the hierarchy have the same templates that you do; however, you can override templates
per partner.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

To modify an email template

1. In CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner for which
you are modifying templates.

Note: Be sure that you are editing templates for the correct partner.

2. In CounterPath Partner Portal select Email Templates. The Email Templates

page opens.

3. Click the name of the template that you want to edit. The Edit Email page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing your portal and administrators

4. Make your changes. Add Stretto attributes in curly brackets (for example,
{firstName}, {lastName}, {ccsGroupName}). These are replaced by the actual values
associated with the recipient when the email is sent.

5. Click Save.

Sending a notification emails

While some notification emails are automatic (for example, a password reset
notification), others can be sent manually.

Note: Send a welcome email to enterprise partners only in the event that you want them to
manage their users themselves in Stretto Admin.

To send or re-send a welcome email to an administrator

1. In CounterPath Partner Portal select Administrators. The Administrators page


2. Select the administrator to whom you are sending or re-sending the welcome
email. The Edit Administrator page opens.

3. Select Send Welcome Email. The Send Welcome Email page opens.

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4. Review the email, modify it if necessary, and click Send.

Logging out and exiting CounterPath Partner

When you are finished working in CounterPath Partner Portal, for security purposes,
make sure you log out and exit your browser.

To log out and exit: In CounterPath Partner Portal, click your username in the top-right
corner and choose Logoff from the drop-down menu.

The CounterPath Partner Portal login page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

Managing partners

In CounterPath Partner Portal, partners that you bring aboard are referred to as "child
partners". You can add and modify partners, suspend them, order software licenses,
manage provisioning, and more.

Setting up resellers or enterprises as "child

When you bring aboard a reseller or enterprise, you add them as a child partner.

Partners in CounterPath Partner Portal are organized in a hierarchical structure. A top-

level partner can bring aboard subordinate partners and acquire their own child partners.
In this hierarchical arrangement, a superior-level partner is a "parent" partner and a
subordinate-level partner is a "child" partner.

To add a reseller or enterprise as a child partner

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner to
which you are adding a child partner.

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Note: Be sure that you are adding the child partner to the correct partner.

2. Click Child Partners. The Child Partners page opens.

3. Click Add Partner. The Add Partner page opens.

Note: If the option to add a child partner is not visible, your administrator account may
lack the permissions to do so.

4. Enter the information under Partner Information

l Company Name - Enter the partner's company name as you want it to

appear in CounterPath Partner Portal.
l Type - Select the type of role this partner has. A reseller is a partner that sells
to enterprises, but does not have end users in Stretto Admin. An enterprise is
a customer with end users.

5. Enter the information under Stretto Information

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

l Group Name - This is the name as it appears in Stretto Admin. This is a

short, unique identifier rather than a screen name. Examples: ""
or "zippyphone".

Note: A group name must be lower-case and begin with an alphanumeric

character. Dashes and periods are the only permitted non-alphanumeric

l Administrator - To create an administrator login for this partner, enter a login

name for an administrator; otherwise, leave this blank. Using this login name,
an administrator can use Stretto Admin to manage the groups and end-user

l Email - If you entered a name in Administrator, enter their email address

here. The email address must not be in use for any partner or administrator.

l Client Type - Select whether the partner can add users, devices, or both.
Enterprises must purchase either user licenses or device licenses, but not a
mix of both.

6. Enter the information under Automated Emails.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

This section is optional. If you want to send automated emails on a schedule, for
each email template listed, enter the email address of the recipient and the
schedule. Enter a number of days or select a date, depending on the type of
notification. Leave it blank if you do not want to send automated emails.

7. Click Add.

You can modify some of the Stretto information for a child partner later, including the
group name, administrator login name, and whether the child partner is enabled.

To disable a child partner

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal, click Child Partners. The Child Partners page

2. Select the child partner to disable. The Edit Partner page opens.

3. Click Disable Partner and confirm that you want to disable. The Child Partners
page opens and indicates under the Enabled column that the child partner's
Enabled status is False.

To confirm that the partner is disabled in Stretto Admin

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal, click Provisioning View. Stretto Admin opens.

2. In the group list, find the partner's group name. The group's folder icon now has a
red symbol on it to indicate that the group is not enabled.

3. Click the group name. The Group page opens.

4. Under Group Information, locate the State. It is listed as Suspended with the

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Suspended Since date and time.

To change an administrator's login name

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal, click Child Partners.The Child Partners page

2. Select the child partner whose administrator login name you are changing. The
Edit Partner page opens.

3. Under Stretto Information, change the Administrator to a new name.

4. Click Save.

To change a child partner's Stretto group name

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal, click Child Partners. The Child Partners page

2. Select the child partner whose group name you are changing. The Edit Partner
page opens.

3. Under Stretto Information change Group Name to the new name.

4. Click Save.

Generating reports on partner activity

As a partner who has brought aboard resellers or enterprises, you need to access data
on partner activities. The Reports page generates and downloads tables for a specified
date range that you can open in a spreadsheet application or other application.

Reports are saved to the folder where your browser keeps downloaded files. The format
is Comma-separated Values (CSV), which is compatible with many software

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

Note: Take note of which partner is selected when you run the report: reporting is performed on
the currently selected partner and downward in the hierarchy. Selecting the top level produces
a consolidated report of all transactions.

Download a report

1. In the CounterPath Partner Portal partner drop-down list, select the partner on
which you are generating reports.

2. Select Reports. The Reports page opens.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

3. Select the report options

l Report - Choose the type of data to report.

l Start Date / End Date - Set a date range to report.

4. Click Run. CounterPath Partner Portal downloads the report as CSV.

Note: Tip: When you open the CSV file in a spreadsheet app, it is a good idea to re-save it in a
format that retains formatting, like Excel (.xls).

Ordering softphone licenses

Your enterprise partners can request additional Bria subscriptions. For a subscription
license, each subscription corresponds to a single user (or, in some cases, a single
device) with a recurring annual fee. When a softphone order is placed, the recurring
portion of the charge is pro-rated to align with the annual renewal date.

For example: A partner that orders a subscriptions on July 1 but has an annual renewal
date of January 1 is charged half the renewal charge on the first renewal date, then full
renewal charge on subsequent renewal dates.

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To order additional subscriptions for an enterprise

1. From the list of partners, select the enterprise that is adding more subscriptions.

The name of the enterprise partner is displayed at the top of the page (for example,
"CounterPath Partner Portal for AC Phone").

Note: Be sure that you are ordering subscription licenses for the correct enterprise

2. Select Softphones > Ordering Softphones. This menu option is available only
when an enterprise partner is selected. The Clients page opens.

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3. Select Add Clients. The Add Clients page opens.

4. Enter the information for this order

l OrderID - Optional. Enter a unique ID for this order. You can enter a number
that corresponds with your own order ID system.
l Add Quantity - In this column, enter the quantity of subscriptions for each
Bria softphone type.

5. Click Add. The Clients page opens and displays an updated list of subscriptions.

Managing provisioning with Stretto Admin

End-users are provisioned through Stretto Admin — the web-based application for
managing groups, users, and devices.

The Stretto Platform Administration Guide is your resource for managing groups and
provisioning in Stretto Admin. In this document, refer to Quick Start for an overview of
procedures for new administrators.

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CounterPath Partner Portal Guide Managing partners

l To access Stretto Admin through CounterPath Partner Portal, log into CounterPath
Partner Portal, select your group, and select Provisioning View.

l To access the Stretto Platform Administration Guide, log into CounterPath Partner
Portal and select Support > Documentation.

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