Image Processing: Feature Extraction: CS-293 Guide: Prof G. Sivakumar

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Image Processing : Feature Extraction

CS-293 Guide: Prof G. Sivakumar

Compiled by: Siddharth Dhakad Chirag Sethi Nisarg Shah

Problem Definition
Image processing is a field of signal processing in which input and output signals are both images (2D matrices). Feature extraction involves simplifying the amount of resources required to describe a large set of data accurately. Our project studies and implements various algorithms on feature extractions.

The following Feature Extraction techniques were implemented

Edge Detection:
Sobels algorithm Cannys algorithm

Circle Detection:
Hough Transform

Line Detection:
Hough Transform

Corner Detection:
Trajkovics 8-neighbour algorithm

Solution Design & Implementation

The images we handle are RGB type. Each pixel is a 32 bit integer. We have implemented a new data type for handling images called Picture.

Picture Class
From Picture From a 2D array From a filename

Saving & Loading images Grayscale Crop

Picture Class





Edge Detection
Edge detection is a terminology which aim at identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or more formally has discontinuities. Edge Detection algorithms are broadly classified as
First order Higher order

Original (Input) Image

Sobel Edge Detector

Input Image

Gray-Scaled Image


Edge Detected

Canny Edge Detector

Input Image Gray-Scaled Image


Noise Reduction

Non-maxima Suppression


Edge Detected

For reducing noise, we used Gaussian Filter (Blurring Algorithm). On edge detected by first order detector, we used an algorithm called Non-maximal Suppression to have single/thin edges. After that, we used Stack data structure for path traversal for finding continuous edges.

Manual Threshold

Automatic Threshold

Original Image


Canny Manual

Canny Automatic

Canny v/s Sobel

Thin Edges Noise reduction Complete path High adjustability Thick Edges No blurring Discrete pixels Low adjustability

Line & Circle Detection

Input Image Edge Detection Hough Transform

Detected Lines/Circles


Path Traversal

In Circle Detection, we also included taking range of radius of circles to be detected as input to make the algorithm run faster.

Original Image

Line Hough Transform

Original Image

Circle Hough Transform

Corner Detection
Input Image

Original Image
Cornerness of each pixel


Corner Detected

Corner Detected

Threshold Selection
User can set high-low thresholds for each operation performed during the algorithm.

By experimentation, we have found a heuristic to select a suitable threshold for any input image.

The Hard Part

Selecting suitable threshold for any input image Deciding the proper class hierarchy for modular implementation Implementing path traversal and nonmaximal suppression algorithms

Results & Analysis (Applied to standard test image)

Original Image

Standard Canny Output

Our Canny Output

Standard Sobel Output

Our Sobel Output

Original Image

Standard Canny Output

Our Canny Output

Automatic Canny Output

Our Sobel Output

Original Image

Standard Output

Our Output

Original Image

Standard Output

Our Output

Original Image

Standard Output

Our Output

Future Possibilities
Generalized Curve Detection Higher Order Edge Detection Some more shape based feature detection Optimizations in current algorithms Handling large size images Pattern recognition Face recognition

What we learnt
Feature Extraction Algorithms Limitations of algorithms when applied to real life problems
Image Size Selecting Threshold Noise

Handling Images
Image types : RGB, ARGB, Raster, Vector

Java/Swing Time Management Working as a team

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