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Sagittarius man

Complete guide to love, sex and relationships

Sagittarius man personality traits and

Fun loving, independent and exciting, Sagittarius men are in some ways the wild child of the zodiac.
Adventurous sociable and friendly, they are typically determined to live life to the fullest, amongst
other things often making them physical and athletic.

This is an honest man, a straight shooter who speaks his mind. Inspiring and spontaneous he can
sometimes be seen as too aggressive or impatient by those who prefer a more subtle approach to

He values independence and freedom, manifested both in a liberal open mindedness and a dislike of
feeling trapped or obligated. He often does better with a strong willed and independent partner,
rather than one who is too needy or possessive.

Just do it

Imaginative and intuitive he may often be seen as lucky, and may even have a fondness for
gambling due to this. One of the most 'unusual' traits of Sagittarians for many partners is their ability
to get through life so 'effortlessly' often relying on luck rather than planning to see them through.

If you lined up 12 people at the top of a cliff, one of each sun sign, the Sagittarian would probably be
the first one to jump, content that something somehow would prevent them going splat at the bottom.
And something somehow probably would.

The meaning of life

The Sagittarius man is typically a natural scholar, and loves both to learn and to teach, making
conversations highly stimulating. As with other impatient signs he is likely to prefer the big picture
rather than the details, which can lead him to being somewhat philosophical.

Typically he will be well educated, or planning to be, and is likely to prefer to focus on and master
one subject, rather than dabbling in lots of different ones.

Ambitious, optimistic and enthusiastic, he sets himself lofty goals in life, though sometimes struggles
to attain them, especially when unforeseen or overly boring details bury him.

On the negative side, he can be seen as lazy and undisciplined. Lacking a deep understanding of
emotions he can also be seen as too blunt or shallow by more emotionally intense signs (and as a
breath of fresh air to less emotional ones!)
Sagittarius man questions
What are Sagittarius men like in bed?
Being highly physical he is likely to associate love with sex, or at least more so than most people do.
Bold and passionate, he is also likely to be very open and direct sexually.

Are Sagittarius men kinky?

This is always a hard question to answer, as one person's idea of kinky can be very different to
someone else's. Individuals also vary a lot, so this is a bad area to generalize in. All things being
equal though, Sagittarius men are amongst the more kinky, yes.

What's it like dating a Sagittarius man?

He is likely to be very attractive and sexy due to his zest for life, and desire to explore and learn all
about it. He is always up for a debate, and his enthusiastic optimism makes any subject fun.
Physical and athletic he probably exercises regularly, and looks good as a result. Really the best of
both worlds in one package!

How loyal are Sagittarius men?

This isn't a sign prone to cheating; however the Sagittarius man will value his freedom, and hate the
idea of being trapped. This may come across as highly suspicious to some, and it's the worst thing
which can happen, as freedom is fundamental to Sagittarius. This is an important area to
acknowledge, as he may be unwilling to commit unless reassured he can still have his space.

How to know if a Sagittarius man loves you?

This isn't a very subtle man, so obvious signs such as telling you, wanting to spend a lot of time with
you, and getting jealous if you look elsewhere are reliable indicators. While being relatively
unemotional or clingy, he isn't the type to play mind games with you deliberately however Sagittarius
men do tend to be very cautious about committing, which can come across as being hot and cold.
For a full description of how a Sagittarius man acts when in love please see our article on Sagittarius
in love

How to understand your Sagittarius man

Your Sagittarius will have his own unique personality traits. This article talks about sun signs,
however there are many other factors. For example his moon sign determines his emotional
personality which affects whether he is sensitive, romantic, loyal etc.
With his date, time and location of birth these other factors can be calculated for a complete picture
of his personality. To explore this further please see my article on astrology compatibility readings.

Who are some famous Sagittarius men celebrities?

I have a list of the top 400 most famous Sagittarius celebrities and historical figures.

How to keep a Sagittarius man?

Having fun with him is probably the biggest single ingredient. If he enjoys your company you're half
way there. A good sex life and stimulating conversations will take care of the other half. This really
isn't a complex man to figure out or make happy!

How to know if your Sagittarius man is your soulmate?

Relationships are complex things, comprising hundreds of individual elements. Sun signs are one of
these, however a detailed analysis of everything is required to find all the strong and weak areas.
Please see the article on astrology and soulmates for more information on how astrology can be
used to determine if someone is your soulmate.

Sagittarius man long distance and online relationships

Online relationships and long distance relationships have unique challenges. One of these is that
you get to see one side of someone very clearly: their personality. You don't however get to see
anything about other factors such as sexual attraction. My compatibility reports address this by
scoring all factors alongside each other so you can see the whole picture, with any strong or weak
areas highlighted. To explore this further please see my article on online relationships.

Do Sagittarius men cheat?

Generally they don't. But, this is the type of generic question that often gets asked or answered
whenever astrology is discussed. Individual experiences are then quoted back and forth as proof
that Sagittarius men do or don't. Individuals get offended by general statements that don't apply to
them, and everything goes downhill fast. The diagram below shows the problem here:

Astrology can predict someone's personality very accurately when the placement of all their planets
is calculated. In that situation we can also predict their most likely behavior.

From just someone's sun sign however we can only predict some aspects of their personality and
it's too much of a leap to try and predict behavior from just those. Astrology has fairly precise limits.
This is an example of an area where sun signs are just too broad and clumsy to give an answer. A
real compatibility reading is required to answer the question.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you?

This is a question which is very hard to give a general answer on, as no two Sagittarius men are
totally identical. The key is understanding him and what he finds most attractive in a partner.
Astrology can provide a wealth of information to enable this, however natal charts need to be
prepared and studied to do so. Please see the article on seduction and astrology for more
information on this.

Sagittarius man weaknesses

As with other intelligent signs he can be seen as lazy and undisciplined. Lacking a deep
understanding of emotions he can also be seen as too blunt or shallow by more emotionally intense
signs (and as a breath of fresh air to less emotional ones!)

Sagittarius man gifts

We have a dedicated section for Sagittarius man gifts with examples of the types of gifts which
Sagittarius men enjoy within various categories from naughty to practical, including reader submitted

Sagittarius man dating advice

No advice will ever apply to every Sagittarius man as they are all unique in various ways. I specialize
in offering tailored advice based on your unique personality and his together, as one without the
other isn't nearly as useful. My astrology readings solve real relationship problems for real people
every day. For more information please see the article on relationship advice.

How compatible are you with your Sagittarius man?

This depends on far more than just your sun signs. The complete picture of your personality and his
is determined by numerous planet placements at the time of birth. To fully understand someone or
how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their
date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results. This unlocks the real
power of astrology, and gives much more useful and specific information - everything from how they
view you and how to turn them on to the best way to avoid arguments.

I specialize in providing fast and accurate relationship readings delivered by email. These are

designed to show exactly how compatible you are with a given partner and explore everything about
your relationship, including a detailed analysis of your personality and your partner's personality.
So is this article conclusive?
No! This article is based only on sun signs. In order to provide a lot of people with information those
are a convenient and fast way to generalize, but far from conclusive at this broad level. There are
many other planet placements which all affect someone's personality.

To get a complete picture of someone through astrology we need to take all those other planets and
their interactions into account. To do this we need to create and interpret their unique natal chart.
For information on what's involved in this and the opportunity to obtain one for yourself and your
partner please see the compatibility readings page.

Does this article apply to gay Sagittarius men?

Yes, everything in this article applies whether you're straight, gay or bisexual. On this broad sun sign
level astrology works the exact same way for everyone.

Sagittarius man related articles

 How to seduce a Sagittarius man
 Sagittarius man gifts
 Who are Sagittarius men generally most compatible with? Sagittarius compatibility
 Read about Sagittarius in love
 The common Sagittarius personality traits
 What to expect in a Sagittarius relationship
 Sagittarius astrological facts and details Sagittarius profile
 Share your experiences on the Sagittarius man forum

 General Sagittarius man gift tips

 There is a lot of traditional advice on buying for each star sign however beyond a
point it becomes fairly worthless as sun signs are just too broad to be able to
generalize on small details such as colors. You can't say that every Sagittarius man
likes the color blue, because they don't. Astrology is a very powerful tool, but it does
have limits at this broad (sun sign) level.
 Once you have narrowed down the type of gift you want to buy you are better served
looking at his existing wardrobe, hobbies, lifestyle, bookshelf etc for further clues of
exactly what he prefers.
 Sagittarius Colors
 Each sign has it's own color, however that doesn't mean that someone of that sign
will like that color! Men tend to have very specific tastes in colors. You're better off
studying his current wardrobe to learn what she likes than choosing colors based on
 Sagittarius birth stones, star stones, month stones
 I suggest avoiding these because there's no agreed upon standard for them. There
are various conflicting systems which match a stone to months and sun signs. It's
almost guaranteed that if you give your man a necklace or ring with a certain
significant stone, someone will later tell him it's the wrong one!
 Wrapping paper, bows etc
 Most men are more interested in the goodies inside than the wrapping, so again this
isn't an area which benefits from too much thought or expense. This is one area
where guys almost universally differ from women when receiving gifts (yes, we'll tell
you the wrapping is awesome, but generally we're just being polite) "Save the money
on the wrapping and buy us a bigger toy!"
 Sagittarius related articles
 Sagittarius man
Sagittarius woman
Sagittarius compatibility
Sagittarius profile
Sagittarius seduction
Sagittarius in love
Sagittarius relationships

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