Week 11. Compaction Examples

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Problem 1
The laboratory test results of a standard Proctor test are given in the following table.

Volume of mold (cm3) Weight of moist soil in mold (N) Moisture content, ω (%)
944 16.81 10
944 17.84 12
944 18.41 14
944 18.33 16
944 17.84 18
944 17.35 20
a. Determine the maximum dry unit weight of compaction and the optimum moisture content.
b. Calculate and plot γd versus the moisture content for degree of saturation,
S = 80, 90, and 100% (i.e., γzav). Given: Gs = 2.7.
c. Determine the void ratio at the optimum moisture content at GS = 2.68
d. Determine the degree of saturation at the optimum moisture content

Part a: Determine the maximum dry unit weight of compaction and the optimum moisture content.

Volume of Moist unit Moisture

Sample Weight of soil Dry unit weight
mold weight content
No. W (N) γd (kN/m3)b
Vm (cm3) γ (kN/m3)a ω (%)
1 944 16.81 17.81 10 16.19
2 944 17.84 18.90 12 16.87
3 944 18.41 19.50 14 17.11
4 944 18.33 19.42 16 16.74
5 944 17.84 18.90 18 16.02
6 944 17.35 18.38 20 15.32

Moist unit weight (a)

𝑊 16.81
𝛾 = = = 17.81
𝑉𝑚 944

Dry unit weight (b)

𝛾 17.81
𝛾𝑑 = 𝜔 = 10 = 16.19
1+ 1+
100 100
Dry Unit Weight

Moisture Content

The plot of γd versus w is shown. From the plot, we see that the maximum dry unit weight γd(max) = 17.15 kN/m3 and the
optimum moisture content is 14.4%.
Part b: Calculate and plot γd versus the moisture content for degree of saturation,
S = 80, 90, and 100% (i.e., γzav). Given: Gs = 2.7.

γd (kN/m3)
Gs ω (%) S = 80% S = 90% S = 100%
2.7 8 20.84 21.37 21.79
2.7 10 19.81 2037 20.86
2.7 12 18.85 19.48 20.01
2.7 14 17.99 18.65 19.23
2.7 16 17.20 17.89 18.50
2.7 18 16.48 17.20 17.83
2.7 20 15.82 16.55 17.20

Dry unit weight

𝐺𝑠 𝛾𝑑 (2.7)(9.81)
𝛾𝑑 = 𝐺𝑠 𝜔 = (2.7)(8) = 20.84
1+ 1+
𝑆 80
Part c: Determine the void ratio at the optimum moisture content at GS = 2.68

Void ratio at the optimum moisture content

𝛾𝑑𝑟𝑦 = 17.15 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3

𝐺𝑠 𝛾𝑤
𝛾𝑑𝑟𝑦 =
1 + 𝑒
17.15 =
1 + 𝑒
𝑒 = 0.533

Part d: Determine the degree of saturation at the optimum moisture content

Degree of saturation at the optimum moisture content

𝜔𝐺𝑠 (14.4)(2.68)
𝑆= = = 72.4%
𝑒 0.533
Problem 2
Following are the details for the backfill material in a vibroflotation project.
D10 = 0.36mm
D20 = 0.52mm
D50 = 1.42mm
D75 = 1.65mm
D25 = 0.60mm

a. Determine the suitability number (SN)

b. Determine the rating of this backfill materials

Part a
Suitability Number
3 1 1
𝑆𝑁 = 1.7 √ + +
(𝐷50 )2 (𝐷20 )2 (𝐷10 )2

3 1 1
𝑆𝑁 = 1.7 √ + +
(1.42)2 (0.52)2 (0.36)2

𝑆𝑁 = 6.10

Part b
Rating of this backfill
Suitability No. Rating as backfill
0 - 10 Excellent
10 – 20 Good
20 – 30 Fair
30 – 50 Poor
➢ 50 Unsuitable
Problem 3
The maximum and minimum dry unit weights of a sand were determined in the laboratory to be 18.31 kN/m 3 and 15.25
kN/m3, respectively.
a. What is the relative compaction in the field if the relative density is 64%?
b. What is the dry unit weight in the field?
c. What is the Moist unit weight in the field if its moisture content is 28%?

Part a
Relative compaction in the field:
𝛾𝑑(min) 15.25
𝑅𝑜 = = = 0.8329
𝛾𝑑(max) 18.31

𝑅𝑜 0.8329
𝑅 = = = 0.933 = 93.3%
1 − 𝐷𝑟 (1 − 𝑅𝑜 ) 1 − (0.64)(1 − 0.8329)

Part b
Dry unit weight in the field
0.933 =
𝛾𝑑(𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑) = 17.08 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3

Part c
Moist unit weight in the field
𝛾𝑑 =
1 + 𝜔
𝛾𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡 = 𝛾𝑑 (1 + 𝜔) = 17.08(1 + 0.28) = 21.86 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3

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