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Caribbean Secondary Examinations Council (CSEC)

School Based Assessment (SBA)

Name of Candidate: Naryan Rupnaraine

Name of Centre: 090309
Candidate Number:
School: St Joseph High School
Subject: Social-Studies
Title of study: AIDS
Name of Territory: Guyana
Year: 2023
 The researcher would like to thank his parents, who ensured they provided any necessary
resources to successfully complete the SBA. He would also like to pay thanks to his teacher for
guidance and help, not forgetting his fellow peers and most importantly God for his offer of
favor and assistance.
Content Page

Statement of problem…………….…7
Reason for research…………...….…8
Method of investigation………....….9
Instrument use to collect data…...…10
Procedure use to collect data..……..11
Presentation of data………….…….12
Figure 2……………………………14
Figure 3……………………………15
Figure 4……………………………16
Analysis and interpretation of data…......17
An examination of the level of awareness among teenagers in my community on
the topic ‘AIDS’.
Statement of Problem
The researcher decided to carry out this school-based assessment to examine the
level of awareness among teenagers in his community on the topic ‘AIDS’. There
are about twenty households in the community. The researcher specially chose to
investigate this area of study because he witnessed the detrimental causes of AIDS
on someone after they contracted it. This person eventually died of this virus, and
ever since, the researcher always thought of it utmost importance that everyone
was aware of the all the matters concerning AIDS, especially teenagers, since they
are the ones who will shape the future to come.
Method of Investigation
To obtain the necessary and adequate information, the researcher has chosen the
means of using a questionnaire.
A questionnaire is referred to a set of questions for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents.
The researcher has chosen this method because:
 Questionnaires offers a quick way to get results.

 It can be easily analyzed and interpreted.

 It is inexpensive.

The questionnaire will be given to a teen from twenty households situated in the
community of Friendship.
Naryan Rupnaraine
St Joseph High School
Social Studies
School Based Assessment

Instrument used to collect data

This is a survey being carried out in this community of Friendship to find out the
level of HIV within this area. This survey is being conducted an assignment for the
researcher has decided to us a questionnaire, which require no personal
information from each individual. You are advised to answer the following
questions honestly, since you are not requiring writing your names anywhere, on
one will ever know what your answer are. There are no wrong or right answer. All
questions can be answered by a simply selecting a box. Thank you for your kind
consideration and assistance in helping the researcher complete the student based

1.What gender are you?


2.what grade are you in?

Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11

3. what is HIV?

4.what category do you think HIV belongs to?


5.what gender do you think is most likely affected by HIV?

 Male
 Female

6.what is the most common cause of contracting the disease (HIV)

 Trough birth
 Unprotected sex
 sharing needles
 blood transfusion

7.what is the most common cause of contracting HIV

Body prone to more infections
Social isolations

8.identify method(S) you think can help reduce the risk of contracting HIV and

9.outline method(S) the government can use to assist persons who have contracted
the disease.
10.suggest method(S) the government can use to help reduce the risk of HIV and
AIDS within the country.

11. What do you think HIV is caused by?

12. Do you know anyone who have suffered with HIV?

13. Have you ever been thought about HIV/AIDS in school?


14. How quickly do people infected with HIV develop AIDS?

In a short time
About 5 years
About a decade
Not sure

15. What is the best way to prevent HIV/AIDS?

Practice abstinence
Choose less risky sexual behaviors
Protection (used of condoms)
Limit your number of sexual partners
Not sure

Producers used to collect data

The community of Friendship has approximately 120 householes.IT was calculated
that 20% was necessary in order to acquire a precise conclusion on the ratio of
Teenage Pregnancy of the community (20% of 120 =24)
20% of 120
20 × 20

A total of 15 questionnaires were prepared for distribution to the villagers. It was

expected that at a least 26 of these was returned.

The researcher has chosen the households by the process selection which will
carter for all the requirements mentioned above. The numbers of all houses in the
village were written, each on a slip of paper. Each slip of paper was folded and
placed into box. the box was closed and shaken vigorously to insure a through
mixture of the number. A total of 20 slips were them drawn from the box ,one at a
time, while shaking the box in process
coloumn 1

1.2; 9%
1.4; 10% 1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr
3.2; 23% 8.2; 59%

Options Response Percentages

Shamed by society 3 58%
Trauma 5 23%
Possible 10 7%
Depression 20 11%

In graph one(1) it can be shown that 58% of the responses chose shamed by
society, 23% chose Trauma, 7% chose Possible complication, 11% chose
depression, this is clearly showing that (shamed by society) is the most common
problem people with (HIV) aids face.
Figure two
Doughnut showing the effects of HIV



1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr

23% 59%

Options Percentage
Weight loss 10%
Fever 60%
Diarrhea 12%
Nausea and Vomiting 15%

Figure two shows the effects of HIV in Friendship

It can be seen that 15% anonymously agreed that Nausea and vomiting is an effect
of HIV.60% thinks facer while 12% thinks diarrhea.
Statement of Findings
 The main effect of (HIV) aids in the people of Friendship is Fevers, which was indicated
by 60% of the responses.

 The main consequence of (HIV) aids in the people of Friendship was Shamed by society
which was indicated by 58% of the responses.

Since (HIV) aids is contracted through sex I recommend that the citizens of Friendship
practice safe sexual intercourse and always remember to wear Condoms when engaging
in sexual intercourse.

The researcher gathered information from textbooks.

“Social studies for (CSEC)”

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